Camel wool blanket

The main determinant of comfortable sleep is a good blanket. It is important that it provides warmth and comfort, does not give a greenhouse effect, gives a sense of security and promotes relaxation of the body. And although modern technologies make it possible to produce new types of fibers with a light structure, wool blankets do not give up their positions and are popular against time. The camel wool blanket takes the first place in the line of popularity of natural models, it has a number of advantages and advantages.
Fiber manufacturing process
These blankets are made of camel wool of two types:
- odnogorbyh - dromedar, living in the driest areas of the world (giving about 4 kg of wool from an individual);
- two-humped - Bactrians, living in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China (giving up to 10 kg of material from a large animal).
The wool of the second group of camels is particularly soft and thick. It is so good that not only blankets are made from it, but also pillows, socks, belts, clothes. These are thin fibers of different thickness (from 6 to 120 microns), which depend on the breed and are not inferior in quality to the wool of fine-wool Australian merino.
For production use suitable wool, taken during the haircut or dropped out during shedding. It is beige, brownish, cream and brown.
The most valuable raw material is down or undercoat: it is the softest lightweight fiber, so valuable and warming that it is used in the uniform of divers, polar explorers and cosmonauts. Usually, the haircut is carried out immediately after molting (in the late spring and early summer). Undercoat combed out. Then the raw material goes through the process of sorting, after which it ends up in production.
Depending on the type of blanket, wool remains a fibrous filler or enters the spinning mill. In order to preserve the beneficial properties of the material, they try not to expose it to color and additional processing.The most valuable product for blankets is Mongolian non-working Bactrian wool. From shades more appreciated cream.
Today, camel wool blankets are different from those of Soviet times. The reason for this was new technologies, thanks to which the texture of products became soft, pleasant to the body and attractive to the eyes.
Advantages and disadvantages
Camel wool blankets are able to create a cozy atmosphere for the user:
- They are convenient and practical to use, have a lot of useful properties.
- Like analogs and sheep wool, they possess “dry” heat, retaining the user's heat, preventing the person from overheating and the formation of sweat. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the blanket maintains the desired temperature inside, no matter what the temperature in the room.
- It is worth noting the excellent breathability of the fibrous composition. Regardless of the production method (woven or fibrous), an ideal climate is created under such a blanket: in addition to warming, the body can “breathe”.
- The insulating properties of a blanket made of camel wool are inferior to bird fluff products, favorably standing out against the background of any other analogues (even Australian merino sheepskin). They are better and warmer than bamboo, downy, wadded products, not to mention analogs made of synthetic fibers.
- Compared to sheep wool, such blankets are much easier, and therefore it is more convenient to use: they do not create the feeling of shell, which many users do not like so much.
- Camel's hair fibers are quite elastic, they are able to keep their shape for a long time, which provides the blanket with an attractive look for many years. And in most cases, such products do not roll down, do not clot, do not form lumps and voids, as in wadded counterparts.
- One of the advantages of camel blankets is neutrality. They do not accumulate static electricity, which eliminates the negative effects on the body. In addition, these covers are hygroscopic. Due to the hollow structure of the hair wool is able to quickly absorb moisture from the outside and give it back to the air.
- In addition, camel wool blankets have useful qualities. And today they are scientifically confirmed, so these blankets have the recommendations of doctors for those who have different diseases.
- Along with the healing effect, it is also noted relaxing. A large number of users say that sleeping under such a blanket is a pleasure. Today, these products are so soft and good that they promote complete relaxation, relaxing muscles, calming the nervous system after a hard stressful day, restoring the skin after makeup, stop itching and create all the conditions for a restful sleep.
- Due to the large selection of sizes offered by trademarks for sale, you can buy the product not only for adults, but also to please the kids. And if earlier such products almost always contributed to the discomfort, tingling the body even through textiles, today they are so comfortable that they equip a sleeping place as a mattress pad, contributing to the serene sleep of babies.
Unfortunately, such a great, warm, and most importantly, natural material is not for every user. Those who suffer from allergies to wool, it is not suitable, no matter how much modern processing technology is exposed. Even if you buy a model of a closed type, you will not be able to deceive your skin: redness, irritation and skin itch will make themselves felt.
