How to repair swing gates?

Swing gates are the most common option for entering the suburban area, in the garage cooperative or in the courtyard of private property. This type of construction is quite practical, convenient and versatile. Gates can be bought, ordered (they are easily made), quickly and easily installed without the help of sophisticated equipment. All this makes sense if the material for protection from outside presence is chosen high-quality, which means reliable.
Such a product with proper operation will last more than a dozen years, the main thing is to periodically clean the mechanisms of contamination, lubricate and monitor the health of the system, in time to eliminate even the smallest malfunctions. Then the problem with a serious repair of swing gates will not arise.
Device design
If a nuisance has happened, and you cannot do without repairing the swing gates, you need to figure out how they work and how their system works.
Regardless of the place of manufacture, no matter who is the manufacturer, absolutely all swing gates are composed of such elements as support posts and sash, hinged hinges and a locking mechanism.
In some products there is a special swing system, which is fixed at the bottom of each sash.
Breakdown options
The most frequent malfunctions of swing constructions are the distortions and deformation of the supports, damage to the loops, their jamming, sagging of the valves, poor operation of the locking mechanism.
There may be more problems but most of them are easy enough to fix on their own. If suddenly more serious malfunctions have occurred, or a nuisance has occurred with a complex swing construction, for example, the Nice automatic system, it is better to contact an organization specializing in the repair of such products for quality repair.
Breakage elimination
Loop repair
Loops - this is the first thing that comes into disrepair.They often break down and due to the fact that their mechanism is under constant pressure. Damage to items may be:
- bias;
- deformation;
- loosening anchorage;
- corrosion damage.
A loop may also break. This happens when the part has been poorly fixed to the support pole. One of the reasons may be a manufacturing defect. To remove the damage you need to remove the sash and replace the old hinge with a new one, or just change its fastening.
If there is a deformation of the loop, which often happens because of the high pressure of heavy metal doors, it is better to replace all the damaged links of the structure, since sorting them out will take a lot of time, and no one will guarantee that this manipulation will restore the previous look of the loop.
Repair of support posts
If the door leaves remain open for a long time, there may be a skew of support posts. To avoid this, you need to think about protection. It is a durable wedge that must be driven between the ground and the edge of the open sash.
In the case when the distortion of support pillars is already “on the face”, it will be rather problematic to correct this trouble.We'll have to completely remove the doors and re-reinstall the supporting pillars, while strengthening the soil near them with cement mortar.
Sash Sash Repair
The owners of the metal gates need to know that most often the sagging of the sashes, which means the deformation of the entire system, happens precisely in the metal structures. This is the result of a lack of transverse on the frame of the doors, which makes them vulnerable.
To restore the balance and return the flaps to the primary position, it is necessary to remove them from the hinges, detach the frame from the canvas, align and reinforce it, and then make additional crossmembers. Then the canvas is mounted back, and the door leaves are installed.
Locking mechanism repair
A malfunction in the operation of the locking mechanism is a rather rare phenomenon, however, if it occurs, then the owner may have a lot of trouble.
If the constipation of the gate is represented by the construction of the valve and eyelets - the repair work will not take much time. The problem in this case is solved by correcting one of the elements, or rather straightening the deformed part.
Worse, when in the swing gate locking mechanism mortise.Its repair will not happen in 5 minutes, you will have to spend much more time and effort. First of all it is necessary to get the mortise mechanism, to inspect and repair it.
If such manipulations do not help, then the only way out is to completely replace the damaged mechanism.
Extraneous sounds
During the operation of the automatic gate owners may notice the appearance of extraneous sounds. This may be creaking doors, tapping, etc. In this situation, it is necessary to lubricate the rubbing chassis of the canvas with grease or other similar material. This is done to reduce the rate of wear and premature failure of the structure. Also need to lubricate the hinges, their bearings, cylinder locks.
Preventive measures
Being the owner of swing gates, you should not forget that the period of their proper operation directly depends on the frequency of opening / closing the valves. We must try as little as possible to bring them into action, and especially not to leave the sash open. This is a universal advice for all types of input mechanical systems.
There are simple to remember the rules of operation:
- It is only necessary to drive through a car through a fully open gate, and also to ensure that no foreign objects enter the movement zone.
- Pay attention to the sounds of the gate during their opening and closing. Unusual noise is the first sign of a problem.
- Regular lubrication of all moving parts prevents their quick failure. The lubrication procedure should be carried out at least once every three months.
- Blade adjustment will help avoid breakage. Better when it is carried out by qualified professionals.
- Timely inspection and maintenance every six months will extend the functionality of the swing gates.
- Keeping the structure clean also increases its service life. In winter, you need to ensure that the snow does not accumulate in the zone of disclosure of valves. If it turns into ice, these elements may cease to function.
- It is necessary to regularly check the automatic control system: wiring and cables. If something is worn or in doubt, it is better to replace the suspicious items. Loose nuts - tighten up. If possible, protect the power grid from power surges using a voltage regulator.
To learn how to quickly repair swing gates, see the following video.