How to make a drawing wallpaper on the wall?

If you, winding up already the tenth circle on departments in a giant construction hypermarket, suddenly came across a package with liquid wallpaper, do not rush to laugh in surprise. Of course, at first it is not entirely clear how wallpapers can be liquid in general? They do not spread out, after all, on the walls. In finished form - no, but during their application - definitely, yes. Let's understand the main features of this interesting repair aspect.

What is it?

Liquid wallpaper, which is also sometimes called silk plaster, is a coating for walls (sometimes ceilings) in the form of a dry crumbly mixture. It contains safe fiber components. In fact, such wallpapers combine in themselves the properties of both standard roll and wall plaster, as well as paint and varnish coating. The difference is that there is no sand in them.

They consist mainly of:

  • cellulose;
  • silk fibers;
  • special dyes;
  • natural fungicides;
  • adhesive bonding elements;
  • plasticizers;
  • decorative components (sparkles, mineral crumb).

Because of this, liquid wallpaper can be of several types: silk, cotton and even cellulose. It is the presence of the main component allows you to get a different effect after finishing the walls. So, by preparing a bag with a mixture based on silk and covering it with the surface, you can achieve a special shimmering shine, but after applying the cotton or cellulose formulations will look dull on the wall.

In a similar line of wallpaper, those whose composition includes silk fiber are highly valued. Thanks to him, such a coating can last for many years without fading into the sun. Unfortunately, this is also reflected in the price of the product, since natural silk fibers are an expensive material. Therefore, it is probably better for those who want to save money to look at other options, for example, cellulose or silk-cellulose liquid specimens.

Of course, their brilliance will not be that, and they will serve less, but one of the main advantages of such a coating will not go anywhere in any case - the ability to create drawings in the interior.

Special features

Indeed, practical and decorative properties - that’s why they choose liquid wallpaper for repairs in the apartment. So a dirty or damaged area can be easily replaced. It is enough to clean off the old one and put the newly prepared composition on the same place. In fact, self-restoration of wallpaper without regard to the seams and with the complete elimination of the defect. Therefore, when buying such finishing materials, it is worth taking a couple of packages more, so that you do not have to run around the city in search of the right shade in the case of a forced partial replacement of the coating.

They are perfect if the layout in the room requires a decent number of corners and protrusions. With ordinary rolled canvases it is not quite easy to make everything, while with liquid wallpaper it will be much more convenient to cover such an uneven surface. Also, being rather dense (the finished layer will be about 2 mm), they have good heat and sound insulation properties. Able to absorb excess water vapor from the air, preventing the formation of mold, but to make repairs with their use in the bathroom should not be.This is still a wallpaper, and they are not intended for very wet areas.

Today, liquid materials of any type are available in a wide range of colors. That is why they are chosen to decorate the walls with full panels and paintings. Of course, to perform complex drawings, it is desirable to have good artistic skills, or to entrust this business to professionals.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to create an artistic composition on your own, for example, using stencils for subsequent simple coloring.

Sketching options

Where you can fully evaluate the effect of liquid wallpaper, so it is in the nursery. There it is just necessary to embody the brightest and unusual ideas with their help, fortunately, the palette allows. It will be great for kids to realize plots from cartoons, for example, by drawing bright characters from Angry Birds or “Winnie's Adventures”. Those who are afraid to carry out capacious thematic drawings in the nursery, but prefer to do the repairs themselves, should not be upset - simple ornaments can also painterly diversify the room. For example, you can draw a simple but intricate tree silhouette, or “let in” into the interior of butterflies.

Another living space, which is possible not only to paint, but to decorate with liquid wallpaper is a kitchen. Differing most often in the average area, it is better to give preference to simple and small contour ornaments. For example, on an empty wall in front of a kitchen set, several silhouettes of cups and teapots will look great, as well as fruits or vegetables made in bright colors.

And, of course, there is a corridor with a bedroom and a living room. Such premises will be well received geometric images - all kinds of waves, stripes or chess pattern. Lovers of flora will love stencils with flowers and bunches of grapes. Here it is quite possible to “get stuck” in order to get a whole landscape in the form of a palm tree on the beach or a portrait of the pharaoh. It all depends on the preferences of the owner, the level of his artistic skills and the desire to have a full volume picture on his wall.

Technology work

In fact, it can be easier to glue the corners with liquid wallpaper, but one should not assume that it is worth covering curved walls with them. Applying on irregularities can lead to the fact that the walls will be stained, because in some places a layer of liquid wallpaper will be thicker or, conversely, thinner.

The surface should be prepared before pasting, which is very important.

First you need to completely get rid of the old coating. For reliable adhesion, the wall should be carefully cleaned, and all remnants of the old finish should be removed. Pronounced irregularities should be patched with putty or cement mortar. After the alignment step, you must walk the walls with a primer at least two times. This will make the wall more rough, which will provide better adhesion to the adhesive.

The mixture is prepared easily. In a deep container it is necessary to pour water according to the ratio indicated on the package. Then pour the contents of the bag there and mix well. After this, be sure to leave the mass to soak for 10-12 hours.

As advised by professionals, it is better to knead the entire amount at once, or most, which is enough for at least one wall completely. This will prevent the appearance of "borders" after the liquid wallpaper has dried.

Directly for pasting the coating without drawing a special master class is not required.

Enough to arm:

  • tank with soaked mixture;
  • trowel;
  • small angular spatula;
  • a bucket of clean water;
  • stepladder.

We impose a small part of the mixture on the trowel and rub it into the surface with accurate leveling movements. The tool periodically should be moistened with water, so the coating will not stick to it, and it will be easier to go to the wall. Put the solution on the inside corners with a spatula to achieve uniformity. After completion of the wallpaper must be dry. It takes on average about two days.

This is the easiest measure when covering the walls with liquid wallpaper. In the event that you started to draw a monochrome or a panel, you will have to understand the sketch in advance. Those who can draw, it is enough to perform the outlines on the wall with a regular pencil. Who is not very smooth with this, it is better to attend to a stencil. Create it yourself by printing the image you like on the printer and pasting it onto the cardboard. A large picture can be divided into several parts, printed, and then joined on the wall, or you can contact the printing house to print a full-blown stencil.

When the sketch is ready, you should fill in the parts of the picture with the finished mixture. This should be done carefully, using a trowel to form a contour so that the lines are visible.Let dry, and then cover the new layer along the borders of the dried composition. You can take a roller and dock different elements so that they do not mix. Fine lines and parts are allowed to process with felt-tip pens or wax pencils.

Beautiful examples in the interior

A combination of different types of coatings on the walls will look very interesting. For example, you can glue the room with rolled wallpaper the color of aqua. At the same time, one of the walls should be made exactly in the liquid coating, choosing a tone a couple of shades darker than the main wallpaper.

It will have the effect of depth, due to the fact that a large part of the room will be larger and more contrast than the rest of the space.

Such a trick is quite easy to turn due to the rich color palette of liquid wallpaper. Golden, ocher, brick, the color of young grass - shades that, in combination with silk fibers, can give a room the effect of luxury and prosperity. A few additional details in the form of golden candlesticks and mirrors in a large frame will create an interior that will take you to an oriental tale with its wealth.

The most important thing that give a liquid wallpaper - this is an opportunity to show their creative inclinations. Do not be afraid of difficulties.It is not necessary to create large canvases. A couple of simple contour images, a few transitions or filled-in shapes - and the space will start playing. Well, if you once attended art school, then here, as they say, all the cards in hand, and with trumps.

On how to make a picture of liquid wallpaper on the wall - the following video.

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Living room