Concrete fence: features and tips for installing fencing

Fencing suburban area of concrete is the most capital and durable. This material does not rot, does not rust, it is not afraid of any weather disasters. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail the features of the concrete fence and tips on installing the barrier.
Special features
All concrete structures are created by molding a binder mixture, most often based on cement, sand, rubble and other additives that give the material useful properties: frost resistance, plasticity, hydrophobicity. For greater rigidity inside the concrete pouring frame made of reinforcement, this applies including to any concrete fences.
Concrete fences can be made from solid slabs, blocks, decorative elements or in the form of monolithic structures. For the production of commonly used standard brand of building materials according to domestic standards GOST 25192-2012 and GOST 7473-2010.
The same concrete of various modifications is used in almost any kind of construction of buildings, structures, internal and external decoration, foundation casting, road erection.
Concrete fences are block, collector, monolithic, combined from several materials. To choose the type of future concrete fence for your summer cottage correctly, you need to consider their advantages and disadvantages, as well as installation features and some properties.
Advantages and disadvantages
Properly installed concrete fence has the following advantages:
- it is durable, resistant to mechanical stress and deformation, durable;
- any finishing material is well applied on concrete: plaster, putty, paint, decorative stone and others;
- This material allows you to create shapes of any size;
- solid concrete fence perfectly protects the site from illegal entry;
- tolerates any weather conditions.
Choosing a concrete fence to your site, you should remember about its shortcomings:
- for the price it will be higher than the construction of metal profiles, profiled sheets or wood;
- the installation of heavy slabs is complicated; one cannot do without lifting equipment;
- due to the gravity of the blocks or slabs, it is required to make a solid foundation in the ground.
Given all these pros and cons of concrete structures, you can proceed to the selection of the fence.
Block concrete fences are typical for most industrial enterprises, but are sometimes found around private houses. They are installed from separate plates, each is a finished span. Width and height - standard, usually 2x2 m, a lot of weight requires a foundation.
Such fences do not look very elegant - no aesthetics and creativity, but the installation is quite simple: it is enough to order the necessary batch of reinforced concrete products and install them on an even flooded strip base with the help of a construction crane.
Much more nice looks prefabricated sectional fence. Such options, also called composing, consist of 2-4 sections, which are inserted one on another in the supporting columns.Recently, they are very popular, and in the shops of building materials have the opportunity to choose a variety of types with different decorative finishes. The advantage is that these are finished products that, after installation, do not need to be decorated with anything.
Collecting fences are installed on a column base in special grooves that are on both sides of each support column. Blocks can be with different colors and patterns, with a volumetric texture, you can put different panels on one span.
If the opening consists of 3-4 elements in full height, then they are fairly light, they can be inserted into the grooves of the pillars and manually. No additional securing of sections is required - this is also an obvious plus.
Many manufacturers offer the production of modular elements for assembling fences to order, so there is an opportunity to choose your own favorite pattern: under natural stone, wood, brick.
These products are universal. The thickness of the slab is the same, so that if necessary in a short time it is possible to change the slab in any of the spans. In place of the top plate, elements are often installed in the form of openwork semicircular arches or forged grilles.
Modular sections of similar precast fences can be installed in one row, using low concrete supports. Then the height of the fence will be 0.5-1 m, the foundation for them needs a very shallow one.
The resulting miniature fences can be used for the front garden, lawn, children's playground.
Double-sided fence has a decorative finish on both sides. If it is important for the owners that the fence looks aesthetically pleasing not only from the street, but also from the side of the house, then this is the most suitable option. Modular slabs for collecting fences are often performed exactly double-sided.
Monolithic fence is the most durable of the existing options. It requires the installation of formwork from wooden boards, rigid reinforcement cage. Inside the liquid solution is poured, which then must be maintained for a certain time. After the formwork shields are removed.
Under such a fence necessarily need a massive strip foundation. Since the finished structure will not have a very attractive appearance, it is worth making an external decorative finish.
Self standing
This option of a concrete fence does not require pouring the foundation.The slabs for it rest on a wide base, which gives sufficient vertical stability. But such fencing can be installed only on a certain type of soil.
The material for such fences is a light or heavy concrete mix based on Portland cement, alumina, gypsum, silicates or polymers. The composition may be different, it affects the cost of the material and its physical properties. But anyway for the construction of fences taken high-strength frost-resistant varieties with rapid solidification.
Monolithic concrete fence can be made of heavy concrete sorts, having a density of 1600 - 2500 kg / cu. m. The composition includes Portland brands M100 - M600, scale, water and other mineral fillers. Such materials are used for many reinforced concrete structures that can withstand heavy loads and temperature differences.
Plates for collecting fences with sufficient strength should be light. To achieve this, use light grades of large-pore and cellular concrete, having a density of 500 - 1600 kg / cu. m. Add porous components to the composition, such as expanded clay, slag, pumice.Strong and easy to install decorative spans of prefabricated panels of aerated concrete.
The washed concrete is remarkable for the fact that it does not need decorative finishing, its surface itself has a remarkable texture. This is achieved due to the fact that the composition adds small elements that have a beautiful appearance: pebbles, marble, granite chips, which elegantly protrude on the surface. Many elements for construction, including sections of fences, are made of washed concrete.
