How to calculate linoleum?

Linoleum is one of the most sought-after finishing materials, which is used for decorating the floor. It is a roll coating, which is selected for the specific dimensions of the room. To fit, you should correctly calculate its size and area.
Linoleum is a soft canvas, which is complemented by a durable top layer. As a decorative coating, this product is used both in apartments and private houses. Today on the market you can find many modifications of this material. which is conventionally divided into several categories:
- Domestic. Linoleum belongs to classes 21-23, which are indicated on the inside of the product. Ideally suited for domestic use, they are often found in private homes. Among the advantages can be identified only a diverse design.But the material is very bad withstands loads.
- Semi-commercial. The substance has high wear resistance and long service life. But it is used in everyday life very rarely, as it has a high cost. Also on the market you can find some design and color solutions. Some modifications may produce odors.
- Commercial. Material differs in the high price and a small variety. But such linoleum can withstand not only the effects of high temperatures, but also resist aggressive chemical solutions and electricity. Often it is used in production.
There is another classification of this substance, taking into account the number of layers. Depending on this criterion, linoleum is released:
- Homogeneous. The product is a single-layer material whose thickness does not exceed 3 mm. It is rarely used, as it is not able to isolate well the movement of the cold.
- Heterogeneous. The structure of this linoleum is a compound of several layers. In this case, the shrinkage of a substance may vary depending on its type.Many manufacturers complement its unique design that allows you to use it in any interior.
Linear and square meter
Before proceeding to the calculation of linoleum on the floor, you should understand some of the technical features of its measurement. To understand the difference between these values, you should familiarize yourself with their features:
- Square meter is a unit of area. The classic representative of this size will be a square 1x1 m.
- Running meter A feature of this approach is that it no longer takes into account the width. The cost of linoleum depends only on the length. For example, buying a cut length of 10 p. M., But with a web width of 4 m, you get linoleum area of 40 square meters. m. It should be noted that the price still indirectly laid the width of the roll. You will not find a canvas with the same cost per running meter, when its second dimension will differ by about 2 times.
Therefore, theoretically, the linear and square meters are only marketing moves that allow you to attract a customer. The seller buys linoleum with regard to its technical and quality characteristics.
For rooms of the correct form
To obtain reliable results, you should consider a few simple recommendations:
- Perform measurements several times. It is important to do this on all sides in order to eliminate the possibility of skewing. It should be understood that the form may be non-standard, so measurements should be carried out in the middle of the perimeter.
- Compare the dimensions of the opposite sides. If one of them is somewhat larger, be sure to choose it for calculations. In another case, this may lead to the appearance of cracks.
- Specially increase the size to calculate the area by 5-7 cm. This will eliminate distortions and allow you to better position the canvas relative to other elements.
- Consider the width of the linoleum when buying, since the length can be adjusted. For example, if one of the sides has a width of 3.8 m, and the closest standard footage of the running roll is 4 m, then you will have to purchase it. This will also affect the cost.
To find out the amount of linoleum for a room of the correct form, you just need to calculate its area. It is quite simple to do this, since its area is equal to the result of multiplying the width by the length.
Composite rooms
Today, many rooms run with a few extra niches. Sometimes these elements are shaped by man to create optimum comfort. The calculation of the number of linoleum in such rooms is already a bit complicated.
To calculate the necessary area of the canvas, you must perform several sequential actions:
- Measurements are performed and a room plan is drawn up.. It is important to perform all operations also several times and in different places. This will allow you to determine the maximum values to be taken into account in the calculations. Here you should also slightly increase the size of a special 5-7 cm, to eliminate the appearance of cracks. All acquisition data should be plotted on the plan, as well as the approximate shape of the room.
- To calculate the area of the room, it should be divided into several simple shapes. The most elementary are squares and rectangles. The easiest way to do this is to lay out a plan for such zones. After that, the area of each of these elements is calculated and summed up. If the room has a more complex shape, then a triangle should be introduced here.
Please note that if the dimensions of the room are much larger than the standard dimensions of the selected canvas, it should be divided into several zones.But there is one small nuance that should be taken into account when calculating the amount of linoleum. All sellers sell goods in the form of a square or rectangle. No one will allow you to cut out a piece of cloth from you and only pay for it.
Therefore, all such calculations are reduced to finding the minimum rectangle or square to which the room corresponds. To do this, simply find two lines whose length is the maximum. One of them should correspond to the width and the other to the length of the room. Please note that if there is a niche, then it is important to add its depth. After that, these values are multiplied, and the desired area is obtained.
Canvas with a pattern
Many prefer linoleum with beautiful symmetrical images and when laying several layers try to combine the print. If you are also planning to make an inconspicuous transition between two rooms, it is important to correctly calculate the dimensions.
Technical calculation of the area is no different from the previously discussed methods. But there is one small nuance. When performing measurements of the canvas, it is also important to take into account the pattern step itself.Therefore, experts recommend to know it and add to the obtained calculations. Please note that this parameter can be calculated both in relation to width and length.
For example, if the length of the room reaches 5 m, and the pitch is only 25 cm, then the total size of this side will be 530 cm (+ 5 cm of stock). In some cases, you can take even more margin, which will allow to combine elements by the overlap method.
Cost of
When you have calculated all the basic parameters of linoleum, you should find out its value. It's pretty simple to do this:
- First of all, you should determine the minimum width of the canvas, which is suitable for your room. Often it does not exceed 6-8 m. If more is needed, then it will be necessary to form a coating of pieces.
- After that, the number of meters is calculated. To get the cost, simply multiply the price by the length of the canvas. If the price is calculated in square meters, then the area of the room and the cut sheet are used for calculations.
To exclude the splicing of linoleum, you should choose the optimal size. You can find them in large shopping complexes, where many types of these products are not represented.Do not forget about the skirting, which will fix the sheet to the floor. Please note that if there is a minimal gap between the wall and linoleum, it can be hidden under the previously mentioned structures.
When you need to add a few small pieces to the main sheet, do not despair. Today, many large companies have small residues of certain types. Having clarified this question, you can choose the size you need. At the same time, their cost may be lower than a full sheet.
The calculation of the required amount of linoleum is not a very complicated operation, but it requires a simple comparison of the dimensions of the room with the roll sizes. Do not try to calculate everything as accurately as possible, since it is almost unreal. It is better to buy everything with a small margin, and after laying trim and give it the desired shape.
If you are not sure that you can correctly find sizes, then it is better to consult with a specialist. This will eliminate the appearance of defects that will affect both the technical and design features of the surface.
How to calculate linoleum, see the next video.