Silk blankets

Every person wants to be the happy owner of a cozy blanket, under which it will be nice to sleep. And besides, which can be used as a decorative textile for the home. Varieties of blankets today is not counting on the fingers. Silk blankets are a separate topic of conversation, since products made from natural products are always very highly valued, they are considered elite and stand above the average price tags for other fabrics. Next, you will learn more about silk blankets, learn about their varieties, positive and negative sides, as well as how to properly care for these textiles.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is believed that for the first time silk products appeared in China and only then began to spread throughout the globe. Silk fabric has long been considered very expensive, so often only very wealthy people could afford it.
In general, today the situation has not changed, various products of this type, as before, cost a pretty decent amount, but they have a lot of positive aspects in their use, apart from aesthetic, because any thing made of silk always looks beautiful, expensive and noble .
The advantages of silk blankets include the following points:
- Ease, softness and tenderness of products;
- The fabric is considered hypoallergenic, therefore, it is perfect for people with sensitive skin and even allergies;
- Silk is considered very practical. and durable material, it will please its owners for many years, the main thing is to properly care for it;
- Such material in itself, it always attracts a lot of attention, and when it is additionally decorated with various decorative embroidery, it looks really Oololev.
- Among other things silk textiles perfectly let in and ventilate the air, so it’s as if it allows the body to breathe during rest and sleep;
- Made from silk can be found with a variety of content for people with different preferences. It can be warm blankets, and lightweight options for the summer;
- Silk blanket in addition with silk pillows, it is easy to ensure a healthy and comfortable sleep.
In addition to the many advantages, and this seemingly ideal textile may have some disadvantages, which include:
- Quite high price on such products. Unfortunately, silk in its pure form is offered at very high rates;
- To date There are a lot of fakes that are offered at the prices of originals. When buying silk blankets, preference should be given only to trusted stores and retail outlets, which have a license to sell natural and high-quality textile products for home and decor;
- In the modern world Very often, natural silk with the addition of other impurities is given for exceptionally homogeneous;
- Many buyers Silk textiles are considered slippery and unpleasant to the body, but this sensation persists only for the first time;
- If it is very careless To care for your silk product, you can easily bring it into disrepair and it will cease to be soft and pleasant.
In spite of some positive and negative sides, such blankets are always in great demand among various buyers.
The modern market of textile production offers a huge variety of types of silk blankets for the very different tastes of customers - these are options of pure silk, and with impurities, and with various fillers. Silk blankets can also be classified according to the following types:
- Over the top fabric blankets can be silk or cotton;
- Filler quality will also depend directly on the price of the product. Higher grades of silk, of course, will cost more, but the options with various additives will be much cheaper;
- Also specialists share silk blankets for their manufacture, or rather technology. It can be quilted or not quilted options.
To have a more accurate idea of blankets, you should also consider some points that relate to the varieties, size and colors of this material.
Varieties of silk
The durability and quality of a silk product largely depends on its grade.
- Tussa is a type of silk, which is considered the most profitable and budget. This species is obtained from silkworm cocoons living in freedom and eating a wide variety of foliage. As a result, the threads for the future of silk are yellowish or brown.Many experts note their rigidity and coarseness, so they are most often lightened, whitened and softened with the help of various chemical influences. Accordingly, the quality and structure of such a material is already considered less natural. However, blankets of this sort are still silk, so they will be an excellent option if you decide to purchase this type of textile at a bargain price.
- If you are in search of the best quality silk, then elite mulberry is exactly what you need. Compared with the previous variety, this one is distinguished by its high cost, because in this case the silkworms are grown and fed out of will, and they only eat the leaves of one tree. Consequently, the output is more environmentally friendly silk of uniform color, which does not need additional or excessive processing. The best silk products at very high prices are produced exclusively from this class. A very important point is that textiles made from mulberry have higher thermal properties, and the blankets made from them will not be very heavy, but warm.If the products offered to you from this grade seem too heavy, then this may indicate that they contain an admixture of either another grade or synthetic.
In order not to run into poor quality textiles, it is also very important to take into account the color of your future blanket. Most often, silkworm textiles are white or milky, sometimes there is a tint of yellowness. This silk is always shiny and it has a uniform color without any stripes, irregular transitions and divorces.
