Laying linoleum on a concrete floor

When choosing a flooring buyers give their preference to linoleum. Many refer to the fact that the material of this kind is not sufficiently durable and durable, but this is a big mistake. In addition, the flooring of this type is located not only in houses and apartments, but also in public transport, this directly indicates its durability and quality. But to buy linoleum and put - this is half the battle. It is necessary to carefully examine all the subtleties and nuances in order for it to remain perfectly safe for many years.
Thanks to a fairly simple installation and reasonable price, this floor deserved the love of buyers, who among all the materials preferred it. Also with its help you can easily create an imitation of parquet, laminate or tile.
But laying it on a concrete floor carries a lot of nuances on which it is impossible not to focus attention.
How to put?
Currently, the modern market is replete with a rich variety of floor coverings. In this regard, it is not an easy task to choose linoleum of high quality and suitable in all respects. Putting it is quite simple, so you can do without the help of a master and cope with this work yourself. But in order to properly put it on a concrete floor, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features.
Floor preparation for flooring. As a rule, any material requires preparation before coating it on a concrete surface. There are several technologies that give a complete understanding about overlap in general. These are methods wet and dry screedwhich are easy to prepare without help.
Wet screed performance:
- We remove the existing flooring to the concrete surface. Broom and vacuum remove trash.
- Seal the cracks and crevices on the floor with a sealer or concrete mortar, and fill in gaps and irregularities.
- By means of a polyethylene film we make a waterproofing. Important: place it overlap with the capture of all the walls.
- If there is a need to capture heat, we place a damper tape around the edges of the room that holds heat.
- Mark the top level of the screed. With the help of a laser level with a pencil, draw a strip or stretch ordinary threads. Thus, we obtain the thickness of the screed, but it must be remembered that it should not exceed 28 millimeters.
- From the resulting top point we lay up 3 centimeters - this will be the final upper point of the screed.
- Lay out the profile segments on the surface. Height adjustable construction wedges.
- Mix the solution and water, stir with an electric drill.
- The resulting texture is poured around the perimeter starting from the far wall.
- Smooth the solution with a reiki. It dries in an unventilated area.
Bumps may form after a wet screed.If the linoleum with the substrate - it will hide all the flaws and the old screed, but if the coating is thin, you will have to level the concrete floor. To do this, you need a water-soluble mixture that evenly spreads over the surface and does not require the intervention of external forces.
But It is worth noting that after carrying out the action, it is necessary to treat the coating with a roller and a primer.
Dry screed performance:
- We remove the old coating.
- Lubricate the gap sealant, it can also be done with foam or concrete solution.
- We impose a waterproofing layer.
- We place profile segments, as in the wet screed. We fill up all the insulation with a loose structure to level the surface.
- On top of the screed impose thick plywood sheets. It is important that the plywood joints do not overlap.
Choosing linoleum
Immediately after the surface preparation, you can purchase linoleum. Despite the huge number of variations of such coverage, it can be divided into several groups - natural and non-natural.
The second is in great demand, as it has a low cost. It is subdivided into:
- Commercial.
- Semi-commercial.
- Specialized.
- Domestic.
Also, linoleum can have a base or be baseless. The first one is rather strong and durable, the second retains heat, but it doesn’t have the same degree of wear resistance, since there is no litter.
There are several types of linoleum:
- Natural. It usually consists of wood and cork flour with the addition of oils and jute. This is a highly ecological material that will suit the nursery or people with asthma, allergies. Its main advantages: durability, environmental friendliness, preservation of the structure, a large selection of colors.
- PVC linoleum. Its basis is heat-insulating, it can have both a multi-layered version and a single-layered one. Despite its low price, it has a number of features: the conductivity of heat is low, environmentally friendly, does not rot, is simple in the flooring.
- Alkyd This material is soundproof, but at the same time fragile and prone to the rapid appearance of cracks.
- Kolloksinovy. It has no basis, but despite this, such linoleum is resistant to moisture, durable and elastic.
