Gates with forging elements: types and rules of care

First of all, when you visit another house, you will be greeted by a fence, gate and gate. It is for this reason that they are considered the real face of their owner, demonstrating his taste preferences and status position.
The owners of the mansions are seriously interested in having their gates fulfill their main purpose - to protect them from encroachments from the outside, and plus everything else they were beautiful. The appearance of the gate with forged inserts only confirms that this is the most interesting solution that provides the necessary reliability and high aesthetics. A variety of various forged parts helps to choose the best idea for any client, ensuring the author's approach to the creation of each product and fully revealing its original meaning.
Features and benefits
The positive aspects of the choice of new gates with forged parts include:
- Original design. This kind of gate will give the original look to any section, can make it as noble as possible. They look very impressive, prestigious and solid. Since such designs are most often produced in the manual version, they are filled with exclusivity. Any of them is produced by the author's project, and therefore gets its unique look and options.
- Forged products are exceptionally reliable and durable, although sometimes they seem quite fragile. They will perfectly protect the property of their owners.
- Successful connection with many well-known materials. allows you to use with forging almost all the interesting ideas of designers. Art forging uniquely complements wood, brick, metal, as well as stone and concrete.
- Environmental quality material. By the way, it can be safely applied on the street. The gate with such popular elements as wrought iron lanterns for the street, high staircases, garden arbors, benches and furniture sets for the street look striking.
Wrought iron gates have almost no flaws:
- The installation process is rather complicated. This product is massive, requiring the participation of several people and time to install. Plus you need to have proper experience and high skill execution.
- High price. For a specialist, the process of producing one product alone is essential work that cannot be valued below a certain level.
- In order for the new gate to look stylish on any backyard plot, to be durable and look aesthetically pleasing, a true professional with years of practice must create them. With the help of these gates you can significantly adjust the architectural composition, adding to it grace or restraint.
Depending on those elements that can be perfectly combined with metal products, gates can be of the following types:
- Wooden products with elements of stylish forging. They look like they are guarding the entrance to an ancient castle, where knights in polished armor will meet you. Such products always look simple, but with a special taste. When there is a need to buy a beautiful, but not expensive product, the gates of wood with artistic forging fit just perfect.Wood is one of the most inexpensive materials, the savings on it clearly compensate for the price of a wrought iron gate, and such natural and “living” material will never cease to be fashionable.
- Metal products with forging elements - from the usual to the eye and unattractive designs can quickly transform into an exclusive work of art, if it is decorated with wrought iron decor. This kind of gates with iron elements of decor is power, solidity and grandeur, for this reason the creation of such products is always beneficial. In the products you can use single elements of forging or full decoration ornament of metal.
- Professional Leaf Gate. This material has a noble appearance, if you add forged elements to it. Products from a professional flooring are practical and will serve you for many years, are strong and inexpensive, convenient in application and have a beautiful appearance attracting attention.
- Polycarbonate gates with wrought iron parts. In this case, a simple, at first glance, material can become an attractive and most reliable protection for your home. Polycarbonate sheets will be an excellent backdrop for metal elements.In the end, this combination will turn out just awesome.
By their design, the doors are divided into such types as:
- Swing. The most common type, with shutters open at him in different directions. These designs are very simple to use, always look elegant. They can be found in dwellings that are decorated in any of the well-known styles, but look most ideal with a traditional house.
- Recoiling. This is a solid canvas, which rolls back when opening along the fence. It is convenient in that it helps to save space on the site. Therefore, it is quite possible to mount it in a small space of a courtyard area.
- Automatic. The above-described products of hinged and sliding type can be supplemented with automation. This is the most comfortable way of opening the gate, which will greatly facilitate their continued use. Management at a distance will help open the gate, even without leaving the car. And if you are waiting for guests, then they will not have to go out of a warm dwelling to the street to meet them.
Quite popular today are the welded gate, created with their own hands - most often they look quite massive and are not afraid of any external influences, adequately protecting the peace of their owners.
For the production of wrought-iron gates, steel is most often chosen, and its service life is prolonged due to a special coating of patina or nitro-paint. Vintage color can be obtained if you apply this type of spraying to the paint already on the gate as a thermal one. Forged parts in the field of welding quality processed nitrokraska to hide all joints.
The best metal structures are those that were treated with anti-corrosion substances in a timely manner and also protect them from moisture.
For the production of forged structures today are actively used both hot and cold forging.
