Chandeliers with fan

When it becomes unbearably hot in the street and, consequently, at home, I want to feel the breath of the breeze. However, not everyone has the opportunity to install air conditioning to his apartment. Here chandeliers with fans will come to the rescue. Consider the main features and benefits of such products.
Special features
Many modern users have already appreciated the advantages of modern chandeliers with fans, among which the following characteristics stand out:
- Functionality This is one of the first reasons why buyers prefer to opt for such products. Based on the name of such an object, it becomes clear that the chandelier allows not only to effectively illuminate the room, but also acts as a fan. It should be noted that these two options can function both together and separately.Everything will depend on the mode you choose.
- Airflow distribution. Located directly under the ceiling, this chandelier allows air to circulate efficiently. So you can automatically cool or warm the room.
- Simplicity and ease of operation. Chandelier with fan is convenient to use. It is installed as a standard fixture. Compared with air conditioning, models do not require constant care.
- A wide range of goods. Modern manufacturers offer to the buyers a variety of options that will appeal even to fastidious users. Just choose the stylish model that fits perfectly into the interior of your apartment.
- Stylish models. Such a chandelier will help to organically complement your room, it will become its highlight. Picking up a creative option for your home, you can pleasantly surprise loved ones.
- Saving. A chandelier with a fan consumes less energy than ordinary bulbs. Also saves such a unit and space. Such a product will successfully fit even into the smallest room and it will look great there.
- Chandelier fan suitable for use not only in enclosed spaces. You can install such a device on the veranda, in the gazebos, where you do not install air conditioning.
- Security. When buying, every prudent owner cares about the safety of his family. Since the product is located under the ceiling, it will not be able to harm the household. Also, such a product eliminates the appearance of drafts. Cooling of the room is achieved with the help of constant air movement.
- The advantages of the product include the possibility of installing it yourself. The scheme is quite simple, unlike the installation of split-systems.
- Comfort and ease of management. Many of these chandeliers are equipped with control panels. You can remotely control the operation of the product.
- Comfortable microclimate created in the room with the use of similar products. This is especially felt in the summer.
- Great mood. Practical, stylish and functional product will cause you aesthetic pleasure. This will set you and your household for success.
In addition to the many advantages, it is impossible not to highlight some of the drawbacks that are inherent in different models:
- If you choose a wrong model, the chandelier may not work effectively. For example, for apartments that have an impressive area, it is better to purchase chandeliers with the appropriate power and parameters. Otherwise, you can simply not come to the desired result.
- The structure of each model includes moving parts, so the chandelier must be fixed to the ceiling with a hard suspension.
- Products of lower cost can be made without complying with the required proportions. When rotating parts are bulky for an electric motor, the latter may not withstand the load. So the product will quickly fail.
Before you go to the store and buy a chandelier with a fan, you should understand what types of this product exist.
By the way of using the model can be divided into:
- Universal. Usually such products are used in living rooms and in industrial premises.
- Household. Their scope includes only small rooms.
- Street. They are installed on the verandas, open areas.
Regarding the material of the fan blades, the models are divided into the following types:
- Glass;
- Plastic;
- Metallic;
- Wood.
Depending on the method of mounting such a chandelier can be:
- Ceiling. This model is attached directly to the ceiling. At the same time the assembly level which is closely adjacent to it is applied.
- Suspension option implies a suspension. With it, and mounted chandelier.
Used for such devices light bulbs of any type. It can be halogen options, incandescent bulbs, energy saving, LED.
Based on the rotation of the blades of the model can be divided into the following groups:
- Turn clockwise;
- Round trip.
Usually on hot days counterclockwise rotation is used. So the air flow goes down, blowing all the room. Air flow becomes more efficient. In winter, rotation is used in which air flows upward. At the same time, the colder air rises, displacing and dissipating the warm from the ceiling along the walls and down the apartment. So the air temperature becomes comfortable.
You can also subdivide the products according to the method of control. These can be standard manual versions or modern products with a control panel. Their advantages include ease of use.
You can regulate the work of the product from anywhere in the apartment. Choose those products that will suit you the most.
How to choose?
It is no secret that choosing any product is a responsible approach to purchase. Do not go to the store is not prepared. Try to explore all models of these chandeliers, as well as their technical characteristics, pros and cons. It is also better to consider the style and dimensions of the desired chandelier. So you will save your time when choosing a product.
In the store, do not rush. Worth seeing all the models. Be sure to first evaluate the exterior style of the product. See that there are no dents, chips and cracks. Check the performance of the chandelier. Be sure to learn what materials the product consists of.
Also remember that products that are too cheap may be of poor quality. Therefore, do not be afraid to spend money on practical and durable options.
An important aspect is the diameter of the blades. The blowing space will depend on this parameter. If the height of your ceilings is no more than three meters, then it is better to choose a lighting device, the diameter of the blades of which is two and a half times smaller than the blowing area.You should also look at the shade of structural elements. The fan may have a different number of blades. The most optimal is three to six elements.
Also select the chandelier in accordance with the required level of lighting. Note how many lamps are in the item, their types and parameters. The location of the ceiling lamps, the dimensions of the chandelier, and the method of controlling the device will also play an important role.
Also, the choice of the fan chandelier will depend on the style concept of the dwelling, as well as on which room you want to define the product. It is worth noting that the models will look great in the hall, in the bedroom, and in the children's room. They will provide an optimal microclimate, allowing air to circulate well.
Models worth buying, based on the style of your room. Choose the appropriate color, materials, details. Then you can create an organic concept for your interior.
Manufacturers Overview
Today, many modern firms offer to buy stylish chandeliers with fans. Among the more well-known enterprises can be identified such as Faro, Globo, Rolling Star and others. The cost of their products varies from 6 to 40 thousand rubles.One of the most expensive products is Vento. Designer chandeliers have the most creative configuration, coupled with high quality.
It is worth noting that the price of the product consists of the number of speeds of movement of the blades, the method of control. For example, the options with the remote will cost more.
Many buyers pay attention to the pricing policy of the company. Everyone wants to buy more budget options in combination with quality features. The most optimal in this case are the models of the average price range. These companies include Nordik Decor White, Nordik Decor Wood, HTD and others. A wide selection of options will allow you to choose the right chandelier.
One of the popular options is the Antic Star model. It is made under the old days. Its body is covered with gold, which is specially aged. You can also pick up products in other styles.
Among the many reviews can be identified those that say about the high quality of the goods. This also applies to the brands covered in the article. In this case, the pricing policy of products may be completely different. Remember that cheap chandeliers can be poor quality.Therefore, it is better to spend money once and get a practical model.
A positive point is the wide range of goods. You can choose a great option for a nursery or for the kitchen. The product will help to normalize the microclimate in the room, optimally distributing the air flow.
Stylish examples in the interior
Today there are many different types of chandeliers with fans. You should only choose the appropriate option for your home. At the same time, it is possible to locate a fashion model not only in an enclosed space. Actual today are the options for the terrace. Decorate your arbor, placing there a stylish chandelier.
If you have a small room, it is better to purchase a compact model. It should be located as close as possible to the ceiling. Remember, the more functional the lamp, the more expensive it will cost.
Properly selected chandelier will help not only illuminate the house, but also distribute air masses, as well as charge you with positive emotions. Choose high-quality devices, then they will serve you for a long time.
How to install a chandelier with a fan, you will learn from the following video.