Despite the fact that manufacturers claim a long service life and special durability of such blankets, blankets, blankets, in fact, during operation, things may be different. And the reason lies not at all in the deformation of the bedspread: the problem is in improper use, storage and maintenance. Such products are loved by a dust mite and a special guest of the wet-type premises - the mole.
Despite the excellent properties of camel hair, it is she who can add problems in the care. When choosing a product of open or closed type, it should be borne in mind that it requires careful and careful attitude, especially if it is not packed in a case.
Medicinal properties
Attention has been given to camel wool blankets for a long time, noting that, together with medical procedures, such covers can speed up the recovery of the body. Users who have tried the “work” of camel blankets for more than six months have noted several healing properties. Such products:
- cure chilli;
- have antibacterial, antiseptic effect on the user;
- strengthen the immune system;
- increase skin elasticity;
- promote rapid recovery from colds;
- relieve fatigue and blues;
- reduce pain in the lower back, spine, relieving the unpleasant symptoms of rheumatism, osteochondrosis, sciatica;
- normalize metabolic processes, blood flow, sebaceous glands and pulse rate;
- rid the body of toxins;
- relax muscles, restore them after stretching or injury;
- shown in sinusitis.
According to some observations, a camel wool blanket can soothe the skin, with anti-inflammatory effect. Asthmatics it may not be suitable.
Blankets made from camel wool differ in the way of production. They can be:
- open type - double-sided models in the form of a soft canvas made of wool of young camels with a fringe treated with knitted piping. These are comfortable blankets that can be used as a blanket, bedspread on a bed or sofa;
- closed type - quilted products with wool core and textiles on top and bottom (blankets in a woven bag).
Products of the first group are woven or fur. Unlike the second category, they are more functional, since in addition to the main purpose they can serve as a blanket or bedspread (sofa).
The second models differ in the quality of the filler: usually they use a coarser material - the fiber of adult animals, which is easier to process, therefore such blankets also do not prick the skin.
One of the differences in the production of blankets is a woven and non-woven method, as well as fiber density.
Conventionally, the density is divided into two categories, which determine the weight of the product. Camel blanket can be:
- lightweight (up to 200 grams per sq. m) - intended for off-season, cloudy and wet summer nights (thin);
- universal (up to 400 grams per sq. m.) - designed for the cold season, because it is warmer and dense (bulk).
One of the interesting and gaining popularity of camel blankets is a model for 4 seasons or “two in one”. Externally, such a product is a design of two panels of different density. These are two blankets fastened together with buttons. If it is cold, you can take refuge warmerly, in the offseason one of the blankets is enough.
The size range of blankets made of camel wool is divided into children's, one and a half, double and euro size. This factor is one of the most important in purchasing: it is not only the price of the product that depends on it. In order not to huddle under a short and narrow blanket, pressing his legs, he is bought with a margin.
To determine it was easier, it is worth noting for yourself the desired length of the most popular dimensions, which is easier to buy a duvet cover:
- children - size ranges with dimensions of 100 x 135, 100 x 140, 100 x 150, 110 x 140 cm;
- one and half beds - styles with a length and width of 140 x 200, 140 x 205, 150 x 200, 155 x 200, 160 x 210 cm;
- double - models with the parameters 170 x 200, 175 x 205, 180 x 210 cm;
- European standard - varieties of spacious dimensions: 200 x 210, 200 x 220 cm.
Based on the basic dimensions, it will not be difficult to choose a blanket in accordance with its build.
Types of fabrics for covers quilted models
The modern textile market offers a wealth of options for blankets. One of the most popular fabrics involved in the production of quilted camel wool models today are:
- calico;
- satin;
- batiste;
- twill;
- percale;
- jacquard;
- polycotton;
- teak.
Basically, dense textiles of natural origin are involved in the production. Fabrics may vary in weave (plain or twill). They do not slip inside the duvet cover, so the blanket will not gather in lumps, always remaining neatly packed and level.
As for color, closed models are more often carried out in bright colors with a medium-sized print of plant themes. Children's rulers of the closed plan are decorated with a funny pattern in the form of soft toys or heroes of fairy tales.
Selection tips: important characteristics
Buying a good blanket is a solid occupation, it requires knowledge of the material features and external indicators. The task of any seller is the sale of goods, but not all that are offered today for sale, is worthy of purchase.