If you see a blanket of pure white color without a single overflow and blotches, then most likely, it is not of the highest quality and has undergone chemical treatment to obtain the perfect shade.
Also today you can find a variety of silk colors. Of course, artificially colored. Peach silk or beige, as well as other varied colors from the most delicate to dark. But the classic option is whitish with small patches of yellow or milky.
Immediately it is important to note that the more parameters there will be a silk blanket, the more expensive it will cost you.
One-and-a-half silk blankets are most often 140x205 in size, double from 175x205 to 200x220, and sometimes even larger. Occasionally there are also options 160x190, which are also in demand among buyers.
A very thin silk product weighs only about 1 kilogram, while warmer and winter models weigh up to 3 kilograms on average. The golden mean of the weight of a silk blanket, according to experts, is 1.5-2 kg, not more. This blanket will be a great solution for cool weather and fresh summer evenings.
How to choose?
To find the perfect blanket for your home, which with proper care can last for 20 or even 25 years, you need to consider the following:
- The appearance of the product itself and the filler. A high-quality filler will look like one whole layer without any irregularities, seals or creases;
- If you need a better blanket, Then give preference to non-quilted models, since they are considered more durable. Over time, the seams in quilts may diverge slightly, which means that thin silk threads will gradually crawl out, puffs begin to appear, and not only the appearance of the product, but also its quality will deteriorate.Of course, quilted blankets have their advantages, but such options are best to choose from a different fabric;
- When creating blanket covers Many manufacturers use silk satin in its pure form, however, there are also combinations of silk and cotton;
- Thinner summer blanket it is better to purchase from a variety of mulberry, besides, such products are often additionally unbleached;
- Many manufacturers silk products recommend this type of blankets as a season, but they are also warmer or, conversely, thin and cool, which is suitable for spring or summer holidays.
As a filler for blankets, many manufacturers use either domestic or wild silkworm threads. Which option is still purchased, depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.
We also recommend to pay attention to silk blankets filled with gauze. Gauze is used so that you can pull out the fiber and wash the cover without any problems. Such models of blankets are relevant in China.
How to identify authenticity?
Not the best, but at the same time an effective method of checking the blanket filler is to pinch a small piece from the filler itself.The rupture of the threads of elite malberry silk is considered to be rather difficult, but it is much easier to break the mixture of silk and artificial options.
Genuine silk is very porous in appearance, but after clicking on it, it easily restores its former shape.
Original silk should be checked, unbuttoning the blanket cover, expensive fibers will be elastic and pleasant to the touch. As mentioned above, the color pure white can not be, most often it is shades of cream, milk or pearl, but not perfectly white.
Many also test silk by burning thread. From natural silk, fingers quickly get dirty, the smell will be slightly unpleasant, organic, as, for example, when burning hair.
Also, do not forget that for whatever discounts you are offered a blanket, a natural silk product will not be cheap, otherwise it simply will not justify wasting your production.
How to care?
In order for the blanket to meet all your expectations and to warm for many years, it is necessary to take care of it, and there is nothing complicated about it. Of course, natural fiber care is best done in dry cleaning, where it will not be spoiled.
Wash silk products in a typewriter is not recommended, even if there is the most gentle mode. Periodically, the blanket must be whipped, especially if it has become loose from time to time. This is done so that it does not lose its original shape. If you want to hide your blanket in a closet for a while, then do not put anything heavy on it, because heavy things can damage delicate mulberry fibers and fix the situation will be difficult or impossible.
Reviews of the best manufacturers of silk textiles are always positive. When looking for a real silk quilt, you should definitely look at a popular brand. Togaswhich offers many different models of silk blankets. Reviews about them are excellent, but the prices bite, because these products from this brand can be found with a price tag of almost 90 thousand rubles.
Chinese brand Silk dragon You can also find excellent options for silk blankets at affordable prices.
Luxury bedding items including pillows, blankets and other textiles can be purchased from Aonasi.
Data and many other brands and brands have their own online stores and branded outlets,in which you can easily choose the model of blankets you need for the summer, winter, or all-season models you will like most, but be careful and beware of imitations.
How to get pure silk, you can learn from the video below.