Wood floor scraping: technology features

No matter how wide the variety of modern flooring, the board floor is still considered the most environmentally friendly and comfortable. True, it has one significant disadvantage - even with careful operation after a few years, its appearance deteriorates. Here a special procedure can come to the rescue - tolling, about the features and subtleties of which we will describe in this article.
What it is?
For those who first come across the term “scraping” of a wooden floor, it is sometimes not entirely clear what this procedure is. So, chiseling is the removal of the uppermost wood layer from the boards.In essence, this procedure replaces the lacquering, polishing and polishing of boards.
The main feature of the scraping is the possibility of its execution only when using a special scraper machine.
Manually and even more so, using the tools at hand, it is simply impossible to cope with such a task.
Another feature is the fact that scraping is possible only as long as the thickness of the boards allows it. After all, we should not forget that every time such a procedure is performed, the upper layer of the floor is removed, and sooner or later it will finally become thinner. True, this will come in 50-70 years, not earlier.
Types of scrolling machines
Until recently, spitting was done by using a handheld machine, which was called a cycle. Today, special grinding scraping machines are used, which are powered by electrical connection.
They are of two types: drum and disc:
- Drum apparatus for cycling consumes a lot of electricity, it is quite heavy in operation and makes a lot of noise. Experts today insist that it is rational to use it only for treating a large area of the floor.
- Disc scraping machines do not have such flaws, they level the floor perfectly evenly, give the boards shine and original appearance. It is disk scraper machines that are now at the peak of popularity.
Using a disk machine, you can completely perform the scrubbing of a wooden floor by yourself. The main thing is to carefully follow all the steps and recommendations.
Required tools
Before proceeding directly to scraping the old floor with your own hands, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools.
For the work will require:
- The puller itself. This is the main tool, without which the work can not be done.
- Nozzles for coarse grinding.
- Nozzles for grinding corners and uneven joints.
- Surface grinding machine.
- Construction vacuum cleaner or an old but powerful ordinary household appliance.
- Sandpaper large and small size.
- Special brushes for varnish.
- Polish or paint for laminate.
- Emery knife.
- Special solution for the preparation of putty.
The presence of all these tools and materials on hand should be taken care of in advance and arrange them in close proximity.This will allow not to be distracted in the process of performing work on the search for the necessary material.
Technological process
Preparatory stage
Regardless of where the floor renovation works will be performed - in the country or in the apartment, you must first complete the preparatory activities and only then scrub the floor:
- First of all, it is necessary to completely free the room from any things and furniture, the floor must be completely empty. In addition, you should remove the baseboards, and remove the door leaf from the hinges. The doorway itself should be hung with a piece of thick film, this will protect other rooms from the penetration of wood dust.
- Next, a plank floor covering is examined for the presence of mold and strong cracks. All these flaws should be removed at this stage. Scrubbing the painted floor must begin with removing the old paint from the boards. For this, a special solvent or mineral alcohol can be used.
- During operation, you must open the window wide open, this will allow dust and odors to disappear from the room faster. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the floors with clean warm water and let them dry for at least a day.
- If badly damaged and rotten boards were noticed, they should be replaced completely or at least partially with new ones. All protruding nail caps should be re-hammered into the floor.
- At the end of all preparatory procedures, it is necessary to make sure that the floor is completely free from all contamination and does not have strong and sharp protrusions over its entire surface.
Grinding and grinding
After completing the preparatory stage, the old wood flooring can be ottsiklevat and sanded:
- First you need to do a rough looping. It is at this stage that a special machine with a suitable nozzle is required. It removes not only the residue of varnish or paint, but also removes a thin layer of the wood itself, on which there are various damages. Such work should be done rather slowly. The movement of the machine in this case should be directed along the length of the boards themselves.
I would like to especially note that for a pine board it is worth choosing a nozzle with an average degree of rigidity, since such wood cycles quite quickly and easily.
