How to level the floor in the apartment: the details of the process

Before laying decorative flooring, as a rule, it is necessary to make a proper alignment of the base of the floor. For this you can purchase various materials and mixtures. Let us consider in more detail all the details of this process.
Special features
When organizing an apartment renovation, it is important to remember to level the floor surface in order to avoid problems later. Because of the unevenness of the foundation, it can be difficult to install furniture, so it is usually best to start repair work with leveling the floor.
Before proceeding to the process itself, in the apartment it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, which begins with the cleaning of the surface. First thing It is recommended to remove the old coating, remove cracks. By means of the puncher it will be possible to get rid of ledges. In rooms such as a kitchen or bathroom, should always be installed waterproofing foundations.
Further along the perimeter of the room is placed a special tape, which helps to prevent the appearance of sounds. Once all the preparatory work is completed, the floor is leveled using various methods.
Methods of leveling the floor are different costs of time, technology, as well as the materials used. The choice of leveling method depends on how uneven the surface is. Regardless of which method is chosen, the purpose of this process is to create a solid, smooth base for laying the selected web.
Use of roving solution
This way to level the floor is characterized by its simplicity and affordability. Therefore, to give a flat surface can be easily, using their own strength, without resorting to the services of a master. Before you begin the process, you should consider the types of equalizers.
There is a mixture for rough alignment. This type is used if the floor is characterized by multiple chips. Another type of composition is intended for finishing coating.Thanks to this look, the basis will find absolute smoothness.
The essence of this method of leveling using a special composition is that sand mortar, cement and special additives are used. This mixture is poured base.
But This method is suitable not for all uneven surfaces, but only for those where there are small roughness.. Most often in “Stalin” one has to deal with a high level of bias and one has to give up this technique. However, the method is well applicable as the final moment after using a concrete screed.
In order to properly perform the alignment of the floor, it is important to determine the stages of work:
- Primer application. It will help raise the level of protection of the foundation against fungus and mold.
- Dilution solution. Dry mix should be mixed with water, following the instructions exactly to get the desired consistency.
- The distribution of the solution to the surface. Special tools will help you to remove air bubbles from the mixture.
- Let the floor dry. The drying process will take from 2 to 3 days.
- If the rover was used correctly during operation, the flooring will always lie perfectly and will last for many years.
Concrete screed
Another option for leveling the floor is a concrete screed. This method differs from the previous one in that it uses concrete or cement. The structure of the solution allows you to create a strong screed that will hide even the largest base defects. It is more expedient to apply this type of alignment during repair in a new the materials are rather cheap, and the manufacturing techniques have been tested for years.
You can entrust the flooring in the panel house to the masters, or you can try to do it yourself. Today, there is a wide range of special dry building mixes for sale. They are made on the basis of sand and cement. Due to the large number of such products, it is very difficult to choose the right mixture.
All this production differs in the content of the binding substance. It is worth noting that mixtures of low quality contain less cement and more sand.
It is necessary to know in detail the sequence of work on the implementation of the concrete screed:
- Preliminary preparation of the base. This stage includes cleaning, conducting waterproofing, as well as laying roofing material along the lower edges of the walls.
- Markup. Here you will need a level. Around the perimeter of the room you need to make a mark, put the lighthouses.
- If the height of the screed is small, then the beacons can be made from a solution.. It is necessary to lay out a strip from the solution and fix it with scotch tape. After this, it is important to check with the help of the level that the screed is applied correctly. In case of irregularities, remove the excess solution.
- Concrete screeds can be of different layers.. Occurs single-layer, that is, poured on a lump sum along the entire height. This type is applicable in those rooms where there are no high requirements for flatness of the floor.
- Multilayer screeds are used in several stages.. Most often, the application of the first layer serves to impart strength to the base, and the second layer fixes the result and gives the floor a considerable leveling.
Leveling with expanded clay
The use of this technique is associated with the beneficial properties of expanded clay. Among the distinctive of them emit environmental friendliness, durability, affordability. Alignment with expanded clay can be done in various ways withcombination of materials.
