Flat Ceiling Chandeliers

Flat chandelier is significantly different from its pendant analog not only in appearance. Various lamps on the ceiling are in demand due to the fact that they do not take up much space, and are also presented in different variations. To choose the right model, you need at least a little to understand the range and features of flat ceiling lights.
Special features
Flat chandelier - a more rational alternative to a suspended one. It takes up little space, does not require such thorough care as hanging models, is made of practical materials and illuminates the room well. Many of the types of overhead lights can be used not only in residential buildings, but also in offices, shopping centers, schools and hospitals.
Thin models are attached directly to the ceiling in various ways. Due to the large choice of fasteners, you can choose a model for any ceiling covering: for stretch ceilings, plasterboard, rail, beam, Armstrong ceilings, grilyato and many others. There are both built-in panels and overhead. Installation of invoices can be performed even by a non-professional, while installation of an embedded structure requires preliminary planning and careful preparation.
There are both open structures and closed ones. In the open lighting elements are not protected by an additional panel or shades, while the closed models have a large artistic component due to the diverse design of the protective panel.
On the modern market there are many options for both residential buildings and public spaces. You can choose a model for every taste and wallet, from various materials, in a variety of configurations and sizes.
The main classification is the separation of fixtures for structural features. The choice of material and the appearance of the finished product depend on them:
- Raster. It is from these open-type systems that are most often found in public institutions. As the lighting elements they use fluorescent tubular lamps, less often LED. Lamps give bright light due to the presence of a mirror-like reflective surface inside.
- Overhead. The most classic chandeliers of all listed. There are different shapes, sizes and weights. Overhead lights are easy to install compared to other types. Almost all options can be chosen as light bulbs: halogen, fluorescent, ordinary incandescent lamps and many others.
- Inline. The complex installation of such structures is compensated by the fact that they do not take up space at all, merging with the plane of the ceiling. Suitable only for mounted structures (grilyato, stretch, and so on). Due to lack of ventilation, it can cause a fire, so it is strongly recommended to choose LEDs for lighting.
- LED panels. The youngest type of luminaire is similar to raster, but often LED-panels are equipped with a matte plastic or glass shield, recognized to diffuse light.Such a design consumes little electricity and can last up to 50,000 hours of continuous burning, however, its cost remains impressive.
Thus, it is always possible to find a flat chandelier to fit your desires.
Thin ceiling chandeliers do not make wider than 10 cm, and ultrathin LED panels rarely appear above the surface of the ceiling by more than 12 mm. Thus, you can choose the options for the smallest premises.
There are also models of different diameters, both large and small.
Wide models are selected for spacious living rooms with low ceilings, and there are also quite small ones suitable for rooms of 2x3 m.
Flat ceiling chandeliers are available in only two configurations: round and square. Round models are more common, as they are perfect for both classic and modern interiors. The well-known "pill" just refers to the section of universal models.
Square chandeliers came into vogue not so long ago, but firmly occupied their positions. They are used only in modern styles, such as high-lek, modern and the like. Because of such a hard limit, it is often impossible to prefer this option. Many designers use the shape of a square as a substrate for a decorative chandelier flap, thus giving different models completely different forms than the round and square ones, for example, diamond-shaped or imitating flower petals.
When choosing a form you need to focus not only on the style of the room, but also on its size. Round chandeliers, being versatile, are available in different diameters, while an oversized square panel will look ridiculous. The best option in this case would be the placement of several square ceiling lights, which look like a single composition.
Round wide models are installed one by one and are not “friendly” with the other elements, so you have to immediately choose a model of sufficient power and lighting area.
The most common materials for the manufacture of flat chandeliers are the following:
- Metal. The body of the lamp is often made of chrome-plated aluminum, which has good reflective abilities. The mirror surface repeatedly reflects light, as a result of which the room is better illuminated.
- Glass.Most shields for overhead models are made of glass. Designer models can be made from an interesting stained-glass version of different colors, lined with mosaics in various fancy shapes. Substrates are made of the mirror material to reflect and enhance the light.
- Plastic. Plastic cases are the cheapest. Most often, these elements are used together with LED light sources, since the plastic melts when heated. It is imperative that you ask for a certificate of conformity upon purchase: low-quality models can evaporate formaldehyde, which will cause irreparable harm to health.
- Tree. Flat options on a wooden base are heavy and expensive, however, they look accordingly. Wood fits most interiors, looks eco-friendly and a little solemn.
- Crystal, ceramics, gypsum and other. These materials are used extremely rarely and as a finish, as they do not act as basic materials.
The choice in favor of a material is made depending on the room. For example, wooden chandeliers can not be hung in the bathroom or kitchen because of the high humidity in the first case and the temperature drops in the second.
In the bathroom, the tree will start to rot, and in the kitchen it will crack.
Speaking of flat ceiling chandeliers, usually do not mean bright colorful models, except for the choice for children. First of all, they talk about the temperature of the light flux. The temperature of the light varies from muted yellow to cool white. Thus, a value of 2,700 K indicates yellow soft light, and at 8,000 K, white-violet.
Glass bulbs can be painted in different shades, With which you can get light atypical color, for example, red, blue, green. Often this trick is done with lights on the remote control. Such a lamp is equipped with several colored LEDs, which are switched on with the help of a remote control.
