Fence net: variations and design options

Grid fences are popular not only with owners of private houses, they are widely used both in enterprises and in public institutions. They perfectly pass light, serve as a support for climbing plants, are easily repaired.
Special features
Often the grid is used only as a temporary fence, however, some of its types allow you to mount a strong and original fence. Many have mesh fences associated with a dull gray rabbit, however, today there are many modern bright models on the market with interesting cell shapes. Metal and plastic nets not only perform dividing and protective functions, but are also able to decorate the site with their appearance.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any material, the mesh has several advantages and disadvantages.
In favor of woven metal products say:
- open to the sun;
- easy repair and ease of maintenance;
- simple installation;
- small weight;
- acceptable price;
- anti-corrosion properties;
- resistance to the negative effects of the vagaries of weather and climate in general.
Welded mesh for the fence has additional positive properties:
- fast installation thanks to a special form of release (section);
- arbitrary height of the fence (whereas the height of the fence from the chain-link determines the width of the roll);
- higher protective properties.
Its disadvantages include:
- higher price than a chain-link;
- the considerable weight complicating installation without assistants;
- the need to paint the fence if the material is not coated with polymer.
When choosing a plastic web, it is guided by the following advantages:
- small weight, facilitating the installation process;
- a wide range of products;
- resistance to environmental factors;
- long term use;
- easy care
The most significant drawback of plastic is its extremely low strength.The disadvantages of all types of fences of cells include their appearance, which does not seem to all aesthetic. In addition, the protective properties of many mesh fences leave much to be desired. If someone does not like to put up his site for everyone to see, this is not a reason to refuse a strong and light fence. Along the fence you can plant shrubs or grapes. Overgrown shoots will reliably hide from the eyes of others the life of the inhabitants of the house and create a unique design.
The main types of metal nets are made by the method of weaving or by welding.
- Of the wicker, the most famous is probably Rabitz. It is made of galvanized round wire. GOST assumes the presence of several species, differing in cell size and wire thickness. A fence made of black steel mesh will have to periodically tint, galvanized products do not need painting.
- Twist Mesh extremely rarely used for fences. As the name implies, the wire is twisted at a certain angle, creating hexagonal cells.
- Kanilirovanny (corrugated) grid implemented only in maps.It is not particularly flexible due to the composition of the raw materials: black carbon steel is used to make them. Before weaving, the wire is bent in a special way.
- The material for the welded mesh is galvanized steel wire. The thinnest - 4 mm, the thickest - 3 times more. The most durable products are obtained from reinforcing mesh. The joints perpendicular to the intersecting rods are fastened using spot welding. The most common forms of cells are square and rectangle.
- For the manufacture of expanded metal required solid steel sheet. On the special equipment the cutting is done and the steel is drawn out. The shape of the cells is a rhombus. How tough the product will be depends on the thickness of the material and the width of the cutting.
- An extraordinary decision to decorate your fence will be gabion mesh. In fact, these are rectangular or cylindrical boxes of different types of cells, the filling of which can be chosen to your taste. More often than others for this purpose choose a stone or wood cuts.
- Plastic mesh becoming more and more durable, and gradually regains the position of the classic chain-link because it has a significant number of positive qualities.
- Woven mesh with small cells, which is actively used during construction works, it is sometimes used for the installation of fences.
Wear-resistant and relatively inexpensive metal mesh fences used for marking the territory and protecting the site are becoming more and more original and aesthetic. Among the unambiguous advantages of the woven mesh - ease of manufacture of the fence and durability. The chain-link can serve about five decades. Its protective function is low, but if there is no need for special strength of the fence, the wire is an excellent solution. Curly flowers and vines, braiding such a support, create wonderful compositions.
The service life of the simplest products from ordinary steel wire does not exceed three years due to corrosion. The polymer coating increases the cost of production, but gives it a more respectable appearance. Improved performance. In particular, the polymer is not afraid of corrosion. But it may well be damaged by rodents, if the fence is installed in the country or around a private house outside the city.
Galvanized mesh - the best option for its properties, however, it will cost more than the previous two.Such a fence will last at least 10 years. He is not afraid of the vagaries of the weather, or mechanical effects, or the influence of aggressive chemicals. For the manufacture of decorative iron mesh are corrugated or twisted rods, allowing to give the product a three-dimensional volume.
