Parquet sanding: detailed process description

Parquet is a favorite coating of millions of people around the world. Proper polishing and a harmoniously varnished floor will give a magnificent grace to the interior and make the eyes rejoice at each entrance to the hall.
What it is?
The parquet board is a type of a covering from wood which technology of laying is based on pasting of several levels from wood material. Grinding or cycling parquet is the polishing and leveling of the floor with the help of various tools and technical tools. It is achieved by means of friction.
It is worth remembering that for flooring need a special coloring material.As for the filler material, it is different from the construction putty.
The article will discuss its main types.
When is it applied?
Parquet floor, especially if it was made from not very high quality material, needs to be updated periodically. If the premises are constantly used, such works can be repeated several times a year. These include the restoration of parquet, removal and replacement of the floorboard, updating the baseboards, fixing holes.
If the floor squeaks, do not endure the painful sounds. As a rule, the reasons for such a squeak are subsidence of parquet boards, wrong base (parquet substrate), incorrectly laid parquet.
Another frequent problem is the detachment of the parquet. Its main reasons are worn flooring, artificial floor heating, poor-quality material, strong mechanical impacts from shocks, or prolonged pressure of furniture legs.
To restore the floor itself, it is not necessary to have a lot of experience on the termination of the swollen floorboard. Of course, in order to make a good facelift or completely update the site, it is advisable to have experience in such a matter.It would be nice to find a familiar master who will help you remove or upgrade coating.
Restoration of the floor - the usual desire to improve the conditions of comfort.
Technology features
The process of restoration of the floor requires some care. After all, haste and lack of instructions can lead to loss of time and money. The technology of restoration is selected depending on the problem, and in some cases, the host budget.
If we are talking about a wrongly chosen or laid substrate, you will need to remove the parquet flooring. As for these two factors, they are possible due to the non-professionalism of the masters or with independent rash installation. Failure to comply with the rules, as a rule, leads to such consequences.
In the absence of experience, you need to consult with a specialist in the store. If possible, it is advisable to contact a good master. The instruction must be strictly followed. Saving 30-40 minutes, you can wake your loved ones with a creak or ahead of time to throw the board into the trash can.
The substrate is also of fundamental importance when laying parquet.It serves as a shock absorber that alleviates the pressure of wood against the tubercles and flaws on the surface of the screed. Constant pressure will quickly lead to creaking, wear and, as a result, to the death of your coating. We must not forget about the neighbors who live below. It is the substrate that is the sound insulator. But do not rush into her choice. Consultants often say incorrect information in order to quickly sell a product. The seller’s claim that the thicker the substrate, the higher the quality of your flooring, does not carry adequate information, as well as the fact that the substrate can brighten all ties.
Contrary to the opinion of many consultants, the roll substrate is considered to be better than the sheet equivalent.
The base must be level with respect to the flooring. Then the substrate with a thickness of 2-3 mm will have just right. It must be remembered that the substrate of any material repeats all surface defects. To level the surface, various sheets, many types of plywood and various mixtures are used.
The type of substrate is chosen at the discretion of the owner. They differ in environmental friendliness, quality and resistance to external factors. In any case, consult with the masters for maximum technicality of your repair.
Experts believe that in the range of two running meters there should not be a deviation from the horizontal of more than 2 mm. Otherwise, the board will begin to fall.
The next reason may be a small number of fasteners or their incorrect placement in the area of the laid parquet. Despite the observance of many instructions, some arrogant "masters" are trying to make their own adjustments. Fasteners must be in certain places of the instruction, their number should not be reduced at the discretion of the owner, if he does not have experience in finishing floors.
A frequent reason for the need to restore the parquet flooring is the detachment of the upper parts of the parquet, swelling. To eliminate them, you need to identify the "sore" places, mark them with a marker, drill holes and glue the separated layers.
The next defect is the holes in the floor, scratches, dents. The reasons are strong mechanical stress, wear and "drying" of the parquet, frequent use. As a rule, they are poured with cement-sand or quick-drying mixture. If during “drying out” the distance between the dies is greater than 0.5 mm, it is customary to speak of complete wear of the parquet. Grinding here will not help.A seal can take a lot of time and effort and will not return your floor to its original appearance.
When working with your hands, you will need gloves, as the building solutions irritate the skin.
It is necessary to prepare the finishing blade, which eliminates local damage. Perhaps this update will help get rid of creaking floor.
Materials and tools
Having dealt with the cause of the problem, you can proceed to the preparation of the material and tools. Before repair, weigh your material resources well. Often, the started business does not reach the end due to the excessive emotionality of the owners. The floor covered with dust and tools is no better than creaky flooring. Need to find out the prices in different stores, they can also vary greatly.
Not everyone understands how grinding differs from grinding. The looping is a kind of pulling out the surface for comparison with irregularities. Grinding is essentially the same shaking, only abrasive materials are used instead of the machine.
