Rules for the manufacture of the foundation for the fence

To make the foundation for the fence with your own hands, you need to follow the special rules that guarantee the correctness of the construction of the entire structure. Before starting work, it is necessary to decide what the foundation for the fence is needed for, what kind of application is used in which case, and also take into account aspects that should be paid close attention when choosing a foundation.
What is it needed for?
The foundation for the fence is a necessary component of the whole structure, which protects the fence from negative impacts, which cannot be mastered by other means. These include exposure to moisture from the soil or groundwater, subsidence of the soil, windage, and others. It should be borne in mind that the foundation is not a universal solution.
There are a number of situations in which it is not necessary to build such a part. An example would be cases where the fence is needed only for a while, and in the near future it will need to be dismantled. Such fences enclose objects under construction or those that are closed for repairs.
If we talk about the fence being built for long-term use, then we can confidently say that the service life of the entire fence depends on how well and correctly the foundation is built.
If the foundation for the fence is made poorly, and poor-quality materials were used in its construction, then the fence will crack or deform. It concerns options from any materials: wooden fences, concrete, from a professional flooring. Thus, we can conclude that Foundation - the element is actually necessary.
There are several functions that the foundation performs:
- Hedge support. It does not allow the fence to squint, deform, crack, squash.
- Load distribution. With the help of the foundation, an even weight distribution of the structure is achieved over the entire area on which it was erected. It also does not allow the fence to sag.
- Blur Protection. The foundation supports the ground, and it is not washed out from under the fence.
- Flood protection. The foundation does not allow a lot of water to flow under the fence, thereby spoiling it. We can talk, for example, about melt water, which in the spring season often leads to various kinds of deformations of such structures.
- Aesthetic appeal. The hedge erected on the foundation looks more beautiful and reliable than without it.
The main task of the foundation is to support the fence. The choice of the base of a particular type is based on the material from which the fence itself is made. In addition to the above, you can use the chain-link grid, slate, brick, forged lattice. Each fence being erected for long-term use must necessarily be supplied with a foundation base, otherwise it will not stand for a long time.
Types of bases: pros and cons
It is extremely important to select the base to a certain type of fence, so that before determining the foundation, you only need to know what the main fence will be made of. So, there are five different types of foundations:
- tape-column;
- columnar;
- tape
- option on a gravel bed;
- stone or rubble.
Each of these types differs from the others not only in appearance, but also in manufacturing technology, in the amount of money and labor required for its construction. In this list there are both relatively cheap and expensive options.
To fill the foundation by yourself is an interesting task, but not an easy one. So that everything went as smoothly as possible, and all the work was done quickly and correctly, it is necessary to pre-calculate the foundation. To do this, you need to know the size and weight of the future fencing, as well as take into account the composition of the soil, since the depth to which the foundation deepens depends on this.
It is worth noting that this data is necessary for each type of foundation.
Also pre-made terrain markings. It is extremely important to make it as flat as possible so that later there will be no problems with pouring or laying the base. Often for marking use ordinary rope. In the corners of the future construction, the pins are driven in on which this rope is stretched.So get smooth lines, passing exactly where it is needed.
Each of the options has its own characteristics, which further determine the reliability of a device. For capital structures, a strip foundation is most often chosen, since it is both simple to implement and sufficiently reliable. However, the remaining options are successfully replaced by tape, if required by the soil, as well as if for aesthetic reasons you need another basis. Most often this applies to rubble or stone samples, the appearance of which is nothing to simulate.
If you decide to pour the foundation yourself, be sure to learn as much theoretical information as possible. It should be borne in mind what possible complications may arise in the course of work, how the precast fence differs from monolithic (and, accordingly, their foundations), how the reinforcement is made.
Only with comprehensive training you will be able to build a truly reliable and high-quality barrier.
Belt and columnar base - an excellent option if the fence is built in a place with difficult climatic conditions.It provides increased hedge strength. The tape-column foundation, in some cases called the composite, is suitable for corrugated, brick, mixed fences, when a couple or more materials are used simultaneously.
To make such a foundation with your own hands, you must use the following step-by-step instruction:
- First, the trench is drilled. Its depth should be about 50 cm, the length and width are determined by previously carried out markings.
- In the trench itself, recesses are made for the pillars. Depending on how often these pillars will be installed, make and pits. Usually the pitch is 200-300 cm, the width of the pits should be 40 cm or more, the depth - 150 cm.
- Following is the installation of the pillars in the recesses. Pouring concrete is necessary immediately.
- After the pillars are installed, and the concrete is grabbed a little, the reinforcement cage is laid in a trench. At the same time, formwork is installed - a form made of wood, which is then poured with concrete.
- Concrete is poured to the original ground level.
