Table lamp

It is good when the house is bright and cozy, but it often happens that daylight is not enough for comfortable study or work. The less light, the more tired the eyes, and therefore, the vision deteriorates. One of the options for additional lighting, which helps in the prevention of vision problems, is nothing more than a regular desk lamp. It would seem that it can be easier, but in these little helpers many mysteries are hidden. This article will help lift the veil of secrecy and choose exactly the light source that is best suited for different rooms and conditions.
Variety of features
And you need to start with the fact that despite the main function of a desk lamp to emit light, they have and several secondary purposes:
- The first function is decorative component. Yes, table lamps are used as ordinary room decorations. Most often these are bedside lamps that fit into the interior as much as possible and create a complete image of the room. Of course, by their light it is convenient to read in bed, but they are rarely used for this.
- In addition to decorating the room, table lamps are often used. as night lights, a kind of children's devices, creating a faint glow that does not strain the eyes and at the same time accelerates the impenetrable night darkness that prevents the kids from sleeping.
- But still the main function of table lamps is creating a working atmosphere for workers and students. Many experts recommend creating the most comfortable illumination for the eyes for these groups of people, because both of them very often and in many cases strain their eyes.
Design options
Despite the fact that the functional application of table lamps is not very large,There are a lot of variants of their execution, as manufacturers of furniture and accessories strictly follow modern fashion trends and produce their products in different styles. You can also make such a lamp for a specific interior, regardless of its content.
As already mentioned, there are many design options, but you can try and select the main ones:
- Decorative. Such lamps perform one single purpose. And just the same they represent the greatest variety of images - from simple strict minimalism to high-tech samples in high-tech style. In carrying out their task, they can even combine several styles, coming simultaneously under several directions and filling the room.
- Children's table lamps, rather, they are intended to create positive associations in babies, in connection with which they are made in the form of various pleasant objects such as bunnies, mice, stars, and the like cute things. For older children, special nightlights are provided in the form of all your favorite superheroes and items of their equipment such as the hammer of Thor or the shield of Captain America.They are acquired for themselves even by adults who do not want to say goodbye to their childhood.
- The third, but no less relevant type of table lamps is workers. Their diversity is not so great, because their task is to give a bright, not straining light, but in no way please the eye of the beholder. That is why these lamps are most often represented as elongated devices covered with a plastic shield to avoid burns during operation, and they differ mainly in the length of the product itself, which is commensurate with the workplace.
Selection Criteria for Desktop
Today, in an age of advanced computer and Internet technologies, it is possible to distinguish those that are designed to work on a computer in a special category of table lamps. Many, of course, use the usual lamps that equip desktops, but often their functionality is limited and does not provide one hundred percent comfort when handling a computer. In general, we can say that the main desk lamp is the computer itself, or rather, its monitor, the light from which is quite capable of highlighting the desired part of the working surface of the table, including the keyboard and other peripheral devices, the use of which is necessary for high-quality work.
If the work involves a night mode, then additional light sources, in addition to the monitor, are simply necessary, and today many manufacturers of various kinds of lights and fixtures are concerned about this issue. The result of solving this problem was the emergence of a huge number of additional accessories for personal computers, including keyboards with illuminated keys, special adhesive tapes with LEDs placed above the keyboard and powered from the computer itself via USB connection.
This is not a complete list of all that was created to solve the problem of poor lighting, but I want to highlight among the whole of this variety table lamps, which are also quite a lot. Here's what you need to know when choosing them.
- The first and main aspect when choosing a lamp for the equipment of a workplace is its power. The more powerful the lamp, the brighter its glow, respectively, the higher the light sensitivity of the eye, the less pleasant the sensations when working with such lamps. On the other hand, someone on the contrary can work exclusively in bright light.In general, the choice of power is very dependent on human needs.
- The second selection criterion is power consumption. Of course, this is also very important and depends on the need for constant illumination when performing the assigned tasks. If during the day the time of work with the need for increased artificial illumination does not exceed an hour, then it is quite possible to get along with a small lamp that runs on batteries. Such lamps are often low-power and provide very little light, but one battery can last for a long time. If there is a lot to work at night, it is best to choose a small, narrowly directed desk lamp with a flexible base that connects directly to a computer. Such lamps consume little energy, but are able to give light for a very long time. You can, of course, use the good old table lamps, which are attached directly to the table and connected to the electrical network using a standard outlet.
