How to choose tools for suspended ceilings?

To modern types of ceiling trim stretch ceilings. The process of installation of this design does not take a lot of time and effort, practically does not form dirt and debris, does not require a large number of workers, however, it requires special equipment.
To install the mounted systems do it yourself, you should familiarize yourself with how to choose tools for suspended ceilings.
Special features
Not so long ago, not everyone knew about this type of ceiling trim, like suspended ceilings, but at the moment it is one of the most popular designs of the surface above the head.
This design gained distribution due to the following positive qualities:
- speed of installation;
- moisture resistance of the coating;
- long service life;
- excellent aesthetic characteristics;
- Great opportunity to create an original design.
The installation process of the hinged system is quite simple - everyone can cope with it, it is enough just to learn some subtleties and acquire the necessary tools and materials. Equipment for registration of stretch ceilings will need different. It can be domestic or imported. The construction market is saturated with a variety of materials, but Experts say that it is better not to save on such ancillary equipment, especially if you are engaged in installing suspended ceilings on a professional level.
In any case, this is not an expensive choice, and if the installation of hinged systems is to be done in a single case, then there is no point in acquiring such expensive devices.
If you consider the installation as a permanent source of income, you should stock up on high-quality equipment.
All tools for mounting tensioning canvases are divided into basic ones, without which it is impossible to manage, and additional ones, the absence of which is sometimes even imperceptible.
To the first group belong:
- heat gun (for stretching cloths);
- perforator;
- screwdriver.
The second group is represented by instruments for qualitative measurement of parameters of the room. These include a ruler and roulette.
Also, to carry out the hinged system, you will need: suspensions-holders (to hold the tensioning cloth in a suspended state), a paint cord (it uses room marking), special vanes, stepladder, block body, metal detector (to detect wiring) and much more.
The list of basic and auxiliary tools for the installation of stretch ceilings is simply huge. Experts know the specifics of using each, and the need for a particular type of tool is different for everyone. Therefore, first you should familiarize yourself with the main list of devices and materials - the need to purchase additional items is individual.
- Laser Roulette. This is a device for measuring length, featuring high accuracy and ease of use. All data is stored in the memory of this device, which is very convenient.
- Laser level. The device for marking levels.
- Telescopic rod. A necessary element when installing a construction of several levels.
- Hand hole punch. The irreplaceable assistant in punching the necessary openings.
- Metal detector. A device for detecting metal elements in the wall, including electrical wiring and an air vent (can be at the place of fastening of the future baguette), is used in the preparatory work.
- Perforated drill, screwdriver. These are the necessary tools to secure the metal profile. Their power ranges from 600-1200 watts.
- Heat guns. They are necessary equipment for heating the PVC fabric. There is a lot of kinds of air heaters, but it is worth distinguishing the main.
- Gas - very simple and efficient design, works by supplying gas from a separate source (the presence of a cylinder of propane is required). The heater is a gas burner.
- Electric guns differ from the previous heating element, which is used as several powerful heating elements. Work from a network by the principle of home fan heaters.
- Diesel guns similar to gas, but only they run on diesel fuel. The advantages are their mobility, the disadvantages include the production of carbon monoxide, which is dangerous for humans.
It is necessary to work with similar devices only in the aired room.
- High-definition machine. A device for soldering PVC material.Since tension coatings are made, as a rule, no wider than 3 m, then special equipment is used to solder the material — the machine mentioned above. This device produces high-quality soldering of stretch ceilings of various textures and colors, this seam is completely invisible, and the fabric does not differ in strength from solid.
The set of hand tools includes: hammer, screwdrivers, hacksaw, pliers. Construction trowel or shovel - Another necessary item used to pack stretch PVC ceiling.
In addition, for the installation of lighting, hoods you will need to choose an amplifier ring with corresponding inner and outer diameters.
The ring should be durable and securely glued to the film.
Subtleties of installation
Each type of stretch ceilings has its own characteristics and certain subtleties of installation. You must first make measurements and select the desired size of the canvas.
In the place of installation of the ceiling structure should perform preparatory work:
- At the points of attachment of the system you need to focus on the strength of the walls.
- In the room before installing the tension structures should first carry out the necessary decoration of the walls with tiles or plasterboard, if any. When installing the baguette is required to ensure that the base is located in a single plane.
- In the case of major repairs in this room, it is imperative to get rid of the garbage and carry out the wiring system.
- The installation process involves the high temperature of the air in the room. This condition is obligatory, since it is a guarantee of maximum flatness and smoothness of the PVC sheet, as well as preventing the appearance of folds on the surface.
Having fulfilled all the listed conditions and having decided on the color and texture of the material, you can safely get to work.
First thing it is necessary to thoroughly clean the base surface from traces of old whitewash, paint or plaster in order to avoid shedding the previous coating. This process is easily done by hand. Then a baguette is installed around the perimeter of the room, sometimes supplemented with a rack profile. In a room heated to 60 ° C, stretched PVC-cloth is fixed in a baguette. The coating stretches as it cools, creating a perfectly smooth and even surface.
The process of stretching the ceiling should be carried out only with absolutely clean hands. The canvas must be evenly distributed over the entire surface. by pulling from the center to the corners, then successively fix around the perimeter.
The corners of the PVC material are attached at the very end.
Tips and tricks
It should be remembered that the installation of suspended ceilings is carried out not only in rooms with standard parameters. If you want to stand out and give the house a unique, you can order to install PVC ceilings, placed on several levels, or the systems made with a slope. Installation technology allows you to create all sorts of transitions between multiple planes. Stretch ceilings look quite original with the use of a combination of cloths of different textures or different colors
It is recommended to use spotlights as lighting fixtures - overall chandeliers are not always appropriate.
If there is a need, ventilation grilles or additional plugs can be built into the suspension canvases.
Currently on sale appeared ready-made kits for the independent creation of tension structures. These sets of stretch fabrics from the "ceilings with their own hands" series have all the most important toolsmaterials and fixing devices: cloth, baguettes, harpoon, scapula for fixing PVC-cloth, masking tape, rings for lamps, adhesive substance.
Install this kit will be able to anyone who knows how to work with a drill and screwdriver. The illustrated instruction attached to the kit fully describes the order of the work. The use of a heat gun is not required - a sufficiently building or ordinary hair dryer for smoothing folds.
A kit for self-installation will help to achieve excellent results in the ceiling and decently save money.
You can find out how to install a stretch ceiling by looking at the video below.