Mosaic tile adhesive: selection criteria

If you chose a mosaic tile for decorative wall covering in the bathroom, kitchen apron and other surfaces, you first need to decide on the choice of glue for this material. Currently, there is a wide range of different types of solutions for different surfaces.

In order to choose the right glue you need to know: on what basis we will fix the products, the composition of the tile itself, the conditions of its operation.

If you choose the right material, then the finish will last a long time without the necessary restoration.

Choosing a mix for a mosaic by type

There are three types of tiles:

  • glass;
  • ceramic;
  • stone

Glass mosaic solution

For this texture color mixture is important. For transparent and translucent tiles, white glue is required.. The base to which it is attached is translucent and if you apply a gray unsightly solution, then its appearance will be far from perfect.

For an opaque mosaic color is not critical. This type of tile is well suited solution of white cement, you can use dispersion or reactive epoxy or polyurethane base.

Mix for ceramic mosaic

Mosaic ceramic tiles are the most unpretentious, any cement based adhesive with a gray or white color component is suitable for it. In this case, an important criterion for choosing the composition of the solution is the surface on which it will be applied. The base must have excellent absorbency.. If everything meets the requirements, then choose the standard option - cement mortar. With such glue the basis will seize well.

One of its advantages is low cost.. But if the surface has poor absorbency, it is necessary to choose an elastic solution with high adhesion.

These compositions are more expensive in price, but they will reliably hold ceramics on a problem basis.

Stone mosaic adhesive

For such a tile, the choice of color is not important, but The properties of the stone used are taken into account.. For some products it is undesirable to use water-based solutions, it is preferable to cement quickly hardening or polyurethane - it does not contain liquids. In other cases, the choice of the mixture is largely dependent on the properties of the surface, as well as for a mosaic of ceramics.

The choice of the mixture according to its conditions

If the mosaic will be used in swimming pools, other rooms with high humidity or direct contact with water, then you will need mixtures with special additives.

Pool solution must have:

  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • high elasticity, which ensure reliable fixation of the product with the base.

In such operating conditions, waterproof types of glue with high adhesive properties are used for glass elements. When adhesion is not less than 2.5 MPa, fixing the waterproofing of an object with glass will guarantee durable use of the finish. Solutions that include plasticizers - liquid latex are considered even more durable.. Polyurethane or epoxy compounds can do this task well, but at a price they are much higher.

There are other solutions that are used in different atypical situations. If you need to urgently perform the facing of the tile for a warm floor, use a fast-hardening glue or special solutions.. When purchasing, you should always carefully read the instructions on the package or consult with a specialist. It is necessary to know all the features of the use of solutions: for what they are intended bases, types of mosaic, the possible conditions of surface operation.

Work on objects with high humidity should not take place at air temperatures less than 5 degrees Celsius. Adhesives in such conditions lose their characteristics.

The choice of glue on its composition

According to the content of the components, there are three types of solutions: with cement base, dispersion and reactive mixtures. Each of these compositions has some features and advantages over each other. But the main thing for everyone is quality. Under various conditions of use of even the cheapest material, they can be very reliable.

Cement composition

The composition of the adhesive is normal, on it you can put any mosaic, except for transparent glass tiles. The mixture is produced in the form of white or gray powder and, according to the instructions for use, diluted with pure water. If when using the cement composition under the mosaic will not be very noticeable, then you can apply a dark color.

Latex should be added to the mixture when increased elasticity of the glue is necessary.. And if such a need does not exist, it is quite appropriate to use it for fixing the mosaic. Differs cement composition and its low price.

Initially, various solutions based on cement mixtures are able to withstand increased humidity, vibrations, as well as large temperature fluctuations at veneer sites. The adhesive can be used for work outside and inside the building., for example, for the device of a heat-insulated floor.

Dispersion composition

Very unpretentious in the application of one-component solution. To use it, you do not need to mix or carry out any work on its preparation. Glue residues can be stored in a tightly closed container until the next use. These water-impermeable solutions are well used for work in rooms with high levels of humidity..

Consumption of the product is small, which creates an advantage over the cement mixture, despite the higher price.

Reactive composition

This adhesive has a two-component composition, which consists of a hardener and a base. They are mixed together and due to the chemical reaction form a high-quality sticky mass. The solution is made of epoxy or polyurethane resins. Reactive composition best suited for use in harsh environments, with high humidity levels, large temperature differences and vibrations, as it has high plasticity.

For large-format tiles on a special grid, glass mosaic and marble, you must choose waterproof glue.

Tips for choosing glue for mosaic tiles - in the next video.

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Living room