Bamboo cushions

Bamboo cushions are sold in many stores and immediately attract people with their form and bright labels depicting bamboo stalks. Recently, in connection with the emerged fashion for safe and clean materials, they have become increasingly popular, including among animal and environmental advocates, who do not accept the use of feather-filled pillows or camel hair.
They are inexpensive, you can buy them in many stores. Of course, before buying such a product, it never hurts to get acquainted with the history and technology of its creation in order to have the most truthful and reliable information about this product.
Special features
When a customer sees on the labels and packaging of such pillows painted bamboo stalks, he may mistakenly get the impression thatthat inside the pillow there are really shredded bamboo stalks or something like that. However, the bamboo fiber itself is already a secondary product of the chemical processing of real bamboo raw materials and looks completely different than the plant itself. This fiber is made from bamboo stalks, which should be no more than four years old.
In order not to be disappointed in a future purchase, it is useful to understand how the processing of bamboo raw materials is carried out before it becomes either a filler for a pillow or its cover.
Usually bamboo is exposed to at least two methods of treatment: the first is mechanical, and the second is chemical.
Mechanical processing consists in isolating the threads from the plant pulp by hand, which remotely resembles the traditional method of flax processing, used to this day. Since this process is very laborious and environmentally friendly, such products are quite expensive. As for chemical processing, it is simpler and faster due to the use of substances that can cause chemical reactions, allowing to obtain as much product as possible.However, this should not be feared: the subsequent stage of processing is necessarily complemented by the removal of all possible toxic substances. Thus, the filler for bamboo pillows acquires the desired ecological purity, becoming absolutely safe for the human body.
The composition and appearance of the fibers produced by mechanical and chemical means are practically the same. The color is white, the texture is soft, pleasant to the touch, has no unpleasant specific odors, which is important.
When purchasing bamboo pillows, it is important to keep in mind that the filler in them is always of a mixed type: it is always added holofiber or synthetic winterizer, because if you fill the pillow with exclusively bamboo composition, it will very quickly lose its shape. Thus, any bamboo cushion is a mixed-type product using various types of materials to give it a good shape and ensure a longer period of use.
Do not believe those sellers who, praising a product of this type, deceive customers, colorfully describing the "healing properties of natural and pure bamboo fiber, from which these pillows are made by hand".If we return to the discussion of the methods of production of the filler, then everything becomes immediately clear: it does not possess any therapeutic properties due to the fact that it has undergone many processing steps, including a chemical method, completely eliminating the effects of natural energy. However, this is not a disadvantage of bamboo pillows, because they have much more advantages for buyers.
Advantages and disadvantages
The undoubted advantage of bamboo pillows is that the natural and synthetic materials used in their production, do not cause allergic reactions. Unlike bird feathers or any kind of wool, in such a filler there will never be ticks or fungi and microbes dangerous to health. Bamboo product, sintepon and holofiber do not absorb all sorts of smells, unlike natural materials. Pillows are ideal for use in places with a humid climate: even with high humidity, they can remain completely dry.
They perfectly retain their shape, but it should be borne in mind that with long use, their internal composition is still compacted.Bamboo pillows rarely get dirty, they do not need to be dry-cleaned, and washing is done simply in the car. After washing, they dry very quickly, without losing their previous shape.
It is worth mentioning the most important point, especially exciting buyers, when they learn about the present composition of the filler: can it excrete any harmful substances. There are no substances hazardous to health, inside the pillows there. Even if they are chemically treated, modern technology makes it possible to eliminate the presence of any potentially toxic chemical element.
Bamboo pillows have several features to consider when purchasing them. Since their filler is extremely soft, they are not suitable for people suffering from neck pains of any origin, be it osteochondrosis or a herniated intervertebral disk. With such diseases, orthopedic pillows are needed with good neck support, which bamboo, unfortunately, cannot provide.
Despite the fact that such pillows in normal situations have good resistance to moisture, their hygroscopicity is not very high, so for people with excessive sweating, they are still not recommended.There is also a short lifetime: it directly depends on the mixture of fillers included in the composition. But in any case, the bamboo pillow will serve from one to three years. In principle, it is a little, but not too little, but the bamboo pillow doesn’t bring harm, unlike heavy feather or woolen counterparts.
Comparison with other fillers
- Along with bamboo, very popular and in demand are also eucalyptus pillows. In this regard, often have to face a choice. It is no secret that eucalyptus fibers have a pleasant odor, and in the manufacture of such pillows, the same types of modern technologies are used as in bamboo. Here we must proceed solely from the individual preferences of a person.
Someone likes a grass-smelling pillow, and someone prefers a bamboo product of any type that actually has no smell. Perhaps this is the only, but significant factor of difference, which must also be taken into account when purchasing.