The shade of the body of the chandelier is usually white, matched to the color of the ceiling, or warm white and yellow, if you plan to create a cozy atmosphere. Light colors help to visually increase the height of the ceiling, expanding the space.
Less often color models meet. The following colors are popular:
- Violet;
- The black;
- Gray;
- Gold;
- Silver.
In the case of gray and black, it is only a matter of color, not a solid case. Chandeliers are colored purple with the help of diode light.
The most common multi-colored flat ceiling chandeliers in the nursery. They are completely safe for the child, as they have no wires outside. For children there are the following colors and patterns:
- Square with a kite pattern;
- Flat round "tablet" with owls;
- Flat round with a shield in the form of the month and stars;
- Laid on round model with drawings, clouds.
Children's chandeliers can be multi-colored, but they still usually leave white as the background for the drawings, since it is distinguished by the highest light transmittance.
Where fit?
Flat ceiling chandelier can be matched to any interior. Its great advantage is that it is suitable for rooms with low ceilings, since it takes up almost no space.
For residential areas, such as living room, bedroom, nursery, you should choose a decorative option. Depending on the style, the chandelier can be square or round. Be sure to have a variety of decorative details: patterns, inserts, crystal pendants.
Do not forget that flat chandeliers can be mounted on fragile ceiling coveringshowever, it is necessary to take care of the mounting even before mounting the ceiling, having strengthened it under the chandelier with the help of a wooden beam. Luminaires are usually attached with an iron panel that is screwed to the ceiling, and the chandelier's body is attached directly to this panel. Such designs are usually quite heavy, but also the most reliable.
For non-residential premises, it is best to choose built-in lights or LED panels. They are distinguished by maximum light output, but at the same time they do not perform unnecessary decorative functions, which in non-residential premises often turn to nothing. Having picked up the ultrathin variant, it will turn out to visually increase the area of the small utility room; the presence of a decorative finish would only hurt.
As in the case of overhead chandeliers, the installation of embedded need to plan in advance. Pay attention to the limitations. For example, for suspended ceilings only circular built-in luminaires with a diameter of not more than 15 cm can be mounted.
Consult with a professional if it is possible to make your lighting idea a reality.
How to choose?
When choosing the right options, be sure to pay attention to the country of origin. For example, cheap Chinese samples will not last you a year, while European LED panels will serve faithfully for a long time.
Pay attention to the lighting sources that can be mounted in the chandelier. It is advisable to choose models in which it is possible to integrate several types of lighting elements, for example, halogen, LED and energy-saving light bulbs. Such a spread will allow you to quickly select the most affordable option.
A flat luminaire should create an adequate level of illumination. This is especially true for low rooms in which such a lighting fixture often acts as the only source of light. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly calculate the need for luminaires, whether one LED panel is enough.
Pay attention to the color of the lighting. Cold light is more relevant for office space, as it looks official, stimulates performance. Soft warm light is most often chosen for ordinary apartments, as it creates a cozy and relaxed atmosphere.Be sure to ask to turn on the chandelier right in the store, so you can see for yourself all the colors and the temperature of the lighting and decide whether they are appealing to you.
Be sure to pay attention to the reviews of a particular vending model.
It so happens that, in fact, its purchase is not a good investment. Check and availability of all safety certificates, especially when choosing a lamp in the living room. Low-quality model can emit caustic substances that will greatly harm your health.
How to install?
The installation of each type of chandelier on the ceiling is determined by its structural features, so it is recommended to carefully read the instructions. As a rule, there is all the necessary information about how to mount the lamp yourself.
The fastening of the built-in model is best left to professionals. They will do the job efficiently, quickly and at a reasonable price.
The easiest way to install is to fix the chandelier with an iron panel. In this case, the panel is simply screwed to the ceiling with screws, then wires from the ceiling are passed through the hole in the center and connected to the wires in the chandelier, the chandelier's body is screwed to the bar.
As you can see, installation is extremely simple and does not take much time even for a beginner. All its features can be viewed in the next video.
Options in the interior
In the style rooms high tech Often use round LED models of a large area, as they look more appropriate in this style than all the others. Such a chandelier will well illuminate the entire area of the small living room. Neutral white light will keep a touch of surrealism, not allowing the living room to become too comfortable - this is extremely important for high-tech.
For style modern It is customary to choose fantasy unusual elements. In this case, the composition of the round lamps looks the best possible. They do not provide enough light, so that point lights are additionally used on the ceiling to guarantee the required level of light.
Modest tablet fixture perfectly complements industrial style and an insufficient level of illumination is compensated for by point LEDs and a hinged lamp of narrowly directed light. Such a selection of lighting elements allows you to save space in a small room and at the same time make the height of the ceilings more visually.
For living rooms, models with a variety of decorative elements, such as crystal pendants, are often chosen. However, they should be used carefully and only when the ceiling height allows. The mirror substrate helps to disperse the light, correctly directing the entire flow directly into the room.
Installing several built-in ceiling panels is an excellent option for a corridor, which allows you to light it fully and at the same time not to “eat” an already limited space. Halogen bulbs were chosen as lighting sources, giving an even light, but cheaper than LEDs.