German chandeliers

Chandeliers are one of the most spectacular ways to control light in a room. No need to think that they are only suitable for large rooms or living rooms. With the right approach, such lighting devices will fit well into almost any interior, be it a bedroom, hallway or study.
However, to find the right chandelier is often not easy. Interesting models are produced in many countries of Europe and the world as a whole, but stand out, perhaps, are products from Germany, which are able to surprise guests, and maintain a cozy classic atmosphere of the interior.
Special features
The German segment of the lighting market fully reflects the characteristics of the national character. Firstly, in Germany, by tradition, products are produced as carefully as possible. Masters pay attention to both the details and the general concept of a particular format.Such a scrupulous approach to work makes the design of modern German chandeliers very concise.
However, this does not deprive the lamps of sophistication, sophistication and elegance. On the contrary, some minimalism allows eliminating unnecessary (within the framework of a certain design approach) elements. In addition, this production ideology does not interfere with experimenting. Now on sale there are very unusual models from German manufacturers - these are both “spider” chandeliers and spiral products. The classic segment is also presented - luxurious but practical copies. The principle of many German companies is elegance without pathos.
We also add that another advantage is the reliability and durability of products. Some German companies - luminaires manufacturers - began their work as family businesses, where the quality level showed not only the reliability of the brand, but also the strength of the personality, character, personal trust and respect in the relationship of the seller and the buyer.
Among the shortcomings (although this is exclusively a matter of taste) of the products, one can distinguish their excessive formalism, but not exclusively in the negative meaning of the word.The form here does not go to the detriment of the content, but somehow occupies a dominant position in the design. This style is not always suitable for fans of the maximum free form. and radically creative design approaches.
German manufacturers offer a wide range of different product models. The most common commercially available suspended chandeliers are for the Germans classics of the genre. It is in them that the features of the national style of production of lamps are fully manifested. Models can have a different number of horns: three, five, seven, etc. Some specimens look quite luxurious.
Such products are ideal for classical interiors, in some cases for colonial or ethnic styles.
The format of the ceiling chandeliers also conforms to the standards of the Bundes style. In some ways, he is even more consonant with him, since he fully meets the requirements of conciseness. Chandeliers can be, for example, square. In this case, the actual use of various LED elements. It is in square lamps that the German “cult of the form” is best manifested.On products there can be a various mod ornament. In this case, the chandeliers of this segment are infrequently decorated with too catchy drawings. Usually the geometry emphasizes the form.
We add that German enterprises operate in other market segments. So, on sale you can find colorful copies of chandeliers on the rod - again, very correct in composition geometric shapes. Among the fashionable design experiments are various manipulations with the line and the plane, giving interesting non-classical lighting effects. There are also very original models that combine the ideas of natural styles and techno-concept.
We also add that the model ranks of companies are replenished regularly. Among the latest trends is the neo-avant-garde - an attempt to rethink experiments with the shape of the beginning of the last century based on new light control technologies, coupled with the usual German rationality. The latter ensures that the functionality of products with all their originality should not be doubted.
Traditionally, in the manufacture of lighting used a wide range of materials. It all depends on the model, the practice of its use and the degree of decoration.
German chandeliers are made, as a rule, from a whole set of components: glass, metal, wood, crystal and other materials. A feature of some manufacturers, for example, firms Limburg, is increased attention to glass elements. The products use a special opal glass, which is constantly being improved in the laboratories of the company.
Classic German chandeliers include wrought iron, wood and crystal models. There is also pottery. Ceramic chandeliers in the German version are particularly interesting. The fact is that this material allows you to "sculpt" the form. Of course, now this is by no means a manual process, but, nevertheless, he received a new interpretation in the best German tradition. Her emphasis is on utmost accuracy, creating an additional sense of comfort. At the same time, the products do not look like toys, but, on the contrary, are very modern and detailed.
Despite the minimalism and a certain austerity inherent in many German approaches to creating chandeliers, manufacturers often actively use precious and semi-precious metals. Beautiful inlays are not uncommon, but, again, they are designed in the German spirit - everything is modest,but elegant.
However, there are also the most practical models. Germans tend to work for the consumer. Now, "child formats" are in great demand. On sale you can see fixtures made of lightweight materials, such as safe plastic. In such models Prussian rationality is fully revealed.
The lighting devices of these series do not look too simple and do not lose their aesthetic qualities too quickly - they are convenient to wash and they keep their shape for a long time.
Color solutions
Lighting devices from Germany are made of different materials, each of which has its own natural color. In the rulers of the leading brands are white, gray, with red shades, multi-color, black and other products. There are a lot of color solutions, but it is important that they adequately fit into the interior.
One of the main design rules is the following: The color of the chandelier should not be dominant in the interior. Ideally, it should be combined with the second primary color, present in the decoration and furnishing of the room. In addition, the color solution should not disharmonize on the principle of warm / cold color.So, even a very high-quality expensive chandelier made of gold or bronze, will not fit into a modern interior, high-tech style or many other modern styles. Strict minimalism, as a rule, is in harmony with cold textures. However, here you can find a universal solution. For lovers of "pomp" fit lamp made of crystal.
In the “warm” interiors, on the contrary, too concise or “aristocratic” models will fall out of the general style. An exceptionally white color solution will break the harmony of comfort and it will be unpleasant to contrast with the interior items: a bed, sofas and other furniture selected in the format of classic or historical styles.
However, with flowers, especially original models, you can experiment. In addition, much will also depend on the color temperature of the lamps, as well as on the direction of lighting.
Top Brands Review
The production of chandeliers is a profile of many famous German companies. Their products can be either directly purchased at retail outlets in many countries, including Russia, or ordered from the manufacturer. We will tell about the most famous and interesting brands.
