Bulk floor "miners": characteristics and use

Self-leveling floors "miners" are a recognizable brand and are quite popular in the domestic market of building and finishing materials. They are intended for leveling an existing subfloor or for its initial formation. Available as dry mixes with detailed step-by-step instructions for use. This allows you to use the products "miners" for the independent conduct of external and internal work.
Special features
Self-leveling floors are easy to use and are in high demand. The demand for the material due to the following features and advantages:
- profitability. For the formation of a centimeter coating layer on an area of 1 square. cm need 15 kg of the mixture;
- high strength. Self-leveling floors are characterized by a high degree of adhesion to the main surface, impact resistance, the ability to withstand heavy weight, the absence of deformation and shrinkage, as well as moisture resistance and the absence of seams;
- floors dry quickly and harden. It is possible to walk on the svezhezalito floor after 4-48 hours, depending on the type of mixture and the thickness of the formed layer;
- high temperature resistance of some species. The coating is capable of withstanding temperature fluctuations with an amplitude of -30 to 70 degrees, and is designed for at least 35 cycles of freezing and thawing. This property allows the use of a mixture of "miners" in unheated warehouses and industrial premises, cottages and open terraces;
- the environmental safety of the material is due to the use of harmless components, which makes it possible to use it widely in residential and public buildings;
- the excellent plasticity of the mortar ensures the creation of a completely smooth surface and eliminates the need for leveling and grinding after drying.
Mixtures for self-leveling floors "Stargers" are available in several versions,that allows you to create a rough thick floor, and perform a pre-finishing layer, on top of which is placed a decorative floor covering.
Quick hardening
The most common and purchased is a fast-hardening self-leveling floor. This is a versatile high-strength material that can be used as a screed for installing underfloor heating and as a leveling mortar for an existing subfloor.
In this case, its thickness may lie within 5-15 mm, which is a sufficient indicator for leveling minor defects, chips and cracks.
The mixture is often used to form a full-fledged subfloor with a thickness of 20 to 100 mm.
The downside of this model is low frost resistance, which makes it impossible to use the solution in conditions of negative temperatures.
It is possible to step on such a floor in four hours with a centimeter layer, and the laying of carpet, laminate, linoleum and parquet should be done in a week. Tiles or porcelain tiles are recommended to be laid three days after pouring. The strength of the coating is 15 MPa a month after installation.This allows furniture or heavy equipment to be placed on the floor. Permissible load is 150 kg per square. cm.
Quick-hardening self-leveling floor has a high degree of adhesion: adhesion to the base is 0.6 MPa, which is several times higher than the indicators of the thick floor. This value indicates that in order to displace an area of 100 square centimeters, a force equivalent to 600 kg will be required. Consumption of dry mixture is 17 kilograms per 1 m2 with a centimeter layer. This means that 25 kg will be enough to fill 1.5 square meters. m floor. Water requires 6 liters per bag.
The optimum temperature in the room should be not higher than 30 and not lower than 5 degrees. When pouring, use reinforced mesh to increase strength and reduce floor deformation under heavy loads.
The setting time is about 40 minutes, so work should be done quickly, dilute only the amount of the mixture that will be used during this time.
This type of mortar is used for relatively flat surfaces with a height difference not exceeding three centimeters. Distinctive feature is possibility of installation in rooms with high humiditywhich does not affect the drying and solidification of the liquid layer.
The dried surface does not crack, does not shrink and is highly durable. The formed layer can have a thickness of from 1 to 20 mm, the mixture consumption is 15 kg per m2 for a centimeter layer, the permissible installation performance temperature is from 5 to 30 degrees. Compressive strength after 28 days is 15 MPa, adhesion index is 0.6 MPa. It is possible to walk on the fresh-washed floor in 4-6 hours, and the time of using the prepared solution is 40 minutes.
It is used as a forming material for pouring a subfloor and for leveling concrete floors with large elevation differences and defects. Often used as a screed for the "warm floor" system. The solution is highly durable, does not shrink and does not crack after drying.
Walking on the flooded floor is possible after 48 hours. Consumption of dry mixture is 17 kg per square. meter with a centimeter layer, compressive strength - 20 MPa, the working time of the solution is 40 minutes. Full drying of the floor occurs after 28 days, frost resistance - at least 35 freeze-thaw cycles.
Used in rooms with normal humidity, the thickness of the fill can vary in the range of 5-70 mm. It is used for leveling concrete floors with a height difference of up to 7 cm. It can serve as a screed for the “warm floor” system. The dried surface does not crack, does not peel off and does not shrink. You can walk on the floor after 6 hours, the complete drying of the entire layer occurs after 28 days.
Dry mix consumption is 15 kg per square meter. meter, the compressive strength is 12 MPa, and the adhesion to the concrete base - 0.6 MPa. The prepared composition must be used within 40 minutes.