When working with a computer, such lamps cause more negativity than good, because they are attached to the table and have a stiff base, therefore, if necessary, to highlight hard-to-reach places such a lamp may simply be useless.
Mounting methods:
- The most common way - this, of course, screw. The base of the lamp is literally inserted into the edge of the table, after which the fixing screw located in the lower part of the base is twisted, organizing a clear grip with the lower part of the table and pressing the upper part of the base to the working surface of the table top.
- The second most popular mounting option is ordinary plastic clip located at the base of the lampwhich can even be attached to a monitor without danger of damage. Of course, to call such lamps exclusively desktop is not entirely correct, since at present their use is not limited to connecting to the power grid only by means of an electrical outlet.
Connecting such lamps via USB-port greatly expands the possibilities of their use, allowing you to use even on the street, working with a laptop, for example.
- The third method of location of table lamps in the workplace can be attributed lamps without a clearly defined attachment, that is, located on the table itself. Basically, these are decorative lamps, the use of which for illumination is secondary.And the convenience of their use when working with a computer is small.
- Another fairly situational method of mounting a desk lamp on the desktop is to use the ability to connect the lamp only through the USB-port, which, in fact, is the mount. Such lamps most often consist of three components: the lamp itself, the connecting cable wrapped with rigid insulation and flexible joints, as well as the USB connector for connection. Due to the flexibility of the base, the possibilities of attaching them to the table are very large, because they can simply be tied to an element of the table in the right place and direct the light where it is needed.
The correct arrangement on the table
In fact, the correct location of the desk lamp in the workplace is purely individual for each person and depends on their needs, but experts have developed a whole list of requirements for the organization of the workplace. Here are some of them:
- It is better to have a lamp to the left of it or in front of you;
- The light should fall only on the working surface, but so that the glare does not blind the eyes;
- If the lamp is located at the back, the shadow from the head should not fall on the working surface;
- Best of all, if the working surface does not reject glare at all.This will protect the eyes from unnecessary irritation;
- When working at the computer, it is necessary to combine the brightness of the monitor with the lighting from the lamp. The light from it should not fall on the monitor, and the brightness of the monitor should be two to three times higher than the brightness of the lamp.
Differences of decorative models
As mentioned above, decorative models are very different from their counterparts as a functional, and a huge variation in performance. In general, decorative table lamps are, for the most part, static lamps, which consist of a round or square foot and the lamp itself, covered with a shade that can diffuse or concentrate light.
In addition, so-called dimmers, or dimmers, which allow you to vary the brightness to create the desired atmosphere, are often installed on decorative lamps. For example, the muted light from a desk lamp contributes to the development of romantic thoughts, while the bright light distracts from unnecessary thoughts, forcing to focus on the main thing.
Another feature of decorative table lamps is the variety of forms for the ceiling or ceiling lamps in case the product has several light bulbs.The so-called “floristics” is very popular, that is, the manufacture of a plafond in the shape of a flower bud, which can look like a rose, a tulip, and many other variations.
In addition to form, an important difference is also considered the color of the entire product, and only the ceiling, since it can give the light from the lamp exclusive shades, ranging from black to colors such as pink or yellow.
You can combine the colors and shapes of the lampshades, creating from them unique works of art that, with the lights off, will create a feeling of completeness, and after switching on they will create additional effects that will amaze anyone who sees this action.
Also, decorative lamps can be used as a night light.
