Stylish wallpaper in the interior: features of choice

 Stylish wallpaper in the interior: features of choice

At the present time there are a variety of stylish wallpapers - ranging from fairly inexpensive, relatively simple and ending with expensive, elite. There are a lot of wall coverings, so it is sometimes quite difficult to choose them for a particular interior.

That is why it is necessary to thoroughly understand the features of the choice of wallpaper, their types and evaluate the most successful design options.


Wallpapers are divided into several types in appearance. There are the following types of coatings:

  • Relief. The image may be concave or convex. The figure gives the wallpaper grace, special chic. Such coatings are divided into embossed and corrugated.
  • Smooth.
  • Coatings that mimic various materials.These wallpapers convey the naturalness and aesthetics of metal, brick surfaces, plaster, tile and so on.

Wallpapers are divided into several types of moisture resistance. Coatings can be classic, super washable, washable, moisture resistant. According to the degree of density, they are divided into heavy (more than 110 g / m²) and light.

Wall-paper is subdivided into several types depending on the production technology and type of a basis. Wall coatings are:

  • Made from paper. This is a classic version - such materials are the most popular. There are two-layer and single-layer paper coverings. Single-layer wallpaper is very simple, it is always one sheet, and two-layer consists of a decorative coating with some image and the basics. Paper wallpaper is an option that is very economical. However, such materials have several disadvantages: they do not differ in moisture resistance, resistance to sunlight, strength.

Paper coatings are not recommended for uneven surfaces: they only emphasize their disadvantages. However, paper is a very good option if you have small children in your home.If they paint walls, the coating can be easily replaced.

  • Vinyl. The basis of such coatings consists of fabric or durable paper. From above the wallpaper is covered with a film of polyvinyl chloride. Similar materials differ in remarkable operational qualities. They are safe, durable, serve for a long time. These coatings are resistant to wet cleaning. However, these materials have a minus: they are airtight. Have to constantly adjust the level of humidity in the room.
  • Flizelinovymi. The advantages of such wallpaper - no stretch marks, durability. These coatings provide very good sound insulation. With the help of such materials it is possible to hide even quite significant defects. In addition, they can often be painted.
  • Another popular option is fiberglass. Such wallpaper can be smooth, grooved. You can purchase coatings in two layers or in one. Fiberglass wallpaper is very durable, it is difficult to tear them, they will last you as long as possible. Water-based or acrylic paints are applied to the pasted coatings. For residential premises they are not purchased very often - usually as original decorative elements for certain areas.

These materials are safe for human health, they do not have a nutrient medium for harmful microorganisms.

Selection features

When choosing the most suitable wallpaper for a studio apartment or other living space, you should consider Some recommendations:

  • Think about exactly what materials you need before visiting the store. It is not recommended to immediately stop the choice on the first favorite coatings. Pick up and other wallpapers, compare them, think about whether they will look beautiful, fit into a specific design.
  • It is necessary to select such materials, focusing not only on the furniture and decor in the room, but also on the characteristics of the room itself - size, type. If the ceilings are low, a good option is a vertical pattern on the walls. A room with a large pattern or horizontal stripes will look wider, but lower.
  • Very important are the drawing, tint, texture of the wallpaper. It is rather difficult to choose a successful design solution - you need to take into account various nuances. Wallpapers should be in harmony with all elements of the interior. It is necessary to focus on the general rule: in the interior - no more than 3 colors and 3 shades.So you will have more chances to achieve harmony.
  • If the room is on the south side, it is better to stop the choice on light-resistant coatings. So the image will not fade.
  • Colors of furniture and wallpaper should be different. All elements should be in harmony, but not merge with each other.
  • A good option for a small dark room - cover with a small pattern. If the room is large, stop picking on large, bright images.
  • In those cases when you plan to put carpets on the walls, photos, paintings, choose simple wallpaper that will not distract attention from these additional elements.

How to combine with the color of the floor and ceiling?

It is worth considering a few of the most common options:

  • Dark linoleum or other floor coverings of such colors (for example, brown). In such cases, do not be afraid to choose the "active" walls. By the dark floor you can choose expressive patterns, rich, bright colors (including golden tones, you can choose a combination of two colors). Expressive in color wallpaper and dark floors go well with light ceilings, for the treatment of which you can use decorative plaster.

The furniture in this case should also be light (you can choose, for example, beige).