- Relin. This is a two-layer material, quite elastic, but it cannot be placed in homes, because it contains substances harmful to humans that can cause harm to health.
Another important aspect when laying linoleum on a concrete floor is the presence of the substrate. It usually spreads out onto uneven floors, as it helps to hide defects or can serve as a good thermal insulation material. If the surface is flat, you can do without the substrate, but if there are bumps, you need to purchase this material, which includes jute fiber, natural flax, or a mixture of wool and flax.
As is known, such a coating is presented in rolls of various sizes. And in order to correctly calculate the right amount, it is necessary to measure the length and width and add 15 centimeters to them.
Important: laying it is necessary so that there are no joints and missing centimeters on one side.
After determining the size and purchase of linoleum, the question arises: after how much can you lay the floor? To begin with, it is necessary to spread it out and leave it in such a position for a day in order to eliminate and smooth out all irregularities and folds. If the number of rolls exceeds one - you need to combine the joints and align along the edges.
Laying is made in two versions - with the use of glue base and without.The second option is usually used in very large rooms. After linoleum will lie for a day, you can proceed to the measurement and cutting edges. Instead of glue double sided tape is used, then you can proceed to the installation of plinths.
If you still decide to put the coating on the glue, then you need to purchase only water-dispersion composition. It is applied with a spatula in small areas. Glueing can be used on the balcony, since it is the center of cold and humidity.
Single-layer linoleum also requires special placement:
- Unwind the insulation, glue the edges with tape.
- Apply on the basis of antiseptic.
- Next, distribute the glue in some areas.
- Install the plinth and distribute furniture around the room.
Repair and replacement of the coating is a very complicated process that requires compliance with all the nuances. But listening to all the above tips, you can easily and without assistance to cope with such a seemingly difficult task in the apartment.
It is worth noting again that when choosing you need to rely not only on the appearance of linoleum, but also on characteristics such as durability, wear resistance and a tendency to shrink.
How to remove the coating from the concrete floor?
Before laying linoleum on the surface, it is necessary to dismantle the existing coating. It can be different: wooden or, for example, tiled. Each type of coating, as is known, requires the use of varying degrees of strength and different materials expended for this business. Therefore, in order to properly remove the old coating, it is necessary to follow certain algorithms and only then a truly high-quality outcome will turn out.
Dismantling wooden floor
First you need to remove the baseboards, if any. It is advisable to start from the corners in order not to damage the baseboard and leave it intact for further use. In the intervals between the floor and plinth insert a nail puller and separate from each other. Next, take out the nails with chisels or unscrew the screws with a screwdriver. It all depends on how the plinth is attached to the floor surface.
If it has paint, it will prevent easy disassembly. Therefore, when separating, it is necessary to use a nail puller and a hammer. In case the layer is thick and you cannot find a nail, count 10-12 centimeters from the corner.Roughly this will be the location of the first nail.
After all the skirting boards have been removed, it is necessary to proceed with the dismantling of the wooden floor. It is recommended to start with the removal of the reverse side in order to fully save the boards for possible future use for various purposes.
If the boards are fastened with screws, the execution technology is quite simple. You just need to unscrew the screw with a screwdriver and tear off all the wooden parts. If they are nailed, it’s worth working hard and strictly following the instructions:
- Find the latest board.
- We drive a nail catcher under it.
- Raise with a hammer.
- We step on the floorboard, in the end it will be located in its place, and the nail will stick out.
- We remove the nails.
If the floorboards are closely pressed to the wall, you need to use both a nail puller and a hammer. And those areas that succumbed to damage, you can easily hide under any baseboard. Next, with a crowbar we remove rotten wooden logs filled with cotton or glass wool. In the second case, it is necessary to perform the work strictly with gloves in order not to hurt your hands.
After you have removed the lags, dismantling can be considered complete.
Dismantle of a concrete floor with a tile
Usually such a tile is firmly fixed on the concrete, therefore, it is impossible to tear it off without damage. Those areas that have also been damaged can be poured with concrete mixture, thereby completely leveling the surface. Dismantling of this kind is very difficult and dusty, so you need to be patient and mask that will protect the respiratory system.
