Loft style entrance hall

It may seem that the loft style was invented by computer geniuses, absorbed in their work and not paying attention to the lack of coziness and comfort. Once it was just like that. Now “loft” is a style direction, which is very popular due to its simplicity, singularity and minimalism. To make this style look concise, you need to think through the design of the hallway carefully and pay attention to every little thing.
Style features
"Loft" (it is also called the industrial style) originated more than 70 years ago, its birthplace is the industrial districts of New York. In the first wave of the crisis, the owners of factories and plants transferred their production from the city center to the outskirts due to the high cost of renting land. The urban artistic intelligentsia, which has unstable incomes, became interested in emptying buildings.They were attracted by high ceilings, good lighting, a large area and at the same time low rental rates.
Having passed the way from housing for the poor and places of get-togethers of creative people, the loft became the home of wealthy lawyers, financiers, brokers. The motto of the "loft" is nothing superfluous. It has no heaps of designs, only classic finishes, modern technology and stylish furniture. Designers have the following style features:
- The minimum number of partitions. Indoors, the space is not divided into functional zones by walls, drywall.
- The simplicity of the walls: brick, stone, ordinary plaster.
- Good light will provide illumination of the whole room. Lighting devices are located on the ceiling, walls, as well as floor lamps.
- The high ceiling creates the visual effect of a huge space, plenty of light and air.
- Monochrome in details: the finishing of a room with one color in various tint variations is welcomed. For each area of the apartment has its own color palette. This zoning preserves the integrity of the space.
- Zoning furniture.It is worth considering that the furniture should not be much, just the most necessary. Ideally, the living room becomes a continuation of the hallway, while preserving the illusion of blurring the boundaries, as if one room smoothly flows into another.
- Original design elements, decor, accessories. The walls are decorated with posters, photos, old plates. Details of the “hand-made” - pictures, installations, decoupage things stylized as “loft” are welcome.
- The hallway should be visually combined with the overall style of the entire dwelling. You can’t get from the loft corridor to the country bedroom, it will create a dissonance that will not be disguised.
- Lack of carpet coverings.
Loft style entrance hall minimalist. In it, every single detail contributes to the creation of a whole room look.
The main concept is the absence of unnecessary items that could reduce the space.
Color solutions
Modern “loft” is no longer the old style, which was invented by representatives of New York bohemia, but sophisticated simplicity, disguised by carelessness chic. To achieve this effect, not any color palette will do.The choice of color depends on personal preference: it can be used urban graphic geometry with neutral shades or brightness and expressiveness of the design.
In the first case, five colors will come to the rescue: classic white, black, neutral gray, saturated terracotta, deep brown:
- The white color of the hallway is the color of purity and lightness, it will make the space even bigger and bigger.
- Gray tones will add the effect of aged furniture, highlight concrete walls and mark the texture of the finish.
- Black will put the main accents, but you can’t abuse it, he can make a note of depression.
- Beautiful terracotta and brown colors and their shades. They will create saturation, depth, comfort.
For the second option is characterized by two methods:
- Against the background of neutral, muted tones, there should be only one bright color. For example, the three walls in the hallway are gray, the fourth is blue. It will be a bright accent diluting conservatism.
- When using a bright shade, you need to add to the interior several accessories of the same color (for example, vases, a poster).
The loft style uses the most affordable materials.When finishing the hallway designers advise to pay attention to a number of points:
- Wall decoration, corresponding to the style, is achieved in several ways. Plain plaster is a simple option that requires minimal time, effort and finances. Avant-garde paintings, collages, old posters will help to give the plastered surface an interesting look. A more interesting way is the laying of natural stone or brick. Due to this, the real industrial spirit of the factories of the 20th century is achieved. To save on natural materials, you can stop the choice on the decorative lining, imitating brick relief.
- The ceiling remains concrete, finished with wooden beams, if necessary painted.
- Gender is the main accent in the loft-hallway. Used natural wood, artificially aged, with scuffs, as if she was not a dozen years. For an economical option suitable laminate with wood texture.
- Much attention is paid to the details, which, with the wrong choice, are capable of canceling all the efforts that have been left to create an atmosphere of "loft". Skirting customize under the floor and walls.
The wooden floor is in harmony with wood baseboards, for a brick wall the baseboard is painted in the appropriate color.
Fashion ideas
“Loft” is a universal style where everyone can realize their designer fantasies. That the hall was not boring, functional, bright and appropriate style, Designers recommend using the following ideas:
- Narrow hallways will visually become larger due to the light walls, imitating brickwork.
- Universal reception - connecting the hallway to the living room. To do this, remove the wall between them, combining them with the same ceiling.
- Loft will become truly vibrant and dynamic thanks to a combination of concrete, plaster, stone, wood and urban details.