Welded products are popular due to their low price, simple installation, the ability to perfectly keep their shape and not sag. In favor of this type speaks the fact that it does not need to be painted. If the manufacturer covers the welded mesh with polymer, seasonal temperature drops and high humidity become completely unaffected.
The polymer is applied using baking technology. When buying such products, you should make sure that there are no cracks on the surface. If the top layer is broken, then the metal will begin to rust quickly under the influence of moisture. High-quality coating will not move away and break even after several bends of the wire.
Original looks welded mesh 3D. Curved rods add volume to the product. Euroset manufacturer positions as a product that combines high protective and aesthetic qualities.When installing sectional eurofence cost without welding machine.
Installation of durable and beautiful construction saves time and money. 3D panels protect various objects: from playgrounds to airports. Their versatility and excellent performance explains the popularity of the product.
Welded modular structures are able to serve at least a couple of decades, without losing their appearance and protective properties. The metal grid can be bought in rolls or in sections. For the manufacture of sections is a corner or profile tube.
Grid without galvanizing quickly becomes rusty, so buyers are more likely to prefer galvanized products. No less popular mesh coated with a polymer. More expensive, but also more durable option - galvanized mesh coated with a polymer coating. It does not fade in the sun, does not crack and does not peel, as often happens with paint.
Designs from grids differ in the special durability and reliability. Often they are strengthened with ribs. For installation of a rolled grid columns are used from concrete, a tree or metal.They are installed at a certain depth and concreted. To increase the strength of the structure, between the supports they stretch the wire or lay pipes with a rectangular cross section.
In addition to the usual metal, there are lightweight flexible polystyrene mesh (fiberglass, paint, geogrid). Their strength, of course, can not be compared with metal counterparts, but they are not afraid of corrosion. The service life of plastic products is more than 3 years.
Laid at the base of the lawn, this grid will protect it from the invasion of moles. Like a chain-link, it is an excellent support for various climbing plants. Cellular PVC sheets are not affected by temperature extremes, ultraviolet rays and moisture.
Plastic mesh is very decorative, the range of products is quite large due to the rich color range and variety of cell shapes. Lightweight material allows you to twist into a roll of long strips, and, therefore, you can mount the fence with fewer joints. Consumers especially like the options with a considerable thickness of the material and large cells.
In terms of protection, PVC mesh certainly loses metal, but it is widely used for decorative purposes in areas already enclosed with a fence or for temporary fencing.
Woven mesh is often used in construction than for the construction of fences, but in this area, too, it is used. Lightweight woven wire mesh is available in rolls. For its production are thin threads of metal wire with a diameter of 0.03 mm-3.0 mm. Of these, perpendicular weaves are created on the machines. The quality of the mesh canvas is determined by the relevant State Standards.
To create a woven plain or twill mesh, tinned and galvanized wire is used. There are products without coating. Galvanization is good because it provides anti-corrosion protection, it is not afraid of rust spots and cracks. The surface of the canvas can be smooth or grooved. The grid of this type is durable and elastic. The strength is directly proportional to the diameter of the metal filaments and inversely proportional to the size of the cell. The stiffness is affected by the amount of carbon in the raw material and the type of surface. Corrugated mesh tighter.
The color range offered by manufacturers is not very wide. Nevertheless, it allows you to create different compositions, not limited to dull gray.
- The rabbits are often colored green or brown. Also present are red, yellow and black versions.
- For dyeing welded mesh choose white and green. Sold in blue and red.
- Plastic designs are pleased with rich and bright hues: orange, light green, yellow.
Color or uncolored grid can be combined with monolithic areas with photo printing. Pictures on the background of a practically transparent fence look very impressive. Such a fence will decorate the entire site.
To decorate any fence, to make it different from the next, photo grid will help - Polymeric cellular web, which is applied by a special technology image. The photograph can be placed on banner fabric, but it is better to do it on a reinforced plastic grid, since the latter is capable of passing air and light thanks to its tiny cells. Without shading landings, the grid will not give the opportunity to view the area from the street.Even such silhouettes are difficult to see through such a photo fence.
Banner fabric is advised to be used to decorate the back of sheets of sheeting. The metal will not heat up so much, and the plants planted near it will feel much more comfortable.
