Bulk floor Vetonit: advantages and disadvantages

One of the final stages of interior decoration is the design of the floor. It is started after the end of all the “dirty work”.
The modern market offers a huge range of finishing materials for the floor, most of which require a carefully prepared surface. To prepare the base, use a special mixture for self-leveling floor.
Product Feature
The structure for a bulk floor Vetonit uses a big millet in the Russian market. Under the brand, various mixtures are available with individual performance characteristics and features.
With proper use of Vetonit brand products, a tidy, level and practical floor is obtained, which can be used as a basis for flooring or in its natural form, without subsequent finishing.
Advantages and disadvantages
Bulk floor Vetonit has several advantages:
- Composition. The main component of most dry mixes brand Vetonit is concrete. Due to this component after the final stage of laying the floor becomes smooth, strong and smooth.
- Defect correction. Composition for self-leveling floor can be used to eliminate various defects (grooves, cracks, chips, small pits and much more). Also, the mixture is used to align the slopes.
- Scope of use. Vetonit brand products are used for finishing floor leveling on the basis of residential and commercial premises. After complete drying, the coating is able to withstand long-term technical loads. This is a universal product that meets the high requirements of modern buyers. The process of making the mixture is simple. All you need is to dilute the powder in water according to the package instructions.
- Work with material. Apply the composition in various ways. The most popular method is the use of sediment. This method is great for compact rooms. It is also possible to carry out the work manually.
Experts note that the installation technology is simple, and with due diligence and the implementation of all the rules, you can carry out this procedure yourself without the help of specialists.
- Drying period. Bulk floor Vetonit is fast-hardening. Compared with similar products, the complete drying time of such mixtures is much less. This parameter significantly reduces the time spent on repairs.
- Warm floor. Most modern people are installing at home floors with heating function. Manufacturers of self-leveling floors Vetonit assure that products can be used with this technology. The material is perfect for equipment basics under the "warm floor".
The main disadvantage of self-leveling floors Vetonit is the cost. High quality products are always more expensive than the average product. In order for the purchased product to meet the expectations, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use of the mixture.
Popular Products
The experts identified three of the most popular and widely used types of self-leveling floor from the above manufacturer. Self-leveling floors are 3000, 4100 and 5000. Each product has its own distinctive features, depending on which buyer purchases one or another option for finishing.
Vetonit 3000
To date, the composition deservedly takes the position of the most popular means for leveling the floor. The main component of the material is cement. Limestone is used as an additional element. Experts from the field of repair recommend applying the composition on top of a cleaned concrete floor.
Vetonit 3000 is ideal for finishing. Three hours after coating, further work can be carried out on the floor.
Main characteristics:
- Sphere of use: office space, offices, houses and apartments.
- Layer thickness: this indicator varies from 5 to 50 millimeters.
- Drying time: 4 hours.
- Weight of one package: 25 kilograms.
- High resistance to increased moisture.
- Shelf life closed: about 6 months.
- After mixing the dry mixture with water, it must be used for forty minutes.
After complete drying, the floor becomes resistant to damage of various kinds. The consumption of products per 1 m2 is indicated on the packaging.
Vetonit 4100
The basis of this product is concrete. Besides him, composed of limestone and sand. It is suitable if you are looking for a material for decorating the foundation for tile, carpet, laminate or parquet.
Main characteristics:
- Sphere of use: rooms of various types.
- Layer thickness: from two to 30 millimeters.
- Drying period: 3 hours, subject to a flat surface.
- Weight of one bag: 25 kilograms.
- Laying additional finishing material can be carried out in three days.
Vetonit 5000
This is a self-leveling compound. After it dries, you get a perfectly flat floor, without the slightest defect. Manufacturers used cement without casein as the basis.
Main characteristics:
- Sphere of use: commercial and residential objects.
- Layer thickness: from five to 50 millimeters.
- Drying time: 2 to 4 hours.
- Package weight: 25 kilograms.
- The finished solution must be used within half an hour.
- It is possible to lay an additional floor covering on a bulk floor after 5 days.
You can use the composition on the basis of objects with different microclimates. Whether it is a room with high humidity or dry air.
Important: a month after applying the composition shrinkage of the self-leveling floor Vetonit, regardless of the type, will be no more than 0.5 millimeter.
Proper styling
If you intend to carry out the procedure for registration of self-leveling floor yourself, be sure to strictly follow the instructions and follow the points in strict accordance.Inexperienced users often make mistakes during work due to carelessness or due to neglect of the rules.
The optimum temperature in the room where the laying process is conducted should be 10-25 degrees Celsius above zero. There should be no drafts in the room, so the doors and windows should be tightly closed. To dilute the powder, use pure water. The composition is mixed using a drill with a special nozzle.
In order not to spend money on a fake, purchase self-leveling floors Vetonit from the official representatives of this brand. Original products can be ordered through the manufacturer's online store.
After analyzing the opinions of customers who personally dealt with self-leveling floors from the manufacturer Vetonit, we can safely say that experienced users are happy to share thoughts about the products. Most of the reviews, about 95-97%, are positive.
Buyers have noted a simple styling process, quick drying and a smooth surface after drying. The only disadvantage of products is the price, which is not affordable for everyone.
In the next video you will find a training film on laying the self-leveling floor Vetonit.