Sizes and design
The size of the fences is chosen by the owner of the house, but the most commonly used are the standard dimensions of products manufactured in factories of reinforced concrete structures. The height of the block panels usually does not exceed 2 m, the width is the same. Elements for the collection of fences have a height of 0.3 to 1 m with a two-meter width of one span.
Colors of standard products for prefabricated sectional fences can be very different, for every taste. In factories, they can be painted with a waterproof acrylic paint - from pink or yellow to dark brown. There are options for concrete sections under wood, marble or granite. Many species have their own unique texture, which does not need painting, for example, from washed concrete with small river pebbles.
Style and design
A variety of concrete sections on sale allows you to purchase products for the construction of the fence on any design you like. If you want to have a fence of a country house in eco-style, you should purchase the texture of fence plates under the tree.
If you want to have a gorgeous landscape, you can choose a texture under granite or natural stone.
Support posts for concrete fencing should also be decorated in the style of spans. There are ready-made versions of the supports that come complete with prefabricated panels. If they are not, then you can independently decorate the columns for the fence. For example, for panels in the form of a brick wall lay out supports decorative exterior tiles with the same texture.
How to choose and install?
When choosing a block fence with heavy concrete spans, it is necessary to order a crane, as only with it you can securely and evenly fix the plates vertically.
Under such a massive fence, a strip foundation of concrete of heavy grades based on Portland cement with reinforcement is put in advance. The trench is pulled out with a depth of at least 0.7 m.
Before pouring, it is necessary to waterproof it with a polymer film or roofing felt.
When choosing a collection fence, the most important thing is to put poles around the perimeter of the site for future construction. The standard span is 2 m. It is at this distance that the supports are placed.
Under them it is best to adapt the column foundation filled with concrete based on Portland cement M400. Pits under the base are made with a drill or a shovel - to a depth of 0.5 m. But the drill is preferable to use, it makes even indentations just under the width of the pillars, which will save solution.
Double sided
At the bottom of the pit are placed waterproofing layer and a pillow of gravel or gravel, then pouring occurs. After it is required to wait a few days until complete shrinkage of the concrete and only then proceed to the installation of the fence.
Poles for spans should be placed below the level, checking it after mounting each support.
How to do it yourself?
It is quite simple to assemble a collection fence with your own hands, the main difficulty here is in pouring the foundation and installing vertical supports. Before construction work, you should calculate the consumption of materials in advance.
The volumes of solution for the base of the fence are calculated based on the width and depth of the trenches,usually for one two-meter span is enough - 0.2 cu. m. Also in these calculations should take into account the features of the relief. The number of support pillars and spans for the fence is easily calculated from the perimeter of the site.
After the posts are installed, it is necessary to place the fence sections in each span in the correct order. On this, the main part of the installation of the concrete fence will be over. After you need to take care of the construction of reliable gates and wickets.
Tips and tricks
After the construction of a concrete fence, you can paint it yourself. Painting performs not only decorative and aesthetic function, but also protects against external adverse effects.
Despite its good physical characteristics, concrete is vulnerable to sunlight, temperature extremes, moisture. Therefore, the paint should be chosen appropriate - waterproof or water-based, resistant to frost and ultraviolet radiation.
The very gray and flat surface of the building concrete few people may like, but there are many available ways to revet it. To do this, use paint for stone, wood or metal, decorative outdoor tiles, siding, galvanized iron sheets or plastic panels.
Before painting a concrete fence, it is necessary to prepare its surface: clean it of dust and dirt, level it with cement, seal cracks and other defects. Then the surface is required to be primed with acrylic or polymeric primer for exterior use.
Manufacturers and reviews
Each region has its own plant of reinforced concrete products and structures, which admit sections and supports for concrete fences. In addition, many small enterprises are engaged in this, as the molding workshop for the production of small concrete elements can be located in a very small room.
The choice of local producers is huge, but it is worth considering a few well-known Russian manufacturers:
- Company "Decor Fence" manufactures parts for concrete fences according to European standards. You can purchase goods at a bargain price.
- Company "BST Profit" lets out a set of models of unilateral and bilateral combined fences. In the presence of always there are panels of different designs with many textures and colors.
- Firm "Concrete Trade" manufactures high-quality concrete fences according to European technologies.You can find one-sided sections and decorative double-sided panels.
- Sections ProfStroyZabor they are of high quality and reliability at a reasonable price.
- Manufacturer "Decor Fence" It offers both powerful draft designs, and decorative elements with furnish.
Successful examples and options
Of the many options of concrete fencing for a private house, you should consider some good photos.
The option of a fence with spans from 4 sections, imitating a natural stone with painting. Especially well look openwork upper elements.
An elegant model of the collection of reinforced concrete fence with open spans. This type of fence looks easy and offers a picturesque view in both directions.
A variant of a concrete fence with a finish that imitates brickwork. The lower sections are made in the form of natural stone. This design looks very personable on any country site.
Monolithic fence with natural stone trim. The supporting pillars are also made in the general style. Such a fence is not only very beautiful, but also the most durable, it will last for decades.
Chic concrete fence with wood decoration.In appearance, one cannot even say that it is made of completely different material.
For more information and tips on installing a concrete fence, you can find out by watching the video below.