Insulated linoleum

Linoleum is one of the most beloved flooring of our fellow citizens. It has a different color, texture. Also, there were samples that have a warmed base. What is this product, let's understand.
Advantages and disadvantages
Insulated linoleum took over all the positive aspects of his fellow, who does not have a layer of insulation.
The material is easy to style. Does not require perfect leveling of the floor and a certain care. It is enough to wash it with a soap solution with a small content of detergent twice a week. Well resists temperature and humidity. Linoleum does not swell and does not deform when moisture gets on it.
It has different colors, including imitating parquet or tile. It can be picked up practically to any stylistic decision of the room. Coverage is quite budget, it can be allowed to put on the floor of their home almost everyone.
As for the features of the warmed linoleum, of course, its main advantage is that it perfectly protects the floor from the cold. Having laid it on the first floor, you can forget about warm socks and slippers. The floor will be warm even if it has a concrete base. This type of coverage gives good cushioning. It perfectly absorbs noise.
But there is a linoleum with insulation and disadvantages. The shelf life of such coverage is limited and is about 10 years.
It is not recommended to use linoleum with natural insulation in bathrooms, as it will accumulate moisture, will not dry out, and will soon collapse.
Insulated linoleum has 5 layers:
- 1 layer - a protective film that prevents abrasion and damage to the product.
- 2 layer - decorative. It is a film with an ornament applied to it.
- 3 layer - polyvinyl chloride.This material is designed to provide noise insulation and provide soft coating.
- 4 layer - fiberglass. It acts as an armature. This layer is responsible for the strength of the product.
- 5 layer - insulation. This is the thickest of the layers. That he is responsible for thermal conductivity. Thanks to him, the floor remains warm.
Then there may be a finishing layer in the form of a film on which the manufacturer's logo is applied. This layer is not used on linoleum, the base of which is made of felt.
Insulated linoleum, whether it is on felt or foamed base, as, in principle, ordinary, has several varieties:
- Domestic. This type, as the name implies, is designed for installation in residential areas where there is not a large crowd of people. This is the cheapest type of linoleum, so its colors are simple, weakly imitating expensive flooring. This product is quite soft, perfect for laying in the bedroom, which is located on the first floor, as well as in a country house.
- Semi-commercial. This type maintains the increased loadings and will be suitable for laying not only in the house, but also office.Often in the workplace is extremely cold floor. And semi-commercial linoleum on insulation - a great solution to this problem, of course, if your office does not have a large influx of people. The colors of this type of coating most often imitate parquet or tile, although you can find models with original fantasy ornaments.
- Commercial Linoleum on the insulation is extremely rare. This is due to the fact that in rooms where laying of this type of coating is required, people usually wear outdoor shoes, so their feet are warm and without a warm layer.
There is a special type of linoleum, which is called homogeneous. This species is a polyvinyl chloride base, in which various dyes interfere. A distinctive feature of this coating is its structure. Even with the wear of such a coating, it has a presentable appearance. This is due to the fact that the product has a color throughout the thickness, so the pattern is not disturbed when abraded. This type of linoleum can also be found on a warmed substrate. It is perfect for equipment audiences at the institute.
Another special type of linoleum is a product that prevents the spread of electrostatic voltage.This type is recommended for laying in rooms where there is a large number of electrical appliances. Its surface is a poor conductor of electric current, therefore it is a kind of insulator. But in its construction it has copper tapes, which are connected to the ground and divert static voltage accumulated by the floor base.
We know that linoleum is a rather slippery coating when wetted. Yes, and socks on it is easy to fall. Therefore, modern manufacturers have developed linoleum with anti-slip effect. This is the perfect cover for the children's room. It will provide maximum protection for children from falling on slippery floors, as well as give the base softness.
Everyone is used to the fact that linoleum is a synthetic material, but modern industry does not stand still, and manufacturers now offer natural insulated linoleum, based on natural resins. This coating can be laid even in the eco-house, it is completely safe for health, hypoallergenic. But the cost of such linoleum is quite high.
Types of insulation
In addition to the top coating, linoleum also differs in insulation that is used to create this product. The following materials are used as a heat insulating base.
This insulation is a natural wool, which is glued to the flooring. This is an eco-friendly, but problematic in the care material. It is susceptible to the formation of fungus and rotting, even though modern manufacturers impregnate it with various protective chemicals. Also, linoleum with a felt base is rather soft, and because of its softness it does not tolerate loads.
