How to make a hanger in the hallway with your own hands?

The hallway is the place where things are usually stored on the way out, so it cannot do without a hanger. Some people attach a board with nails to the wall, but it doesn’t look very beautiful. Therefore, it is best to use a floor or wall hanger, which can be built independently. The product, created by yourself, will not only save the budget, but also add to the unique housing.
Preparation of tools and materials
If you are going to start work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools: drill, screwdriver, screws, hacksaw, measuring tape. It is important to have the skills to handle them in order not to make a lot of mistakes and not to harm yourself. To give the product a neat and aesthetic look, you will need varnish or paint.
As for the materials, you will need:
- Wooden bars or metal elements that will create a strong and reliable base that can withstand heavy jackets. You can use the base from an unnecessary artificial spruce or from a strong floor lamp.
- Column, suitable in size, which is easy to buy in finished form. The cheapest option is a dry and bare young tree trunk (without knots and bends), treated with sandpaper. Its height should be equal to 15-20 cm.
- Hooks, the number of which should be sufficient in order to freely be located on the base.
- Glue designed for reliable fixation of all elements, including screws.
- To make the hanger stand firmly on the floor and not slip, thin rubber should be glued to its base.
- To enhance the center of gravity, it is necessary to make a shelf for storing accessories, which will need to be fixed above the mount of the cross.
Manufacturing process
First you need to create the bottom of the hanger. To do this, pre-cooked bars need to be cut in half, sandpaper and put together at a right angle. In order for the joints to be strong and not loose, you need to make grooves across the width of the bar and connect all the parts.Then you need to cut out four bars and attach them with screws to the legs and the trunk, which will become a reliable support for the hanger.
It is possible to unscrew the screws only after the holes made by the drill are ready. This will help protect the future product from the appearance of cracks that may cause the piece of furniture to become unusable. The diameter of the screw should be larger than that of the drill.
For reliable fixation, you must first lubricate the holes with glue, and only then - screw in the screws.
For the manufacture of the upper part of the structure you need to attach a pre-prepared square with hooks. You can also attach to the trunk four bars, which will be combined with each other corners. To fix it is necessary not to the very top, but a little lower. The drill is drilled holes, which are filled with sealant, and then screws are screwed. This will help the product hold heavy things.
Having finished creating a hanger, you need to do its design. First, the entire structure must be processed using sandpaper. Then it should be treated with a paint and varnish. You can paint the surface with different colors or draw patterns to get the original product.
Original solutions
The following interesting options can be distinguished:
- Make a hanger in the hallway can be much easierif there is an old (fairly heavy) floor lamp at home. It must be freed from unnecessary elements (wires), cleaned and painted. Effectively will look metallic paint. Iron hooks are inserted into pre-drilled holes. You can weave hooks, bent from strong wire.
- It will look very unusual hanger made from real wood. To do this, it will need to be thoroughly dried, to remove the bark from it, it should also be sanded. In this case, you will not have to do a stand, as the roots of the tree will reliably hold the structure. But it is necessary to file and bring the roots into proper form so that they do not interfere and look beautiful. As hooks, you can use the branches of a tree, pre-shortening the most durable to the desired size. Such a hanger will decorate the house, and it will simply be impossible not to notice. However, finding a suitable tree is not an easy task, which makes it very difficult to translate this idea into reality.
- Save space, but at the same time preserve functionality help wall hanger. To create it, you will need bars, two boards for the manufacture of a frame, one board for creating a shelf, metal corners, slats and hooks. To speed up the process it is better to use the processed materials. To build a structure, you need to mark the place of fastening on the wall and mount two boards to it, located vertically to the floor. The length of the fasteners depends on the length of the product. It should fit the length of the shelves.
At a short distance on the vertical boards are mounted slats. From the bars at the bottom you need to build a shelf for shoes. The height of the shelf must be sufficient for it to be able to sit on it. All joints are fixed corners, to increase the reliability of the design. To make the product beautiful and neat will help trim the slats. Installation of the upper shelf begins with the attachment points. With the help of the drill holes are made into which the screws will be screwed in later.
For beauty, you can use forged corners and hooks, and the finished product can be treated with wood stain or paint and varnish.
- It is possible to combine a hanger with a small making deep shelves and hooks.To do this, prepare a few high-quality durable boards that have previously been processed. You can use the boards from the old bed or sofa, because the wood remains strong for more than a dozen years. It is well processed. Before work it is worth making a drawing on which the sizes and the number of shelves will be displayed. Following the drawing, you need to cut the boards, then you should attach them to the bottom shelf. To the rear of the side boards attach boards, the height of which depends on the number of shelves.
It must be remembered that the coat hanger will not only be outerwear, but also various accessories, so it must be especially well attached to the wall. You can use iron corners and screws, and you can screw them into dowels.
Decorate the finished structure can be a small mirrorwhich will be located on the side. If it is frameless, then you need to attach it to a solid plywood shield. It must be fixed. The mirror itself is glued to a special glue, and under it a flange is installed closely, which will serve as an additional support. If this design does not seem safe, then you can build a frame for the mirror.You need to do it from a textured board, beforehand processing it with emery paper and covering it with stain.
It is a little imagination - and the simplest hanger will decorate the interior. It can be painted not only in one color, but also pasted over with fabric or wallpaper. A decoupage technique is good for this occasion, which will give the product an extraordinary look.
Making an interesting coat hanger
- You can decorate the corridor with a non-standard product, which (besides storage of things) will perform other functions. A hanger in the shape of a chair will be designed to hold outerwear and seats. Under the seat there will be a shelf for shoes, and hooks for clothes and a shelf for caps and gloves will be located on the high back.
Become a highlight of the hallway can strong branch, found in the forest or in the park. It is necessary to cover it with varnish and screw in hooks, and it will become a worthy element of the apartment.
- Hangers made of water pipes will look very unusual. In this case, you can hang clothes on valves or taps.
- It is very economical and original to use wooden hangers that can be built into the wall at different levels. Already in the products themselves, you can make holes for hooks or usestore options that have a self-adhesive surface.
- Old skis - another interesting idea of the design of the corridor. Having painted them in a fresh shade and having attached hooks on them, it is possible to organize a storage system in a few minutes.
Many ordinary things can turn into exclusive products., if you show a little imagination and spend some amount of time on their transformation. You can make a floor or wall hanger from many things that have been gathering dust for years in the pantry or on the balcony. This may be old chairs in combination with unnecessary cutlery or plain board in combination with tools that have long become unusable.
It is beneficial to manufacture the structure with your own hands, not only because financial costs are reduced, but also for a number of other reasons. Firstly, handmade is highly appreciated. Secondly, in this way you can achieve the perfect combination of the product with the interior. And thirdly, because the result will be a spectacular piece of furniture, which will be in a single copy.
And how to make a simple and original coat hanger in the hallway with your own hands, see the following video.