This stage is considered complete when all significant defects of the wooden plank floor are eliminated.
- The next stage is the grinding of the boards. This procedure is performed in three stages using different nozzles of different sizes. The first stage is performed using paper size 40, the second stage requires the use of paper size 60 and the third stage of grinding is performed with paper size 100. Such staged grinding allows to achieve perfect smoothness of the boards, moreover, it is this procedure that gives them the original color and shine.
It is fine grinding that takes the most time and effort. However, the correct and unhurried performance of this stage of work guarantees a quality and long-lasting result of the whole cycleting.
Handling hard to reach areas
This stage of work is performed almost last. And here it is necessary to use not only a cyclic machine, but also a manual cycle. Sometimes, only using these two tools, you can handle the floors in the corners, niches and under the pipes.
As with the treatment of the entire floor, you must first perform a rough scraping of the boards. And then carry out their grinding. To do this, use a special angle nozzle of a suitable size.
The final stage
After all the works have been completed, it is necessary to put all the gaps between the boards carefully, using a special putty, but carefully. It is necessary to allow the material to dry completely. Then, using a grinding nozzle with paper of 100 size, again walk around the floor. Such a final grinding will give the floor covering a finished look and will eliminate any irregularities.
The final touch is the application of varnish. This procedure requires care and uniformity. The varnish is applied in three or four layers. Each next layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one. The average drying time for each varnish coat is 4 hours.
Scraping a plank wooden floor is not only a very responsible and time-consuming task, but also a rather dangerous one.
Therefore, in order to maximally secure oneself in the process of its implementation, it is necessary to observe the following recommendations:
- When working, the doors to other rooms should be tightly closed. But the room itself should be well ventilated.
- It is imperative to use a protective mask or respirator when working with lacquers, and even during cycling itself.
- To perform work, you should choose comfortable clothes that do not hold down movements, but at the same time and have no hanging parts. It is also recommended to tie a hair or put a kerchief on your head.
- While using the cyclic machine itself, it is impossible to press hard on it. Otherwise, there will be strong dents on the boards that will be difficult to eliminate.
- During the execution of work, special attention should be paid to ensure that the wire does not fall under the typewriter. If this happens, you must immediately disconnect the device from the electrical network and be sure to replace the extension cord with a new one.
Compliance with these simple tips will help to significantly improve the quality and safety of work performed.
Useful recommendations
Well, in order to make the process of copying even easier and more convenient, we suggest you use the following useful recommendations:
- When you first turn on the device, it is necessary to tilt it slightly and lift it above the floor, holding the device firmly with two hands and only then, in a slightly inclined state, put it on the floor, and only then straighten it. If the machine will twitch a little at the same time, then it's not scary.
- When rough grinding and fine grinding when approaching the wall, the device should be lifted on one side, turned around itself and further continue processing of the next boards in the opposite direction.
- Boards with a wavy structure, looping only diagonally. In this case, coarse cycling is performed twice in the opposite direction. Fine grinding should also be performed diagonally using standard nozzles for this procedure.
- It is better to clean the floor near the walls with a special curb nozzle, which has an average level of grit.
- Cycling floors made of soft wood, you should not try to make them perfectly smooth by sanding. To achieve this effect is simply impossible because of the structure of the boards themselves. This can be done only with the proper varnishing of floors.
Experts believe that wood flooring from coniferous wood should be scrubbed once every 7-10 years, hardwood floors should be scrubbed once every 10-15 years, but laminate panels, if necessary, can be scrubbed every 15-20 years.
Scraping the floor with your own hands, especially for the first timeit takes really a lot of time and effort, but the stunning, updated look of the flooring fully justifies such costs. It is believed that the ideal otziklevanny floor - this is the floor on which it is pleasant to walk barefoot, so if with such walking no discomfort arises, it means that all the work was done correctly.
For more information on how to do a wooden floor scraping with your own hands, see the following video.