Sectional concrete fence: design features

An important point in the arrangement of the site on which the cottage for seasonal rest can be located or a residential private house is the construction of a fence. The main requirements are durability and pleasant appearance of the fence. Sectional concrete fence combines many useful qualities, the design also does not require the use of special equipment for installation.
Modern sectional fences
Unlike monolithic slabs of reinforced concrete, new concrete fences consist of supports with grooves for sections that include no more than four slabs weighing up to 70 kg, so two workers will be able to cope with the installation.
Vibrating casting technology provides for the creation of steel reinforcement, which allows to increase the strength characteristics.The composition of the plate includes plasticizers and fiber - a material that is a synthetic fiber, Concrete resistant to abrasion, frost-resistant and waterproof. In addition, it allows the use of any type of decor.
An improved concrete fence can be one-sided, having design elements only on its outer side, and a two-sided one, provided with a pattern or bas-relief. The texture can be different, the most popular are imitations of wood, stone, brick.
Today, the construction market has a wide range of such products, differing in size, shape and color. Concrete can be given any color in the process of creating the slab, adding to it special coloring pigments, most of which are acidic constituents. They are resistant to ultraviolet, chemical and thermal effects, corrosion.
Despite the fact that such elements of the fence can be created independently, it is quite expensive and difficult if there is no experience in such works. But there is always the opportunity to purchase a quality finished product, based on their preferences.
Production of sections is carried out at the factory with the use of special technologies and the use of high quality materials. This allows you to produce products for long and successful operation.
"Eurofence" has the following positive characteristics:
- Increased strength of concrete - such a fence can be used for about 40-50 years. Due to its dense structure and steel bar reinforcement, the structure is resistant to any climatic and weather conditions.
- The reinforced concrete fence is not subject to rotting and corrosion. The product is fire resistant.
- The design can be installed without strip foundation. When properly concreted, the plates are mounted on any type of soil and remain stable even on water-saturated soils - quicksands.
- There is a simple and quick installation of finished products. The prefabricated structure is built with the help of two or three people and does not require professional equipment.
- Concrete fences are suitable for different types of landscape, since they are diverse in their texture and shape, they can have a different pattern, imitate any natural materials, recreate one or another style.
- The surface of the fence during operation does not require special care. If sections of unpainted concrete were originally purchased, they can be optimized using inexpensive oil formulations for outdoor use.
- Despite the variety of products, there are established sizes of plates. Due to this, assembly is performed without distortions and gaps.
Types of concrete fences
Sectional fence may include transparent segments cast in open molds. They are decorative openwork plates that are created using a specific design. However, there are also deaf constructions that are not visible.
You can choose a glossy or matte finish. If desired, products with one-sided or double-sided pattern, bas-relief are installed.
The traditional parameters of a single block of the national fence is 50 cm wide and 200 cm long. A feature of the solid design is the presence of support columns supporting the fence.
They also have standard sizes:
- for single-block fences, supports are designed with a height of 120 cm, while in the ground they go 70 cm;
- with double-block sections, products with a height of 170 cm are used (100 cm above the ground remains);
- for three, four and five sections, columns of 220, 280 and 350 cm are required. It is calculated that 150, 200 and 250 cm will remain above the soil surface.
These features are important for quick and error-free installation. In order to create a blind, impregnable wall and to hide the courtyard, concrete walls are often mounted in two or three rows. "On a stone" even four-row fences are built.
Tools for creating and erecting blocks
Making a section of the fence with your own hands is quite real, but there is a sense in such works if there is a need for fencing a plot of 7-8 acres (about 120 meters).
For work, you will need a regular concrete mixer, forms for blocks, a vibrating table, cement and suitable additives for a concrete solution. Forms, you can choose any. They are glass, silicone, metal, wood and polymer. The most convenient way to work with fiberglass products.
The technology consists in pouring the mixture into forms using a steel frame. After complete solidification, the molds are placed on the vibrating table for uniform filling and high-quality compaction. From the fiberglass cast segments reach within 24 hours.If there is no possibility to purchase a concrete mixer and other equipment, then there is always the opportunity to rent them for a certain time. For the solution, high-quality cement grades are used - Portland cement М400, М500, М550, М600.
To build a sectional fence, you need the following tools:
- welding inverter;
- building level;
- angle grinder for concrete;
- ordinary tape measure or construction laser range finder;
- other hand tools - trowel, shovel, brushes, hammer, crowbar, sledge hammer.
Also for the work will need chalk, pegs and cord.
For self-construction of reinforced concrete fence, you can purchase ready-made hollow blocks. It is convenient for the subsequent reinforcement and is cost effective.
Installation of fencing
If the appearance of the fence is of fundamental importance, a strip foundation is used, otherwise the supports are simply concrete. Forms for posts buy or make their own. They can be of different sizes and heights.
Work order:
- The territory is marked with the help of a cord and pegs, the axis of the fence and space for the pillars are determined.
- Chalk indicate the boundaries of the trench, if necessary strip foundation.
- A moat is dug in length of 0, 7 meters and a width of two masonry with the addition of 0.4 meters.
- For the supports, there are enough recesses 1, 2 meters.
- The bottom of the foundation is compacted, the drainage layer is placed on top, using rubble and sand. Both components should be at least 10 cm, they are watered with water and carefully tamped.
- Gravel up to 20 cm high can be used.
- Next, you need to line the lower part and the walls of the moat with ruberoid.
- On the marked line, the support columns are set up on a plumb line and then concreted. It is important that the length of the concrete slab is maintained between them.
- To adjust the used strips of wood with a thickness of 50 mm and a length of 2 meters.
- When using euro plates it is not necessary to make a strip foundation. In most cases, the supports are simply concreted, and the blocks are mounted through the top.
Selection of concrete products
To create high-quality concrete fencing with your own hands, you can use hollow concrete blocks, but then you need a foundation.An important nuance of such work is the ligation of segments in order to avoid coincidence of vertical joints. The walls must be perfectly smooth, so you need to check their level.
Few people build a fence for their site of concrete slabs, because this requires special equipment. The most popular are the fence of euro plates. This product is able to satisfy every taste and make the site look unique. In addition, this option has many advantages:
- easy care;
- durability and reliability;
- big choice;
- easy installation;
- affordable price.
If necessary, you can simply replace the damaged section. There is also no need to create a foundation.
Each type of fence has its own characteristics, but the strength and long life of all products are about the same, so the choice of a suitable option for the fence is a matter of taste and personal preference.
Recommendations for self-erection
It is easy to install a concrete fence if you have at least some experience in construction. To avoid blunders that can affect the quality of the fence, should heed the advice of professionals:
- An important role is played by the cement brand for the manufacture of blocks. Best used M500.
- When choosing ready-made sections it is reasonable to select products from trusted manufacturers, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that they do not crumble.
- It is undesirable to carry out work in the winter, because the concrete mixture is much worse and slower seizes. To speed up the process, you can add to the solution specifically designed for this composition.
If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to take the help of qualified specialists. This will ensure high quality and speed up installation.
Sectional reinforced concrete fences have a higher cost compared to other fences, but do not forget how many advantages this material has. Such solid constructions will certainly please the owners not only with their functionality, but also with an attractive appearance.
You will learn about how to make and install a concrete fence by yourself in the following video.