Depending on what the poles are made of, additional preparation for their installation may be required.So, in some cases it is necessary to make a waterproofing, so that neither the pillars nor the foundation will continue to crack and deteriorate. It is important to take into account the brand of concrete, because not all of them are suitable for outdoor work.
It is also necessary to pay special attention to the installation process of the reinforced frame. It protects the entire structure from sinking, so it is extremely important to execute it correctly. It is best to consult about such work with a professional, since it is they who largely determine the outcome of the entire construction event.
By the way, sometimes experts recommend putting a metal frame and under the poles in order to further strengthen and fix them.
As the name implies, the columnar foundation is partially similar to the combined foundation. The difference is that in the manufacture of this type does not need to dig a trench. It should be noted that the columnar version is much cheaper than the other types of bases, since there is no need for the same large amount of materials and mortar.
The installation process is as follows:
- First, make pits under the pillars.Drilling is performed using a special tool - a garden drill. The depth of the pit can vary from 1 m to 1.5 m, depending on the type of soil on which the fence is being erected. Its diameter is determined relative to the diameter of the column: the hole should be 20-30 cm larger.
- It is important to pay attention to the frequency with which the pillars are installed. The standard distance between them should be 2-3 meters. It should be borne in mind that the step is calculated based on the size of the span, so you must first purchase the main fence.
- It is necessary to reinforce the pit before installing the pillars. To do this, use a mixture of sand and rubble. It is poured into the pit with a layer of 20 cm, tamped, and then carefully watered. This is done in order to get out of the composition of excess air. This ensures a high degree of adhesion of all components.
- Installation of the pillars. It is extremely important to approach this step as responsibly as possible. So, the posts must be aligned. This ale is best used with a special building level, which will show even a small inaccuracy.
- The final step in the holes poured concrete.It takes about a month to fully cure.
note that in this case, you can save on formwork. Installation of such blocks-forms is not needed.
The foundation is suitable for a variety of fences, but do not use it for options of brick, concrete or other heavy materials. The columnar base is preferable to combine with light options: a grid Rabitz, planks and the like.
This option is used in private territories most often. Ribbon foundation is extremely simple to manufacture, so he won such popularity.
The erection process consists of the following steps:
- First you need to dig a trench. Its depth usually varies between 60-80 cm and depends on the climatic conditions in which the construction takes place, on the severity of the main fence and on the composition of the soil. The width is determined by the width of the future fence.
- After the trench has been dug, it must be reinforced. For this use sand. They cover all the bottom and tamped. It is necessary to lay the sand layers, always pouring water on each of them for greater stability.
- For greater strength, the foundation is strengthened with a metal reinforcement cage. There are specific requirements for valves used here. So, its section should be 10 mm. The styling process also has its own characteristics:
- The armature should be laid 5 cm above the trench day. This presupposes the presence of a special support that fits under the reinforcement cage.
- Armature laid along should be 14 cm shorter than the length of the dug hole - there should be a gap of 7 cm on each side.
- On the longitudinal rows are laid transverse rods. The distance between them should be 40 cm. The transverse variants should also be shorter than the trench itself, 10-14 cm wide (the indent is 5-7 cm from each side).
- It is not necessary to reinforce the reinforcement cage by welding. You can use wire.
- Next, prepare the formwork. From boards with a thickness of 2.5 cm to make a box. It must be borne in mind that the foundation must be 30 cm or more above the ground level, depending on the needs of the owners and the necessary aesthetic appearance of the structure.
- The next step is to fill. To make a concrete solution, it is necessary to mix concrete and sand in proportions of 1: 4.In order to make the tide more durable, substances of different fractions are added to the solution: crushed stone, screenings and others. Before pouring, you need to re-water the bottom of the trench to prevent moisture from the cement mortar from being absorbed into the soil.
- In conclusion, you must wait at least three days before the base-tape is completely dry. Only after that you can proceed to the immediate construction of the fence.
If we start work earlier, the foundation will not gain sufficient strength, and the erected structure will not stand for long.
On a gravel bed
This type of foundation refers to the monolithic. It is used only for very heavy fences: brick, concrete and so on. For relatively light structures, for example, from corrugated board, it will not work.
A gravel pillow can be compared to a puff pie. Basically, the option when only gravel is used is not used in modern construction, preferring a gravel-sand cushion, therefore it is often represented by alternating sand and gravel interlayers. It is also worth noting that for additional strengthening of the base on a pillow use a stone - but.
Note that the gravel pack fits into a previously dug trench. In fact, the foundation on a gravel bed is one of the variations of the strip foundation, only fortified.
In addition to the design of the pillow itself, the sequence of actions will be the same. If you list the layers in the sequence in which they go when laying a pillow of sand and gravel, then the scheme will be presented in the following form:
- At the very bottom of the rubble laid out layer. This will additionally protect the structure from sinking.
