Pillow roller

Many people think that pillow pillows are a stylish decor item in a bedroom or living room, but this is not quite true. Such an object not only decorates the room, but also allows you to make your sleep more qualitative and correct. Previously, such pillows were used as side supports for a bed or a sofa of the old look. But now such items are not used to decorate the premises, but in order to ensure a good sleep. It is no secret that a regular pillow can cause pain in the neck and spine, so a pillow-roller is an excellent solution for healthy sleep.
Special features
Orthopedic pillow-roller can be put under the head, neck or even under the lower back. These are products that are great for sleeping. They allow you to remove the load from the spine while you are lying down. In this case, not only you and your body rest, but also your spine.
A feature of the operation of such pillows is that at first they are very uncomfortable to sleep, many complain of neck pain and restless sleep. But after a week, as soon as a person adapts, he will feel very different. Thus, pains in the neck and back will noticeably decrease, and sleep will become more calm. Such a pillow can even make it easier to fall asleep, because the body relaxes as much as possible.
The cylindrical cushion is much better than its usual feather analogs. The latter usually have too low a height, so sleeping on them causes back pain. Because the neck and spine are not positioned correctly at this time, frequent headaches can occur. The cylindrical cushion minimizes the deflection and thereby straightens the thoracic spine. Thus, the entire spine is in a natural position.
Also, many use pillow-cushions for seating. They are able to restore muscle tone, as well as help in the fight against scoliosis. Such rollers are more rigid. They allow you to give the back the desired bend in the lumbar region. Pillow-cushion is very popular among those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel.So you can easily relieve tension from the neck and reduce back pain.
There are two large groups of pillows:
They are the subject of decor, such products are selected for interior design. Usually they decorate a sofa or bed. As a rule, they are placed at the edges instead of armrests. Some even use them instead of a footrest.
There are also decorative rollers, which are made to put on the sofa under the back. Such products will allow you to sit comfortably on the couch while you are watching TV or reading, and thereby relieve the load from your back.
They can be placed under the head, placed on the back of the sofa, under the back, under the arm. This is a very practical thing that can transform any interior. It can be an interesting ensemble with ordinary cushions.
Such products can be called therapeutic. They are necessary for those who have back problems.as well as everyone who cares about health and wants to prevent these problems. They are selected for each individual, depending on the structure of the body. Such products are used most often for sleep, as they are able to ensure the correct position of the neck.
Pillows-rollers can be of different sizes. And the size you have to choose based on individual indicators. Thus, the diameter should be the length of the distance from the chin to the shoulders and plus 2 cm. The wider your shoulders, the greater should be the radius of such a product. Usually high rollers are quite difficult to find, they are presented in medium-sized sizes.
The average height of such a product is about 10 cm and is the most versatile. It can be a long or short pillow. The length parameters do not affect its functional qualities, in contrast to the radius and width. In case you have a soft mattress at home, the roller should be above the standard size, this should also be taken into account.
As for the width of such a product, in this case, the shoulders are measured. The size of the pillow according to this indicator should be shoulder width plus 7 cm. There are also narrow orthopedic pillows-rollers, they are intended only for therapeutic purposes. They are great for those with osteochondrosis.
The size of such a product should depend on the purpose for which you purchase it. The size of the decorative product can be any, in this case, you need to rely only on the parameters of the sofa and interior design.
Orthopedic sleep models should be sized only on the basis of your own measurements.
The most practical are products made of latex and polyurethane foam. They are very easy to care for. When washing such a product does not change its shape. Polyester products are the most impractical because they have a low hygroscopicity index. For such a pillow is better to buy a separate pillowcase from natural material.
Also on any pillow you can buy a decorative cover. Such a roller will be not only useful for sleeping thing, but also a stylish piece of furniture. At night you can take it off, replacing it with a pillowcase. Most often, the outer coating of such a pillow - textiles.
Such patchwork-style products look very nice. In this case, the pillowcase of pillows is assembled from small colored pieces of fabric. This is a very bright and stylish solution. You can also buy a case with embroidery or lace. If you are interested in a decorative roller, then it must have a replaceable cover that you can wash. Therefore, such a cover must necessarily have a zipper.As for orthopedic models for sleep, it should have a removable pillowcase without unnecessary parts, made from natural breathable materials.
Most often, these pillows are filled with polyurethane foam. This material does not provoke the appearance of dust mites. In addition, it is not a dust collector. This material can ideally adapt to the shape of the head and neck and is quite elastic, it does not shake at all. After you wake up and raise your head, there will be no dent on it.
