Tiffany table lamps

When interior design, designers often face the need to create additional touches in it to make the atmosphere more bright and cozy. In search of a suitable elegant décor, professionals often turn their attention to table lamps from Tiffany. They are distinguished by their catchy and unusual appearance, which successfully combines the great taste of designers, stained glass and the atmosphere of expensive luxury.
A bit of history
Tiffany Louis Comfort is considered the creator of the design of Tiffany table lamps. He was inspired by stained glass, which by that time became less popular among manufacturers and was gradually replaced by cheaper materials from the use of decorative elements in the design of the decor. That is why the first thing that Louis Tiffany showed interest in is the quality of stained glass.
Driven by a sense of responsibility for their products, this man went in search of the “perfect glass” for future table lamps. At the same time, he did not look for opportunities to buy it, but found out how to create it, in order to present unique material for creating lamps from Tiffany. And soon he succeeded.
In the XX century, the brand bought a small glass enterprise, where the artist continued to experiment with light and shade and glass resistance to external conditions. In the method of creating a stained glass window, Louis Tiffany used copper foil as well as tin solder to collect small particles into one large piece — that was how the critics subsequently spoke of his works.
The quality of the glass produced was appreciated by all connoisseurs of beauty without exception, and Tiffany successfully participated in the creation of windows and decorative items for churches and temples, before concentrating its production on the more accessible item for everyone to buy - a desk lamp.
Features and benefits
Beautiful reflections of light in combination with the inherent products from the Tiffany brand will refine the interior and make it more luxurious with elegance and elegance.Modern models are not inferior in beauty and quality to their predecessors and are manufactured using the improved technology of Louis Tiffany, thanks to which glass collects and beautifully diffuses the light from the bulb inside the plafonds.
The main features of table lamps, for which many collectors and lovers of aesthetic things of this brand love them so much:
- Original design. The colorful stained glass together with the thought-out design makes the models extremely interesting, cozy and sunny. Amazing, almost fabulous compositions attract the attention of its extraordinary beauty and complexity in execution. And the light, easily penetrating and reflected from the fragments, makes the lamp even more attractive and desirable for many lovers of luxury;
- High level of quality and durability. Tempered glass, combined with a thoughtful arrangement of small parts on the surface of the ceiling, makes the Tiffany desk lamp extremely durable against unplanned shocks and resistant to other possible troubles. Thanks to this feature and careful care of the product surface, the lamp can serve more than one owner.generation, as evidenced by the excellent condition of many antique pieces;
- Thin contour graphics. Skillful execution of the lamps and legs of table lamps by Tiffany brand specialists makes them not only very attractive for purchase, but also they are of artistic value.
That is why many collectors are often interested in antique models who want to get such an exquisite piece on their list of “winning acquisitions”;
- Use in one work several technician. Traditionally, natural design motifs in combination with high-quality materials and a rich imagination of designers are able to create extraordinary products in which the use of several techniques predominates at once: from fitting simple large elements to painstaking work on fine details. Thanks to this, the final version of the lamps looks like a full-fledged composition, which undoubtedly so pleases in these table lamps to their fans;
- Versatility. In addition to traditional stained glass products, the wide range of the manufacturer offers its customers more modern models with glass canopy.That is why among the entire range it will not be difficult to choose a lamp for any style in the interior and the wishes of the client;
- The possibility of making lamps to order. The Tiffany brand will support and develop the idea of its buyer, will do everything necessary to ensure that the final version suits the client in all respects. Thanks to this, a finished copy will not only be considered unique, but will also be the most appropriate addition for a particular interior.
Stained glass windows are characterized by smooth lines and natural shades in the Art Nouveau style. The range of the brand includes such forms of the ceiling as spherical or conical. The base, as a rule, is cast in bronze and has a stable base.
Such table lamps will be interesting to combine with many styles in the design of the room, regardless of the purpose of the room and its color scheme.
Stylish models
The range of Tiffany is diverse and includes models of table lamps with a classic intricate design. Among them there are options for any interior and requests of the owner.
To the bedroom
This room should have a decor made in a calm color palette.In the bedroom of an amateur classic and traditional things will be appropriate table lamp from the series "Perla". Her design is able to bring comfort to the room. The cover itself has details with smooth curves, made in warm brown, amber and honey shades. The reinforcement is decorated with a carved pattern and is made of metal in a dark brown color.
You should also get acquainted with a more modern model, like a desk lamp from the series “Prismen". The ceiling lamp deserves special attention, because with the help of special technologies the light transmission in it is constructed in such a way as to create an association with a precious stone. When the light is on, it looks especially elegant, and beautiful highlights will not leave the buyer indifferent. Black metal classic leg devoid of decorative elements, so as not to distract attention from the ceiling.
In the living room
Depending on the design of the living room, you can choose a desk lamp with a more delicate or bright color palette. For example, a product from the series “Sherburg»Suitable for decorating a room made in the style of Provence or Chalet. It has a high resistant fitting in the English style and a simple beige ceiling with translucent glass inserts.
Such an unobtrusive, but elegant design will emphasize the refined taste of the homeowner and smoothly fit into the interior.
A striking noticeable stroke in the design will be lamps from the series 816-80, 817-80 and 818-80. They have an interesting stained-glass ceiling with a flower arrangement on it, which will add color to the interior and diversify it. Depending on the taste of the client, you can buy a desk lamp with a complex or simple execution of the stained glass of the ceiling.
To the dining room
A spacious kitchen or separate dining room will not do without an additional light source. A desk lamp will by the way be on the coffee table or next to the area designed for relaxation and rest. When choosing a suitable lamp you should pay attention to the series "CarottiFrom Tiffany. She stands out bright saturated stained glass with a still life on it. This is a very beautiful and “lively” composition, which, thanks to its colors, is able to lift the mood and awaken the appetite. It depicts pears, apples and parrots, which will undoubtedly fit into both the more traditional and very exotic interior.
More classic design will be in the ceiling of the lamp from the series "Garden".It also shows a still life, but thanks to a monochromatic milky-beige background, it looks elegant and interesting. Bright colors of various fruits will emphasize the purpose of the dining room and will be its main "highlight" in the room decor.
In the nursery
Children's bedroom needs bright colors and unusual things. It is unlikely that the child will be attracted by the luxurious classic versions of Tiffany table lamps, but they will definitely be interested in their products from the series. 801. It includes very skillfully made with the help of stained glass and metal table lamps in the form of butterflies.
The advantage of such models for children is the room that the lamp is inside the product, and the child will not have the desire to touch it or unscrew it, as can happen with lamps that are equipped with an open canopy.
Table lamps from Tiffany - a great option for any home and interior style. Large range will allow you to select the best option for each room. High-quality lamps from this brand deserve positive feedback not only from ordinary, but also well-known among the masses of people.
In this video you will see a Tiffany BT 1646 desk lamp: