Elegant modern benches for the hallway

The theater begins with a hanger, and the apartment starts with a hallway. Therefore, you should carefully approach its design and choose not only functional, but also aesthetically attractive furniture. It includes benches, which can be very well placed in a passer-by.
Special features
It is difficult to imagine a comfortable hallway in an apartment without a bench. Its choice should be taken very carefully: it is necessary that the design fits well into the interior so that it can “accommodate” everyone, but does not take up much space so that it is comfortable and functional. Often, models are presented with a convertible top, drawers or shelves, which means that if you want to purchase additional storage space for shoes, make a choice in favor of just such designs.
There are the following types of furniture for sitting in the hallway:
- the usual shop, not having a back;
- with a box for shoes;
- with a shelf for shoes;
- with a combination of drawers and shelves;
- with back;
- combined with a bedside table under the phone;
- combined with a hanger;
- combined with the wall.
Usually they all combine the utilitarian function with the decorative one.
The choice of material depends on personal preferences, functions, price and design.
There are benches:
- plastic. Such models are quite a rare choice for apartments, because plastic is not a durable material and is easily deformed. More often they are used in summer kitchens or attic for storing slippers. Like other varieties, plastic benches can be combined with a hanger and have a back. Color solutions are quite diverse, but quickly appeared scratches and chips will catch the eye, and therefore spoil the impression.
- wooden Have a significant cost, but fit perfectly in almost any interior. Often come with a soft seat or throw pillows. Wooden benches decorated with leather are the most expensive of all the varieties presented.Made of solid wood, they have a beautiful natural pattern and are ready to serve their masters for a long time.
As a rule, the material is either coated with lacquer or varnish, or rubbed with wax, or soaked with a composition that preserves its natural look.
- on a metal frame. Suitable for hallways decorated in high-tech or modern style. This bench is convenient and practical and does not take up much space. The frame is coated with a polymer powder coating or chrome-plated to give shine. As the seat used plywood or furniture panels, which are then upholstered with leatherette or textiles.
- from furniture plates: Chipboard and MDF. Cheap models whose seat is made of inexpensive fabric. Many are complemented by folding seats and spacious drawers for storing slippers or some personal items under them. Sometimes the frame is covered with thick suede or artificial leather. Often, to save the door are made of more expensive MDF, and the frame is made of plywood or chipboard.
- forged. Quite expensive, but high quality and reliable. You can sit on them only with soft pillows. It is always a unique model, created by the hands of the master, elegant and creating a feeling of lightness.The choice of such benches is almost endless: you can pick up a copy in accordance with any color and design solution of the space. Often they are combined with obuvnitsami and hangers. Do not be afraid of corrosion and loss of the original appearance - the presence of a special protective layer prevents their appearance.
- wicker benches from the vine elegant and attractive, but not very practical. More often they are used in country houses than in city apartments. Rattan benches are considered more durable, but still both types require careful operation, otherwise the wicker elements will quickly rub.
- combined benches are made of several materials. For example, the frame can be made of wood, the back is made of metal elements, and in addition wicker boxes are used. Such a model can be an excellent solution for a room with a non-standard interior.
Also, all benches are divided into hard and soft. Unlike the former, the latter come complete with cushions, removable or stationary.
The color range of shops for the hallway is practically unlimited and depends only on the material used.As a rule, the frame of the bench remains in its natural color, and the shade of the seats or pillows is chosen depending on the whole interior.
If you choose a bright color, then an element will appear in your hallway that will set the tone for the whole space and from the threshold attract the attention of guests.
Types and styles
Furniture in retro style is usually decorated with curved elements, three-dimensional decor, carving or painting. The back, armrests and legs acquire an unusual shape. Models in classic style have a clear geometric shape, muffled details and concise design. Provence style is light, light, “airy” benches with bright, often floral “spots”. High-tech requires restraint, lack of decor and universal colors.
The couch or ottoman is a soft bench with or without a back, with or without armrests, which appeared in the 18th century. It can be wooden or leather, with drawers or wrought iron elements and even folding. This model is ideal for vintage rooms. Large couches resemble large-sized armchairs and make the interior of the hallway more comfortable and homely.The soft part of the couch can be both leather and textile.
