LED chandeliers with remote control

Modern chandeliers are more like a sophisticated electronic device than a familiar lamp. Appearance may not be much different from the usual devices. But to replace the traditional incandescent bulbs have come long economical LED.
LED chandeliers with remote control are very comfortable and beautiful, and therefore confidently gaining popularity. Using the remote you can adjust the degree of illumination from any corner of the room. But not every model will fit exactly in your apartment. In the article we will figure out what to look for when choosing a modern chandelier, what functionality it should have, and consider the popular models.
Special features
The receiver is built into the chandelier design, which receives signals sent via a transmitter located in the console. These commands control the light. And for this it is not necessary to direct the console directly to the chandelier. You can even control the light from the next room.
Also inside the modern chandelier with a remote control is a transformer that is responsible for the operation of LEDs. Its task is to lower the mains voltage and extend the service life of the diodes. The base of the structure fits tightly to the ceiling and hides all internal elements and wires.
The main advantage of LEDs from ordinary light bulbs becomes noticeable when you first turn on the light. The brightness of the diodes is much higher than the glow of conventional lamps.
In addition, a chandelier with LEDs allows you to save electricity and, accordingly, to pay smaller bills. And such devices can be used for basic, decorative, accent or local lighting.
LED lamp is safe for human, and unlike fluorescent does not contain harmful mercury vapors.In addition, the chandelier with diodes does not heat up during operation and therefore can be used in rooms where there are stretch ceilings and similar coatings that are afraid of high temperatures. LEDs can even be directed to the surface of the web.
Each home chandelier is unique, has several modes of operation, lighting, the ability to adjust the brightness, several shades to change color, light music, etc. The console has several buttons, each of which is responsible for a specific operating mode.
Some models of ceiling LED chandeliers have a timer with which you can adjust the settings for turning on and off the light. Such a device is suitable for families with children when the child is sleeping in a separate room and is afraid to fall asleep without light.
The process of mounting an LED chandelier with a remote control is not much different from installing an ordinary chandelier. As a rule, the central part of the room is chosen to accommodate the ceiling chandelier. All models of chandeliers are divided into two types: built-in and overhead. Lamps are mounted on a special hook or with dowels.
Embedded models have a bezel that must be installed in the ceiling surface. For this, a special hole is made.Thus, the surface of the lamp is flush with the ceiling. But often these chandeliers are mounted in the usual way, because the extra rim 2 centimeters high is not out of the general picture.
Despite the high cost compared with incandescent bulbs, the diode chandelier has a more attractive appearance. Therefore, when choosing a lighting system for an apartment, home or office, decide what is more important to you: design, price or economy.
LED chandeliers can be different, but basically, all models differ only in external data and additional functions.
Before buying a chandelier you need to pay attention to some nuances:
- The size of the ceiling chandelier is very important. Before buying you need to be sure that this model will be appropriate in this room. A large chandelier in a small living room will be absolutely out of place.
- Ceiling chandelier for suspended ceilings can act as a main source of light or can be supplemented with spotlights. This combination looks appropriate, but not with all models. If you plan to organize lighting with several types of lamps, choose a non-bulky chandelier without long elements.
- The purpose of the room is also an important point, for example, the musical chandelier will be out of place in the hallway.
- Modern backlit models can work without a main light. The lights can turn on and off the color effects of different shades: blue, yellow, green, red, purple, etc. The color-changing chandelier creates a festive mood and can be completed with a column and a USB flash drive with your favorite compositions for musical accompaniment. Depending on your wishes, you can change the lighting in the room, smoothly alternate colors or achieve a good combination of light accompaniment and music. With light music, the lighting and intensity in the room will vary depending on the tune.
- Modern lighting fixtures already have a dimmer built in. This functionality allows you to adjust the brightness of the light - mute or illuminate the room as much as possible. Lamps with a built-in dimmer - this is a great choice for a bedroom or children's room.
- The most common LED-systems have from 2 to 4 modes of operation: small lighting (at the same time half of different light bulbs work in two versions), turning on all light bulbs and switching off.