You also need to understand what abrasive material. This is a surface that has a rough cutting surface.It is designed for manual leveling of the floor. In our case, we can use it to eliminate local damage or irregularities. The most famous of them is sandpaper. If we are talking about "capital" grinding, then you need a grinding machine. Otherwise you have to crawl. This is also a completely adequate way. but taking too much time.
There is a huge variety of different grinders. Different materials are used for nozzles. The surface area may vary. There are grinders that use the dust suction feature. Some builders even connect such devices to special vacuum cleaners.
Before you grind the floor, you need to consult with the master, indicating to him the area of the floor, the material, the latest update of the floorboard. The grinder can be purchased at the tool shop, construction equipment, a regular hardware store.
Of course, such a solution may not be the most economical option. Therefore, it is better to rent the necessary apparatus. One extra call can save not one hundred, and perhaps not even one thousand rubles.Often, large construction stores offer rental of Bulgarians and various kinds of equipment. It is possible that there can be found and this unit.
Needed and material for putty. They eliminate the cracks and cuts on the floor. Its color must match the color of the floor. You need to be vigilant when choosing a material. Even the consistency can play an important role. After some time of application, it can greatly change the color.
You need to be careful not to slap the floor with used solutions.. To protect it when working with grinding, special varnishes, pastes or gels are used. On the basis of epoxy resin developed a special technology of "epoxy or polymer floor." A special paste is made on the basis of the resin, which subsequently spreads evenly over the surface and gives the floor a superb evenness and shine.
If it is necessary to paint the parquet, you need to decide on varnishes or other coloring materials. It is also possible to make tinting on the basis of mixing several tones.
Step by Step instructions
When working in commercial or government premises, you should not be free in your ideas. Often when working in such places there are special requirements.Children's playroom will have more stringent requirements than a regular corridor for enterprise customers. In some rooms, wooden floors or slippery floors are not allowed. GOST requirements can leave your efforts without approval.
Material for restoration should be purchased in a large store or a reputable store. Building mixtures may have a surrogate composition. Counterfeit materials may be extremely toxic and unsuitable for use.
In order to do this or that job at home correctly, it is necessary to study the instructions as thoroughly as possible. As was said, it is very desirable to work with a person who has experience in the restoration of the parquet. If there is no master in finishing, you can attract a builder working in another direction or even a furniture maker. They are also very well versed in building materials, solutions, able to work with the equipment.
Before starting grinding, remove the old varnish. For this useful sponge dipped in white spirit. During the work with the grinder the floor becomes covered with the protecting varnishes.Parquet material and some other components affect the choice of parameters of the device.
After that, the machine is filled with abrasive (emery material). The first pass is made by the roughest abrasive No40.. First, the machine is carried out diagonally along the laying boards. When working with coarse-grained abrasives, it is not recommended to press hard on the machine. Paper changes as we wear.
As each next layer passes, the abrasive is taken less and less, and the grinder is shifted by 50% of the drum width. Movement along the fibers starts from the second time. The floors, the base of which includes boards, are polished in the direction of the fibers. At each stage of work you need to monitor the cable. In no case should it be allowed to fall under the drum.
If you want to do grinding in four stages, the abrasive nozzles are taken in the following order: start with No40, then No60, then No80, eventually No100 (No120). When grinding in three stages start with No40, then No80 and end with No120. To grind qualitatively and evenly, the machine must not move quickly. It is forbidden to keep the turned-on grinder above the floor without moving. Otherwise, you can remove excess material.
Before the completion of the work, the gaps between the boards are plastered.This is done with pastes of the appropriate shade or special mixtures. After putty, it is necessary to wait for them to dry.
The surface of inaccessible places is ground with a machine designed for this “boot”. As a rule, these are places in the corners and under the pipes.
After all the activities carried out with a vacuum cleaner you need to clean the floor. Apply the first paint coat. For a good coating varnishing is applied in three layers. When the last layer dries, the floors are washed with ordinary soap to eliminate stickiness. Wash with warm water.
You need to be careful in your work and have the appropriate mood. Inaccurate removal of the upper layers of the parquet can lead to trouble. Perhaps this will not spoil the repair, but partly can distort the overall picture of the interior.
Coating preparation
Before polishing, be sure to repair the flooring. The surface of the apartment is completely freed from the furniture, things, and the floors are thoroughly washed. Parquet condition is fully checked. Every bar you need to tap. The deaf sound that appears when tapping indicates the voids appearing on the floor.As a rule, this is due to the peeling of the strip from the base and the formation of a void under it. This kind of slats need to be drilled.
Parquet glue is used to eliminate cracks. It is poured with a special building syringe. It is necessary to give a load on the parquet and leave time for drying. As a rule, this is done with a weighty subject.
If there are dried drops on the parquet from adhesive materials, paints or other hard-to-remove stains, you need to arm yourself with a scraper. Studs or screws protruding from the floor are also necessarily removed.
Today cycling and grinding are almost synonymous. But if you delve into the exact meaning of these concepts and draw the line, then it turns out that the process of cycling is a little different from grinding.
