Chandelier cleaning

Very often, housewives do regular house cleaning, forgetting about ceiling lights. And after all it is on them that dirt, dust and microbes that a person subsequently breathes accumulate the most.
Washing of chandeliers is one of the most laborious and painstaking work that can be done independently or entrusted to professionals. Most housewives, as a rule, wash the appliance with their own hands, but at the same time make a lot of mistakes, harming the appearance of crystal and other materials.
To avoid adverse effects, it is necessary to study the features and nuances of cleaning various ceiling chandeliers.
Features of the procedure
It is always necessary to turn off the electricity before cleaning the ceiling lights.It is best to cut the power in the switchboard or just unscrew the plugs.
Chandelier cleaning can be of several types:
- Wet using a special detergent or plain water.
- Dry with a soft cloth or sponge. You can also use anti-static wipes or brushes to easily remove dust from the lamp.
- With the removal from the ceiling.
- Without dismantling.
It is worth remembering that you need to wash any chandelier only with rubber gloves, so as not to leave finger marks and new dirt.
Ceiling mounted
To wash the luminaire it is necessary to have on hand special chemicals, a clean cloth, thin gloves to protect your hands and a stepladder.
At the very beginning, regardless of the method of cleaning, it is necessary to remove all the small and medium elements of the decor: pendants, sockets, antennae, candlesticks, flasks, springs, and so on. Suspension should pay special attention and treat them carefully, without harming or scratching them.
If the chandelier can be removed from the ceiling, it is better to clean the bathroom. It is important to clean the glass elements of the appliance very carefully and it is best to lay a rubber mat on the bottom of the bath to protect it.Electrical components also need to be protected with a food or household film and tape. Cartridges, wires, contacts need to be wrapped and secured with adhesive tape so that water could not penetrate into the devices and damage them.
You can wash the ceiling chandelier in any convenient way.: under a shower with a weak pressure of warm water or to water from capacity. In extreme cases, the heavily soiled parts of the appliance can be cleaned in the dishwasher with careful operation.
If the chandelier cannot be removed from the ceiling, then it is necessary to protect the floor and furniture from splashes of water and dirt before the cleaning procedure. To do this, you can lay an oilcloth or any other water-repellent material or attach an inverted umbrella to the lamp.
You can wash the lamp with any suitable cleaning agent. Water is recommended to use only warm (up to 27 degrees) otherwise from a hot liquid, fragile material can darken, and it will be rather difficult to return the original look.
It is important to remember that connecting the device is strictly prohibited before it is completely dry.
How to quickly wash other lamps?
Lamps with various hard-to-reach places, slots, protuberances, joints, square shapes wrapped with steel springs can be gently wiped with a dry cloth, and then processed with a soft old toothbrush and toothpick.
Bronze plafonds are well cleaned with a solution of tooth powder and ammonia, insect stains are excellent vodka.
If there are wood parts in the interior, they should be wiped with a dry cloth only. But porcelain ceiling can be wiped with a wet or dry cloth, depending on the degree of contamination.
Crystal cleaning secrets
Czech crystal chandeliers are a sign of taste and aristocracy. Over time, a chic piece of interior begins to lose luster and its original appearance as a whole.
It is worth remembering that crystal requires more attention and care compared to other lamps. Especially if they consist of a lot of pendants, which are constantly gathering dust and fading, they start to look unpresentable.
In order for the crystal to shine, you only need to clean it regularly with the means that will always be in the house.
It is not necessary to remove the chandelier with pendants to bring them in order. But if you still need to do this, it is best to fold the parts onto a soft thick fabric in one row to reduce the risk of breaking them.
Before cleaning the chandeliers it is necessary to cover the floor and furniture with a cloth or tarpaulin. And also it is necessary to protect all parts of the lamp from the ingress of liquid. You can do this with the help of any polyethylene and adhesive tape.
Then you need to prepare a solution. To do this, dilute two tablespoons of ammonia or vinegar in one liter of warm water and apply liquid to the entire surface of the chandelier using any sprayer. Spray the liquid must be on every detail and only from the top down.
Wipe the chandelier is not necessary. The main thing is to let the crystal dry on its own for two hours, and only then remove the polyethylene from the wires and other electrical components.
It is important to remember that in order to wash the chandelier, you can not use soapy water or aggressive chemical agents, as in further use these drugs contribute to the formation of precipitate on the crystal and the appearance of cracks from the high temperature of the light bulb.
