Why choose Belarusian wallpaper?

Release wallpaper engaged in quite a few firms from different countries. But even against this background, Belarusian wallpapers stand out in terms of price and quality.

Special features

Belarusian wallpaper products allows you to make repairs economically and - from environmentally friendly materials. Even if you buy a simple paper version, It compares favorably with competing offers (in the same price segment):

  • accuracy of drawing;
  • optimal view after gluing to the wall;
  • the ability to easily remove minor dirt on the edges when sticking.


The main volume of products is supplied to the Russian market by the Belarusian Wallpaper holding, which unites the three leading enterprises of the republic. They produce both the wallpaper itself and other paper products, industrial paper. Products of these factories are sold in Kazakhstan and in some other countries.

Minsk wallpaper factory has more than a century of history. Since 1910, she stayed for a long time only once, due to the fascist intervention. But a year after it, the company entered into operation again. The experience gained over the following decades was very useful in the 1990s, when it was necessary to drastically change equipment, switching to Western European standards and design approaches.

Selection "Terra" Includes very simple and inexpensive wallpapers on paper basis, most often with floral and floral ornaments.

In the production process, screen printing and specially selected paint, which is practically not subject to mechanical destruction, the harmful effects of sunlight, is used.

If you can spend on buying wallpaper a little more, it makes sense to purchase products from the collection "Rich". They have a more original and daring design, many sketches are purchased under license abroad. For the manufacture of such products in the course goes Finnish paper of the highest quality level, color solutions are almost unlimited here.. To form a glossy surface, pigments with metallic inclusions are used.refined interference nacre.

Another selection - "Aqua" - so named for its increased moisture resistance. The appearance of the wallpaper in this collection is voluminous and textural, they glitter and are used very well. But keep in mind that the style is old-fashioned, corresponds to the level of thirty years ago, because priority is given to functional qualities.

More about quality

Manufacturers of Belarusian wallpapers give key attention to the strength and resistance to wear, these indicators are put in the first place when creating each new sample. Professional decorative spraying and concentrated paint can satisfy the needs of people with a variety of aesthetic tastes. Mainly for the walls they make coverings from one layer, there are very few relief versions. To ensure a continuous production cycle, raw materials are bought from contractors in Russia and Belarusand not in Western Europe. This does not prevent to create an extensive range and vary the price range.

Sticker products in any case will not cause any problems, they are very resistant to ultraviolet radiation and do not contain hazardous components to health.

Wallpaper on non-woven basis and not only: how to create them, how you can apply, design

To reduce costs, Belarusian developers use relatively thin varieties of non-woven fabric and do not treat it with a primer. The fortress does not diminish from this, but note that if there is at least one dark spot on the wall, it will be noticeable even through a saturated pattern. This should not be considered a disadvantage just have to prepare the foundation properly.

Original textures for which Belarusian wallpapers are famous are applied with special rolls ordered every time taking into account the individual characteristics of the collections.

The holding actively interacts with leading European companies, such as Stork and Fischer & Krecke, which allowed it to raise the quality of design of its products to a new level, to apply the latest high-quality paints.

If you do not like non-woven wallpaper, you can also purchase:

  • paper based options - simplex and duplex;
  • paper washable type, supplemented with a hydrophobic layer;
  • foam wallpaper;
  • acrylic coatings;
  • combinations of paper backing and face vinyl;
  • combination of vinyl and non-woven.

Belarusian wallpapers look great in any interior, you can choose the style and theme of execution for a modern setting, for a room in a retro style, for a room decorated in an ecological or Provencal style. Modern technological installations guarantee the clarity of image printing and the long preservation of color, of all tones and shades.

Good reviews have products decorated with gold and silver accents. Consumers believe that high-strength types of wallpaper, elegant types of panels with drawings of natural and urban themes fully meet the objectives.

Washable vinyl-based wallcoverings can be decorated with compositions with flowers, abstract plots, sometimes reproduce the appearance of bricks, plastered walls and surfaces from other materials. If you wish, you can also find wallpaper with geometric subjects, with a cage, with imitation of natural stone, waves.

If you select the wallpaper not only in appearance but also in convenience, pay attention to vinyl solutions, glue them easier and easier.

For more information about the Minsk wallpaper factory, see the following video.

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