How to choose linoleum with imitation "under the laminate"?

Laying flooring is one of the most important and crucial steps. Not only the general appearance of the room as a whole, but also the comfort of being in it will depend on the quality of the selected material and the work carried out. Natural coverings and high-quality artificial, such as parquet or laminate, are quite expensive, however, linoleum has a lot of useful qualities and has several advantages over a more expensive alternative coating.
Features and benefits
Linoleum with imitation "under the laminate" is a special type of linoleum consisting of several layers, on the surface of which there is a pattern that perfectly imitates laminate panels.This material is quite durable and has some features and advantages compared to conventional laminate.
The main feature of linoleum with imitation "under the laminate" is that with the right choice and laying of the material in appearance it can not be distinguished from the real laminate coating, while the performance and quality characteristics increase several times.
The second main feature lies in the fact that linoleum is easier to lay than laminate. For this you need to use a special glue. The process of laying itself takes less time than laying laminate panels with special locks.
There is one more key difference of linoleum with such imitation from its other types. It is the correct installation. The floor covering imitating laminate panels, is put in pieces, but not a whole cloth. It is this kind of laying that allows to imitate the floor limanat correctly and beautifully.
If we talk about the benefits of linoleum with imitation of "laminate", then we can cite the following:
- Linoleum is less whimsical to temperature and humidity in the room.This coating quietly carries a large amount of moisture, while laminate panels begin to swell and deteriorate.
- In contrast to the laminate coating, the floors covered with linoleum do not fade and do not deform when exposed to excessive ultraviolet radiation.
- Such a floor covering has a longer service life due to increased resistance to dents and the appearance of scratches.
- It is best to use linoleum, if the room has a warm floor. Laminate panels may not always be used for under floor heating.
- Wide range of. On sale there are several types of linoleum with imitation "under the laminate", which differ in color and thickness from each other.
- This coating is much cheaper than any laminate panel.
It is not surprising that the presence of such advantages makes the linoleum with a pattern more and more popular and in demand today.
General characteristics of linoleum with imitation of the pattern under the "laminate" are presented in its advantages. However, there are specialized features that you should pay attention to.They show how safe, durable, wear-resistant and suitable for a particular room will be this version of the roll flooring.
Separation in accordance with GOST
According to GOST 7251-77, all types of linoleum, imitating the drawing of laminate panels, are divided into several categories in accordance with their characteristics:
- The degree of load during operation: light, medium high.
- Class - household or commercial.
- Area of use.
- Abrasion resistance - from AC1 to AC5.
- The resistance of the material to damage sustained during strikes from IC1 to IC3.
- The term of operation is from 2 to 20 years.
According to such a prescription, you should initially decide on the class of linoleum, then on the place of its installation, and then select the roll material that has the most attractive characteristics.
Characteristics of the flooring according to UBER
The classification of UBER helps customers to immediately determine the most important technical characteristics of this material. This classification is often used to divide into groups as a roll covering for the floor, produced in Russia, and the fact that it was made abroad.
Each capital letter of the name of the classification itself corresponds to a specific technical characteristic:
- U is abrasion resistance. It has a digital range from 0 to 4 units.
- B - shows the residual deformation coefficient. The gradation of the digital indicator is the same as in the first case.
- E - Coefficient of resistance to moisture.
- R is an indicator of resistance to chemical attack (from 1 to 3 units).
According to this classification, the higher the indicator of each characteristic, the more durable linoleum itself will be in use.
The main characteristics of linoleum with imitation "under the laminate" are the following:
- Wear resistance class of the coating. This parameter is divided into three subgroups:
- 41-43. Material with such an indicator is more suitable for laying in industrial premises and other places of mass gathering of people.
- 31-34. Suitable for crowded places, such as schools, hospitals and offices. It will become an ideal flooring option for houses and apartments where a large number of people live.
- 21 - 2 Linoleum with such a mark, suitable for covering the floor in places of a small number of people, in private houses and apartments.
It is this technical characteristic that is considered key today.
- The basis and base of linoleum. There are two types of bases: single-layer or multi-layered. The laminate flooring for home use of good quality always has a multi-layer basis, but the commercial coating can be single-layer, but with special additives. If we talk about the basis of this material, it can be jute, felt or polyvinyl chloride. The difference between them lies in the cost and lifetime. Often use the first and third option cladding.
- The thickness of the coating and its protective layer. According to this parameter, the roll floor covering of this type is subdivided into the following groups:
- 0.7 mm - designed for places with the maximum possible load.
- 0.4 - 0.6 mm - places with an average pedestrian load.
- 0.3 mm - places above the minimum load level, such as a kitchen, bedroom or corridor.