There is another type of landing tile - landing on glue. To do this, you must remove the seams yourself and moisten these places with water. Next, remove the rest of the coating with a spatula. After the entire tile has been dismantled, the tie can be removed.
This is a very complicated process, because the screed is a concrete layer that levels the surface. And it must either be reconstructed or completely removed. There are several ways to delete:
- Shock. Removal takes place with a jackhammer. But it is important to remember that in order to perform actions in this way, it is necessary to know that the coupler does not contain reinforcement, otherwise specialist assistance will be required.
Before removal, you must perform a number of specific measures: put on a respirator, special gloves, headphones and glasses that protect the cornea from getting foreign objects.
- Diamond cutting. This method can be used if the thickness of the concrete does not exceed 25 centimeters and does not contain reinforcement. It is usually performed by two people, since it is almost impossible to cope with such a harsh on their own. The appearance of a special machine is uncomplicated - it is a kind of mechanism with a disk that cuts the surface, and it is also oversized, which is convenient for small rooms.
- Diamond drilling. Such a mechanism is very expensive, its price varies from 150 to 250 thousand rubles. He makes holes in the floor surface and removes the screed in the corner parts of the room.
Removal of a covering from a concrete floor, undoubtedly, difficult and labor-intensive process demanding time and forces. A good result depends only on your own skills, ownership of tools and practical application of all the above tips.
What to stick?
Glue is usually not used in everyday life.But with the help of it you can stick linoleum yourself on any surface. But it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances and features inherent in this particular method of floor overlap.
Concrete floor includes many types, but they have one thing in common - the presence of cement powder in the composition. Linoleum is spreading on any of these types, be it a wet, dry or semi-dry screed. The content of crushed stone, sand or gravel in the composition of the base may be different, and their percentage ratio may also vary. All these components are included in the category of absorbent floors, that is, those that are able to retain moisture.
This is one of the best qualities of this floor, because Linoleum can be guaranteed to last for several decades. But it all depends on the owners and their desire to update the floor. If the linoleum with this method is quite long, then its wear resistance may be noticeably lower and within five to seven years to completely wear out.
Many are wondering about whether to stick such material. You need to know that any glue must fix the coating. And before you buy it, most likely it will be to get advice from the store sellers and ask what kind of glue is suitable for your type of linoleum.
For an ordinary floor made of concrete, fit:
- Linoleums with a substrate that prevents the passage of heat.
- Alkyd adhesive, the base of which is made of non-woven and woven cloth.
Linoleum, which has no substrate, can not stick to concrete and concrete surface. Before you undertake such actions, you need to cover the floor with plywood, chipboard, or other materials similar in composition.
In gluing are used:
- The compositions fixing the substrate and the fabric base. They are applied with a 7 mm layer on a concrete surface for better adhesion.
- Mastics of different manufacturers. You can acquire them only if linoleum has a fabric base. It must be pasted after 20 minutes after application to the floor.
- Mastic with the addition of rubber. They are used when gluing alkyd linoleum without a substrate.
Mastics are known to be applied with a spatula. Linoleum is glued on this type of glue base only after a certain amount of time so that the solvent can disappear. Waiting time usually does not exceed 25 minutes.
If the glue crawls over the edges, it should be removed immediately. Also, if mastic comes into contact with hands, it can easily be removed with ordinary solvent and glue with water.
Before laying linoleum on a concrete surface, it is necessary to put a primer layer on it. Primer can be either mastic or linseed. It should be noted that for convenience, you can immediately drill holes under the baseboard, thereby saving time and effort. In order not to cut linoleum, it can be laid out in a single roll. You should not worry about uneven edges either - they will be closed with baseboards.
Household types and commercial are one in one - before the flooring they need to be given time to align and smooth the bumps and irregularities. It is possible to glue such linoleums only when you make sure that the surface is completely smooth and has no protrusions. In case you do not know how to cut the material, carefully read the rules and follow the algorithm:
- We arrange a roll of linoleum so that its edges go beyond the floor and capture a few centimeters of the wall.