- The original version is to style the hallway under the reception of the factory director. The spirit of industrialism will emphasize brick, vintage lamps used in industry.
- The integrity of the space will be ensured by the brick walls, the wooden floor and the white plastered ceiling.
- The exit to the second floor of the dwelling can be organized with the help of a welded metal staircase with a mesh fence resembling a workshop.
Design options
The design options of the hallway in the style of "loft" a lot. Each of them is unique and unusual. Consider the most popular ones:
- Brickwork. You can use the brickwork with white brick, red. Also allowed are wallpapers imitating the texture and relief of a brick.
- It is not necessary to decorate all walls with bricks, combinations with plaster, concrete, granite chips are welcome. Such a room will look abandoned, cold, but this is the whole originality of the "loft".
- The abundance of wooden elements (beams, furniture, accessories) will make the “loft” cozy and homely. The tree is stained, artificially aged.
- Stretch ceiling perfectly fit into the industrial design with chrome lamps.
- It is best to lay wood, laminate, parquet on the floor. Materials should be chosen expensive, strong, natural.
We select furniture
Furniture for the hall in the style of "loft" is easy to choose, but you need to take into account some of the nuances:
- Wood or plastic are preferred. The texture should be smooth, with no decorations and decorative elements.
- For the mobility of the furniture and its rapid movement is recommended to use items on wheels.
- Install open hangers, shelves with a metal frame or ordinary pipes.On such shelves are stored things, books, boxes, suitcases and other items.
- Hangers or racks are fastened for outerwear, shoes are placed on the floor, shelf, in the nightstand, which is also a place to sit, in vertical bollards. Such furniture resembles cardboard boxes.
- Original accent - hangers of unusual shape. The old non-working bicycle looks colorful.
- Popular wardrobes are undesirable, but they are still used in the loft style and can serve as a partition between the rooms. They should not be decorated, ideal if the furniture merges with the finish.
- “Loft”, though original, is combined with other areas, which is beautifully illustrated by the combination of accessories, for example, a modern luminaire and a stool.
- Lighting devices should be located throughout the area of the room. In the corridor for uniform illumination it is better to install searchlights, and in the hallway to leave a large ceiling lamp.
- Mirrors are used only large, often the correct geometric shape: round, square, rectangular. Originally looks light around the perimeter of the mirror, resembling a fragment of the dressing room.
- An important point - accessories in the hallway.They are carefully selected and resemble trash that someone threw out. The main task of the design elements is to remind that the style has an industrial past. This will be indicated by arrows indicating the direction to the rooms, the inscription “Entrance” or “Exit”, road signs, emergency lights.
The spirit of the past will be embodied in empty picture frames, discs, discs, posters, graffiti, painted with spray cans.
Combination of styles
The loft-style entrance hall is a combination of rough shapes and seemingly unfinished repairs with chic carelessness. Loft has features in common with the following styles:
- Minimalism. They are brought together by a minimum number of objects, clear lines, monochrome, bright space.
- Hi-tech. In both styles are used metal, glass, unusual designs.
- Japanese correlates with the “loft” by the abundance of natural materials, restraint and conciseness.
- Pop art uses vibrant posters, original collages, and other objects of pop movement.
- Shebbi-chic is like a loft with scuffed furniture and exquisite carelessness.
These styles are organically combined with the "loft", complementing each other and creating interesting solutions.
The “loft” does not combine with classic, antique stylistics, Gothic, Provence, Baroque, Ampyre, Modernism.
Beautiful examples of the interior
When creating hallways in the “loft” style, the imagination of designers knows no bounds. This is facilitated by the concept of style - it is freedom-loving, laconic, not requiring scrupulousness and consistency. Each room in this style is a separate story that reflects the spirit of the time, emphasizes the non-standard character of the owner and his taste. The following selection of photos will show how industrialness can be: bright and restrained, spectacular and calm.
Stylish "loft" - the hall has a completely uncomplicated, but cozy and unusual design. Brick walls combined with concrete islands, wooden furniture, lamps hanging on wires, a large geometric mirror and paintings depicting echoes of the mid-20th century megalopolis, deep brown shades - all the features of the style are reflected in this room.
The opposite of the first design is a bright entrance hall, made in beige tones. For convenience, a built-in wardrobe with mirrors on the doors.A laconic clock, an interesting table, and a hanging ceiling with built-in lamps attract attention. Hi-tech features are visible in these accessories.
The hall with bright accents is one of the variations of the “loft”. The natural colors of natural brick and wood floor are contrasted with the yellow bike hanging on the wall and the avant-garde picture.
"Loft" interspersed with minimalism is ideal for small hallways. In a small space, everything needed was put together - an ottoman, a shoe box, a shelf and a mirror.
The color scheme is perfectly matched: white, gray, sand, lemon adds zest to a neutral palette.
You can find out how to create a loft-style hallway with your own hands in the next video.