How to choose a chandelier?

Chandelier is one of the most important elements in the interior of any home or apartment. It plays the role of both the decor in the room and the device for lighting. Choosing the right one among the huge assortment in stores can be very difficult, and this article can help sort it out.
Special features
Chandelier, like any other item for the interior of the house has a number of specific features. Any of its design is a few collected together sources of illumination (fixtures). With the help of various elements of construction, the light begins to diffuse, covering a greater amount of room space.
Chandeliers come in many different types for different room sizes and different types of lighting. They can be placed in any room, be it a bedroom, a living room,children's or kitchen: everywhere they will look appropriate (if, of course, to choose the right design, which is also the most diverse).
As already mentioned, there is a huge number of the most diverse types of chandeliers, their designs, designs, colors. Below we will try to talk about the most common, convenient and functional types of them.
The first type, the most classic, common and simple - is, of course, ceiling. Obviously, this name got its name because of the peculiar fastening and installation on the ceiling. They are usually used for general illumination of the room space.
In addition, with the help of suspended ceiling chandeliers it is possible to illuminate the largest rooms due to the scattering effect. The design of such a device is usually three or more light bulbs with a power of about 300 watts each.
Ceiling lamps, in turn, are also divided into several varieties. These include ordinary chandeliers, recessed, on fluorescent lamps, as well as for high ceilings. For the latter, devices of more impressive dimensions are used than for ordinary rooms, in harmony with the color of the room and suitable in height.
Very original and unusual look is called "ring": he got his name, of course, thanks to the form. This is a modern construction consisting of one, two or three rings in which lighting devices are installed. They are fixed either exactly, one after the other, or are intertwined circles. They can be decorated with various decorative stones and painted in a variety of colors, but mostly it is gold and silver. This type of chandelier will add extraordinary charm to the living room or bedroom and it will look very expensive and luxurious.
Another variety is chandelier on the rod. This is a very stylish and functional design that can fit into absolutely any interior. It differs from the rest with its rigid base, which helps to combine both the charm of the suspended models and functionality at the same time. The advantages of this type - in its stability and strength, as well as in a stylish appearance.
No less common variety - sconce. It is able to provide excellent lighting in the room. This type is suitable for small spaces, for example, a bathroom.
Illuminated halogen chandelier and remote control - a very modern and functional solution. Its two main advantages are the beautiful appearance due to the backlight, and the fact that to turn it on or off you don't even need to get up from the sofa, as there is always a remote control at hand.
They, like all other models, come in a wide variety of shapes and designs - from conservative and simple to the most luxurious.
For those who are very reverent about the environment and believes that all furnishings should certainly be in harmony with each other, there is an excellent solution: decorative chandelier. It is usually decorated with various stones, decorative inlays, pendants are also used for its decor. Its main purpose is to decorate and decorate a room.
Classic floor lamp Also very popular along with the classic standard chandelier. It is most common in the United States of America. Its advantages lie in the broad scope, beautiful design. A floor lamp does not need to be installed, it can be used to easily correct shortcomings in the lighting of space, as well as fill the void in it.
Chandeliers for the second light - These are structures of especially large sizes. From the name it is clear that they are intended for the halls of hotels, theaters and simply very spacious living rooms in a residential building.
Very original, non-standard version - music chandelier. It has a remote control, and in its design it has a built-in MP3 player, which makes it possible to play any desired music from a flash card. Naturally, constantly using the connector for a flash drive will not need anyone, but to put music at a party or brighten up the evening will always be a good decision.
Also, such a gift will appeal to any person engaged in the field of music.
The well-known model is pendant lamp. It will be a wonderful interior decoration, luxurious and stylish, but it is very difficult to care for it, as it is not easy to wash it. But those who test with care nothing, can safely buy this model.
And finally, one of the most creative solutions is called "Cloud". It is most often done by hand with cotton wool, a lampshade and a glue gun. A lot of cotton is glued onto the lamp shade, creating a cloud shape, then the lamp is placed inside (preferably blue).It turns out very original and unique lamp.