In addition to the main species, there are also mixtures that do not differ in special popularity:
- "Self-leveled." The mortar is intended for high-quality leveling of rough floors and is suitable for any type of decorative flooring - from linoleum to porcelain stoneware. The thickness of the layer is from 30 to 100 mm, the consumption of the dry mixture is 17 kg per m2 of the centimeter layer, the compressive strength is 25 MPa. Due to its high moisture and frost resistance, the self-leveling solution can be used in warehouses and industrial premises, as well as in garages.Frost resistance is 35 cycles. Self-leveling mortar suitable for hand and machine application.
Operation of floors without a finishing floor covering is not recommended.
- "C10 coupler" used for the formation of the main subfloor and leveling the already existing bases of concrete and cement-sand compositions. It can be used in rooms with any humidity. Due to its high moisture and frost resistance, it is excellent for outdoor work. It is used as a screed for the “warm floor” system, the compressive strength is 15 MPa, the adhesion to the base is 0.2 MPa. It is possible to walk on the flooded solution after 24 hours, the full drying time is 28 days. Consumption of dry mixture is 19 kg, and the viability of the prepared mixture is 90 minutes.
All the components of the dry mixes "Prospectors" are environmentally friendly and can be used in residential and public buildings. The composition of each model has its own characteristics, which endow the mixture with unique technical characteristics inherent only in this species.
The “quick hardening” floor consists of fine sand, polymer additives and special cement.In terms of its chemical composition, such cement is not much different from the traditional, but due to its small particle size it has other physical properties. He grabs faster and in a short time gains 60% of the original strength. This happens within 4 hours, which is several times faster than the setting of ordinary cement.
A mixture of self-leveling floor "Thin" is composed of fillers, polymer additives, complex mineral binder and is a cement-sand mixture. Solution “Thick” is made from cement, fractional fillers and polymer additives. The composition of the mixture "Practical" includes gypsum and cement components, as well as components from fractionated sand and polymer additives. “Self-leveling” also contains cement, fractionated filler and polymer components.
Drying time
Due to the unique composition of the mixture for self-leveling floors, the “Prospects” brand compares favorably with similar compounds with a short drying time. Seizure of the solutions occurs within 4-6 hours, and you can walk on the floor after an interval of 4 to 48 hours, depending on the modification of the mixture and the thickness of the applied layer.This allows you to not stop the repair work and continue to finish the room, without waiting for the complete drying of the draft layer or screed.
The “miners” solution is considered to be completely dried. 28 days after installation and since that time it corresponds to the compressive strength values and adhesion values.
Laying decorative coatings can be done in a period of 3 to 28 days depending on the material of the fill.
How to choose?
Before proceeding to the selection of a dry mix for “Miners” self-leveling floors, it is necessary to determine the desired modification. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of all models and select the composition in accordance with the upcoming volume and complexity of work. “Quick-hardening” and “Thin” will be suitable for leveling minor defects of the subfloor and as a pre-treatment option, and serious cement-based compounds, such as “Thick” and “C-10”, should be used to form the screed.
Next you need to decide on the required number of bags. To do this, you should carefully study the consumption of material, taking into account the expected thickness of the formed layer.The manufacturer indicates the consumption per centimeter layer per square metro area. To calculate the right amount of material, you should multiply the area by consumption and the estimated thickness in centimeters, and then divided by 25 kg.
When buying a material it is recommended to check the availability of certificates of conformity and other supporting documentation. This will help protect themselves from fakes and purchase quality material.
How to use?
For the correct preparation of the mortar floor solution it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use. In the prepared container of sufficient volume, purified water is poured. Mixing should be done gradually with continuous stirring. For uniform dissolution, use a construction mixer or a special paddle attachment for an electric drill. The resulting solution is left for five minutes, then re-mixed.
Poured surface is pre-cleaned of debris, dedusted with a vacuum cleaner and primed. Large cracks and chips are moistened and plastered.A damping tape is laid around the perimeter of the room, as well as around the columns, which plays a compensatory role in the expansion of the drying composition. Then it is necessary to prepare squeegee, needle ink-paths and a needle roller.
Fill should start from the far corner and move towards the exit. You must first install the beacons, the role of which can perform the columns of alabaster or concrete. If the room has an area greater than 20 square meters. meters, it must be divided into square sections, which are poured in a checkerboard pattern. When using a separating layer, the thickness of the screed should be at least 3 cm. The poured mixture should be leveled using a wide trowel, and in the case of plaster solutions, a needle roller, which will help get rid of air bubbles in the solution. This will prevent the formation of cavities after drying.
After completion of installation work, it is necessary to ensure a stable temperature condition in the room and protect the floor surface from drafts. Thick screed needs regular hydration for 3-5 days.
You should also protect the surface from direct sunlight,which can cause uneven drying of the surface, and, as a result, cracking and bubbling.
Self-leveling “Stampers” floors have a lot of positive feedback. Consumers note the presence in the model range of different modifications, which allows to solve the problem of a rough base, screed under a warm floor and topcoat, using materials from the same manufacturer. It is noted ease of use and the possibility of self-assembly of self-leveling mixtures. Attention is also paid to affordability and high quality products. The advantages include economical consumption and the presence of cold-resistant mixtures.
Of the minuses - too fast setting of the solution and a short pot life of the prepared mixture.
For more information about the technique of applying a self-leveling floor "miners" you will learn in the following video