Tarkett linoleum

When repairing a house or apartment, many buyers are thinking about which floor to choose. And this question is really difficult, since many domestic and foreign brands offer a lot of diverse and unusual materials. It is very important that the floor covering is not only safe and reliable, but also durable. The most popular and durable coating to date - linoleum. Particular attention is paid to the brand Tarkett, which is just engaged in the release of linoleum for residential and non-residential premises.
Advantages and disadvantages
If you at least once in your life were interested in floor coverings, you probably heard about this world famous brand.Tarkett is one of the leaders in the production of professional and safe building materials for the floor.
Its main advantages are:
- Linoleum, manufactured by the brand, has the highest level of strength, in addition, it is covered with a special protective layer to extend service life.
- Many amateurs and professionals point out that even a few years later, Tarkett flooring retains its presentable and aesthetic appearance.
- The advantages include a huge selection of colors and various designs - from the simplest imitations of natural materials to drawings and complex abstractions. Among the wide range to find exactly the linoleum can even the most whimsical and fastidious buyers.
- The brand offers several varieties of linoleum, which includes household, semi-commercial and commercial, which means that among the various collections flooring can be chosen not only for the arrangement of their homes, but also for organizations. Linoleum from the brand is perfect, for example, for beauty salons and other public places and institutions.
- When creating floor coverings, the brand uses only safe and time-tested raw materials, in addition, modern and advanced technologies and professional equipment are used.
- All Tarkett products comply with European and international quality standards.
All products are processed with special technical compositions, due to which bacteria and fungi are eliminated from the floor coverings for a long time. You can choose products from this brand even for children's rooms.
- Whatever type of linoleum from the brand you choose, you can be sure that it will justify all the characteristics declared by the manufacturer - high quality, durability and durability.
- Eco-friendly flooring from the brand is often chosen by people who are against the use of raw materials that adversely affect human health and the environment. That is why the products from the brand are so popular among connoisseurs of all natural.
- Tarkett linoleum is a unique coating that does not deteriorate even when exposed to various detergents. Although you can certainly say that this flooring is very unpretentious in the care.Many professionals have noticed that even very caustic reagents in no way damage the structure of linoleum, of course, if we are talking about professional coatings. Now it is not at all terrible to spill vinegar, acetone, peroxide or any chemical compounds on the floor.
This brand has extensive experience with flooring, it is deservedly considered authoritative among the most different companies engaged in the implementation of similar products. Tarkett has been working for over a hundred years, which means that there is no doubt that the products will not meet customer expectations.
Brand has practically no disadvantages. Unless prices can be attributed here, which are slightly above average, but they also justify themselves, and millions of buyers have already seen this. Sometimes the embossed surface of linoleum may seem difficult to clean, but here you just need to choose the right accessories for cleaning the floor. In addition, sometimes traces of furniture legs remain on linoleum, but this feature is inherent in almost all floor coverings of this type, regardless of the manufacturer.
Characteristics and properties
To be sure that the flooring really has all the properties attributed to it by the manufacturer, you must carefully examine all the characteristics of linoleum from the brand. There is no doubt that Tarkett manufactures products on the conscience, where the quality is fully consistent with the price.
To begin with, I would like to note the excellent composition, in which there are no harmful impurities, but there are additional impregnations that protect various kinds of floor coverings from the reproduction of harmful microbes and bacteria on them. In addition, in the production of floor coverings, extremely low emission of volatile oils is used, according to the manufacturer, 50 times less than European standards require.
When creating a pattern on linoleum, only non-toxic dyes are used. All environmental friendliness of Tarkett products is confirmed by multiple laboratory tests, quality certificates and relevant licenses for the sale of products of this type.
As for the size, then you should pay attention to the width and thickness of flooring. The average width of the rolls is from 1.5 to 5 meters.The most current options for purchase are 3 and 4 meters wide with a thickness of 1.3 to 4 and 4.5 mm. The entire length of the convolution can be from 12 to 27 meters, and industrial and technical samples - up to 100 m. It cannot be said that the linoleum from the brand is very thick, since it creates an excellent sound and noise insulation coating.
When weighing linoleum, you can immediately understand how dense and durable it is. In general, the weight depends on the type of coating and the roll itself. But we can safely say that Tarkett products can withstand even the most serious loads from furniture.
Due to its excellent characteristics, the floor covering from the brand is not afraid of moisture. It is also important to emphasize the fact that Tarkett linoleum is perfect if you want to make a heated floor. But in any case, this information needs to be clarified. Linoleum, which is considered suitable for such purposes, has a special label "warm floor".
A special protective PVC coating protects the floor from burnout and erasing patterns and patterns. Additional protection creates a lacquer layer, thanks to which the product looks presentable for many years.Turex embossed coatings provide special protection to simulate natural coatings such as wood, stone or tile. Such linoleum perfectly will be suitable for a arrangement in the most different rooms in private possession.
Tarkett also took care of customers who have furniture on wheels, especially if they move it forever. In order not to damage the flooring, you should choose linoleum with the appropriate characteristics. Be sure to look for the wheel mark on the roll and only then you will be sure that there will not be any traces of furniture on this flooring.