As you can see, the types of chandeliers are very, very much, so its choice should not be a big deal.
Color solutions
As with any other kind of decor, for chandeliers you can always find a wide variety of color solutions. It is one of the most important objects in the interior, so a special attention should be paid to the selection of design and color. Below are some tips that will help you not to lose the right choice of device.
The chandelier should be chosen based on the color and style of the interior of the room. So, for the interior in a classic style the best solution would be a traditional neutral lamp in colors such as white, gray, beige. Also such shades as transparent-white, cream, bronze, brown, and also colors of gold and silver, wenge will look good.
As for bright colors and colored lights, they are suitable for those rooms that are decorated in a modern style, as well as for minimalist interiors.
It is also good and appropriate will look colorful suspensions in rooms for children. Red - the color of passion, very sensual, bright, eye-catching.It is suitable for a living room or kitchen in the Baroque style, as well as for designer contemporary interiors. But it is worth remembering that such a prominent decoration will slightly “eclipse” the remaining objects in the room.
Pink, lilac and purple chandeliers best fit into the room of the room for a little princess. It is also a good decision to place them, again, in the kitchen, for pink color can cause appetite. Also, the "appetizing" color is orange. In addition, he is uplifting.
A green chandelier will add luxury and elegance to the room. But it is not combined with all colors of wallpaper and interior items, so be careful with him. The yellow tinge is the least common: all because of its inexpressiveness. But in some cases, it can also look good.
One of the most popular options is blue, turquoise and blue. Perhaps, so often, people give preference to them because of the fact that blue and blue symbolize the sky overhead. These shades are truly versatile: they fit in classic, modern and very conservative interiors.
Orange color is a rather unusual variant, but at the same time it will be an excellent decoration of the room and will cheer up everyone who is in it.
Chandeliers come in various sizes. In the range of furniture stores you can always find a suitable variant for every taste. The size of this item will depend on how well it will look, along with the rest of the room.
In order to choose the right size, you need to know the size of the room itself. Measure them easily. The standard and optimal length of the chandelier is a quarter of the height of the room. This is a moderately long chandelier. Its diameter should preferably be at least half the table. If it is located above the table and it is very long, you can buy two lamps at once.
With the forms of the chandelier, the situation is the same: there is a huge amount of them, and in the assortments of stores there is the right lamp for any type of interior. We will try to note all the most common forms of chandeliers below.
Perhaps we should start with the form of the chandelier, which is considered to be ideal for any room.Such is a lamp with several shades (or horns) that are directed downwards. This design allows not to heat the temperature of the ceiling. Also, such a chandelier can be added and decorated with various decorative elements: these are multi-colored or transparent balls, butterflies or decorations with various colors.
One of the classic options are also rectangular lamps: this form is truly versatile and can fit into any space. But if you want to decorate the interior with the help of a chandelier, you should choose a more interesting solution.
One of these creative solutions can be a pyramid shape. It is suitable for lighting not only houses and apartments, but also theaters, hotels, museums and other buildings of this kind. The lamps in the shape of a pyramid include a chandelier with candles, in the shape of a hemisphere, as well as a horizontal chandelier with a lot of lampshades.
Such jewelry will always look very advantageous and stylish.
Another variety of forms are lamps with reflectors. This element is sometimes necessary.It is a single sheet made of steel (it is either chrome or stainless).
Round chandeliers fit into standard, simple and minimalist rooms (kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms). An elegant chandelier with a lot of decorations and so-called “hangings” will look best in a luxurious, chic and spacious living room or hall.
In order not to get lost with the shape of the chandelier, it is necessary first of all to focus on the interior space of the room, its size and style.
To create lamps, ceilings, all kinds of jewelry and, of course, the lamps themselves use a huge variety of different materials.
First of all, it is worth mentioning the material from which the reinforcement is made. Metal, wood, plastic (or plastic), and glass are made of metal, wood, plastic, and glass frames. Also from these types of materials produce such decorations for chandeliers as crystal, glass, stained glass pendants. Other accessories are also made of glass and crystal, for example, suspensions.
