Standard sizes of one-and-a-half blankets

For a good sleep you need to create a comfortable atmosphere. Quality linen and the appropriate size of the blankets play an important role. The article will tell you how to choose the right one-and-a-half blanket and what you should pay attention to when buying.
Blankets are classified according to several criteria:
Type of filler
- Natural. Down of birds (loon, duck, goose), wool (camel, cashmere and sheep). Such products are very warm, breathable and do not trap moisture, it is an ideal option for winter time. There are also cotton blankets, for the filling of which materials of plant origin are taken. Bamboo made from fibers of bamboo wood.Silk products are made from mulberry silkworm threads.
- Artificial fillers - synthetic winterizer, nanofiber, swan's down, fayber and silicone.
Blanket size
One-and-a-half have dimensions of 145x205 cm, 150x220 cm. The latter are most in demand. Doubles have dimensions of 175x205 cm. Euro standard - 200x220 cm.
Degree of heat
To designate on the packaging of the product put a certain number of points:
1 - Summer lung, the filling of such a blanket is most often a synthetic material, light and breathable.
2 - Easy, here manufacturers use wool or down, but in a lightweight state.
3 - All-season, where the key role is played by the filler, most often it is a synthetic padding product. It should not be hot, and in the cold season it retains heat well.
4 - Warm, suitable for winter, cold autumn and the first months of spring.
5 is the maximum value, the blanket with this marking is very warm. It is preferable to use in the winter.
Sewing style
In order to not fill the filler in one lump, the product must be stitched. Here there are three styles:
- Cassette - the blanket is stitched in small symmetrical sectors that securely hold the filler. These can be squares, rhombuses and other shapes.
- Karostep - the product is stitched in the form of a picture.The pattern must be symmetrical and even, otherwise the product will lose its proper appearance during operation.
- Quilts - seams run parallel to each other along the length or width. Due to this, the service life is significantly reduced, as the filler begins to stray within the same lane.
These are the main signs by which the blankets differ from each other. But in order to choose a blanket for a comfortable rest, it is worth remembering their differences. Each person’s sleep and preferences are different, and therefore the requirements for accessories will vary.
Individual approach will help you make the right choice.
What should be the "lorry"?
One and a half-sleeping blanket is in great demand among buyers. This is ideal for those who prefer to sleep alone.
Below is a list of the most popular sizes:
- 140x205 cm. This blanket has been known since the Soviet time, it is perfect for small beds.
- 155x215 cm. This size came to us from the West and is already in close competition with other sizes. Another common name - "Euro-Lorry".
- 160x205 cm. Less common among buyers. Mostly purchased for children.
- 160x220 cm. This product is rarely bought, but such sizes are quite suitable for children.
One and a half-sleeping blanket is often purchased for older children. This is explained by the fact that under such a blanket the child will be comfortable and free to sleep.
It is worth remembering that there are no specific rules of production, as well as the choice of a half-quilt blanket. It all depends on your preferences, the quality of materials. Standards that are popular may not suit you. It requires an individual approach.
Suitable bedding options
When the blanket is purchased, it's time to take care of comfortable and high-quality bedding. The assortment is quite easy to get confused, because modern stores offer a variety of sizes, sets, which can differ in a set of accessories, the size of individual items.
Before you go shopping for bed linen, you should determine what you need. Now the most common bed linen, which comes as a set. It includes a duvet cover, bed sheet, two pillowcases. It is necessary to know exactly the dimensions of not only the bed, but also the blanketsThis will allow you to choose a bed that will create a comfortable feeling during sleep.
One and a half sleeping kits are perfect for both one person and a couple. The duvet cover often has a size of 215x143 cm, and the sheet is 214x145 cm. Pillowcases can be different, but usually their size is 70x70 cm, which corresponds to a standard pillow.
Kit sizes may vary. The main indicator here is the country of origin. It is necessary to disassemble each item of the kit in more detail in order to understand which bedding will suit you:
- Pillowcase. The dimensions of this piece of bed linen can be 70x70 cm, 60x60 cm and 50x70 cm. It should be chosen strictly according to the size of the pillow. The pillowcase should not be too loose or cramped. This can cause poor sleep.
