Slate tiles: material features

Natural stone has always been valued above other finishing materials. On the market you can find many analogs that accurately convey the color and texture of the stone surface. However, the real stone in the interior looks especially noble, emphasizes the taste and wealth of the owner. Also this material is especially durable.
The construction market has a fairly large range of natural stone. This article is devoted to the most famous and sought-after material - natural slate. In order to use it in the interior, you should know what properties it has.
Special features
Slate is often called flagstone. This name appeared because of the characteristics of the origin of the material. Stone is a rock that appears at great depths due to compaction and crystallization of clay.
Slate has a very wide range of color.It depends on which chemicals are involved in the formation of the rock.
The most common are golden, violet, green, black and brown colors, as well as their various variations (from rich dark to delicate light shades).
Slate is divided into species that differ in composition and origin.
According to the type of material, five types of shale rocks are distinguished:
- Chlorite materials. The main distinctive feature of this slate is green with overflows. The main mineral is chlorite.
- Siliceous limestone. This breed forms sheets, more rarely plates of black, violet, red, gray, green colors. The basis of the material - quartz crystals.
- Mica limestone. The basis is quartz mica. The most common shades are light gray, brown and black.
- Clay materials. This is the most popular type of slate used for finishing plates. The color is dark gray or black. The formations are more often like boulders that are easily split.
- Oil shale. This material resembles hardened clay in its properties. It is very flammable.
When choosing a material for interior decoration, it is important to determine what qualities a decorative tile should possess.
Natural stone has many advantages, slate is no exception:
- Environmental friendliness. Products from slate have a natural origin, they are absolutely safe for human health.
- Increased strength. This is a huge plus stone. It is able to withstand maximum loads, while maintaining its original appearance.
- Water repellency. As is known, the rock does not absorb moisture, which means that the dampness of this material is not terrible.
You can tile the floor and walls in the bathroom or sauna.
- Resistance to temperature changes. Much materials can not cope with the strong heat and cold, which can not be said about the tile of slate.
- Soundproofing Ability.
- UV Resistance. The material copes well with exposure to sunlight, does not fade and does not lose its presentable appearance.
- Durability. Natural stone will serve you for many years.
- Ease of installation. It is possible to lay such tile independently, without attracting experts to work.
Plitnyak is a very popular finishing material. It is used not only for exterior decoration of houses and personal plots, but also for interior decoration of premises.
Landscape designers have long appreciated the convenience and flexibility of the material and actively include it in their projects.
Exterior finish
As a rule, large and thick slabs of shale are used to decorate the areas, namely, for finishing the tracks and platforms. It helps to emphasize closeness to nature. Thin plates will be a great addition to the design of flower beds or stairs. Arbors decorated with such material become similar to refined caves.
Also, you can often see the stone facing of the house or part thereof. This is just the perfect option for those who appreciate natural and noble materials.
Interior finish
Slate slabs are also used for interior decoration works. Designers offer a variety of solutions using natural stone. You can cover the entire living room floor with such tiles by first selecting the desired color.
It will be especially effective to look black or dark gray.This will add a touch of luxury to the interior style.
Very often the material is used to decorate individual elements.. It can be columns or stairs, bar counters or a fireplace. Wall tiles can be the perfect solution to highlight any zone. In any case, each element made of natural stone will favorably emphasize the style of the room and the individuality of the design.
Cost of
Natural stone has always been considered a luxury, and slate is no exception. The material can be attributed to the class of elite finishing options. This fact is a big minus of slate. However, the high cost is fully justified, because the numerous advantages outweigh this single drawback.
This applies to the luxurious appearance, and to the reliability of tiles from slate. The service life of such a coating exceeds the durability of analogues. If you want your house to go to your children, and possibly grandchildren in their original form, you should think about choosing this option for its design.
An overview of the slate in the interior in the next video.