The important point is the fact that over time, the linoleum from the brand does not fade, even if it constantly gets light. This is due to the fact that its characteristics have a mark that the floor covering has 6 lightfastness points.
Abrasion is determined by special European and international standards. In the range of Tarkett you can find linoleum, which belongs to a particular group. For example, the T group is the most durable material with the lowest erasability, the P group is the average erasability, M is the highest, and F is the highest among those proposed.
As for the overall life, it reaches the mark of more than 15 - 20 years, and with proper care will serve even more. In addition, the brand itself gives the same guarantee for its products.
Linoleum from the brand is often insulated and frost resistant. It all depends on what type and collection to consider, it can also have enhanced heat and sound insulation properties.
Types and classes
The assortment of the brand presents a huge variety of various types of linoleum. On the marking of any Tarkett coverage there are two special numbers, the first of which indicates what type of premises this coating is suitable for (2 for residential use, 3 for offices, and 4 for other production premises), the second indicates a specific type of load (from 1 to 4). For example, linoleum coating grade 23 is suitable for domestic use with an average degree of load. Also on the rolls you can find small pictures with directions for which place linoleum is suitable.
As for the species itself, Tarkett has the following options:
- Linoleum for domestic use;
- Homogeneous (for commercial use);
- Heterogeneous (for commercial use);
- PVC coating;
- Coatings for vehicles.
Household linoleum is one of the most popular coatings on the domestic market. It is considered natural and is made on a foam basis. It is valued for its versatility, practicality and durability in use. This type of floor covering appeals to many customers due to the abundance of various colors and designs. Tarkett linoleum is considered to be easy to install and maintain. It perfectly mimics wood and tile materials. In addition, due to the excellent characteristics of household linoleum is considered completely safe for both humans and the environment.
Homogeneous floor coverings are best suited for various public institutions and businesses. They are especially relevant if the room is high cross. The coating consisting of a uniform layer has a uniform design. If necessary, this type of linoleum can be repaired during use. It is considered ideal for medical and educational institutions.
Commercial heterogeneous linoleum is also ideal for installation in public places with high traffic, it is often made on a felt basis and is considered non-combustible. Also great for various businesses.
On such a floor covering there is a special protective layer of PVC, which provides high wear resistance for many years. This type of linoleum does not need any extra care, apart from the usual washing.
Special PVC coatings occupy a special place among the entire range of Tarkett. From a wide range, you can choose conductive linoleum or current-scattering. There is also a heterogeneous type of linoleum with an antistatic effect. Also, the brand boasts a rich choice of linoleum for land, river, sea and rail transport.
Collections and news
From the huge variety of linoleum for household use, be sure to pay attention to the following new collections:
- Caprice. This collection embodies the desires of even the most whimsical and sophisticated customers. Linoleum from this collection is perfect for location in any, even the most expensive interior.Floor coverings from the collection are presented in 13 fashionable designs made using a special technology.
- One of the most popular is the collection. "Europe". Here are high-quality coatings with an ideal price / quality ratio. Purchase of linoleum from this collection will meet all the expectations of the buyer and will not destroy it at all.
- Relatively new collection Premium Offers luxury floor solutions to buyers. Here you can find excellent options for the most sophisticated interiors.
- Nature lovers can have a look at the collection. Discovery, which presents a huge variety of linoleum under the parquet or solid wood. And all this - without harm to nature and the environment.
Commercial homogeneous linoleum is presented in the following collections:
- IQ Collections. The highest quality and effective solution - this is how a few words can describe the coverage of these collections. Be sure to pay attention to the modern coatings IQ Melodia, IQ Monolith and IQ Optima.
- Plus Collectionswhich includes Prima Plus and Standard Plus. Both collections have very successfully established themselves in the domestic market, they are perfect not only for public institutions, but also for the home.
If you follow all the recommendations sex coverage will serve you for many years. It is also important to note that both collections are presented in a huge range of colors with different prints.
You will find heterogeneous linoleum in the following collections:
- Acczent pro. In this collection you can find a lot of options for linoleum with an additional coating of PVC, which mimic not only wood, but also natural stones. Will be suitable for medical complexes and child care facilities.
- Acczent Esquisse. This collection contains coatings with a reinforced protective layer. This new series will please with bright colors, abstract design and excellent technical indicators.
- New acczent terra. Huge selection of colors and designs with a thickness of linoleum just 0.8 mm. This collection is considered one of the most famous commercial in the Russian market. It also does not limit the creation of warm floors (maximum - 27 degrees).
- Travertine. Linoleum from this collection is suitable for both public institutions and enterprises, and for the home. With its help, you can emphasize the peculiarity of each interior.
- Prisma - this is a competent combination of safety flooring, the use of modern technology and high functionality.
Special PVC coatings include several varieties of linoleum. Antistatic presented in several collections:
- Iq toro sc. This conductive PVC coating can easily be called unique, because it has many advantages. It can even be installed in rooms with various electronic and technical equipment. This coating is ideal for medical institutions, laboratories and x-ray rooms.
