Desk lamps for desktop

A table lamp is one of the most necessary and important attributes of each room: be it a bedroom, a living room or a nursery. Although this item is not multitasking, it can perform several functions at once. For example, in the nursery it can act as a night light, a source of local light, or it can be just a part of a beautiful interior that complements it. At night, the included lamp can fill the room with an enchanting atmosphere, comfort and warmth.
Special features
Lamps currently have a huge variation series with the possibility of desktop installation. The body of such a device is usually made of a metal rod, with which you can adjust the height and the desired lighting.They can also be moved to any room. In the lower part, as a rule, is the entire electrical component. The base is very massive, so it does not allow the structure to fall.
It cannot be said that manufacturers use any special technologies to create such devices, but they try to create such models that will be as convenient and comfortable as possible for the supply of light.
Lamps are divided into decorative and workers. Depending on this, their requirements also differ. To work, you must choose a powerful lamp with a strong luminous flux. Decorative can be deprived of such qualities and properties. They are endowed with a single function - the creation of a certain atmosphere and comfort in the room.
Basic requirements for decorative lamps:
- It should fit into the interior as much as possible and fit under the furniture in the room;
- The main requirement - compliance with other items that are in the room.
Lamps for the desktop should be endowed with the following characteristics:
- Easy adjustment;
- Functionality;
- A color that does not irritate the eyes;
- Comfortable housing.
Another feature of such devices is that they can be rotated in any direction, adapting as much as possible to the owner. Also an important element is the ceiling.
The glass ceiling is the most acceptable because it does not overheat and does not melt like plastic, and also does not heat like iron.
High-quality workplace lighting is the key to the success of the work being done. This applies not only to schoolchildren, but also to business people. In order to organize the workplace with high quality, you need to choose the right subject of lighting. In today's market there is a huge number of lamps, different in shape, degree of lighting and texture. In order to avoid a wrong choice of a lamp, it is necessary to approach the issue carefully and consider each type in more detail.
For student
The main criterion when choosing a table lamp for children of the school period is the maximum preservation of their vision. To do this, it must be ergonomic and safe for health. The design of such a device is also important, but secondary.
The first thing to look out for is the shape and color of the ceiling. These are the main criteria on which it is necessary to concentrate, because the light should not blind the child, and the design should not distract from the lessons. As a rule, the flow of light should be scattered over the entire surface of the table.
All the above criteria are able to support trapezoidal devices with warm colors of the body and ceiling. According to ophthalmologists, the best color for perception is green, because it is able to relax the eye muscles, unlike red or orange shades.
For a first grader, there is nothing better than natural light. But bright sunshine can please in the summer and not more than 10 hours a day. Therefore, in order for a schoolchild to learn lessons in good light, it is necessary to pick up a lamp that is close to natural daylight. A desktop device in student years is usually the key to the child’s academic performance, and it is impossible to approach this issue irresponsibly. The main task of parents is to preserve the vision of their offspring. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire such an important attribute not from design characteristics, but from functional ones:
- The light should be soft and even without any shadows.
- When the lamp is on, be sure to turn on the overhead light.
- The light source should be to the left of the child.
- In the afternoon you should not close the curtains in order to avoid obstacles to daylight.
- Obstacles are also considered dirty unwashed windows and indoor flowers on window sills.
- Light sources should not be placed in front and behind the child.
LED light
Every day the popularity of LED lamps is gaining popularity. This happens because such lamps do not convert energy into heat, unlike conventional incandescent lamps, but, on the contrary, save it 10 times more efficiently. LED devices are not heated, therefore, the child will not be able to get burned on the ceiling.
Among the huge number of different lamps is difficult to make a choice and stay on the same model. But there are categories that are considered basic. For example:
- Classic. It harmoniously combines a beautiful base and no less beautiful ceiling or lampshade. Very often such classic models are decorated with stones or paintings.
- Working table lamp. It must be multifunctional. Changing the luminous flux, height adjustment, reflector - these are the criteria that indicate that the lamp is ideal for writing or reading.