Suitable for lovers of sophisticated formats. The company produces including models in the art deco style. Lighting companies will successfully fit into the classic interiors of Baroque or Rococo. Such lamps can be described as light and very aesthetic, but not luxurious, although they are often sold with pendants. Since they are not too "lush", suitable for many interiors, including successfully fit into the space of the bedroom.
The company has more than half a century of history and began its work as a family production. His products are luxurious while maintaining the traditional national rigor. In the brand line of a large number of series and products that are suitable primarily for the premises of significant footage. However, commercially available and sconces. Lamps in such chandeliers often resemble candles, they are styled as lighting fixtures of various eras. Prices for the company's products are high.
Specializes in lighting devices of an average price segment. The company's products, while preserving the traditional German style, often look simplistic, but this gives them additional texture.Chandeliers are usually quite light, of which, if necessary, you can assemble a variety of suspended compositions. The latest trends of the company are art nouveau products.
A review of the German manufacturer Maytoni chandeliers Elina model is presented in the following video.
Hans Kogl
This company with a history has been operating for almost half a century and specializes in wall lights, stylized for various natural compositions. The bends of the products often resemble the stalks of plants and are twined with decorative leaves, or simply made in the form of flowers. By production the company uses a large number of various materials: from a tree to gold.
Specify that the lamps are made in the spirit of the German style, they do not have excessive pretentiousness and they fit perfectly into simple, natural interiors, for example, a bedroom or a living room.
The most high-tech brand. The manufacturer focuses on the use of the latest developments in the field of light control and environmental friendliness of materials used in production. The company itself produces glass and experiments in the formation of its composition. As a rule, it is opal laminated glass.At the same time, the company's products are relatively affordable. Now Limburg is actively entering international markets, distributing products both in the countries of America and in Asia.
The company’s lineup contains very interesting specimens of sconces, chandeliers and floor lamps. Brand ideology is diversity. You can pick up a chandelier for almost any style of interior from classic to modern.
When choosing a product, it is better to rely not only on the business reputation and marketing statements of successful companies, but also on customer reviews. The fact is that even a very good lighting device may not be suitable for a particular interior or room. In this case, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others. So, let's analyze the reviews on products of specific brands and individual models considered in the article.
So, the company chandeliers MW-Light cause generally positive emotions among customers due to the attractive design, as well as ease of assembly and installation and the presence of a large number of components, good packaging. Of the minuses - the high price of individual products. In addition, for example, a model coming out in Russia in the series "Dream" with 8 shades, saddened by the fact that as standard all bulbs are turned on and off at the same time. With a large number of ceiling lamps it is not always convenient. But in general, the chandelier copes with its task with dignity - it provides high-quality and uniform lighting.
We add that in the line of the company there are very original models. For example, children's chandeliers decorated in fabulous motifs. They like the buyers for their safety (ceiling made of soft materials), not the brand and ease of washing.
There are also decorative models, in particular, from the series Rosa. As buyers note, such chandeliers supposedly “bloom” indoors. Products are well-suited not only for the bedroom or living room, but also for example for the kitchen. Owners of goods also note traditional German reliability, which, however, does not cancel fragility. The products of the series are very decorative and require quite careful and attentive handling.
Chandeliers of another brand - MaytoniBuyers like due to price-quality ratio. According to the owners of these products, they managed to save considerably, without compromising their sense of taste.Among the advantages, for example, model series "Elegant" variability has also been noted - the chandelier is easy to use and can be hung at any reasonable height.
According to buyers, this product is a good choice for a small cozy living room, but it is unlikely to be suitable for luxury apartments.
Chandelier received good reviews Maytoni "Eurosize" - Buyers liked it at an affordable price and high-quality design. Among the advantages are also pleasant visual effects: the product has crystal pendants that beautifully glare on the floor and the ceiling.
Beautiful examples in the interior
And finally, we will look at some of the most advantageous options for effective and spectacular interior decoration with German chandeliers:
- The first example is a classic style living room. Suitable for owners of large free space and decorative furniture. A neat German chandelier in this case will create a balance of luxury, balance the aesthetic load of antiques in the living room, and with the right choice of the color temperature of the lamps (cold shades with warm notes) will add to the room a feeling of lightness and lightness.On the walls will look good additional sconces, for example, the company Hans Kogl.
- Create neat, lively and dynamic image of a large bedroom You can also use German fixtures. Products of a skillful and harmonious form will allow to gather a large space together and make the bedroom very comfortable for rest and sleep, as well as with German quality products inherent in it will give the room even and sufficient illumination. In such a bedroom it will be pleasant to read, to do a variety of activities, to have a rest not only at night, but also during the day. In this case, you can use chandeliers with a large number of lamps (depending on the size of the bedroom) - from five to eight.
- Lamps made in Germany and for organizing light space in a small or medium sized bedroom. Here you can safely experiment with the latest fashion design solutions. For example, hang a spiral lamp, a “spider” chandelier or lighting devices consisting of several planes. The German approach to design in this case will not allow to destroy the balance of form, and the minimalism inherent in products from Germany will not create additional emotional stress, so harmful for a good sleep.
However, for a small bedroom, more simple classic models will do. Such economical options will also provide an adequate level of comfort.
- And one more idea - for kitchen. Here, the actual use of German chandeliers of various shapes and models. Especially beautiful will look floral ornaments that can be matched to the walls or decorative ceiling.
German chandeliers, however, are suitable for almost any room. The severity and consistency of style, along with the rich decorative possibilities and courage in the field of experiments with form, will add to the space of the house coziness and conceptuality.