- Further the layer from peep is filled up. You should not take sand of small fraction, it is better to choose the option a little larger. For the foundation of this type is ideal river sand, which is characterized by optimal performance. After falling asleep the sand must be well wetted in order to increase its degree of adhesion with other materials.
- Next lay out a layer of gravel. Its thickness should be about 20 cm. It is necessary to level and tamp the gravel layer. For this, it is best to use a vibrating plate. If you do not have this tool, you can rent it. There is no alternative way to properly tamp the gravel.
- Next lay out a twenty-centimeter layer of sand, which is well watered. At this moment, not only the sand layer, but also the gravel layer, is deposited, and the maximum strength of the coating is achieved.
- It is necessary to alternate gravel and sand until this pillow in a settled state fills the entire trench. Then you can go to the manufacture of the foundation.
This option is the strongest among all presented. It should be borne in mind that it is not mounted under a fence of mesh or slabs, and the most advantageous foundation of stone looks in combination with a sturdy wrought fence. Independent installation of a stone or rubble foundation is a matter that is feasible only for a person who is familiar with the construction, so it is strongly recommended to entrust the construction of this type of foundation to professionals.
Since the construction process itself is extremely complicated, it makes sense to cover not all nuances about which only the master of construction will know, and only some of them:
- Special attention should be paid to the docking of stones. Since they all have a different size and different shape, it makes sense to take care of finding similar options.
- It is necessary to prepare and smaller stones. This is done in order to be able to fill the voids, making the foundation more durable. Small stones are laid out around large ones to fill the space as much as possible.
- If the texture of those stones that will be inside the foundation is not so important, then only stones with a smooth surface should be laid outside.
- During installation, use either a solution or a mixture. Laying with a mixture, that is, on a dry one, can only be done by experienced craftsmen who know how to carry out such work so that the foundation does not crumble during the first rain. As a solution, a concrete-containing composition is used, which reliably holds the cobblestones together.
Stone or rubble bases are not recommended to be built in areas with clay soil. This is due to the fact that during the sliding of the layers of the earth there is a high probability that such a foundation will slip with them.
If there is an opportunity, then it is better to choose an alternative foundation that will not be much inferior in aesthetic characteristics, but will be more sustainable.
Other options
All the above options are classic, but besides them there are other options that deserve attention. So, the foundation on stilts is very popular. For its arrangement used screw piles. In their structure, they resemble ordinary metal pipes, equipped with a blade at the end. This blade performs the function of an anchor - in simple terms, fasteners.
The pile is fixed in the ground. It should be located below the level to which the soil freezes. Information on this can be obtained from a specialized directory, since for each climate zone, for each region, the indicators will be different. It is necessary to have piles so deeply so that in the process of heaving the soil they are not pulled out.
It is extremely important to install the piles strictly perpendicular to the ground - the stability of the fence structure depends on this in the future. Horizontalness is verified using the construction level.
We should also consider the foundation for the fence on brick pillars. This option of the fence is gaining increasing popularity, but it is extremely important to ensure that the brick columns do not subside and crack.It is first necessary to prepare for the fact that such a foundation will cost a lot, therefore if you do not have the financial ability to organize the right foundation, it is better to refuse to build a fence with brick pillars at all.
This fence sags unevenly, which leads to its cracking.
It is extremely important to ensure that the foundation lies below the level of soil freezing. This is the only way to minimize the risk of deformation and destruction of the fence with brick pillars.
What to look for when choosing?
There are several important aspects that still need to think about in the process of laying the foundation. These include the material from which the base is made, and the depth of its laying. If everything is clear with the material (you need to buy high-quality raw materials from trusted manufacturers), then it can be more difficult to calculate the depth of the bookmark.
Keep in mind that laying a foundation is not always rational. In some cases, the depth of the trench or holes for the pillars may be lower. It depends on the quality of the soil: for example, if the soil is not flowing and solid, then you can lay a trench 10-20 cm higher.This is true even when the fence will weigh a little, and increased reinforcement is not necessary. However, you should not completely abandon the foundation. If you do this, the fence most likely will not last long.
If the fence itself is massive, and the soil is loose, or there is ground water in it, then it is better to increase the depth of the trench. So you protect the design from premature drawdown. Please note that soft soils are clayey, sandy, and hard soils are shale and other stony.
Also, the depth depends on the slope of the area. If the slope is strong or the relief is uneven, then the depth of laying the foundation can vary along its entire length. It is imperative to ensure that the trench is level. Since it will not be possible to determine this relative to the ground level, it is recommended to use the construction level and special beacons. In such places, the base is made of concrete, making out first one section of the foundation, then another, and so on. Works are performed sequentially.
It is important to make the foundation protrude beyond the upper limit by at least 10 cm in order to allow for possible error and be able to eliminate it.
How to pour the foundation under the fence with your own hands, you can see in the next video.