A distinctive feature of the cyclic process is that, when working in this way, abrasive materials are not used. Often this is done manually.
The word “cyclic” itself got its name from the special adaptation of the “cycle”. This is a hand-held cyclic tool that scrapes, but does not harm the wood surface.Its design is very simple - a sharpened metal plate fixed in a handle. She can work in hard to reach places.. Such a process takes time. Therefore, you need to carefully weigh your opportunities - assess your budget, amount of work and find the most rational option.
As already mentioned, all the nails, and various objects must be completely hammered into the floor or taken out. The scraping starts from the corner of the room. Further movements are made on the principle of the snake.
First remove the topmost layer. It is the dirtiest, its presence is unacceptable for work with putty. After that, proceed to the treatment of seams and holes. Putty should be done carefully.
The color of the putty should be combined with the color of the coating. It is possible to continue to heave only when achieving complete drying.
Applying this kind of material can be a good way to restore the floor. It helps to restore the surface and align it. When diluting the filler solution, follow the instructions. Failure to maintain the proportions or add your own ingredients may alter the properties of the solution.. Thrown to the wind money, damaged parquet, lost time, can be a retribution for such amateur.
Materials for putty can be purchased at a regular hardware store. It is important not to forget about the blades, gloves, scrapers and other possible tools.
In order to seal the gaps independently, it is not necessary to have vast experience, but it is better to consult with a master for finishing or construction. He will show how to putty, will give recommendations for mixing the solution.
It is worth remembering that the putty for parquet is different from the construction putty. From the quality, application and choice of material depends on the period that will serve your flooring. As a rule, the putty has a powdery appearance or is made in the form of a paste.
It is of the following types:
- Solvent based. It is easy to work with such putty. Drying occurs in a short time. Its main component is wood chips. This allows them to be combined with all tree species.
- Acrylic blends do not emit toxins, are environmentally friendly, and are often used for grouting.
- Oil putties in the composition have oil, water and chalk that has been known since childhood.They have a very long shelf life, but due to the oil consistency they dry out for a very long time after being applied to the floor and greatly slow down the speed of work.
- Polymer blends are environmentally friendly. Often used in places with high sanitary requirements. They do not have electrostatic properties, therefore they do not attract dust to themselves.
Finishing work
After completion of work, the room is in full order. This is usually done by vacuuming.
Before applying the varnish, the floors are wiped with a special cloth. It is recommended to soak the fabric in a solvent.
The last stage in the restoration is the varnishing of the floor.
After the floor is polished, treated with a putty and cleaned from dust, you can proceed to varnishing. This material is applied evenly and gently. After drawing it is necessary to close all the doors so that animals or children do not get into the room.
Consider a few basic types of varnish, among which you can choose the most suitable:
- Based on acetone. It has an unpleasant and strong smell. Quick drying is a plus.
- Water based.Varnishes of this type have almost no odor, dry too quickly, but much more expensive than the previous version.
- White spirit has a strong smell and dries for a long time.
Varnishing a floor implies problems in the form of formation of bubbles during the application process. This can ruin the whole work. To eliminate this, when applying the next layer on the surface with a brush tip, it is carried along the board, thereby eliminating the formation of bubbles.
After the first layer has dried, the soft part of the wood may re-heave. For this, it is recommended to sand each layer.
There are several ways to paint the floor - whitening, varnishing and waxing. There are paints, mixing which you can change the color of the floor.
To work with wax, varnishing and coloring materials you need to wear gloves.
Painting time may not be fast, so in order to avoid chemical poisoning it is recommended to use a respirator and regularly ventilate the room.
After applying the final coating the room should be closed to the public. It must maintain a certain level of humidity.It is necessary to curtain the windows, since the effect of ultraviolet on the applied coating is excluded.
Any material has vulnerabilities. If we are talking about parquet or any other wooden flooring, do not allow water to get into it. A flat flooded by neighbors may require urgent repairs, since it is likely that the lamellae may rise. In the event that water flows from the ceiling, you can use containers to collect it, and cover the floor with a film.
Use only approved floor care products. Aggressive detergents can damage the surface or dissolve the varnish. It will take a lot of time to restore. Therefore, you should not feel sorry for the money for professional "cosmetics" for the floor, which can be bought in specialized stores.
Do not rub the floor with metal sponges or all sorts of blades to clean it. This may cause serious damage to the varnish.
The interior is constantly changing. In the apartment there is a new furniture and appliances. As already mentioned, mechanical impact can damage the parquet and split the dried plaster.When carrying or removing furniture from / to the apartment, it is better to cover the floor with old blankets or a cloth. Such solutions will help mitigate possible shocks on the floor.
If you need to polish, repair or restore the damaged part of the floor, you can use the same universal materials, which were mentioned above. It is necessary to trace only the expiration date. Mixing is done strictly according to the instructions.
On how to self-polishing the flooring, you will see in the next video.