- Children's table lamp. Such a device must be not only beautiful, but also safe. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase plastic lamps that do not harm the child and his health.
- With mount. Such lamps are quite comfortable and multifunctional. Among the huge variety of such devices, you can choose those that best fit the type of attachment. They can be installed on a flat surface (these are ordinary devices that are placed on the table), with the help of a clamp - an element that fixes certain parts of the lamp or with a clothespin. In the latter version, you can fix the flow of light in a certain direction.
- Computer As you know, the light emanating from the monitor impairs vision. And in order to avoid this, it is necessary to turn on the main light or a desk lamp that can soften the concentration of attention focused on the computer monitor.
Also emit a lamp and halogen lamp. Usually a wall lamp with a specific system is mounted on a vertical surface. The fixing depends on the division of such devices into groups:
- Inline.These lamps are mounted on any surface other than concrete. Despite its simplest design, they must be installed before the start of finishing works.
- Overhead. They do not take up much space, are mounted on any surface and can easily move from one room to another. Especially organically, such devices look in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway. But there are a number of models that have a stunning texture, and they are able to join the interior of the room.
- On the brackets. These models are usually placed over chairs or beds. They occupy a lot of space, but, nevertheless, have great light output.
Halogen endowed with very high and high quality color reproduction. They are divided into low voltage lamps (low voltage) and high voltage lamps (high voltage). They are also divided into types:
- Linear. Since they are very powerful, they are not used in premises, since they have high brightness. Their purpose is floodlighting.
- Directly halogen. With success they replace conventional incandescent bulbs. They can be of various shapes, endowed with compactness and decorative.
- With reflector.Such lamps emit a lot of heat and are used for spot lighting (embedded in various types of ceilings).
- Capsule. Have very small sizes. Built into the ceiling and furniture.
The main of all characteristics is the power of the luminous flux, which is indicated directly on the box or in the instructions of each lamp. But in some models it can be indicated not the power, but the approximate energy consumption.
Among them are a number of basic features inherent in this device:
- Water resistant. The higher the indicator, the more secure the lamp. Models that have a high degree of moisture protection are usually placed in the bathroom.
- Functional component. All lamps are endowed with the performance of only two functions: decorative and lighting.
- Equipment. Many lamps have additions in the form of beautiful lampshades, warranty card and various recommendations.
Accessories include:
- Lamps: halogen, LED and incandescent lamps.
- Means for cleaning: detergents, brushes.
- Switches.
- Ceiling lamps.
- Base.
- Decorative wire.
To control the brightness of the lamp by reducing the voltage there is a device such as a dimmer. Some lamps may simply be incompatible with a dimmer, so if you want to buy such a device, you need to look in the instructions, maybe one or another lamp can contact it.
Despite the high price, more expensive similar devices possess high quality and universality. They are very easy to connect. In addition, they consist of circuits without fuses, therefore, even with incorrect wiring, you can not confuse the polarity of connections.
Cheap ones do not have this quality and lack fuses, so they can easily melt. It follows from this that it is undesirable to save on dimmers.
Another kind are LED lamps. They have several advantages, such as low energy consumption, durability, small size, besides, they do not overheat, work in the cold and are easy to dispose of because they do not have mercury. Despite the high cost, such lamps will only bring benefit and do not cause inconvenience.
Among the advantages of LED-lamps are:
- Small dimensions of the device;
- The presence of a huge range;
- Durability;
- Long service life;
- Minimum energy consumption;
- Excellent light component;
- Easy installation;
- Impeccable appearance.
Another type of lamp are batteries. They are very convenient because they are battery powered and lack wires. The main characteristics include:
- Small dimensions;
- Comfortable luminous flux;
- Long-term operation.
Unusual models
It is possible to emphasize the elegance of the interior and its unusualness with the help of original table lamps having different colors, design and texture. In addition, they can be placed not only on the bedside table in the bedroom, but also on the dressing table, for example, in the hallway. Another place in which such a device fits perfectly is the children's room.
As a rule, table lamps are located anywhere. But it is necessary to remember some principles that must be followed. For example, if a table-top appliance is located on a dressing table, its color scheme should be bright, and the lampshade must be closed in order to avoid glare while applying makeup.