- IQ Granit Sd. This collection includes fire and current-scattering linoleum in a variety of designs. This covering is ideal for rooms where there is a need to protect the floor from static, for example, server rooms or rooms with technical and electronic equipment. The collection is presented in 14 different colors.
- Collection Acczent Mineral As presents PVC coatings with antistatic effect. Linoleum is suitable for rooms where there is a lot of different equipment. With this type of linoleum, you can easily ensure the safety of not only people, but also the stability of technical equipment.
The soundproof linoleum includes 2 main collections:
- IQ Granit Acoustic. Linoleum from this collection is presented in a wide range, it has excellent noise absorbing properties and has the ability to restore appearance.
- Extra. This is a great combination of domestic soundproof linoleum and high quality. Varieties of linoleum from this collection are ideal for almost all rooms.
Collections of anti-slip linoleum offer a variety of homogeneous and heterogeneous coatings with anti-slip effect. Among the collections you can find the so-called sports options that are perfect for gyms. Be sure to pay attention to the “Acczent Universal” collection, where very durable options are presented.
Among the special PVC coatings there is a collection of linoleum for wet rooms.
Reliable technology for creating floor coverings ensures the tightness of all joints. It allows you to protect it from penetration of moisture and water.
For various laboratories and other premises where it is important to protect not only the floor, but also the walls, Tarkett has a special linoleum for walls, which is considered more durable and practical,rather than paper or plain paint. The “Willgard” collection easily ensures maximum hygiene and tightness of any walls.
Linoleum from the brand is presented in a variety of colors, among which you will surely find a coating of the desired color. In the collections of household linoleum, you can easily find samples with an ornament that imitates marble or linoleum under a tree or under the floorboard.
In the Maestro collection one can find linoleum in the color of bleached oak and other light shades imitating wood. Saturated dark tones, including black, are available in the collection of Absolut linoleum. Green and blue colors can be found in rstsvetki under the tile, and various cream and chocolate - under the laminate.
Additional elements
Many experts recommend immediately buying linoleum to buy special glue for it. It is best to buy the same brand in the same store where you purchase flooring. Also in the range of the Tarkett brand you can also find cords for welding, which will ensure high-quality laying of linoleum and increase its service life. Among the wide range of accessories and additional items you can find everything you need to successfully create the floor covering you need.However, in order not to experience difficulties in laying the flooring, it is best to use the services of professional specialists.
How to choose an apartment?
For the warm floor of the kitchen in the apartment should choose options with a special mark. After all, only some types of linoleum are suitable for laying in those rooms where the heated floor is thought out.
For rooms with a country-style finish and Provence, linoleum variants imitating wooden floor are perfect. For children's rooms the most optimal are not very thick floor coverings.
To choose a floor covering for an apartment or a residential building is not necessary only from household options offered by the brand, since some collections of homogeneous and heterogeneous linoleum are also designed for home use.
When choosing linoleum for a concrete floor it is best to give preference to insulated models.
Care rules
In spite of the fact that linoleum is very unprincipled in terms of cleaning, so that it lasts for many years, it is necessary to properly care for it. It is not recommended to clean this type of flooring with alkali-based detergents.In addition, do not regularly use soda. These tools can spoil the look of the product, as well as make it more brittle and ugly. Also, too hot water will not work for this, it is better to make a soap solution at room temperature.
To care for linoleum should use a vacuum cleaner.but not at the highest power, and also not harsh detergents, special floor brushes or soft cloths.
With regular and proper care such flooring will delight households for many years. It is possible to add shine to such a coating with the help of polishes, which must be purchased in specialized stores. But such treatment is not recommended if there are pets in the home.
Company reviews
Reviews of flooring brand exclusively positive. She is advised not only by amateurs who have already purchased linoleum for their home from Tarkett, but also by real professionals in their field.
It is noted that with the right choice of linoleum for a particular room, it fully meets all expectations. It can not but rejoice and a huge range with a variety of designs.Annually updated collections allow you to choose the flooring even to the most demanding buyers, who are in constant search.
Many buyers also consider the environmental friendliness of building materials and their safety to be positive. With all the significant and visible advantages, there are reasonable prices for them.
Of course, there are expensive collections, but even they will certainly meet all the expectations of customers.
Beautiful interiors
Floors play an equally important role in the interior than, for example, walls or furniture. With the help of linoleum from the brand, you can complement any modern interior of an apartment or a private house. Luxurious linoleum tiles in gray or silver shades perfectly complement the high-tech style in the living room or in the studio apartment.
More expensive models from collections of wood or marble will fit perfectly into the classic interiors, as they very well mimic expensive materials.
Modern kitchen can be varied with the help of monochromatic and light shades of linoleum, suitable for minimalism style.
The beautiful interiors of the dacha can be varied with high-quality ecological linoleum for wood.
For bathrooms should select a specialized type of coating. In such rooms, waterproof linoleum in unusual textures will be very useful.
For children's rooms, you can choose something bright with beautiful drawings or patterns. High-quality linoleum perfectly complement even the most unusual interior of the children's room. Delicate pastel shades of pink, mint or cream are ideal for the children's room of a little princess, but the various options in blue, green, blue tones are suitable for boys.
How to lay Tarkett linoleum, you will see in the following video.