- Sheet. Here the size is determined by the dimensions of the bed. The canvas should be 20 cm larger than the mattress. The most popular sizes are 160x210 cm, as well as 150x215 cm.
- Duvet Cover. When choosing, it is worth remembering that the duvet cover should be longer than the "lorry". Ideally, the length of the duvet cover will be 10 cm longer. The standard queen size quilt has a size of 150x210 cm. But there are also 150x215 cm, 160x220 cm.
The choice of single and half-sleeping bed linen depends not only on the type and dimensions of your bed, but also on the size of the product.
The duvet cover should be a little looser. If it is less, then the blanket will be placed in hillocks, which will deprive you of a sound and healthy sleep.
How to measure?
The most popular standard lorry in Russia - 140x205 cm. This size corresponds to the classic bed linen, produced by Russian manufacturers. It has been preserved since the Soviet era.
The most important thing when choosing bed linen is not to be mistaken with the size of the duvet cover, for this you need to measure the blanket. Length and width - this is important, but we should not forget about the thickness of the blanket. The standard sizes of one-and-a-half-sleeping blankets are 140x205, 155x215, 160x205 cm and the rarest - 160x220 cm.
Manufacturers Overview
Below is a list of the most popular manufacturers of blankets, which guarantee the consumer high quality products:
- Shchigrovskaya Feather and Down Factory LLC engaged in the manufacture of not only blankets, but also other textiles. Products are based on only high-quality materials that meet all standards and have certificates of quality and conformity.
- LLC "Southern Way" specializes in the production of silk blankets.This is a representative textile factory from China. Products meet all safety requirements and are of high quality.
- The brand Issimo Home from Turkey attracts customers with the highest quality materials used. Textile products manufactured by the company are popular all over the world, it meets all standards.
- Le vele - manufacturer from France. It makes blankets from environmentally friendly materials such as down, wool and nanofiber. The products have remarkable aesthetic qualities.
- "With Textiles" - domestic manufacturer of bedding. Products meet all modern requirements, which has a beneficial effect not only on quality but also on price.
- Adele -production in Ivanovo. The company appeared relatively recently, but has already gained popularity among consumers. The range of the manufacturer is regularly updated. It is engaged not only in the production of products, but also supplies blankets and other bedding of famous European brands to the Russian market.
How to choose?
When the size of the blanket is determined, it is necessary to choose it.Here, the deciding factors may be the filler, the time of year when it is planned to use it, the material of the cover.
Blankets are classified according to the time of use: winter, summer and demi-season. For the cold season, suitable duvet or wool blanket. In the summer, you can use lightweight wool, bamboo, silicone, and silk products. Demi blanket suitable for any time of year.
If the choice fell on a duvet, it is worth checking how easy and soft it is. The feathers inside should be evenly spaced and should not show out. The cover should be tight, but not heavy. Feel free to smell the product, the presence of any smell indicates a low quality of the materials used. Another important sign of a good duvet is the ability to maintain shape. To check this, you need to press on the product. If after 20 seconds it did not return to normal, then the blanket is of poor quality. This blanket is suitable for the cold season.
A silk blanket should be light, soft, and the silkworm filler should be evenly folded.Mandatory requirement for this type of product - the presence of lightning on the cover. So you can check the content. It should be uniform, without unpleasant smell. If these rules are not followed, then the manufacturer used materials of poor quality. This can deprive you not only of good sleep, but also cause significant harm to health.
Among the general rules when choosing a blanket for sleeping the most important is the neat execution of the product.
If there are protruding threads, a filler is visible through the stitches, then it means that the manufacturer has done its job in bad faith. Such a blanket will last less than the stated lifetime. Uneven and asymmetrical seams indicate that during operation, the blanket will quickly lose its original appearance.
The blanket cover should be made of natural fabric. It may be calico, flax, teak, satin, which are perfectly breathable and absorb moisture. Sleeping under such a blanket will be comfortable and strong. For people who are prone to allergies suitable blanket made of synthetic material, most often it is silicone. You can also pay attention to bamboo, cotton and silk.
Choosing a blanket is not an easy task, but if you approach it with full responsibility, you will find exactly what you need. Remember that your sleep depends on it. These simple rules are not commonplace truths, but you should not neglect them.
How to choose the size of bed linen, you will learn from the following video.