In order not to purchase low-grade counterfeit, it is worthwhile to arm yourself with information and take into account a number of nuances:
- to make a purchase is worth it personally, and only in a trusted store;
- need to ask more questions to the seller: so you can understand more about the quality of the product (advertising memorized lines always speak about ignorance of the product features, while the nuances and characteristics of each model will speak in favor of the quality and warranty of the seller);
- certificate of quality and hygiene compliance - a prerequisite (the first thing that says about the seriousness of the company and the store);
- It is worth asking the seller about the "age" of wool: if the product is made of young individuals, this information will be indicated on the label, and the seller will certainly emphasize this fact;
- You can check the age of wool yourself, not relying only on the words of the seller: if the structure of the material is homogeneous, evenly distributed, not prickly, soft without coarse compacted spines, the product is worth buying (the softer the texture, the younger the wool);
- when buying a blanket the best product is the one whose pulling out of the hairs is accompanied by effort (speaks of technology compliance);
- regardless of the type of product, it should look neat: no sticking lines, shaggy material, uneven edges, raw areas can not be;
- if you liked the quilted version of the blanket, mandatory condition - natural and dense textiles cover;
- wool density is a special topic: those who are constantly freezing need thick products - 420 grams per square meter. m., the rest of the users fit universal models with a density of 200 grams per 1 square. m. (it is important to pay attention to the number on the label);
- RIt is important to choose the size of the blanket for a specific user, taking into account the height and additional width around the width. Preferably a versatile option that can be packaged in a textile case.
Given all the nuances, do not forget about the price: as a rule, a quality thing is not cheap. The main part of the line exceeds the cost of analogues of sheep wool. If the price is too sweet, most likely it is a poor quality product or blends with the addition of sheepskin (sometimes synthetics).
In some cases, under the guise of camel hair sellers manage to sell the product, even close having nothing to do with such blankets. If the seller mints it without stopping, does not leave the buyer a chance to insert his question, emphasizes the need for immediate purchase, you should think about the quality of the products of this store.
Top manufacturers
In search of a quality blanket, each customer is concerned with the question of which store should be preferred and which model will be perfect. It is difficult to imagine without familiarizing with the products of trademarks that are in the rating of manufacturers of quality products:
- Gobi - 100% wool blankets from the leader of quality products, a Mongolian company with a worldwide reputation (low-cost and high-quality models for adults);
- AlViTek - a brand that produces quilts,made of camel down and wool: universal and lightweight versions, as well as a special model "Gobi" (not related to the Mongolian factory);
- "Aelita" - quilted models of Ivanovo company of a standard and lightweight plan, packed in textile covers of natural origin (high-quality blankets with excellent thermal insulation properties);
- Dargez - “breathing” models from a well-known manufacturer of quilted plan of wool and down, are available in two collections: the baby “Camel” and the adult “Sahara”;
- "Fleece" - Russian manufacturer specializing in the production of single-tone woven models of natural tones made from camel wool and down (unique elite rugs);
- Billerbeck - products of the German company with excellent quality and practical characteristics.
Care rules
Blankets from camel wool are very capricious in leaving. They react to any cleaning agent, so the main thing that should be taken into account - careful operation will extend the original appeal of the product. For those who do not want to put up with even the slightest speck, it is important to temper their ardor: washing the product will reduce the amount of fibers, reducing the distance between them, which will shorten the service life.
If there is a lot of dirt, I want to remove the persistent smell, you can use the services of dry cleaning. However, it is not known in what form the product will return: the customer often receives a kind of felt.
Buying a blanket of camel wool, it is worth bearing in mind:
- washing is allowed exclusively by hand with the use of special detergents (containing lanolin);
- twisting unacceptable: let some of the water flow naturally, then the blanket should be gently pressed;
- dry the product can be exclusively natural out of the sun;
- easier to clean with a dry brush;
- about 1 time per month, the blanket needs to be dried and ventilated outdoors in order to prevent the appearance of moths;
- duvet cover or sheets will help to extend the appearance of the appearance (so the blanket will be warmer);
- the blanket can only be stored in a breathable bag or wrapped in a cotton sheet (no polyethylene!).
In addition, it is useful to regularly air the room.
For a more detailed review of the blanket of camel wool, see the following video.