What is the plus blue wallpaper in the room?

Blue wallpapers are very popular and there are many reasons. Calm color allows you to calm down, and if necessary, makes it possible to concentrate. How to achieve the desired effect, and how to combine the blue wallpaper with other interior details, you will learn from this article.


Blue wallpapers, like any other, differ not only in color but also in quality, as well as the material used.


Acrylic, vinyl, paper, bamboo or liquid wallpaper is used for wall decoration. These are the most basic types of materials that are now chosen for apartment renovation. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, wall paper wallpapers are cheap, but at the same time are short-livedYes, and put them better under the plaster.

Acrylic and Vinyl Coating Types more dense and high quality. But at the same time, they are several times more expensive, so many people doubt whether it is worth buying them.

As for the liquid wallpaper, it is the most expensive option, which, in fact, resembles colored plaster, and allows you to align the walls and hide all sorts of flaws.


The size of the wallpaper, too, are different. Consider the room footage of the room in which you plan to make repairs and carefully measure the parameters so that later there will be no problems when sticking.


Colors and, more precisely, shades of blue, which can be used to decorate a room, are also different:

  • If you want the room to have a lot of light and it seemed spacious, then you should give preference to plain blue wallpaper. This shade adds light, because we associate it with a cloudless sky on a warm summer day. Light blue wallpapers have the same property.
  • In the spacious rooms you can use dark blue or even slightly purple tones. Here bright blue wallpapers will not be out of place, they even reduce the visual space of the room.
  • Separate attention deserve color combinations. Blue combines well with many shades.So, for example, blue-white, blue-yellow and blue-beige wallpapers look good. The combination of blue with a lighter color is always beneficial and practical. This is especially true for rooms in the classical style or classicism style.
  • It is difficult enough to combine among themselves blue-red and blue-brown shades. They need to be very carefully combined. Unlike blue and blue wallpapers, such color combinations should be the most carefully thought out.
  • In a monochromatic blue room, details look good in the same color scheme as well as some contrasting objects.
  • If you have furniture and textiles made in deep saturated colors, then the wall should ideally be lighter. In a dark room with indigo wallpaper it is better to install lighter furniture.

How to calculate?

If you make repairs for the first time, you need to learn how to calculate the right amount of material in order not to buy less than you need or not to leave a few more rolls after repair. In rooms where there is a lot of massive furniture, many prefer not to glue the wallpaper behind the cabinets or sideboards. The fact is that behind them all the same nothing is visible, so you should not waste material on this zone.

Otherwise, it is enough to measure the width of the room and its height.After that, you can calculate the required number of rolls on one of the specialized sites or consult with the seller.


Not only original furniture can complement the base of plain blue wallpapers:

  • Patterns. The easiest way to decorate a room is to choose a wall covering with a pattern. It can be wallpaper with stripes, polka dots or with gold patterns. But in the room of a romantically-minded girl it is appropriate to look beautiful blue wallpaper with white or beige roses. In addition, intricate ornaments, monograms, abstraction elements, flowers, etc. can be used as wallpaper patterns.
  • Imitation of natural materials. Often, several colored strips with patterns imitating some kind of natural material are also selected for a blue base. Most often, these are textures such as wood or brickwork. If the three walls are blue and the fourth is stylized as boards, then the interior will be stylish and modern.
  • Fairy atmosphere. Blue background gives plenty of room for fantasy. If the surface of the wallpaper is decorated with green leaves, then you can plunge into the atmosphere of the forest,and if on a seamless surface there is a scattering of sparkles shining under the rays of light, then you will get a beautiful night sky with stars.

Style and design

To successfully create a stylish interior, it is important to know how blue is combined with other shades:

  • If you have a spacious room, then white furniture and luxurious dark wood headsets will suit you. In this case, it looks good as a classic of the genre, and modern minimalism.
  • Careful need to be with bright colors. Here the combination of wallpaper with other details requires a good taste and ability to find the right shades. For example, children and teens like bright tandems of blue with orange, red, or yellow. But if you choose two “screaming” neon colors, it will look tasteless.
  • Designers advise to choose shades so that one of them is brighter, and the second, on the contrary, muffled. Another move that helps “make friends” two bright colors is the dominance of one of them. So, if you decorate a room in blue, then it should be the main one, and the details of yellow or scarlet should be three to four times less.
  • In addition to the classic soothing shades, the blue color is well combined with other colors from a cold palette. These include shades of green, purple, blue.

How to choose?

Color combinations - this is one of the main principles of the choice of wallpaper. After all, they, in fact, set the tone for the room, so it is important that the base of the room looks good and is combined with other interior details.

In addition to appearance, it is worth paying attention for the presence of decor and patterns on the surface. If you want to visually expand the room, buy striped wallpaper, and to create an atmosphere of comfort, use wallpaper with a small pattern.

Also, of course, we must not forget about quality. The better and stronger the selected wallpapers will be, the easier it will be for you to work with them, and the longer they will last.

Advantages and disadvantages

Blue wallpapers are suitable for different rooms. The fact is that the blue color is quite versatile and affects people differently. In general, psychologists call it soothing and believe that it helps to relax and tune in a peaceful way. At the same time, a large concentration of blue in one room can deprive you of energy, and make yourself feel havoc.

Blue wallpaper, many use in children's rooms. Especially in the case if the baby is hyperactive and needs to be tuned to a peaceful way occasionally. Also, often shades of blue are used in the design of offices. The combination of blue and cold hues allows a person working at home to concentrate and dive into the right atmosphere.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

The best manufacturers of wallpaper traditionally considered to be German, Italian and English brands. Leader in quality and quantity of positive reviews for quite a long time has been Germany. So, if you are willing to pay for quality, you can familiarize yourself with an assortment of companies such as Rasch or Marburg.

Beautiful examples and best options.

When making a room in blue, it is important to consider its purpose. Let's look at a few examples so that you can understand how differently blue color can be perceived, Depending on the room in which such wallpapers are hung:

  • Living room. You should start with the use of blue in the interior of the living room.Here designers advise to do without large patterns. If there are any patterns on the surface of the cover, they should be combined with a sofa covered with prints.
  • Bedroom. Looks good blue in the bedroom. Light shades of blue help to relax and fall asleep. So, if you sleep badly and are constantly under stress, it will be much easier for you to calm down in such an airy room.
  • Kitchen. For the kitchen blue and blue wallpaper hostesses often buy for some practical reasons. The fact that the blue color makes it possible to hide the spots from water and steam. This is especially true for dark shades.

For the kitchen, of course, it is worth buying washable wallpaper. They are well cleaned, so they will survive the process of cooking even the most complex dishes. In the kitchen, blue goes well with a white or beige set.

By the way, a great bonus for girls will be the psychological effect that blue has. Psychologists claim that all shades of blue reduce appetite, and do not allow us to eat more than the norm. So, if you are concerned about supporting the figure in perfect condition or just planning to lose weight, then the blue wallpaper in the kitchen will help you with this.

Take advantage of this magical color and create the right atmosphere in your home that will delight you and tune you in a peaceful way.

The fact that can be combined with the blue walls in the room, see the following video.

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Living room