Unusual lamps can also be located on the dining table, but this option is not the best, since they can be accidentally touched and filled with water.
In today's market there is a huge amount of lighting. Their unusual design, coupled with an interesting and original component can be misleading every buyer. It is difficult to decide when there are dozens of options that are as close as possible to the taste preferences of the buyer and to the existing interior. But when choosing any model, one should pay attention not only to the external components of the device, but also to its functional characteristics.
Color solutions
Convenience and attractiveness - the main components of any interior room. Do not forget about the details, which, despite their small size, can successfully complement the room and make it zest. It is a desk lamp that can not only help in the performance of affairs, but also turn any room into a corner of comfort, comfort and peace.
It should be noted that when buying should take into account the concept of the entire premises and its design component.And already from this to make a start towards the acquisition of a desktop device, comparing textures and color solutions.
For example, in the room for the student fit perfectly green table lamp. Through a soothing green diffused light, it is able to bring to the room pacification and a sense of detachment from all problems. This will serve as a great helper after a hard day's work. Also, this color can be used in the bedroom, where it will bring peace and comfort.
Undoubtedly, such devices are regulators of the atmosphere of the room. Model with white shade able to add room light, make it as lit as possible. In addition, this color is not sharp and will not irritate the eyes.
Yellow lamp can fit both in the bedroom and in the hallway. Yellow light can diffuse and fill the room with heat. It is muffled light colors that bring a charming intimate atmosphere into the room.
Manufacturers and brands
Currently, there are a huge number of manufacturers who are trying to adapt to the taste preferences of consumers as much as possible. Among them are several brands that create a truly high-quality product:
- Arte Lamp. The country in which these lamps are made is Italy. The company provides a wide choice of goods, namely more than 800 names of various devices. She also specializes in the creation of solar-powered lamps.
- Brilliant. This manufacturer manufactures environmentally friendly devices that do not emit harmful substances. He listens to customers as much as possible and satisfies his needs.
- Came lion. Another flagship manufacturer is Camelion. It is based on the creation of not only lighting devices, but also chargers and batteries.
How to choose?
When buying a lighting device, each person tries to choose a convenient and beautiful lamp. In order for it to bring really comfortable lighting, you need to consider some aspects of your choice:
- In order for the lamp not to blind, you need to choose the cover, completely hides the light source.
- Devices of yellow or red color will only contribute to fatigue and put pressure on the eyes.
- Color solution - one of the main components.If you want to relax as much as possible, this will help green shade. It not only relaxes the muscles of the eyes, but also has a positive effect on the moral state of a person.
- Ideal - glass cover. It does not heat up and scatters light throughout the room.
- It is best to buy matte lamps, they are not blind and do not have annoying glare.
- The tabletop device must be adjusted to fit the owner and its location.
- The color temperature should be as comfortable as possible and have a white, flickering light. This can provide an LED lamp.
- A good device must be durable and easy to maintain.
- Brightness control and built-in dimmer - a guarantee of comfort and eye comfort.
How to arrange?
When buying a device for lighting a room, many wonder how to arrange it correctly, so as not to harm health and spoil the interior design. This is a very important question that cannot be approached irresponsibly.
Before you plan the location of lighting, you need to consider the location of the windows. The table must be fully illuminated with ambient light.If you are right-handed, the lamp is installed on the left in order to avoid shadows, for a left-handed person, respectively, on the right.
Also need to properly adjust the device. It should not interfere with work and even more distract. In addition, the desk lamp is not placed in front of the computer, but located slightly above it.
It is no secret that for each type of activity there is a certain type of table lamps with its own features and characteristics. Some models have a high price, but there are also the most economical and cheap. Each company sets a different price for their devices. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer is trying to adapt to people with different incomes.
Remember that you cannot save on your own health. Due to the acquisition of the wrong lamp for the illumination of a certain zone and with its wrong location, the vision is very much affected, which is difficult to restore.
On how to choose the right lamp for the student, see the following video.