It is easy to tear when moving furniture. From heavy items of furniture on it are also traces that do not disappear. When laying linoleum on a felt substrate, you need to take into account the fact that during operation such insulation can shrink up to 10 cm, so before fixing this flooring with baseboards, you should give it a “rest” at least a day. But despite such shortcomings, linoleum on felt is ideal for flooring equipment in the bedroom or nursery, where the increased heat-shielding properties of the product, as well as its softness, are required.
Polystyrene foam
This material is an excellent insulating material. Interferes with penetration of cold into the top layers of a product. Linoleum on the basis of foam is not afraid of moisture. Despite the softness, it copes well with increased loads due to the elasticity of this material.
On this insulation is usually produced natural linoleum. Jute is an eco-friendly material that does an excellent job with the function of a thermal insulator. It does not let out warm air outside, and at the same time protects the floor covering from cooling upon contact, for example, with cold concrete. Linoleum on such a substrate would be an excellent option for lovers of natural materials.
Insulated linoleum is available in several sizes. They depend not only on the manufacturer, but also on the type of substrate. All manufacturers, of whatever type linoleum, set the minimum width of the product 1.5 meters, further increasing it in increments of 50 centimeters.
So, linoleum on foamed base has a width of up to 5 meters. This is very convenient, as it allows laying the floor in rooms of standard layouts of apartments in our country without joints, without using gluing.
The product on the felt will have a maximum width of 3 meters.
Natural linoleum with a jute substrate due to the brittleness of the material is made with a maximum width of only 2.5 meters.
The length of the rolls can reach 60 meters. But the standard range is 15-45 meters. Sheets of natural products reach only 6 meters in length for the same reason that the material is rather fragile.
To choose the size of insulated linoleum for your room, you need to measure the length and width of the room. Since in our apartments the rooms usually have a shape that is far from the regular rectangle, you need to measure all four sides.
We take the maximum indicators of length and width, we add to them 5 centimeters of stock. We obtain the size of the sheet of linoleum, necessary for this room.
Since the width of linoleum is produced a certain and it is not cut off, we select the most suitable size. For a 3x3.9 m room, a 3.05x3.95 m linoleum section is needed. In the store, you should take a product 4 meters wide and 3.05 meters long and place it across the room, then you will have to cut it slightly, thereby saving you money.
Popular brands
The domestic market is represented by insulated linoleum of several brands.The most popular of them are:
This company occupies a leading position among enterprises producing linoleum. The company has been producing various floor coverings since the beginning of the last century. The quality of its products meets all the requirements of sanitary standards, not only in Russia but also in Europe. Among the products you can find samples with a felt base or on a foamed substrate. In addition, all products have an increased class of fire safety, which suggests that the linoleum of this company is resistant to ignition.
Production of this brand is in Belgium. This linoleum is of high quality and original design, which will give your room chic. The insulating layer here is made of felt. This coating will make your floors warm and soft, will give comfort when walking on them barefoot.
This company produces eco-linoleum. Products consist of 97% natural materials. The Marmoleum line of this company has products on a cork base, which not only protects your feet from the cold, but also provides a high level of sound insulation.Also, jute is used as a heat insulator in some rulers.
“Comitex Lin Parma”
This company produces household linoleum economy class. Felt is used here as insulation. A great option for flooring equipment in a temporary dwelling or in a country house, especially the price for such linoleum will be minimal.
Which is better to choose on the cold floor?
The choice of linoleum for floor heating depends on several factors. Decisive here is the budget that you have allocated for the purchase of flooring. Of course, if it is unlimited, it is better to give preference to the natural representative of this product. For a very limited amount, you can buy a household type of insulated linoleum or find in the store the remains of the required size, which are usually made good discounts.
The choice of linoleum on a warmed basis also depends on the purpose of the room in which you purchase this flooring. So, in the bedroom or in the nursery, you can opt for the domestic form of coverage. For the hallway, kitchen and living room it is recommended to purchase semi-commercial linoleum.
Choosing linoleum, it is worth considering the basis on which this product will fit. For a wooden uneven floor fit linoleum on a felt substrate. This is due to the fact that the felt will hide the gaps between the boards and small drops. For a flat concrete floor substrate can be any.
In the bathroom fit linoleum with insulation in the form of foam. Such a floor covering will not be exposed to the appearance of mold and mildew, it will perfectly tolerate changes in temperature and humidity.
Examples and options
Insulated linoleum on the building materials market is represented by a huge range. Here are the most original samples.
The warmed linoleum with a substrate in the form of the foam material imitating a parquet board will perfectly fit into any interior from classics to the present.
Natural linoleum, imitating wooden tiles, will add chic to the classic interior and bring ecology to it.
Bright linoleum is not only suitable for laying in the nursery, but will make the original modern design, for example, in the living room.
What preference for linoleum is described in the video.