- 0.1 - 0.25 mm - for other rooms.
Characteristics of the same type of linoleum may vary depending on the variety.
All types of linoleum produced today with imitation “under laminate” can be divided into three large groups:
- Commercial type of linoleum, as is already clear from its name, is available for large and medium-scale manufacturing enterprises. This material has the highest wear resistance, fire safety and durability. The basis of such a material "under the laminate" is polyvinyl chloride with special additives. It is he who increases all the characteristic indicators of this flooring at times. Such linoleum can be single-layered or multi-layered.
- Household linoleum with imitation "under the laminate" is the most common among the inhabitants. The thickness of such a floor covering is not more than 0.4 cm. Usually its base is on a special foam. The choice of this type of roll flooring should be given the most attention, since it will depend on the service life and the duration of the presentable appearance of the floors.
- Semi-commercial linoleum flooring is a hybrid of the previous two. It has an attractive appearance, but at the same time its characteristics are higher than that of a domestic linoleum coating.
Each of these species, in turn, has several varieties, differing in color and type of pattern.
Colors and patterns
Linoleum with imitation "under the laminate", as the name implies, will have a pattern with stripes in the form of the laminate panels themselves. The material may be light or dark. Under the bright linoleum with imitation of the laminate should be understood floor covering, which has an almost white color. This shade was called "Bleached Oak". The bands on it can be either a tone darker than the general background or lighter. Typically, this color palette is used in private homes, as with the passage of a large number of people, the color is quickly erased.
Dark linoleum under the laminate can have several options of colors: from the color of the nut to the dark chocolate. It should be understood that you should choose a particular shade based on not only the general style of the interior, but also the permeability of people. Dark linoleum, or rather its color is more resistant to abrasion compared to a light coating.
Today, you can see other shades of this roll flooring, for example, gray, chestnut burgundy, the color of coffee with milk.
The drawing imitating the laminate itself can also be different: in the form of laminate panels laid with a Christmas tree, horizontally or vertically.The drawn stripes can be narrow or wide, darker or lighter than the main background.
Such a rich variety of colors and design options provide an opportunity to purchase not only linoleum with imitation “under the laminate”, which has the necessary characteristics, but also a coating that would fit harmoniously into the overall style of the interior.
How to choose?
When buying this roll coating, you need to pay special attention to the following points:
- The seller has the appropriate certificate for rolls.
- Proper labeling of each roll of linoleum. Here it is worth remembering that it can be of two types, which was described above.
- It is necessary to acquire only the coating that fully corresponds to the place of installation in accordance with its marking, only in this case, you can be sure of the quality and durability of the future floor.
- Be sure to take into account such a parameter as wear resistance. For the kitchen or hallway, you should choose a material that has the highest parameters of this characteristic, but for the living room and bathroom you can choose a roll with a lower indicator of this value.Otherwise, the coverage will have to be changed much earlier than the time promised by the manufacturer.
- Try to choose a linoleum, which includes as few synthetic additives as possible. Their large number significantly reduces the indicator of wear resistance and durability of the material, although many manufacturers try to keep silent about it.
- In order for the coating to look as natural and presentable as possible, its color and design must be harmonized with the general interior of the room.
- It is best to give preference to manufacturers who have long been engaged in the manufacture and sale of roll flooring "under the laminate." In this case, the risk of purchasing low-quality goods is reduced to the maximum.
Guided by these simple tips when buying, you can quickly and easily choose linoleum with a pattern of "under the laminate" of high quality.
Beautiful ideas in a modern interior
The confirmation of these words will be photos that clearly demonstrate that the correctly selected linoleum “under the laminate” can become a real decoration of the room and cannot be distinguished from the original laminate panels.
The living room with minimal furnishings and linoleum with a gray imitation looks presentable and expensive. The floor covering cannot be distinguished from the floor on which the real laminate is laid. Properly chosen color scheme makes the floor the main decoration of the room without disturbing the overall concept of the room design.
The living room, combined with the dining room in bright colors, is ideally complemented by linoleum with imitation "under the laminate" in a light brown color. Broad bands help to visually expand the room and make the room brighter and more pleasant.
The bedrooms with a bright, yet calm color flooring look very beautiful and aesthetic. The selected linoleum is similar in color to furniture and walls, but at the same time, it differs favorably from them, bringing a zest to the overall interior.
All these examples once again prove that laying linoleum with imitation “under the laminate” is not just a desire to save money, but also the opportunity to decorate the floor in any room beautifully, conveniently and profitably, regardless of its color scale and style.
On how to choose the right quality linoleum, you can find out by watching the video a little lower.