Wall parquet in the interior

The idea to decorate the walls with parquet appeared relatively recently. However, it is becoming increasingly popular. Many try in this way to make a novelty in the interior. Some consider this option finishes much easier than others. And someone chooses it as an alternative way to decorate the walls with wood, considering wall parquet to be the same eco-friendly material, but more affordable.
Features and types
The parquet is a natural environmentally friendly material which is a worthy alternative to a tree. In the classic version, it looks like small plates. However, there are several types of it.
According to the variations of performance
- Parquet floor - this is the very mentioned classic version.Each individual plate has beveled edges from the end. The width of this option ranges from 3 to 10 cm, the length is up to half a meter, and the thickness in most cases is no more than 15 mm. Block parquet is distinguished depending on the material from which it is made. It is made of various wood species, mainly deciduous plants. Often found oak coating.
Coniferous plants are used much less frequently due to the large number of knots.
- Shield - is a tile, on the outer side of which glued piece parquet in a certain sequence. The underside of the shield is usually made from coniferous trees, and the outer - from hardwood hardwood species. The thickness of such parquet is about 8 mm. Shield parquet is different in its color variations and patterns.
- Mosaic option - these are strips of different shape and color, from which you can make a variety of drawings. The outer side of the coating is protected by a paper shell, which is removed after its installation. It is usually glued to glue. This option is less common.
By production material
There are the following varieties:
- Oak - material that is often used for the manufacture of parquet. It has excellent performance. It usually has a cool beautiful shade.
- Beech flooring, like the first option, is considered a wear resistant coating. It has a warm range of shades.
- Clear parquet known for its unusual texture - its design has many bands.
- Maple also quite often used in the manufacture of parquet, but over time it can change its color. Light tone becomes somewhat darker.
- Walnut parquet It has a reddish tint and beautiful pattern.
- Bamboo The coating is considered one of the most wear-resistant, it is not afraid of moisture at all.
- Cherry gives the parquetry a pinkish tint. But over time, it can darken.
- Hornbeam - the material is relatively not expensive, since the technology of its production is not so complicated, it gives the parquet noble light shades.
- Cork parquet - absolutely not afraid of moisture. Differs in its softness and elasticity. When moisture enters, it is first absorbed into the coating, and then evaporates, without causing him any harm.
- Linden is a leader among all materials.This is the most common material used to make wall coverings. It differs in its unpretentiousness and long service life. The composition of the material contains essential oils that stand out, have a beneficial effect on the person.
By treatment
When purchasing parquet, you will surely find that the instruction will indicate what the wall parquet has been treated with. There may be two options:
- Varnish - impregnates wood and creates a smooth film on its surface. May give the surface both glossy gloss and dullness.
- Butter - impregnates wood and creates a protective film. Differs in that gives the processed surface dullness. When tactile contact will feel the texture of wood, which can not be when processing parquet varnish.
Advantages and disadvantages
Among the advantages of such a wall covering can be noted the creation of an atmosphere of peace and comfort in the room. The natural composition is an important and positive factor in the use of wall parquet. With the help of shield options, you can finish the wall of any shape, and the dimensions of the shields allow you to do this relatively quickly.At all times, the tree was considered a noble material and the walls with a similar finish look expensive. Wall parquet is an excellent sound and heat insulation in the room.
If we talk about the shortcomings - first of all they consider the need to install the base or frame for mounting on the wall. And this is accompanied by a decrease in the total area of the room. Few people know, but the parquet increases sound output. This should be considered when installing it.
For the installation of wall parquet, it is necessary to prepare the frame on which it will be mounted. For this purpose, wooden bars with a width of up to 5 cm, which are mounted on the wall at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other, are perfect.
If the wall design provides for vertical installation of parquet, then the bars should be placed horizontally, otherwise vertically.
For fixing the parquet is better to use klyimer. Since the nails can lead to the formation of cracks and chips on the surface of the material. At the final stage, if the coating is not processed, you must do it yourself, using varnish or oil.
After installation or during operation, it is often necessary to seal the gaps inavoid moisture absorption in wood. With small cracks you can use varnish. If their width is more than half a centimeter, it is worth resorting to using putty.
For more details on how to install wall parquet, see the following video.
How to choose?
Today's fashion trends allow you to install parquet not only on the floor, but also on the wall. Moreover, it is clear that the load on the wall parquet is not the same as on the floor. Therefore, you should not seek to buy a coating that can withstand enormous loads.
From what material it is made, depends on the color of the coating. Most often, wall options are made of lime. This is not easy, because this wood is durable and produces beneficial essential oils.
Linden has a warm color. If you want to create a cool color or unusual pinkish, pay attention to oak or cherry.
When choosing a parquet in the bedroom, remember that the sound output from such coverage is higher than from the rest. Consider if you are ready for this.
If not, it is probably worth decorating with a similar covering not all walls, but one. For example, at the head.In the living room, this option fits perfectly, because the effect of viewing blockbusters will be higher.
With an increased level of humidity in the room you need to be very careful in choosing, because the tree is quite sensitive to such factors. Cork parquet, in this case, fit perfectly. After all, he is absolutely not afraid of moisture.