The process of laying quartz tiles

Quartzvinyl tiled coatings contain quartz sand. Thanks to this filler, such products are notable for their wear resistance, increased resistance to stresses, water resistance and ease of maintenance.
Quartz tiles are laid in two main ways:
- floating;
- adhesive (when the tile is firmly attached to the surface).
Quartz vinyl tile materials are usually glued, and vinyl coatings have a self-adhesive backing. It is usually more difficult to glue the tiles on your own, but it is easier to correct the mistakes until the adhesive is frozen.
Floating method of laying is suitable for products with locking connections. They can be:
- mechanical;
- glue.
On the modern market are also free-lying tiles.Installation of such coatings is unique: the tiles are not connected to each other and are not attached to the floor, but simply pressed against it.
Preparatory work
Before installation, the floor must be prepared and marked up. The tiled products themselves need to be unpacked, folded in small piles and leave for some time in the room (for acclimatization). It usually takes at least 24 hours.
The floor on which quartzvinyl material will need to be laid must be dry, flat and durable. You need to make sure that the base is clean and there is no damage on it.
If the base is in an unsatisfactory condition, it is recommended to clean it, to deal with all defects. Cavities, cracks, overflows and chips should be removed.
It is also necessary to take into account that the elastic tile is distinguished by an increased sensitivity to defects on the floor - especially in cases where the installation is adhesive. The layer of adhesive is quite thin, so voids may occur due to cavities or cracks.
To make the concrete surface as flat as possible, a cement-sand screed can be used.For leveling wood floors, sheet products (oriented strand board, plywood) are suitable - they will serve as a good substrate for tiles. Holes for fasteners, as well as the seams between the sheets need to be repaired with a putty.
The surface on which it is necessary to lay quartz vinyl tile materials should not be too wet - no more than 5%. You can determine this indicator using a special device. In the implementation of the adhesive tile laying in some cases requires the use of a primer.
Quartz tiled products come in different shapes. The most common options include:
- long and narrow products;
- rectangular materials;
- tiles in the form of squares.
Laying scheme will depend on the type of tile. Rectangular products are usually shifted, while square ones can be laid as evenly as possible. Laying is diagonal and straight. If the floating method is used, then the markup is usually not needed: laying is carried out from left to right, but starts from the far corner of the room.
Bonded and free-lay tile materials should be laid from the center of the room.In such cases, markup is required.
It should be carried out as follows:
- Identify the centers of two opposite walls.
- Connect the center points with a cord.
- From the middle of the cord should be perpendicular to the remaining surfaces to indicate the second axis.
- Then you need to identify additional lines, focusing on the main axis. Laying tiles along the lines is pretty easy. If necessary, you can define diagonal axes.
With a lock
When laying tiled products with mechanical fasteners leave the compensation gaps is not necessary. In the first row will have to cut the grooves that are near the wall. It is not recommended to use a hammer for tamping tiles, and that the products are snug against each other as tightly as possible, you can not very hard pound them with your palm.
If the lock is glue, the elements begin to stack from the corner. The lines should be as smooth as possible.. Make sure that the tiles do not move relative to each other. If necessary, the product can be moved apart and correct errors. However, you should considerthat after the glue dries, it will be much more difficult.
If the installation is glue, it is better to stop the choice on the composition, which is recommended by the manufacturer quartz vinyl tile materials. Using a notched trowel, you need to glue the prepared floor. The thickness of the layer must be the same. It is recommended to choose a tool that has triangular teeth, it is much more convenient to work with it.
There are adhesives, on which tile products can be laid immediately after application. In other cases, you have to wait a few minutes. There should be no gaps between the products - well-laid tiles should be connected very tightly. Lay tile cover to the center.
It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles between the floor and the products, and for the best way you can roll it from the center to the edges, using a special roller for this - this way you can remove excess glue and air. Perhaps the use of cork board instead of roller. Excess adhesive must be immediately wiped off the surface using a cloth moistened with alcohol.
You can walk on tile surfaces immediately after installation, however it is possible to expose them to stronger loads only after 24 hours, but it is better to wait two days. Wet cleaning can be done in a few days.
It is very easy to lay tiled products. Such tiles have a special base, thanks to which the products adhere perfectly to the floor. Before carrying out installation work it is necessary to store tiled materials in the room for at least two days. The temperature in the room should not be too low, the floor itself should be as flat as possible.
It is necessary to start laying tiles from the place where the guide axes intersect. Products should join each other very tightly. In the implementation of the installation of free-standing tile coatings, you can use glue.
It is recommended to do this in the following cases:
- products will be subjected to heavy loads;
- the floor is pretty crooked;
- it was not possible to completely remove dust from it;
- the surface is too dry.
Apply adhesive composition should be only around the perimeter of the room. The floor can be used 12 hours after installation.
Cut tiled products should be directly in the implementation of installation work. The sequence of actions should be as follows:
- it should be noted on the tile line, which will be cutting;
- using a sharp blade, it is necessary to cut the product approximately half the thickness;
- you need to break the product along the line and finally cut it.
In some cases, it is necessary to preliminarily prepare a cardboard template, for example, when laying is carried out near a column or a ledge.
Quartzvinyl tile coatings are usually laid without gaps, since such products do not expand when exposed to temperature. However, in some cases it is recommended to leave a small distance between the walls and the quartz-vinyl tile, the same applies to thresholds. Silicone sealant must be used to fill this gap.
In this video, you will find a master class on laying quartzvinyl tile castle type.