Swarovski crystal chandeliers are the most high-quality and expensive interior items, so care for them must be appropriate. The manufacturer thought about its potential customers and supplied the product with detailed instructions for using and cleaning the surface, which must be strictly followed.
All branded crystal chandeliers in production are treated with a special compound, which further prevents the settling of grease, dirt and dust. Swarovski crystal should be periodically wiped with a dry soft cloth. For example, you can use a thin linen cloth, which does not contain a nap, microfiber, which consists of soft thin fibers, is also ideal. Wash this piece of furniture is prohibited.
How to care?
To care for the ceiling chandelier is completely easy. In order for the interior to please with its grace, brilliance and purity, it is necessary to follow some rules.
It is necessary to regularly wipe the base of the chandelier with a clean cloth. and decorative elements and use special cleaners that not only wash the lamp, but also protect it from dust, grease and dirt.
In the extreme case, if for any reason there are no cleaning products in the house, the solution can be made independently from scrap products. For example, mix one tablespoon of vinegar, half a big spoonful of salt and a liter of warm water. This tool can periodically wipe the ceiling chandelier of any material.
With regular care, it is worth remembering that the use of solid materials can lead to microcracks on the surface of a fragile lamp, and then to tarnish and acquire an unpresentable look. Therefore, cleaning should be carried out gently and only with soft fabrics.
What to wash?
Cleaning agent is always selected depending on the material of the chandelier and its location. For example, on a lamp that is in the kitchen, drops of fat may periodically fall, and therefore it is necessary to purchase a tool that can cope with this type of pollution. And for the lamp in the living room you need only a light cleaner or a soft dry brush.
Now every household store has a large selection of cleaning products for any type of chandelier. They differ mainly in the manufacturer and price.Two types are most widespread today - it is an aerosol and foam.
Aerosol is considered one of the best cleaning products. for ceiling chandeliers. Of the features can be identified easy application and gentle care. Spray does not require dismantling of the interior, as well as rinsing with water after use.
Means "LasSvetas" is an effective and common cleaning agent. After treatment with aerosol, crystal takes on its original appearance, brilliance and elegance. It consists of a water-alcohol surfactant solution, hydrocarbon propylene and various additives.
The method of application is quite simple: the cleaner should be abundantly sprayed on the lamp and let the liquid flow. If, after complete drying, any impurities remain, the procedure can be repeated. Be sure to perform all actions only in gloves and in a well-ventilated area.
Under no circumstances should a spray can be used near open flame, near children and animals. It is also forbidden to disassemble and store it in direct sunlight.
Crystal chandelier cleaning agents in the form of foam are very delicate, but effective. They, as well as the spray do not require rinsing and painstaking cleaning of small decorative elements. It is enough just to put foam on the lamp, let it drain and leave for some time until completely dry.
For safety reasons, it is not recommended to disassemble the foam canister, give it to children and leave it in open fire places. The cleaner is completely safe for the skin of the hands and the interior itself, but it should be handled only with gloves
The composition of most foams for cleaning ceiling lamps include hydrocarbon propylene, water-alcohol solution and other useful additives.
Innovative Russian tool "Unicum Contactless car wash" recently appeared on the market, but has already managed to win a large number of admirers. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that Unicum allows you to instantly clean the lamp, without touching it with your hands.
4D cleaning technology lies in the millions of drops that settle on the surface of the chandelier and dissolve the dirt. They can even get into hard-to-reach places that cannot be reached by ordinary means.
When re-spraying “Unicum Contactless car wash”, the drops merge and flow down, thereby completely cleaning the lamp.
The formula includes additives with increased activity and special surfactants.This tool is completely safe and is suitable for both crystal and glass, plastic, metal.
Reviews of cleaning products
Cleaning products, unlike traditional recipes, allow you to easily and quickly cope with pollution on chandeliers. Experts advise to buy spray liquids, as they significantly simplify the application and cleaning of the ceiling elements of the decor.
Aerosol products remove dust, tobacco deposits and grease better than others. In addition, sprays do not require rinsing. For the brilliance and purity of the chandelier, it is only necessary to spray a large amount of liquid on it and wait until it is completely dry.
The hostesses speak about the funds considered in the article, mostly positively. Many are pleased with the low cost and quality of cleaning aerosols and foams, as well as cost-effective packaging, which lasts for a long time with regular use at home.
On how to wash the chandelier without removing from the ceiling, see the following video.