As for accessories and jewelry for this type of product, they are also made from horns (for example, deer; such a chandelier can be made even with your own hands!), From seashells, if you need a lamp for the interior in a marine or captain theme, from beads, leather - for example , ornamental flowers, butterflies or other patterns and so on. Accessories are also wicker.
For the manufacture of such a component as a lamp shade, also used a huge variety of materials. First is chintz - type of cotton fabric, which is evenly colored or has a pattern. It is cheap, but at the same time very practical material with a lifetime of more than one year.
The chintz is often used in creating lampshades due to the fact that it can be applied to a variety of patterns and patterns.
The next fabric is silk. It is made from the excrements of silkworm caterpillars. This is a more expensive fabric that looks very luxurious and elegant. Its main drawback is that it is completely short-lived, although in combination with the light emitted by the lamp, it looks just gorgeous.
A practical yet stylish solution will be satinwhich looks decent and solidly. It has a fairly solid and dense structure, which increases its service life. Another practical option is the atlas. It looks very expensive and stylish, and also perfectly passes through the light, making the room very bright.
Lamp shades are made not only from fabrics. Other materials include plastic and metal. The main advantage and the main advantage of the first one is that it is very easy to care for it. The only thing that can contaminate it is dust, and it is very easy to remove with a cloth. As for the metal, it is ideal for the interiors that are made in the style of antiquity.
Forged materials are also worth mentioning. For different types of metals, there is its own temperature at which this process can be carried out, while maintaining the chemical and physical properties of the material. Forging used not only to create chandeliers. With the help of it are made very beautiful, original and stylish lamps.
Of course, for decorating lamps also paint of the most different colors is used - red, yellow, green,orange and others. One of the most unusual is chrome shade. This name is called bluish-steel color. Also, chromium is also a metal, which is also sometimes used in the creation of this type of product.
Chandelier fittings are another important topic that you need to know more about for the correct and reasonable choice of this type of product. Components of any lamp include such parts as fittings and its parts, bushings, nuts, washers and various tubes, bulbs, cartridges, ceiling lamps, lampshades, transformers, various decorative elements and decorations.
Armature is usually made the whole chandelier. It sets the style of the product, its design, it is often painted in different colors and decorated with accessories. But still sets the style of the product is usually a lampshade. It is usually made of cloth, but sometimes also of metal (as described in detail above).
Often, instead of a lampshade, chandeliers are used in the design of ceiling lamps, and sometimes they are combined in one design (for example, they combine a large main lampshade with small lampshades for smaller bulbs). Ceilings are also created from various materials, for example, from alabaster.And the lampshades and lampshades can be periodically replaced with new ones, which allows either to update the design of the chandelier and the entire interior as a whole, or simply to keep the product in beauty.
Bushings, nuts, washers and tubes are another component of the chandelier, necessary for its proper operation and for maintaining the structure.
Lamps - lighting fixtures for the lamp. They come in all sizes and capacities. Cartridges are devices with which a lamp is attached to a lighting fixture, its components include parts such as the housing, the inner sleeve, the ceramic insert and two brass contacts.
One more component elements are transformers and controllers. A transformer is an apparatus that is capable of raising or, conversely, lowering the voltage of an electrical current in a device. The remaining elements of the product, helping it to function and work correctly, are chains and other electrics and wiring.
An important and functional component is a hook. It is suitable for a mounting option such as hanging. It helps to gently place the product on the ceiling.Hooks come in all different sizes and shapes, and very often they become an excellent decoration and complement the lamp.
The decorative elements intended for lamps include a variety of decorative nozzles, onlays, decorations, accessories, suspensions, beads, and so on. With these elements the chandelier is transformed and becomes even more stylish, beautiful and unique.
Manufacturers Overview
Today in the market for electrical products there are a very large number of various firms and companies engaged in the production of products such as chandeliers. Thanks to this, their stores always have such a large and diverse range.
