LED night light

LED night light - this is the original device, which has a lot of advantages. In modern stores lighting fixtures, you can find a variety of models of lamps, which may have different purposes.
What is it like?
The LED night lamp is the lamp working on light-emitting diodes. LEDs are able to convert electrical current into light. And how powerful the flow is, the brightness of the device depends. LEDs gained their popularity at the end of the last century and have changed a lot since then. They are used in various spheres of life, for example, when installing banners or for decorating show programs.
LEDs can be distinguished into several types:
- Multicolor - they are based on the optical effect of obtaining a variety of shades by mixing the three primary colors.As a rule, it is necessary to mix red, blue and green color, which in different combinations will help to get other colors.
- High power - based on very bright diodes, which are arranged in two rows. These diodes have the most powerful luminous flux that can be. Due to such brightness and power, they are used not only for nightlights, but also for basic lighting devices.
- Infrared - consist of semiconductors of electronic circuits that can emit infrared light by passing an electric current through them. Infrared rays are not visible, they can only be seen with the help of special devices, for example, a video camera. Therefore, infrared diodes are not used for the manufacture of nightlights.
- Ultraviolet - created by targeting an additive with a semiconductor. Different semiconductors give different colors.
Thanks to modern technology, LEDs can be of any color and shape. In addition, they are divided into obsolete types and improved models.
Principle of operation
Different models of LED nightlights have different principles of operation:
- Thus, a lamp with a motion sensor is switched on only when it detects any movement. This option is very convenient for installation in the bathroom, toilet or in the corridor. Especially convenient are models in which you can set a timer so that the device automatically turns off after a certain period of time.
- Other models are based on the ambient light. The darker the room, the brighter the device will glow. A night light with a light sensor is best suited for installation in a children's room, so that the space is lit throughout the night.
- There are devices that need to be turned on in order for them to start working. They have a special button that activates the LED.
- LED lamps work either on batteries or from the network.
- Devices that run on batteries are good because they can be placed anywhere. But from time to time, the batteries need to be changed, which can be considered a slight drawback.
Advantages and disadvantages
Not all people treat LEDs equally well, considering that they can adversely affect a person’s physical and mental health. This is due to the fact that people do not know the principle of operation of nightlights on diodes and are not familiar with their characteristics. According to the results of numerous tests and tests, we can safely say that the diodes do not have any negative impact on the environment. Only low-quality appliances can harm.
The main advantage of LED nightlights is the ability to install them anywhere. They work equally well both indoors and outdoors, for example, in an arbor.
The purpose of the devices is not only to illuminate the space, but also to decorate it. This function can easily perform LED-lamps.
Another advantage of LED nightlights lies in the variety of shapes and colors. In addition, they do not dry the air and practically do not consume electricity. For children, these nightlights are not only a device that emits light, but also a favorite toy.
LED lamps can be made of wood, plastic or plexiglass. The price of the device and its quality depend on the material. Wooden night light is better to install in the children's room, because the tree has high quality, environmental friendliness and safety.
Most Popular Models
Despite the variety of shapes and colors, there are models of diode nightlights that consumers like most.
- “The Engine” is an interesting model that can have several removable cars. If desired, you can purchase cabins separately to increase the composition of the locomotive. They are equipped with dimmers for the lamps to dim the lights for the night. Some manufacturers make cars such a surface on which to draw.
- "Flowers" - a model that can decorate any room due to its beautiful design. It can be equipped with a color change system and work both from the network and from batteries. The model is interesting in that the device can be put in a vase to decorate the room in the dark. A bouquet of flowers can consist of any flowers, such as lilies, roses, daffodils, etc.
- "Heart" - an element of decor that can decorate the bedroom. You can hang it over a bed, for example, a loft bed to add romance and intimacy to it.
- "Starry sky" - one of the most interesting nightlights, which is interesting not only for children but also for adults. It is equipped with two modes of operation, allowing to contemplate either bright stars, or changing colored lights.
In addition to these models, there are many other interesting nightlights. Some have a simple form with the ability to emit white light, others have unusual forms with modulations of all colors of the rainbow.
In the shops of lighting fixtures you can find an LED lamp for every taste, the main thing is to decide on your own preferences.
Selection rules
Before buying a LED night light, you must remember that not all products on the store shelves are of decent quality. When buying a product, many people are guided only by its appearance, which sometimes leads to further disappointment. When choosing a device, three basic parameters must be taken into account: material safety, color of diodes and built-in functions.
The basic principles of choosing a night light can be viewed on the video below.
When choosing a material, it is best to stay on wood or plastic, especially if the device is intended for installation in a children's room. It is important that it does not crash to blows upon impact and does not lose its appearance after some time.
As for the color of the diodes, it is necessary to understand that white night-light is most practical. They can be installed in any room and their eyes will not get tired. If you want diversity, it is best to use colored diodes that are able to overflow and form unusual shapes on the surface of the ceiling, walls and floor.
The luminaire may contain one or several functions, the quantity of which determines their price and power consumption. Special sensors can respond to light, sounds or movements.
It is very important to take into account the age of the owner of the room in which the night light will be installed. For a small child, it is best to select LED devices in the form of animated characters or in the form of animals, insects and plants. For adults, you can pick up a simple device without much design.
It is also necessary to take into account the style of the room so that the lamp harmoniously blends into the interior. So, for Modern, you can pick up a product of an unusual shape that will shine with different colors. But for a classic style the ideal option would be a nightlight of simple form, emitting soft white light.
Of course, it is important to ensure the quality of the product and to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and reviews of real buyers before purchasing. After studying the opinions of different people about a particular model of a particular manufacturer, you can make the right choice.
LED lights are in almost every home, especially where there are small children. Buyers believe that a device with built-in diodes must have the function of responding to movement or sound. A nightlight that does not work all the time, but only if there are people in the room, it saves electricity, which makes them very happy.
Also, customers are satisfied with the models in which you can configure the timer. And despite the fact that the devices working from the network are practical, many still prefer products with batteries. Such nightlights can be attached to any surface in any room.