- We expel air accumulation from the inner part, waiting for its complete smoothing.
- At the junction between the floor and the wall, we measure the line with a ruler, cut it out, strictly following it.
- At the outer corners we fold the linoleum with the inner side, place the board, cut the bent part and completely cut the canvas.
- To cut the inside corners, fold the edges in the shape of a letter V. Cut from the center into two even parts, fold the edges and cut strictly along the line.
After the linoleum has been cut, it must again be left for a day in order for it to take on a natural shape and smooth out.
After that, it is necessary to make a decision on which glue to fix and on what method to follow.
We start to glue:
- Move half the floor covering back.
- Evenly distribute glue on the concrete floor.
- Return the side to its original position.
- Smooth using a special roller to ensure that the air is completely out.
- Do the same with the second part.
Technology: how to lay in the home and what to mount?
This process is generally very time consuming, it is difficult to do it yourself without any help. But proper installation requires a specific order of performance of work and the availability of tools, namely:
- Glue.
- Roller.
- Special knife.
- Ruler.
- Brush for applying glue.
Fully leveling the surface and cutting off all the edges, we fold the extreme part. Apply a certain amount of glue to this area, wait for its partial drying for 10 minutes. After such actions, smooth the surface with a roller. Speaking glue wipe with a rag. If glue got on the front side and on the upper flooring, it will not be wiped off in any way, therefore you need to be as careful as possible.
You can be considered the lucky owner of a small room in which one roll fits. But if the room is large, you should think about how to lay two rolls at once and make the joint invisible. You can cover it in two ways: fasten with a welding machine or special glue, which is sold in two forms: A and C. The first is used only with tape, and the second, respectively, without it, but using the same technology. Also help to cover up the gap between the linoleum and plinths will help putty.
Such a process of sticking linoleum is time consuming, but doable. With the task of mounting this kind you can cope on your own without any help.
But one should not ignore the recommendations, which not only provide the necessary information, but also make it clear that any laying of the coating requires special attention.
Examples and options
On the modern market there is a huge amount of coatings that have a different structure and a diverse design solution. The most popular is, of course, linoleum.
It will fit perfectly into any room, its flooring will not cause difficulties, and the price will pleasantly please every buyer. In addition, manufacturers and their technologies are not standing still, so this material is rapidly transforming and improving, acquiring a new look.
Among the advantages of such coverage - practicality, reasonable price, durability, high environmental friendliness and beautiful design. But in order for linoleum not to stand out from the general design concept of a room, it must be chosen wisely.
Such linoleum will be an excellent addition to any kitchen. It does not stand out, but visibly emphasizes contrasting red furniture, putting it in the foreground. This texture does not irritate the eyes, it smoothly flows into the wall having the same color range.
With the right use and purchase of flooring, any room is endowed with restraint and refinement. Gray color does not distract, but textured contrasting colors will undoubtedly attract the attention of any person who is not indifferent to luxury and feeling style.
Light linoleum goes well with appliances that literally flooded every room. It should also be noted that light shades are best suited for a small apartment. They are able to make not only comfort, but also significantly expand the space.
This option emphasizes status, wealth and luxury. Dark linoleum as if brings notes of seriousness along with genuine grace. It can be used both in the bedroom and in the living room, which, of course, will not be without comfort.
At first glance it may seem that it is marble. But this is a big misconception. Such linoleum, imitating an expensive coating, will not only add status to the bathroom, but also significantly save the budget.
With the help of bright and contrast linoleum, you can create such a unique and colorful interior. The atmosphere reigning in the room, as if takes to the distant magical world of fairy-tale heroes who became loved not only by the child, but also by their parents.In addition, the diagonal plot visually expands the room, making it even larger and more spacious. Here, not only the right texture was chosen, but a complete balance was maintained.
In case you want to expand the kitchen, choose striped linoleum with cross strips. It will add a few square meters of miniature room and give it dynamism.
Learn more about how to lay linoleum on a concrete floor, you will learn from the following video.