Sheep Wool Pillows

Sheep wool cushions are a popular item on the modern sleep market. They are known for their positive properties for many centuries, so many customers prefer them to modern products made of synthetic materials.
Special features
The filler for pillows is made from merino wool. It is a breed of sheep bred in Australia, China and Kyrgyzstan. Their fleece is soft and elastic, which is why it serves as an ideal material for pillows. Since it is an organic material, it has a number of features. It wears out faster than synthetic, but it does not electrify and does not contain toxic substances. Care for this material needs more careful - if you want the product to be used as long as possible.
Wool as a material attracts with its accessibility. It is not a deficient material. In addition, although it is difficult to get it, but it is a long-established process. The sheep are sheared, and the wool is laid out on a flat surface, straightened, shaken, and the unusable pieces are removed. Then it is thoroughly washed, combed and treated with special protective agents.
This material as a filler for pillows has been known for a long time, it has many advantages.
Advantages and disadvantages
If you are going to decide on the choice of a suitable wool pillow, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.
Although such products have many positive qualities, they are not suitable for everyone:
- Low thermal conductivity. Among the undoubted advantages of the material can distinguish its ability to retain heat for a long time. Sheep wool has unique thermoregulatory properties. Due to the fact that there is air between the hairs, it perfectly maintains body temperature, not allowing heat to escape into the atmosphere. It protects against overheating, maintaining body temperature at a natural level.
- Hygroscopicity. The material is able to absorb more than 30% moisture, while remaining perfectly dry to the touch. This is an important property for ensuring comfort during sleep. At night, a person often sweats, and fluid accumulates on the skin not only causes discomfort, but also serves as an excellent medium for the spread of harmful bacteria. Wool absorbs excess material, providing a wonderful sleep all night.
Such a product warms beautifully, it is ideal for sleeping in cool rooms. However, the free circulation of air allows the skin to breathe and saves from stuffiness.
- Lack of smell. This material is of animal origin, but the merino fleece is a bad breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. This wool has bactericidal properties, so it is considered one of the cleanest materials. Unwanted microorganisms do not have the ability to develop, there is no unpleasant smell. If the pillow smells strange, it means that the wool was processed incorrectly or the fiber is not very high quality. It is necessary to refrain from purchasing such a product.
- Low contamination. The elastic structure of the hair repels dust, so it accumulates in woolen pads in smaller quantities than in products filled with fluff or other materials.
- Medicinal properties. Animal fibers secrete a special wax - lanolin, which has a healing effect and has a positive effect on the skin of the face, rejuvenating it. In addition, the wool warms dry heat, which is a big plus in the fight against colds, bronchitis, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, sciatica). Pillows affect not only the face and the upper part of the spine, they heal the whole body.
Certain disadvantages are also inherent in wool filler, which must be reviewed when choosing a product:
- Allergy Although merino wool accumulates much less dust than many other materials, but it is still a material of organic origin, and therefore does not suit people with allergies.
- Crushability Even high-quality fleece quickly rolls in the process of use. Usually this process takes less than a year. Felled wool does not lose its beneficial properties, but provides much worse support for the head and shoulders.
- Lack of orthopedic effect. Wool is a soft and pliable material, it rolls over time.Therefore, she is unable to provide orthopedic support.
Variety of models
Wool cushions are available in several versions. You can choose the most suitable for the price and quality of the material, depending on personal preferences.
With wool filler
These pillows are 100% wool. Sometimes synthetic fiber is added to them. This is done in order to extend the life of the pillow. Synthetics in the composition prevents the cushion from settling, making it more voluminous. Products with wool filling are the most expensive. They will please fans of environmentally friendly materials. However, other options are not at all inferior in terms of a positive effect on the human body and comfort.
One to the other
In such products, the inner case contains an artificial filler - for example, swan's down or holofiber. In the outer cover is sheep wool. This technique provides the best orthopedic properties of the pillow, and also reduces its cost. At the same time, the warming and healing properties of the product do not suffer at all.
Wool cover
The internal composition of the pillow can be any: from organic or natural materials.From above there is a cover from natural wool. Although such a pillow and perfectly warmed by dry heat, but for sleep it does not quite fit. Few will enjoy the constant contact of the delicate skin of the face or neck with a spiky wool surface. Wool cushion can be not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Knitted wool pillow can also be an excellent interior decoration. In such a technique, magnificent cushion toys of various shapes and designs are created that delight the owners with comfort and warmth. Knitting patchwork can also make the home more original. The combination of different patterns in one product will decorate a rural or ethnic style.
However, such products are well suited for sore back, knee or other parts of the body.
Who is suitable?
Merino wool pillows are ideal for people who often suffer from colds. Lanolin in the composition of the filler can help relieve the manifestations of skin diseases. These products are indispensable for those who are constantly freezing. Wool successfully copes with the symptoms of osteochondrosis and sciatica, relieving pain. Therefore, wool pillows are so well suited for the elderly.
These products are absolutely safe for children. Wool cushions will save them from colds and the need to sleep on synthetic products that electrify, poorly maintain temperature balance and do not absorb moisture.
Wool pillows require careful handling and care. Every six months they need to be ventilated in the fresh air. Such products can be washed by hand - at a temperature of 30 degrees. You should not squeeze them or subject to intensive rinsing, as this will contribute to stalling. Woolen covers can be machine washed in a delicate wash mode.
Drying products should be on a flat surface, preferably in the open air.
Consumers are positive about wool pillows. They are soft and elastic, it is very comfortable to sleep on them - especially on winter nights when an easy coolness reigns in the apartment. They warm and have a positive effect on the body. Buyers note that sleeping on such pillows in the summer is not very hot, they are excellent in preventing overheating. They absorb moisture well, so the pillowcase will always be dry. Sleeping on such a pillow will be very comfortable.
However, over time, the filler slides, and it has to be replaced. In addition, there is no orthopedic effect. Durability and quality of rest largely depend on proper care. The pillow must be periodically aired and dried. Reviews are different. Whether you like this pillow or not depends on personal experience. However, many are not disappointed in such products, moreover - remain very satisfied.
See the following video for an overview of fleece pillows.