Polyester padded models are very inexpensive. This material includes in its structure a huge number of small balls. That is why it easily takes the desired shape. But such a pillow can miss, so it will need to be whipped frequently.
Oddly enough, such a pillow can be stuffed even with herbs or buckwheat husks. Herbs can have a calming effect and ensure good sleep. Buckwheat hulls are also considered very useful. This filler is completely hypoallergenic, so it is perfect for asthmatics.
This filling will be pretty tough, but at the same time it will be able to remember the shape of your neck and head. The memory effect is a huge advantage of such a filler. In addition, buckwheat hulls are able to provide facial micro-massage. This is a very healthy function of such a pillow.
Some manufacturers make pillows with cooling filler. Such a product allows you to relax after a working day. Some also use foam filler, but it is not very healthy.
Manufacturers Overview
One of the most popular are pillows-rollers from Ikea entitled Rollek. Such products are great for proper sleep. The manufacturer indicates that they are able to improve the blood supply to the brain, as well as ensure a comfortable sleep. These products are made of polyurethane foam. They also have a memory function and are able to completely repeat the contours of your body.
The Japanese solid roller model from Nishi. It is made of wood and has extremely medicinal properties and is perfect for those who suffer from osteochondrosis.The first time on these pillows is very uncomfortable to sleep, but the manufacturers guarantee that after a while you will feel much better.
How to choose?
When choosing a cushion-roller is important to carry out measurements. Your parameters must be taken into account if you purchase such a product for orthopedic purposes. Also, this should take into account your weight, as well as the rigidity of the mattress and bed. Choosing a pillow, do not forget that it should almost not be felt, so touch it, but rather lie down on it before buying. Such rollers should not be soft, they usually have a rather dense and even hard filling.
Models with a memory effect are very convenient, as they are able to adapt individually to you. Perforated pillows are considered to be very practical and useful. They are completely breathable and allow you to control heat transfer.
It is also important for the child to choose the right roller.. It is better if it is a product with two sides at the edges. This will provide the right support for the baby’s head and spine on the same level.
Choosing a pillow, it is important to rely on personal feelings.Too inconvenient models should be abandoned immediately.
How to use?
On the roller is very important to sleep. This will increase its functionality and save you from back and neck pain. The roller is not suitable for sleeping on the stomach. The most correct pose for him is on the back. This posture is perfect for those who suffer from scoliosis.
Lying on your back on the roller, you can relax all the muscles of the body and completely relieve tension from them. This posture is contraindicated only for those who have breathing problems. Also, the natural and proper posture for sleeping on such a pillow is the fetal position, since this is a natural position of the body in which the back completely rests. In this case, there will be no problems with breathing, and also the functioning of the internal organs will improve. The head and neck will also be positioned correctly. h
Sleeping on a pillow in the fetal position will relieve you from back pain.
Very many like pillows called Rollek. Buyers note the acceptable cost of such models, as well as their convenience and benefits for sleep. So, many people write that it became much more comfortable for them to sleep on such a product, they stopped waking up from pains in the back and neck.Some complain that it is rather inconvenient to sleep on such a pillow for the first couple of weeks, but after a month they have become completely accustomed. Very many people like that such a pillow is moisture wicking. It is not at all hot to sleep, because it really supports the natural level of heat transfer.
People suffering from osteochondrosis, acquired pillows-rollers from Nishi. They indicate that these wooden products in a few months saved them from osteochondrosis. But some say that they could not sleep on such a pillow, because the very hard filling did not allow them to relax and fall asleep. Customer reviews about such models vary, someone writes that he was able to overcome himself and the pillow made sleep more comfortable and healthy, and someone writes that he was from her after a few days.
Examples in the interior
Most often for decoration of an interior use decorative pillows rollers. They are great for transforming the look of a sofa and its design. Pillows cylindrical pillows came to us from the East. They are great for a sofa in the Arabic or Moroccan style.Usually such products are presented in bright colors with abstract or geometric prints.
Also for such an oriental-style product, tassels or fringe can become an integral element of the decor. Most often, these pillows are made in sandy, chocolate tones. Orange, purple or green fabric colors are also great. If you want to place the rollers on the bed in a room decorated in a classic style, it is better to choose the most luxurious models.
So, velvet or tapestry models, trimmed with lace or fringe, are perfect. Most often, they are selected to the lampshades, as well as curtains. If your room is decorated in a minimalist style, a leather roller will perfectly fit into such an interior. Also suitable and model of leatherette.
Pillows-rollers look interesting in the interior, decorated in African style or in the style of a safari. Usually, their coatings mimic the skin or skins of animals. Some of these products are even made of natural fur or its equivalent.
How to make pillows, rollers, see the following video.