The first option involves the combination of expanded clay with cement screed. First, expanded clay is poured onto the base with an even layer, then it is checked how uniformly the insulation is placed. Next, you should carefully lay the prepared solution.
In order to avoid shifts of the base, it is allowed to make protection in the form of a grid before starting to cover with a cement screed. This floor will dry in about 3 days.
After complete drying, you need to remove the beacons and process the traces. Final surface strength will be reached in 4 weeks.
Before the expiration of this time, it is necessary to cover the base with a film so that the process of excreting moisture proceeds more slowly.
Another method of leveling with the use of expanded clay is claydite screed. This technique involves flooring with an expanded clay pillow using sand and cement. The third use of expanded clay includes combination of this product with a bulk floor.
The easiest and cheapest way to make the surface smoother. by dry leveling the floor. The advantage of this method is that you do not have to wait long for the base to dry. This floor can be used immediately after pouring claydite. The sequence of work is quite simple. A mixture of claydite crumbles on the surface and must be aligned with the beacons. The minimum coating thickness must be at least 4 cm.
Living in a house where the floor is leveled with the help of expanded clay does not have to worry about heat preservation, since this material has excellent insulating properties.
Leveling the floor in lags
Such a floor is quite possible to do it yourself, if you properly understand the technology of installation. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this method of leveling the floor is characterized by its efficiency. The application of this method greatly simplifies the laying of different cables and wires..
It is better to take care of the acquisition of the necessary tools to work on the alignment of the surface of the logs. To work necessarily need tools such as a perforator, drill, screwdriver, hammer, tape measure.
It should be remembered that the humidity of the room should not be higher than 60%.Lags themselves must be dried, cleaned of dust immediately before laying.
The minimum length of the lag should be 2 m. Before you fix the logs to the floor, you should calculate the level of the future surface.
It is important to consider the thickness of the flooring, plywood. Lags should be installed on lighthouses. The distance between the two bars will depend on the height of the floor covering.
The most relevant option for leveling the surface of the lag is an adjustable floor. The principle of operation of this method is that slots are made in the lags, plastic sleeves are screwed into them, allowing you to adjust the height of the floor. Fixation of the sleeves in the log is carried out with the help of several screws. Further, the logs should be attached to the concrete on which you want to make marks for future holes. With the help of nails it is necessary to attach the bars to the base. Plywood sheets are screwed on top.
What is better?
Having considered the main ways of leveling the sexes, you should decide which method is the most appropriate. What method is better to choose, you need to decide on the basis of the condition of the surface, what degree of its roughness, as well as what type of coating you want to lay.
It would seem that, of all the options, the use of a concrete screed is considered the most reliable method, however, concrete has several disadvantages, among which a too long drying period is noted. This leads to slower repairs. The concrete base is subject to cracking. Work with the use of concrete screed rather time-consuming.
It is worth remembering also the advantages of this option. This method is used only in the presence of small irregularities.
The use of expanded pillow has the most advantages, as this material will not only help to level the floor, but also protects from cold and damp.
Thus, considering all the features of the room where the repair takes place, as well as all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the considered methods of leveling the floor, it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable and less costly method.
Professional Tips
After you have decided on the method of leveling the floor, it is worth remembering the important recommendations of specialists and, if possible, use them in your work during the repair.
- If the choice fell on the use of leveling coating, it is important to pay attention to which mixture to use.If in the future it is planned to lay the facing material, then you need to choose a solution for coarse and fine alignment.
- When using the material do not forget about the installation of beacons.
- When leveling the floor with lags, a board is usually used to create a frame, which is not subjected to rigorous processing.
- During operation, you should monitor the temperature in the room, no drafts are allowed.
- Do not forget about safety when using tools. Also during operation, you must de-energize the wiring.
- You should always use protective equipment when working with mixtures, since most of them affect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
- Before leveling it is important to treat the base with a primer, otherwise the appearance of cracks is inevitable.
In the next video you will find a simple way to level the floor.