Which one to choose?
The choice of material for the fence depends on the features of the site and its use.
- If you decide to buy a rabbit, you need to determine the most suitable cell size. The smaller they are, the stronger the canvas and the lower its ability to transmit light. Based on these characteristics, it is worth analyzing the operating conditions. If we are talking about the fence to give, then the size of the cells in the range of 40-60 mm will be optimal. There will be no lack of light, and the strength will be quite satisfactory.
If you need to fence the sports field, it is better to purchase a canvas with smaller cells so that the net does not deform from the ball strikes and the attempts of young athletes to climb the fence.
- For gardeners, it will be interesting to have a synthetic shading net, otherwise plants can suffer greatly from the scorching sun.Depending on the location of the beds and fruit trees, you can pick up canvases with different ability to pass the rays, optimally using them to darken.
- The strongest and strongest welded mesh is chosen by those for whom safety is the main priority. It is often used for enclosing industrial facilities.
- When used for fences with very durable canilized mesh, it is better to buy a canvas with the largest cell size to provide access to sunlight.
- Plastic mesh can be placed inside the garden area, since not in all cases it can be a full replacement for the metal fence. But it will come out of excellent support for the plants, with its help you can arrange a flower bed, a flower garden, make an aviary, etc.
- Having decided to purchase material for a gabion fence, it is necessary to think in advance about the filler. And they may well be several. You can try to combine the "filling" of stone, wood and gravel.
- If the fence needs to be put up very quickly, it makes sense to opt for ready-made panels, for example, from 2D and 3D welded mesh.
- A good purchase depends on how well the consumer reviews have been studied. As a rule, they give an objective picture of the product, warn about the difficulties that can be encountered in the process of installation and operation, reveal nuances that cannot be gleaned in advertising texts and even on specialized sites.
Thus, there are enough types of mesh on the construction market to make a choice that you will not regret afterwards. It is enough to properly assess the operating conditions and the requirements that the buyer imposes on the product.
Installation Features
Installation of the fence from the grid is fully capable of implementation and without the help of professionals.
- After marking proceed to the installation of supports.
- At the bottom of the pit is laid polyethylene. So you can avoid the penetration of moisture into the soil after drying of the concrete. The next layer consists of rubble, then comes the turn of sand. Flooded concrete has to dry completely, it will take several days.
- If the need arose only in temporary fencing, the distance between the pillars should be 3 meters. A pair of rows of wire between them will be the basis for fixing the mesh and give the structure strength.When using the chain-link, additional work will be required: bend the ends of the wire from above and below.
- If you install a permanent fence, you need to concrete poles to the depth of freezing. They are installed more often: every 2 meters.
- Wooden poles are recommended to treat with linseed oil. For this purpose, also use the development of engine oil. They are not concrete, rather dense ramming with rubble.
- In order to stretch the grid, we need at least two horizontal bars. Wire, metal strip or wooden planks are used for this purpose. The roll is unrolled and tied to the supports and beams with steel wire.
- When installing the fence, it is necessary to constantly control the uniformity of the tension, otherwise the mesh will sag with time.
- Sectional fencing involves the presence of rectangular maps, made of a corner or pipes, with a grid stretched over them. The canvas in such a frame is fixed by welding or bolted. The supporting structures in this case are represented by brick or concrete pillars, pipes made of steel. The minimum depth of their bookmark is 60 cm.
- Mounts for sections are made from the corner or metal strip. They are mounted on the support pillars, then fix the frame with a grid.
- Sold fences on screw posts that do not need concreting.
- Many manufacturers offer to purchase a precast fence, the kit includes ready-made panels, poles and fasteners.
Any fence, and even more so the fence of the grid, performs, in addition to the protective and separating, also a decorative function, especially if you creatively approach its creation. Apply textiles to decorate a plain mesh. Ribbons made of fabric are tied with beautiful bows at the joints or they create a pattern on the canvas itself.
Gabion mesh provides plenty of room for imagination. The combination of various fillers will make the fence not like any other.
The easiest way to create a unique image of the site is to plant climbing plants along the grid. They will not only transform a banal fence into a beautiful hedge, but also create a pleasant and necessary shade on hot days, purify the air and fill the garden with an indescribable aroma of freshness.
In the next video, see the process of mounting the grid for the fence.