With the hot method, the metal is heated to a certain temperature so that the material becomes more pliable and softer. Then the metal is machined using mechanical punching, the usual manual forging or its hydraulic variant.
Such a method of influencing a metal is considered to be complex, rather laborious, it will require the availability of specialized tools and knowledge of all the properties of selected metals.
Much more simplified, but no less costly in terms of labor, the method of processing metals without heating.In cold forging, the metal can be bent under great pressure.
To produce cold forging, you need professional tools.
The metal gates with wrought iron parts from a proftrub look very original - with their help you can create very interesting patterns and images.
Special overlays of forging at the gate are considered to be an excellent solution for decorating wood products. All of them are of high quality, as they are treated with a primer against corrosion and painted with enamel, and also covered with a patina, which makes it possible to increase the resistance to various thermal factors.
Pads on wooden gates have excellent strength and a very impressive design. Among the design options such linings for gates Most popular are such types of design as stylish images of vegetation, popular fantasy compositions and ornaments, and geometric figures..
Variants of patterns
Any detail on products with forging plays a special role - for example, protects or is used as a good decor. This element will be durable, while ensuring an attractive look for the gate for a long time.
For decorating a fully finished product such forged elements are used, such as hinges, handles, spikes, angles, and more.
Together they can create a single design, and forged patterns on the door structure will make their canvas elegant and luxurious. You can pick up already prepared products that were made using stamping to speed up the reproduction process and seriously reduce the price of the product.
A wide range allows you to buy forging for the gate for every taste. You can pick and strict lines that have only a small set of parts needed to perform certain functions, and stunning beauty of the decoration from a variety of decorative parts - baskets, peacocks, roses and leaves.
Each detail must fully comply with the chosen style of the entire existing ensemble. Gates can be decorated in various types of design, which you can always think of yourself or already ready to choose from the master in the catalog. But the more complicated and bold the selected ornament will be, the more expensive the product price will be. Since this kind of gate is the author's performance,you will not find their analogues anywhere else.
Selecting patterns, you can find your special option that suits you.
Of course, the openwork metal jewelry is more stylish and catchy with cross-cutting patterns, but most often the owners of private houses complement the forged elements with professional flooring, metal, and also polycarbonate. This is necessary in order to shelter your property from prying eyes.
To create stylish compositions with artistic forging, you can use such elements as forging: volutes and curls, baskets, spikes and interesting tips, flowers and leaves, inserts, forgings, rivets, linings, rosettes, balls, rings, balusters, elements of grids. Inserts on poles, which are made to order from steel, carry only decorative functions in this design. Inserts increase the aesthetics of objects and objects, the details of which they are.
Learn more about the production of forged elements for the gate to learn from the following video.
How to decorate?
The varieties of metal gate decorations include: forged peaks and balls, decors in the form of various flowers and leaves, vines and grapes, baskets, images of animals and birds, heraldry, various kinds of symbolism.
In addition to the aesthetic component, such decors can help to fill the forged grilles to ensure their opacity, hide the elements of the joints (completely unaesthetic turning parts, joints and locks are perfectly hidden with a beautiful pattern) and organize protection (spikes on top of the gate).
The fence heads are the decoration of the upper part of the fence, which is made mainly of metal by means of artistic forging from a steel shaped pipe (caps, hats, lances).
If you want to decorate your wrought iron gates in a stylish way, you can also create such elements from a professional pipe using cold forging:
- Dougie. This is the most popular type of treatment. From these blanks made greenhouses, frames for complex design solutions.
- Spiral elements and curlicues. They differ from the rod rather large bending radius. Used for fences, gates and trellises.
- Volumetric helix. They often become the basis for various decorative solutions.
Gates with metal elements do not require constant treatment with special means, as the craftsmen initially took care of their resistance to various negative effects of climate and the environment.For this reason, gates with forging need only painting (once every 2 years) and periodical lubrication of all moving parts.
Often forged designs combine different materials: glass and plastic, wood and many others. In this case, high-quality care is needed not so much forging as for these materials.
Beautiful ideas
Today you can easily get beautiful gates that look like stylish “airy” designs with openwork details and allow you to make the product elegant and catchy.
Rational combination of budget and unique design, with which you can visually highlight a new product - a polycarbonate gate with wrought iron details.
Wooden gates with wrought iron elements always attract attention due to their unusual appearance. With the help of an experienced wizard, you can quickly pick up a sketch of the desired product and in the shortest time to acquire a reliable gate with the original design and decor.