Chandeliers in oriental style

The East is a surprisingly harmonious combination of minimalism and unprecedented luxury. Each eastern country has its own characteristics and style. All this is emphasized by the refined chandeliers in the oriental style.
Main directions
For a start it is worth clarifying that there are several main areas in which eastern chandeliers are created. These are Arabic, Japanese, Moroccan and Asian. But there are others who deserve the attention of connoisseurs of oriental beauty. Each of these areas is significantly different from the others and only emphasizes the uniqueness of each culture. Let's look at the design features and the materials from which they are made.
Japanese-style chandeliers are a triumph of minimalism. They are very concise, with strict forms and standard colors.As a rule, such lamps have a fairly clear form - these are either rectangles or squares. The color scheme is mainly classical - a combination of white and black, brown with beige or white with red. One lamp rarely combines more than three shades.
Japanese-style lamps are close to nature. They are most often created from natural materials. These lamps give a soft subdued light. Japanese-style lamps associate with the moon, which is why they should not be too bright. Ceiling and table chandeliers of this type reflect the philosophy of the country, and not just used in the interior for its decoration.
This style also features maximum simplicity. Lamps fully reflect the local philosophy. They embody vibrant life energy with natural simplicity. Lamps in the Chinese style often adorn simple patterns. Most often these are simple hieroglyphs, images of dragons or of some branches or flowers that are found in nature.
Chinese lamps also have fairly simple forms. But most often these are balls made of natural materials.At the heart of these Oriental lamps most often natural and environmentally friendly materials. Suspended chandeliers made from rice paper or thin flowered silk. Tableware and floor lamps can be made of porcelain. Also commonly used is frosted glass, which makes the light muffled and soft.
However, here the important role is played not so much by external attributes and luxury, but by the meaning that this work of art carries with it.
This style is the complete opposite of the previous two. Arab lamps are always richly decorated. They are decorated with details made of crystal and precious stones or metals, stylized for them. The surface of the lamp can be decorated with various curls and forged items. As for the shape, Arabic-style lamps, as a rule, have the appearance of the dome of the palace towers.
Luxurious lamps are made from high-quality and expensive materials. That is what makes them so luxurious. Of metals, manufacturers prefer copper, silver, bronze and gilding.
The base is often complemented by glass or crystal. Crystal make refined pendants.Glass can be frosted or colored. Also there are options with stained mosaic glass. The surface of the product can also be decorated with crystals.
Chandeliers made in Moroccan style are also luxurious. These lamps are more fragile. Murano glass is most often used for their manufacture. Complements its copper, brass or bronze. Mosaic inserts, decor in the form of colored glass and forged elements make such lamps the perfect complement to any rich interior.
Moroccan-style rooms, as a rule, complement only one main source of light - this is a simple ceiling chandelier, made in the form of an elegant hexagon. Most often, these chandeliers are made by hand, paying a lot of attention to all the details.
This style is characterized by the presence of long pendants that adorn the chandeliers in huge quantities. The size of these chandeliers is small, and the colors are mostly pastel. Moorish chandeliers are often decorated with an elegant ornament that runs around the perimeter of the lamp.
In Egyptian culture, lamps always symbolized the sun. Therefore, they had a round shape.But unlike the Chinese lamps associated with the moon, these give a lot of bright light. They are decorated with a symmetrical ornament, and the color scheme, as a rule, reminds of the sun. Often lamps in Egyptian style adorn the crystal.
Use in the interior
As you can see, Oriental-style lamps are very different. The chandelier you chose should match the overall style of the room. Let's look at the basic principles of creating an interior in oriental style and choosing a suitable lamp that can be used in the design of almost any room.
For Japanese style, the most important thing is minimalism, simplicity and convenience. Everything should be as simple and functional as possible. The luminaires complement an economical, energy-saving lamp. The maximum that connoisseurs of Japanese culture can afford is one bright source of light that is turned on for special occasions.
The chandelier plays an important role here, emphasizing respect for the culture. The best option is a beautiful lamp made of rice paper or frosted glass, decorated with hieroglyphs or images of some important historical moments in the fate of the country.Additional lamps in this interior should not be much.
Many luxurious details are used in the Arabian interior. Therefore, it is very important that everything is thought out to the smallest detail. All parts of the interior should be combined with each other, whether it is painted on carpets, patterns on the chandelier or embroidery on bedspreads. Only in this case, the modern room in the Arabic style will be thoughtful and stylish.
If you want to create a truly stylish interior, do not strive to fill the space with cheap fakes. It still will not look as luxurious as you would like.
A bedroom decorated in Egyptian style is another ideal option for lovers of ostentatious luxury. Here you can choose a luxurious four-poster bed, decorate it with pillows and make a central accent in the room with the help of a chandelier. She will attract the attention of a spectacular appearance and illuminate the room.
For this style it is worth choosing sunny colors, gold details. Chandeliers are the same magnificent products decorated with gold and monograms. Best of all, such a product looks great in a bedroom or living room.
Very unusual in a modern apartment will look room decorated in ethnic style. Hot African motifs for some time will take you to warm countries, raising your spirits and giving a pleasant feeling of comfort.
Chandeliers in the Moorish style are metal structures decorated with glass and crystals. You can choose not only one main light source, but also complement it with spectacular sconces. Due to the mosaic inserts and crystals, light creates interesting patterns on the walls, so the lighting gives a mysterious atmosphere.
Moorish lamps are very sophisticated. But despite this, they are able to fit into almost any interior.
Even if you hang such a lamp in a modern bedroom, it will not stand out from the general picture, but only give it a hint of mystery and oriental beauty.
A Chinese-style room combines the ultimate in luxury and asceticism. This is reflected not only in the choice of furniture and wallpaper, but also in the selection of the lamp. The light source should be simple, concise, tuning in a peaceful way. In fact, the Chinese-style room resembles Japanese minimalism, but there are definitely more vivid details.Therefore, it is very important that all the details are combined with each other and the lamp is in harmony with all the wallpaper, bedspreads, and so on.
Oriental-style lamps are not as simple as they seem. It is always something original and unique. Like no other, these lamps can create a mysterious and romantic atmosphere in a room.
Lamps in this style can be safely used to decorate the interior of a living room or bedroom. Choose the best option that will suit you not only for the price, but also in appearance. A luxurious chandelier, sconce or floor lamp in oriental style is the choice of a person with good taste.
Choose the product wisely and you will not be disappointed.
How to make a lamp in the style of Japanese minimalism with your own hands, see the following video.