- You can control any chandelier with the help of a conventional switch. It is better to immediately take care of connecting the two-key product. And it is important to remember that it is possible to control with the help of the remote control only when the switch is in the on mode.
Popular forms
Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of LED chandeliers for a variety of interior styles: from high-tech to classic. And each of them can become a decoration of the room.
A crystal chandelier with beautiful details is like a genuine work of art. Such models may resemble a cake - a chic design, neat details, lots of glass pendants and beautiful color play. Some models can be decorated with burning candles or bulk meringue. Diameter can be up to 60 cm.
Chandelier "Saturn" has a simple and concise design, this model with frosted glass will perfectly fit into the interior in the style of minimalism, hi-tech or eco. Such a device does not have great functionality, but it is possible to change the standard colors in the mood. The design does not have the function of light music, but such a chandelier can be connected independently and, importantly, it has a more affordable price.
Chandelier "Starry sky" performs two functions at once: the main lighting and decorative design. This is the personification of endless space in one room. The twinkling of stars on the ceiling captivates and attracts the eye. Definitely, a room with a part of the universe will become the most favorite place in the whole house. Manufacturers offer Star Sky chandeliers in three sizes: 98 cm, 142 cm and 187 cm. All models are guaranteed for 2 years.
Rectangular lamps and chandeliers in the form of "tablets" are often used in the design of Art Nouveau. Such models do not take space and are great for rooms with small ceilings.
Color solutions
Each model of the chandelier can be made in different colors. For the living room or dining room is perfect scattered moonlight. And for the bedroom - the soothing light of a hot candle. In the office and in the kitchen is best to use LEDs with white cold light.
The color of the body of the chandelier is also important. It can be a harmonious shade with a ceiling covering or a contrasting color. Dark and brown look mysterious and elegant. And light and white - easily and concisely.
LED light bulbs allow you to play with color and spectrum. In addition, each chandelier has its own set of modes. This can be a smooth change of colors or setting a certain shade to create the necessary decor.
Choosing a color palette:
- Soft tones of yellow or clear are great for home lighting. Such light helps to relax quickly and does not tire the eyes.
- White daylight helps to tune in to work and serves as a kind of stimulant.
- Red color accelerates the heartbeat and increases blood pressure.
- Green color helps with creative or hard work.
- Blue color helps you to quickly relax and is well suited for a bedroom or children's room.
- Sunny orange color is best for the kitchen, which increases the appetite and improves mood.
Multi-colored chandeliers allowed to transform the interior of a familiar room. And they will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of comfort and luxury. Although as such, this function does not carry any benefits, but it is very interesting to use it. With the onset of the evening a colored chandelier will help to change the atmosphere and mood.
Manufacturers Rating
When choosing any device, it is necessary to pay attention primarily to the brand and the country of the manufacturer. Most LED lights are made in China and Germany.
Chinese chandeliers - this is not a synonym for low-quality cheap lamps. Often in the Middle Kingdom produced goods of European and American brands. Such devices are of excellent quality and do not differ from Western and Japanese manufacturers.
Each model must have:
- Quality certificate - if the seller cannot provide this document, most likely you are offered to buy a fake.
- Warranty period - the more the manufacturer is confident in the quality of their products, the greater the guarantee.
- Durable and whole package.
- The name of the manufacturer and supplier on the packaging, as well as contact details of the service center.
Modern chandeliers with a remote control is not in every apartment. Nevertheless, many have already managed to appreciate the know-how of the light industry. Many buyers appreciated the Starry sky lighting system, which has a modern and stylish appearance and leaves only positive comments: reliability of the luminaire design, simple installation, long life of the diodes and indescribable beauty of twinkling stars.The light level can be adjusted and changed depending on the mood. At the same time, you can turn off the main light and admire the flying stars. According to commentators, it is much easier to relax and unwind in such an environment.
About models of chandeliers in the form of a cake, some users leave ambiguous comments. The advantages include a beautiful and unusual shape, functionality and the ability to use in a small room with low ceilings. But the disadvantages include bright color lighting, which tired of the eyes, and a large number of small decorative elements that require special care.
The Saturn models and classical in the form of a plate are easily installed and do not take away a lot of time for installation.
