How to make a plinth for a tile?

After completing the installation of a tiled flooring, it is usual to mount the baseboard to close the joints of the walls with the floor. Since the tiles are made mainly in rooms with high humidity, two options are appropriate: ceramic and plastic curbs. Both materials are resistant to moisture and aesthetic appearance.
Ceramic baseboards have many advantages.
- Durability. They will not lose their appearance and will not require replacement until the floor is dismantled. They also withstand small mechanical loads.
- Attractiveness. Ceramic baseboards are perfectly combined with the tiles. There are various options available (saturated and neutral, matte and glossy, concise and with a decorative frame).For a better combination of colors, you can buy floor tiles and baseboards from one manufacturer, or choose the appropriate option on the model. All modifications are equipped with elegant plugs on the ends and corners.
- UV Resistance. Products do not fade in the sun and always maintain a uniform color.
- Ease of care Care of baseboards is performed simultaneously with the washing of floors and does not require additional actions.
The disadvantages of this type are in its high cost (especially for products with the addition of granite composition), complexity of installation and fragility of the material.
To make the right choice, you need to consider the following basic characteristics:
- a combination of color and design with a floor finish;
- no defects;
- the presence of smooth ends (especially in areas of contact with the surfaces).
The most common are plastic products. They are affordable, easily combined with any coatings and are considered universal.
They also have other advantages:
- moisture resistance;
- possibility of use in any premises;
- ease of installation, a variety of mounting options;
- no need for a perfect fixture basis;
- plasticity (hide minor irregularities of the walls);
- the possibility of locating the electrical cable wiring beneath them (as well as the ability to access the cable at any time);
- ease of docking
However, such products are not without flaws:
- plastic eclipses the attractiveness of the tile floor and does not work well with it;
- a tight fit of the entire surface to the base is necessary;
- the sun's rays lead to fading products.
When choosing a PVC plinth, it is important to pay attention to quality.
- The material must be strong, but at the same time elastic. The harder it is, the stronger. Excessive softness also speaks of the low quality of the product.
- The coloring should be clear, without divorce. Such defects are possible due to manufacturing defects or workmanship on faulty equipment.
- It is necessary to carefully choose the tone and texture.
Correspondence tonality
If you choose the color of the floor when choosing the color of the plinths, it is better to purchase the products either in color or with a difference of a couple of colors.
If you manage to find the perfect combination of shades, it will help to visually expand the space.
If the wall covering is monophonic, it is possible to pick up a border according to its shade. In the presence of a motley wall finish is better to find a neutral option between the colors of the floor and walls.
You can pick up the plinth and the tone of the door. However, in this case it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the door frame and the material from which the door is made. Only in this way the border will look harmonious in the interior.
Installation Features
You can install the plinth yourself. For this you need some tools.
To install ceramics are required:
- notched trowel;
- rubber mallet;
- level;
- glue or cement mortar;
- fugovalny solution.
Assembly process
The place where the curb will be mounted should be thoroughly cleaned of debris. To do this, you can use a brush and a damp rag.
Then it is necessary to apply a spatula glue or mortar on the back surface of the plinth. Carefully attach it to the required place and check the horizontal position with a level. If necessary, level the position with your hands or with a mallet.
After the glue has dried, it is necessary to remove the residues and fill the joints with the jointing solution.The same should be done with gaps from the wall and floor to prevent moisture from entering. This is especially important for rooms with high humidity.
For the installation of plastic products you will need:
- screws and dowels;
- liquid Nails;
- drill;
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- putty knife.
The working process
Some elements are joined by special corners and internal joints, so it is necessary to pre-calculate their number.
PVC plinths are attached in two ways. The first - with the help of screws, which are screwed into the dowel. To do this, drill it is necessary to drill holes at an equal distance from each other (approximately 50 cm under the dowel). Then you need to fasten the working part of the plinth and install the decorative part.
The second option is gluing on liquid nails. With their help, fixed working part of the plinth. Then set the main decorative part. Here additional work is not required.
It is worth considering that when using the drill can not turn on the shock mode. You also can not use a punch, otherwise you can damage the wall surface. In addition, it is important to choose the right drill size and type.
Homemade plinths
There is another way to design the junction of walls and floor. In some situations, it is even the best option. If the room is laid tile floor, you can make a plinth of the same material. Especially impressive this design looks in the bathrooms and bathrooms.
Skirting boards, which were discussed above, are rather low. The same option can go on the wall to a height of seven centimeters, reliably protecting the floor. In addition, it is very practical, because in such areas regular wet cleaning is necessary.
However, there is a negative point - excessive material consumption. From one tile, you can only get two trim with a good edge. Although, if after the installation of the floor there are scraps of material, this can greatly simplify the matter.
If the color of the tile does not have a specific pattern, it can all be cut into strips to create a border. However, in this case, it will be necessary to additionally use a tiled profile or a corner to hide the cut edges.
Installing this type of baseboard seems to be a simple job, but you may have problems due to the unevenness of the walls and floor.Particularly difficult is the installation at the joints of curb elements. Therefore, the laying must be done very carefully.
Irregularities can be corrected by the thickness of the adhesive solution. Do not be lazy to recheck the level of the plane.
If the plinth is completed with a tile, all problems disappear. The surface of such products is already processed and does not require hiding the profile. This is especially successful when the wall covering also consists of tile.
If you do not have a device for cutting tiles, you can use a simple glass cutter. The amount of work is not so great to acquire the necessary equipment. This method is the most affordable. The principle of operation does not differ from the action of mechanical equipment, only all manipulations are made manually.
It is recommended to use tools with diamond coating. You can also use another strong alloy cutting part.
Manufacturing process:
- First you need to draw a line on the facing side.
- Then you need to attach a ruler and put the glass cutter to the far edge of the tile away from you, so that the cutting part is on the drawn line.
- Press down and, without tearing off the glass cutter, cut the line in continuous motion. Too much pressure is not worth it.
- Tap the tile with the handle of the tool along the line, ensuring that the crack goes straight along the line.
- Place the tile element on a flat plane so that one part hangs off the edge and the cut line is on the edge of the plane.
- Press down on this part and break the tile along the drawn line. If you can make a deep slot, the edge will turn out smooth and without flaws on the front side. Instead, you get the perfect cut.
Occasionally, baseboards are made from other materials, but if they are not resistant to moisture, it is necessary to treat the products with water-repellent impregnations. A characteristic feature of such funds is colorless, which allows their use without the risk of spoiling the appearance of products. Some products except for moisture resistant additives contain special dyes. As a result of processing by such an impregnation, the surface acquires not only protective properties, but also the deepest shade.
The simple device has a plinth tape. When choosing it is only necessary to take into account its technical characteristics.
For stairs it is better to use an angled plinth “boot”. Its height is suitable for this.
Precautionary measures
It is desirable to work in comfortable clothes, not chilling movement. It is recommended to make any work with gloves in order to avoid cuts on sharp edges and fragments (especially for cutting tiles). Use a drill should be neat. You also need to be careful with chemical elements that may be contained in the impregnation.
Visually see how the plinth is made for the floor tile, you can in the next video.