The best chandeliers, as it should be considered, are made in such European countries as Spain, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic. Today, products from Spain are gaining more and more popularity, all thanks to a creative approach to work and the unique designs of chandeliers from Spanish manufacturers. Spanish firms are also distinguished by a large number of models and their finesse. The most famous company in Spain is Mantra, it is also the highest quality and reliable, the rest, slightly less popular, is B. lux, Leds.
The whole world recognizes Italy as a trendsetter, and this applies not only to fashion in the field of clothing, but also to interior designs. For centuries, Italian glass manufacturers have been famous for their chandelier designs, and modern manufacturers are not far behind their ancestors. In Italy, they produce very unusual products in terms of their design and design, such companies as Axo Light, IDL, Ciulli, Banci, Baga, and Passeri International are engaged in. These Italian companies for the production of chandeliers are famous all over the world, and in Russia and the CIS they are also popular.
About German quality fame goes to the whole world. Products from Germany are very functional, practical and reliable. The Germans produce lamps of a wide variety of models, from the most simple and minimalist to the most elegant and rich. Famous German manufacturers include companies and firms such as Hans Kogl, Fibo, Schmitz-Leuchten and Limburg. Choosing the products of these companies will never go wrong.
The Czechs are engaged in the manufacture of such products for a long time, and until now their products have enjoyed great success both at home and abroad. Basically, in the Czech Republic are engaged in the manufacture of products from crystal, and here are some companies that participate in it: Bydzov, Precios, Elite Bohemie, as well as the most famous and popular of them - Artglass.
Next in line is sunny Turkey, and although its products are not yet so popular on the world market, it is nevertheless worthy of attention due to its quality and practicality. Turkish producers of high-quality chandeliers include Ozcan, Sevins and Seda. All of them create the highest quality chandeliers.
American chandeliers are also worth special attention. The Corbett company creates modern models, interpreting in their own way the classic forms of light bulbs, lampshades and lamp shades.
It is worth mentioning and domestic producers. They are distinguished by their high quality at an affordable price. The leading Russian manufacturers include such companies as Aurora, Toplight, and Northern Light.
How to choose?
Chandelier is an important decoration of any apartment, and therefore the right choice of this piece of furniture is very, very important.
The first stage is the determination of the required structure. They are divided into wall-ceiling, suspended and recessed (used as additional lighting in the room). Naturally, at this stage it is worth starting from the location of the future lamp, and it will prompt the answer.
The number of lamps also plays an important role in the choice, because the final result of illumination of space depends on it.
It is possible to choose one standard lamp of a large size, as well as several small ones located in the construction of connected lampshades. It all depends on the buyer's imagination.
The next stage is the choice of the type of light bulbs. They are divided into LEDs (LED), fluorescent and incandescent lamps. LEDs and fluorescent lamps are modern and functional options, and incandescent lamps are suitable for those who love the classics. Do not forget that when choosing light bulbs should take into account their power.
It is very important not to forget about the materials. There are a great many of them, but they are all unique and have their own individual strengths and weaknesses. The most common materials used in the construction of chandeliers are glass, metal, wood, and chintz, satin, and silk are used to produce fabric lamp shades. It is worth noting that they all differ not only in their composition and properties, but also in price, on which everyone is oriented in the very first place.
Beautiful examples in the interior
There is a huge variety of different ideas for placing a chandelier in the interior. Here are some of them:
- Very beautiful,Textile of dark tones in combination with a crystal chandelier of a red shade will look unusual and original. A desk lamp with a warm glow can complement this composition.
- Special Turkish chandeliers with patterns and closed shades fit into the Turkish-style living room. All this interior can be supplemented with a variety of soft pillows with a similar pattern.
- For a completely white minimalist room, a design with a lot of multi-colored lampshades: orange, red, green will be a great decoration. Any rainbow colors will do, especially if you combine them with the same shade of pillows or, for example, patchwork carpet.
- Replacing the standard chandelier can be a composition of many very small lamps and the same small light bulbs suspended from the ceiling. If these bulbs glow in a pleasant golden color, this decoration can give the living room, kitchen or bedroom an extraordinary charm or remind space.
For how to choose a chandelier for your home, see this video.