As you can see from the reviews, it is possible that the owner of the LED chandelier will have to face the repair of the device. And buyers complain about the failure of several LEDs, because replacing several light bulbs can be very expensive.
Also negative reviews relate to the malfunction of some components in the design of the chandelier. For example, most often it is necessary to replace the receiver or the console itself.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of LED chandeliers with remote control:
- The main and main advantage of the chandelier with remote control is convenience. No need to get up from the sofa or bed to turn off the light or adjust the brightness. You can turn on all the lights or only a part, without looking up from watching a movie. You can also make the lighting more subdued. Everything can be done with one finger.
- Chandeliers with diodes also differ in speed and noiselessness. The change of shade occurs as quickly as the moment of switching on. Lack of pulsation helps to cope with eye fatigue.
- For continuous operation, it is only necessary to periodically change the batteries in the remote control, as a rule, these are two little pinky batteries.
- Savings - firstly, the ability to control the light level allows you to consume less electricity, and secondly, for the operation of the LEDs requires little power consumption.
- Significantly longer service life. Such models will last for 50 thousand hours, which is about 10 years. And while the voltage drops are not terrible LEDs.
- You can control the chandelier with the remote control at a distance of 30-100 meters, depending on the model.In this case, the wall is not an obstacle to the passage of a signal.
- The main disadvantage of modern LED chandeliers with remote control is the price. The cost of such advanced models with more functionality is much higher than the usual chandeliers. But any model will pay off within 4 years.
- Added to the total cost of the device is also the price of light bulbs. Buying and replacing diodes is a considerable expense item.
- LED bulbs are afraid of moisture, so chandeliers with diodes are not recommended for use in the bathroom.
- Another important minus is that there is always a chance of losing or breaking the console.
How to turn on?
The main thing to pay attention to is the type of wiring. Modern LED chandeliers with remote control is better to connect to the three-wire. But if two-core wires are used in the apartment, it is also possible to install the device.
The wiring diagram is quite simple and is indicated on the body of the internal elements of the chandelier. An experienced electrician will not be difficult to install the chandelier. The entire system is located at the base of the luminaire and it only needs to be connected to a switch. The design is mounted with four brackets.The radio control unit or the controller and the electronic transformer remain in the interior of the chandelier and are carefully attached to each other.
Pre-connected to the controller all the lights. During wiring, all wires must be insulated. After installing the luminaire, the correctness of the connection of all contacts is checked and the voltage is turned on. The main thing - to remember that the chandelier can not be located at the junction of the stretched canvas ceiling.
The power of the lamps is determined by the purpose of the room. For the living room, for example, the required level should not be lower than 200 L. For a kitchen of the same capacity will be enough, but it will be necessary to arrange additional lighting for work areas. For comfortable lighting of a bedroom or a nursery, there is enough lighting at 150 L.
Some models have a built-in Wi-Fi unit that allows you to turn on the chandelier via a phone or other modern gadget. To control from Android or another system, you need to download a special program.
Beautiful examples in the interior
LEDs began to be used for ceiling lighting relatively recently, so not all had time to appreciate these devices.LED chandeliers are the most economical and modern.
The most unusual lamp is, of course, the “Starry sky”. It will perfectly fit into any room: living room, bedroom, nursery, office or even a hallway. Such a chandelier will surely appeal to children of all ages. In addition, "Starry Sky" can be used in the design of cafes, restaurants, spa and commercial premises.
For the living room, bedroom or children's room are suitable lamps with frosted glass. Diffusing the light throughout the room, they create a relaxing and cozy atmosphere.
In the office, classroom or studio, you can use LED chandeliers of simple shapes. White light will help you quickly tune into a working mood, and the ability to adjust the brightness of the light will allow you to adjust the lighting and not strain your eyes.
Unusual shaped chandelier fits perfectly into the interior in modern style. But when buying such a model, it is important to remember that such products require thorough time-consuming cleaning. A chandelier with many beads that imitate rain is suitable for a living room in Parisian style.
A beautiful chandelier can also be an element of luxury.
In this video you will find an overview of the LED lamp with remote control Estares Saturn 60w.