Scandinavian style shop made from rough wood or pallets. It either turns white or remains in a natural shade. Under the bench can be placed either shelves for shoes, or boxes, braided from the rod.
The village bench is the simplest wooden model, resembling in appearance those that are cut with an ax in the villages. Laconic, without additional functions and very cheap, besides it can be made by hand. Such furniture is characterized by simplicity of design and decoration, it is elementary in care and can be repainted if desired.
The bench-shelf is equipped with several rows of open or closed shelves, usually latticed. It is worth taking into account that on the top shelf you can put shoes and shoes only with a clean sole. If you do not want to show your shoes to everyone and choose a model with closed shelves, you can add them to the drawers.
In a wooden bench with wicker seats or drawers, sometimes the seat remains wooden, and the basket crates are made of bamboo, rattan, bark, wicker, and other natural materials. If desired, fabric covers can be placed inside the baskets and provided with handles.
The galoshnitsa is a curbstone for shoes on which it is possible to sit. Usually such furniture is made of wood or wooden shields. Above you can put a soft seat or leave everything in its original form. The cabinet is placed on the floor or wall, and the design itself can be angular or linear. In addition, the slim cabinets, installed flush with the wall, allow to leave shoes in an upright position.
Seat length can be different. There are models where it occupies the entire surface, and there are, where only half. The rest usually takes the form of a stand for the phone or keys. Thus, you become the owner of the combined nightstand-bench. Shelves can be open and closed.
On open shelves, shoes always breathe, and drying is carried out naturally in a very short time.
Closed models protect against dust and other external damage, as well as increase the safety of objects.
Placing shoes, it is very important to check the presence of ventilation holes. The depth of the traditional galoshnitsy does not exceed thirty centimeters.
How to choose?
Choosing a bench in the hallway, you need to take into account several important things.Firstly, how many people live in the house, secondly, how wide is the corridor space. Thirdly, what functions should be in the desired piece of furniture and, finally, in what style the interior of the room is made. Among the functions, the following are usually distinguished: a place for placing packages and bags, a place for a person to sit, a place for storing small things.
If the shop should perform only the function of the seat, give preference to forged models or with a metal case. If in the hallway you do not have cabinets, then choose a bench with internal drawers where you can store things. In order to tidy up the slippers of a large family, a construction with a shelf for shoes is required. Do not forget that the benches that are part of the headset, usually combine several functions: they come with a stand for the phone, and with hooks, and with the rails. In any case, some elements, and the shop itself, you can make yourself.
The most expensive benches - forged and wooden. Then follow on a metal frame, wicker and from furniture plates. Completing a series of plastic and the least quality benches. The main requirement for the chosen material is that it should be as resistant to wear as possible.
During continuous operation, no chipping, scuffing or other mechanical damage should occur. Also important is the ability to wash furniture.
The bench can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. The video below shows one of the variants of such a product.
Options in the interior
If your hall is decorated in the style of Provence, choose low benches with soft cushions or wicker of wicker.
The aristocratic interior involves the use of models of leather and wood with elegant details, for example, couches with soft seats. Wood must be varnished in order to prolong the life of the product. Also, these models ideally fit into the hallways in the Rococo and Empire style.
For country style, simple benches made of wood or furniture panels without soft seats are suitable.
Japanese interior requires low elegant shops combined style. The frame should be wooden, and the seat - leather. The back and armrests will be superfluous.
If you are the owner of a small hallway, then combine the bench with the shoebox and the hanger. This design does not take up much space, but will be comfortable and functional.For a hallway of complex shape, get an angular bench.
For lovers of modern and classic style, a bench-bench with a hinged lid and a pull-out shelf will be a good solution. This accessory is practical and does not particularly stand out against the background of other furniture.
The minimalism style will be complemented by a small monochrome galoshnits bench with facades of enameled or laminated slabs. Strict straight lines and drawers will create the right atmosphere.