- Pillows with a filler "feather" still popular among many consumers because of habits and traditions: we all know that our grandparents made such pillows themselves and used them for many years
Swan's down or ordinary chicken feather are familiar to us from childhood and, of course, have their own advantages in terms of natural softness and durability. But if a person is allergic, any natural filler can badly harm health. In addition, such products can not be washed, unlike their unpretentious bamboo counterparts, and down-feather needs special cleaning at least twice a year to avoid dust mites and microbes. Also, feather pillows need regular airing and drying in sunny weather.
- Pillows with a filler from camel wool even softer and more comfortable than the down and feather. They are hygroscopic, have good air permeability, do not collect dust and dirt, but are also not suitable for allergies. In addition, wool, as is known, is a favorable environment for the emergence and reproduction of moths. Of course, choosing a pillow should be guided by both personal preferences and health indications, as well as whether there is a willingness to care for the product, which includes natural filler.
Product dimensions
Manufacturing companies offer a wide range of sizes of bamboo pillows. By the generally accepted standard, the smallest are 40x40 in size and are perfect for a child.For lovers of everything modern, it is always possible to choose a “European standard” cushion with a size of 50x70 cm. There are also 70x70 cushions, large, soft and very comfortable. Choosing the optimal size of the pillow, it is important to consider not only the standard parameters, but also its height. For people with broad shoulders, the height of the product is 12–15 cm, and a little less than the height is recommended for children and women.
Cover materials
It is also important to take into account the fabric from which the cushion cover is sewn. The following types of fabric are commonly used: tick luxury, tick and microfiber known to all. The tick-luxury cover is 100% cotton. It is soft, durable and perfectly breathable, ensuring the stability of the cushion to odors and their lack of absorption. As for teak, it is a mixed type of fabric consisting of polyester and organic cotton. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to a cover made of pure cotton, besides, a pillow with such a cover will cost a little less. Microfiber is a synthetic fabric, but pleasant to use and particularly resistant to dust and dirt.
Tips for choosing
Before buying a bamboo pillow, you should carefully read what is written on its tag or enclosed color label.It is better to choose a product in which the ratio of the filler is equal to :, for example, bamboo fibers and holofiber. It should be borne in mind that the more a natural material in a pillow, the more expensive it will be, but its quality and service life will be better and longer.
At first glance, this may seem strange, but when choosing a pillow you need to take into account the age, height, weight of the person and his individual preferences during sleep.
The width of the product should ideally correspond to the width of the shoulders, and even better if it is slightly larger than it. This size will provide the most comfortable sleep.
The most common mistake among buyers is the acquisition of pillows of absolutely identical sizes and shapes for all members of the family. Of course, this is done in order to save money and, as a rule, during hot sales. However, saving in this way means sacrificing your health and sound sleep, so it is important to remember a valuable rule: it is very desirable that pillows for different family members also be of different size and type.
There is a popular practical test that is recommended when choosing a pillow.It is necessary to bring it as close as possible to the face, without closing it, and inhale the air as deeply as possible, thereby checking the product for necessary air permeability. If there is no feeling of stuffiness and discomfort, we can assume that the pillow corresponds to its name and composition indicated on the label.
The quality and strength of the seams are also of great importance, because if the seams are poorly made, the filler breaks out and the pillow will tear after a short time. In order to be sure that the product is of high quality, it is better to contact the manufacturers, whose reputation and name are checked by time and the best customer reviews.
About the manufacturer, you can ask in detail with the seller. A good seller will always be happy to talk about it and about the features of the production of a particular product. Also, when inspecting a product, it is recommended to always carefully read what is written on its label and appearance. An honest manufacturer is always famous for good and good packaging and honest information, which is available in the product description.
It is necessary to pay attention to the composition, having in mindthat it can be different depending on the production technology of the pillow filler: for example, there are products with one hundred percent bamboo filler, and there are cheaper, but not less popular options using mixed types of fibers, such as holofiber or hollcon.
For children of different ages, bamboo pillows are an excellent and safe option. You can choose an option with a size of 40x40 or 50x50 cm. The advantage of choosing this pillow for a child is its low weight, which will provide the baby with a maximum of comfortable sleep. Of course, this product does not absorb odors, and therefore it is recommended to purchase it as a bedding for babies. By the way, for children of the first months of life, you can offer a special flat pillow made of bamboo, which has a high degree of hypoallergenicity and does not exceed a height of 2-3 cm.
Reliable manufacturers and reviews about them
If you read the reviews of bamboo pillows, you can say with confidence that most buyers are satisfied with them, despite their some features and specifics.On the one hand, there is still a prejudice that the so-called "high-tech" fillers will not be as comfortable as natural ones, but practice shows that bamboo products have long been loved by the Russian consumer.
Rating of official manufacturers opens domestic company Mona lisaspecializing in the production of not only bamboo pillows, but also bedding from different materials. Those buyers who have purchased a bamboo product of this particular company note an increased sense of comfort and convenience of sleep, as well as fairly detailed information about the company, which can be found on packaging labels, which immediately inspires confidence and desire to purchase goods.