  • If the floor covering is dark and you don’t like bright wallpapers, you should stop the choice on the gradient. In this case, for the design choose different tones of the same color. The combination of a light ceiling, darker walls (for example, cappuccino colors) and an almost black floor is a very harmonious option, it looks interesting in a variety of rooms. In this composition, you can enter the door, made in the same color scheme. Remember that the color load must be properly distributed across all vertical and horizontal surfaces.
  • If the floor is of a dark shade, and you are aiming to experiment, try making the ceiling dark. The walls are bright, but you can make them white. Such a contrast will look very attractive.
  • You can combine with dark shades light wallpaper under the stone. White wall-paper under a decorative brick very beautifully looks. It is worth noting that the brickwork and its imitation is very popular in the design of modern interiors.
  • If the room has a light floor, the walls can be made dark, and the ceiling - also light.Such combinations look very expressive. Today, many prefer light oak: such floor coverings are very pleasing to the eye.
  • Some prefer to make everything light: the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. To avoid monotony in such interiors, it is necessary to purchase yellow, blue or other bright furniture for the room, you can use any interesting decorative elements.
  • Dark ceiling and bright flooring. The walls can be light or dark. This design is ideal for rooms in which the ceiling is too high. However, it is worth noting that the contrast should not be too pronounced.
  • If the floor in the room is bright or there is a carpet on it, it is better to stop the choice on light ceilings and walls.

We select the color of furniture

If you have already purchased various pieces of furniture, guided by them. Furniture should be combined with wallpaper, but the colors and shades should be different. In cases where the products are expensive, it is worth choosing “rich” colors for the walls: burgundy, beige, creamy, chocolate. If you combine these elements together, the effect will be simply amazing - the interior will get chic, status.

If the furniture is light, the wall can be quite bright with patterns. Dilute such a room with different saturated colors.otherwise the interior will seem too faded.

For modern furniture, options such as classic stripes and abstract patterns on the walls are usually well suited.

Tips for choosing

To choose the right wallpaper for artificial stone, wallpaper, bulk materials or any other wall covering, you need to take into account not only the overall design of the room, but also its functional purpose. If you want to avoid mistakes and choose the ideal option, read about what wallpapers are suitable for a particular room.

For the bedroom

A bedroom is a room where people spend a lot of time. Finishing materials must be completely safe for humans. For such a room it is better to choose coatings of textiles, acrylic, paper, glass wall covering or materials for painting. Foam or flat vinyl is also suitable, but this option is less desirable.

When choosing suitable coatings for the walls of the bedroom, first of all you should focus on the tastes of the person who will sleep there.If in such a room will spend the night a couple, it is important to take into account the preferences of both. Although much depends on tastes, it is worth noting that dark and overly bright colors are not very good for a bedroom. Yet in such a room a person should rest, relax and gain strength, and not become discouraged or experience excessive nervous excitement. The best option - calm pastel colors, which do not cause headaches and do not strain your eyes.

For the hall

Living room (hall) - a room in which family members also gather very often. Sometimes there are guests. We can say that the living room is the "face" of the house. That is why in such a room the most daring design ideas are often embodied in reality, because not only a homeowner does not want to demonstrate his individuality and good taste.

For the hall, you can choose almost any wallpaper. Today wallpapers are very popular. Images on them are very different. Of course, do not forget about one important rule: selecting wallcoverings in the living room (as for any other room) need to focus on the overall style of the interior, colors of furniture, ceiling, floor, various decorative elements.

For kitchen

With the kitchen, everything is much more complicated. The main problem is that the surfaces in such a room are very dirty, because here they cook food every day.

Due to temperature fluctuations and high humidity, coatings can be very badly affected, so they must be distinguished by increased resistance to similar external influences. It is necessary to choose wallpaper for the kitchen, not absorbing odors.

The best options - wallpaper for painting, vinyl, glass. Kitchen paper covers are not suitable.

For bathroom

Not all choose wallcoverings for the bathroom, such as wallpaper. If you want to buy them, pay attention to glass and vinyl. Coatings for such a room should be different durability and resistance to moisture.

For the nursery

The nursery is the most important room in the house. It is here that the guys grow, sleep, study, play, have fun, dream. The child should be as comfortable as possible in her room, moreover - she should inspire him! Absolutely safe materials should be chosen for such a room.because there is nothing more important than the health of children. Fiberglass, coatings for painting, wallpaper made of paper are suitable for children.

Selecting the most suitable option, be guided by the age of the child. For kids, games are of particular importance, so the interior in the room of small children can be quite colorful. Perhaps even themed design. But for a teenager in the first place is no longer fun, but functionality. However, do not forget that adult children tend to express their individuality in every possible way. Help them with this room design.

How to choose wallpaper in different rooms, see the following video.

Beautiful options in the interior

One of the most attractive colors is lilac. In a room with such wallpaper an atmosphere of mystery is created.

The red wall with golden patterns looks simply luxurious - this room is associated with chic!

Wallpaper looks very original with one large pattern. Nothing superfluous - but at the same time the image significantly enlivens the usual light wall.

Brightness and an abundance of flowers are very well suited for children's rooms. The same applies to wallpaper.

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Living room