Style Directions
Of course, standard and already familiar forms of desk lamps are good, but there is always where to go next. For example, the realization of manufacturers' fantasies in various styles:
- Classic - the direction of the style, which originated in the XVII century and is still in great demand at the present time in the design of various premises;
- Avant-garde - the opposite of the classics.It is dominated by the use of the most modern materials, furniture and color combinations for interior styling;
- Modern - this native of the XIX century is based on all sorts of emphasizing luxury in everything. Often used patterns in the form of various flowers with beautiful buds
- Loft - one of the modern styles, which literally represents the organization of the interior of a room in the form of an abandoned industrial building such as a garage, workshop, shop, and the like. Of course, when choosing this style there is no need to throw everything with dirt and dust;
- Provence. This style came to us from France. More precisely, from its provincial settlements. Combines the rustic simplicity and at the same time the elegance of the true monarchs.
Unusual models for a beautiful interior
Today an important place in the lives of many people is the organization of precisely beautiful interior, often losing the entire functionality of table lamps. Although there are good examples, such as the use of crystal lampshades, as well as the manufacture of the whole structure of crystal. When the lamp is turned on, the ceiling starts to play with all the colors of the rainbow, as crystal crystals begin to play the role of a prism, which allows splitting white light into its components.
Also, the original and at the same time beautiful solution can be called lamps made of wood, but not always wooden products allow you to fully use its functionality.
Of course, carefully covered with wood ceiling decorated with various kinds of carvings - it is visually beautiful, but there is no light from it.
Often, when you decorate a room in the style of classic or modern, special old lamps are purchased or modern, but aged artificially.
In Russia, an interesting solution for the interior of a public institution would be the use of three shades of white, blue and red, arranged like tricolor.
Extremely interesting are the works of Italian masters. Particular attention today is paid to wireless models.
Of course, today there are a lot of fashionable and unusual models, but it is worth remembering that not all of them will look appropriate in any room.
Very important is the lack of busting in colors and visual content of the interior.
Modern options
As it was said earlier, the solution of the problem of insufficient illumination of the desktop surfaces becomes more and more relevant with each passing day.Dozens, if not hundreds, of new table lamp options are invented every day. And they all differ from each other more and more.
Now you do not need to connect to the mains. It is enough to have at hand a USB port, at least from a portable battery, to start using a desk lamp.
Adjust the brightness - what could be easier! It is necessary to purchase a lamp with a dimmer - dimmer, and you can switch the light modes as you please.
There are even those that are able to change their color thanks to several built-in LEDs that can be switched using a special remote control, thereby creating a unique light dance on the walls.
For those who work in the construction industry and are engaged in drawing high-precision projects, a magnifying glass is built into the desk lamp, with which you can see even the smallest details.
However, today for most people the possibility of mobile use of the lamp and moving it from place to place, therefore, in most cases, folding options are made for workplaces.
You can equip it with a special backlight, which will work depending on the main light or independently. It can also be controlled using the remote control.
Features of models for children
What is the difference between children's table lamps and adults - the answer to this question is very simple and has already been slightly revealed at the very beginning, but it is worth repeating that children's models are most often performed in the form of different animals and things that do not frighten children. There are table lamps made in the form of characters of fairy tales of the peoples of the world, ranging from a hedgehog in the fog, ending with a kung fu panda.
What kind of light bulbs to choose?
A very important aspect when choosing a desk lamp is the choice of a light bulb for it. Not so long ago, incandescent bulbs were the most common, but they consume too much energy and heat the lamp shade too much. In addition, they can burst, causing harm to health, so now they are practically not used. The best choice will be fluorescent lamps, allowing artificially create soft and comfortable lighting.
For the organization of the workplace, you must remember that the optimal lamp power is 60 watts.With more power, the light reflected from the paper or the working surface will irritate the eyes, and with a power of less than 40 watts there will be very poor lighting.
Almost all the bulbs now fluorescent, because they consume much less energy and last longer, however, their cost is much higher than incandescence.
Also in some table lamps manufacturers use the so-called halogen lamps, but they are few and it is quite difficult to find such devices. If you managed to find it, but it became useless, it can also be difficult to replace it with a new one.
Quality Manufacturers
In the end, I would like to mention several manufacturers of high-quality table lamps from Italy and Spain:
- Supra;
- Globo;
- Camelion;
- Arte Lamp;
- Odeon Light;
- Eglo.
It is also necessary to note the Chinese manufacturers Feron and Kink Light.
See the following video for tips on choosing a table lamp.