Mona Lisa pillows are inexpensive and fairly durable: despite the non-removable cover, it is sturdy, quilted, with thick and reliable seams on the sides. They are very soft and, unlike feathers, do not scratch the face and do not cause allergic reactions. Of course, it is not easy to get used to such material when you use it for the first time, but it takes only a few days to get used to the bamboo fiber and appreciate all its advantages.The pillow does not “fall down”, unlike the “pure” holofiber, and holds its shape for a long time.
Company pillows Verossa from the Ivanovo region are not inferior to the previous analogues in beauty, and the originality of the external design of the packaging involuntarily attracts the customer's eye. Particularly marked by the variety of colors in the outer covers, made of pure cotton.
Bamboo products from Verossa are rightly called moderately soft, moderately elastic and plump due to the peculiarity of their filler, which includes both natural and semi-synthetic materials, pleasant to the touch and safe for allergy sufferers. Jacquard non-removable covers, pillowcases are more durable and do not tear after machine wash, and the pillow itself keeps its shape for a long time and does not clump together.
Verossa also manufactures bamboo cushions with removable covers, which is especially appreciated by customers: for example, if it was unusual to sleep on a new cushion, you can unzip and remove part of the filler. Buyers praise these pillows for the ease of washing and care, and they themselves are happy to advise others on how to properly care for them.
Manufacturer "Easy dreams" It offers customers a wide range of bamboo cushions with removable zippered covers, removing which you can easily see what kind of fiber is inside: under the poplin cover, the cushion itself is packed in another transparent pillowcase through which you can visually inspect the filler. At first, the “Light Dreams” pillow is notable for its increased elasticity, but you can quickly get used to the filler, and then there is no longer any desire to sleep on the feather. The pillow is easily churned, and the poplin case is unpretentious in maintenance and is erased very easily.
Firm Sova and Javoronok produces all pillows exclusively in pillowcases with the image of feathers. This is a distinctive feature of this particular manufacturer, thanks to which the product is very easy to recognize. Buyers like this original and at the same time logical design, fully consistent with the name of the company. Otherwise, the bamboo pillows Sova and Javoronok are not inferior in quality to the counterparts of other domestic manufacturers.
Buyers often compare the bamboo pillow of this company with similar products made from natural feathers (most likely, images of feathers on covers and pillowcases contribute to this comparison).They say that pillows made of swan fluff, in addition to their allergenicity, can fall off, and this filler keeps its shape for a long time and is unpretentious for washing if its mode is correctly set.
Ivanovo bamboo cushions They are famous mainly by the name of the city of Ivanovo, where they traditionally produce various kinds of textiles and bedding. Buyers mark their special durability: according to their words, Ivanovo bamboo pillows can be fully used even more than the three years allotted to them without loss of quality and volume of the filler. They perfectly maintain washing (of course, under the condition of its correctness), they quickly dry in any weather, and if we are talking about products with white covers, the color does not lose its original beauty over time.
Bamboo pillows company AlViTek are an inexpensive equivalent of more well-known companies. The design of these products is not so diverse, but the quality of the filler is the same: basically, the ratio of 50x50 is used - bamboo fiber and polyester. Buyers note the reasonable price of the product in combination with modest packaging, but good quality: such a pillow serves, on average, 2 years without shrinkage of the filler and is very unpretentious in maintenance.
Care instructions
In order for the bamboo pillow to last as long as possible without loss of quality and softness of the filler, it will suffice to follow a few simple but very important recommendations for caring for it.
It is allowed to wash such a product in a machine, but with the condition that the mode is set to be the most gentle, no more than 30, maximum 40 degrees (with heavy pollution). A minor complication is that you cannot use automatic machine extraction: the filler immediately collapses and crumbles, and the pillow itself is deformed so that it will be impossible to restore its former shape.
When washing you can not use bleaching agents and conditioners.
Drying of the cushion is carried out strictly in a horizontal position - that is, it ensures long preservation of its shape after washing. Despite the fact that the bamboo product is distinguished by enviable ease, it is also not recommended to hang it vertically due to possible loss of shape and an uneven distribution of the filler that is in a wet or wet state. When drying it is important to lay it horizontally and avoid direct sunlight, and the surface itself should be flat and smooth.
It is not difficult to care for bamboo pillows, the main thing is to understand the specifics of this type of filler. Their current care is limited to occasional whipping and shaking out, which does not give any sense of discomfort in the form of abundant accumulated dust or flying feathers everywhere, which are known to penetrate pillowcases of any density.
Many consumers, having read the name “bamboo cushion” in some stores, often remain in doubt as to whether it is worth buying such a product due to the fact that the concept “bamboo” sometimes implies something quite different from what is traditionally expected of it. To avoid disappointments of this kind, it never hurts to get acquainted in detail with the basic principles of modern technologies for the production of textile products. If you understand the question properly, there will be no disappointments, and the undoubted advantages of high-tech and safe fillers will help to preserve health and pleasant sensations during sleep.
In this video, you will find a review of pillows Bamboo Standard from the company AlViTek.