Modern hallway design ideas

The atmosphere of coziness and comfort is undoubtedly felt from the very first steps and from the first visit to the apartment. And the room sets this mood, immediately attracting attention - the hall. She directly indicates to guests the presence of taste and a sense of style of the owner. The wrong approach to the choice of design of this part of the room not only spoils the first impression, but also destroys the holistic perception of the interior as a whole.
This room is the most frequently visited. Because she is the first when we go into the apartment, and she is the last when we are going to leave her. But the design and external characteristics - this is not the main feature that is inherent in the hallway. It should be multifunctional and as comfortable as possible.
Do not forget that this place was originally intended for storage of shoes, outerwear, umbrellas, hats. Also, some owners build a separate dressing room in the hallway in order to save space and place all things that have not found a place in other rooms as much as possible.
Features of repair planning
This part of the room, as is known, should be made out not only in accordance with the rules and laws of style, but also with the planning of the presence of functional properties. As a rule, the hallway has a small size, so it can be easily and inexpensively made neat and stylish.
For this you need to adhere to some tips that will undoubtedly facilitate the whole process:
- The floor in the hallway is in contact with wet and dirty shoes. In order to avoid blistering of the flooring, it should be covered with a water-repellent material that will not allow the floor to deteriorate shortly after its flooring.
- In order to save time and do not spend the extra 2-3 hours on cleaning, you can take a look at buying materials that are easy and simple to look after.
- The floor of the hallway is very quickly damaged and becomes unusable. Everything is due to contact with heavy objects, wet shoes and wet clothes. That is why look at the materials that are resistant to a different kind of damage.
- Nowadays, materials made from highly environmentally friendly materials are very popular. They not only do not harm health, but also decorate the interior with their originality and simplicity at the same time.
As you know, the selection of materials should be approached carefully and wisely, but the choice of color solution also requires special attention. Hallway will look advantageous in pastel shades, against which you can focus on the bright objects located in this room. The most common and frequently used shades are beige, yellow and wheat, white and gray.
White, for example, is very brands, so you need to maintain a constant cleanliness in the room. In addition, if it is successfully combined with bright objects, this hallway will be filled with ease and ease. If you want to make the hall more strict and restrained,should refer to the black and white version.
Finishing materials in the repair of the room play a paramount role. You need to choose them wisely, as this is the basis of the planned project that you want to bring to life.
The most successful solution is a combination of materials and textures. It is this technique in the design of the walls that will bring a zest and add notes of unusualness. The upper part can be decorated with wallpaper, and the bottom - panels, which looks very interesting.
Ordinary paper wallpaper in this part of the room is short-lived and impractical. Acrylic or vinyl fits best here, which can be easily wiped with a wet sponge or cloth.
Flooring. Due to frequent contact with water, the coating must be selected according to several criteria: moisture resistance, wear resistance, ease of cleaning. Most often in such a room is used porcelain tiles or laminate. These two materials can be combined, thereby dividing the room into two parts.
The ceiling, it would seem, is the last thing to look for. But if his design decision does not fit into the interior, you can forget about the balance.Currently, multi-level ceilings have lost their relevance, and they were replaced by the usual restrained, which, if desired, can be equipped with decorative lamps.
With a plasterboard ceiling, you can carry out a number of manipulations, for example, paint, whiten, glue, wallpaper, tile or plaster. But the most popular yet now are suspended ceilings. They not only look spectacular, but also absolutely easy to clean.
It is the hallway behind the scenes, but completely gives an accurate description of the owner of the apartment. Anyone entering it can say with certainty who he is dealing with. But in order for the hall to set the right tone and the right mood, you need to decide on the style and choose the right one. To do this, consider several options that can and should be noted, so as not to miss the design decision:
- Italian. Currently, cabinet furniture of Italian manufacturers is especially appreciated, as they are interested in creating not only beautiful and stylish furniture, but also high-quality furniture. The main difference of such an interior is a tree, combined with carved details in the form of handles or locks. This style combines sophistication, refinement along with comfort and the spirit of homely warmth.
- Small entrance hall in modern classic style. Such rooms are in most cases small-sized, therefore, they need to be visually expanded, resorting to some techniques. Wallpapers should not be coarse, heaped three-dimensional drawings that crush and make the room much smaller.
It is also desirable to purchase a large wardrobe with a panoramic mirror. If the cabinet is not needed, you can buy a large mirror that will expand the space and add a couple of square meters to the room.
In the interior of such a room must be:
- Suspended shelves.
- Hangers and coat hooks.
- Transforming chairs.
- The console.
- Loft. This style is inherent not only in large houses with equally large rooms, but also in small apartments. Due to the correct arrangement of light, a small room can easily expand visually. Primary colors are black, white, gray and brown. Also, such cold enough colors can be diluted with bright elements, on which attention is emphasized.
Do not use closed objects, only open shelves and hooks in prominent places.The main elements inherent in this style are metal structures.
- High tech. In this style, restraint closely borders on some fashionable innovation, so the style of such a hallway will be completely different from the whole interior of the apartment. The main criteria describing this direction are glossy surfaces, self-leveling floor, the absence of any decorative elements. All furniture must be concise, simple and minimalist.
- Minimalism. This style excludes the presence of many parts, objects, causing and distracting parts of the interior in the form of a pressing wallpaper. Minimalism requires a minimum number of cabinets, chairs and small decorative items. A pair of hooks, shelf, sofa - and your hallway will be concise, simple and spacious. This style does not require costs, which is a big plus.
- White modern entrance hall. This is a kind of "classic", because the modern style is now in great demand and finds an echo in the heart of almost every person who wants to make one of the rooms elegant, but at the same time spectacular.
- Also white tones are present and country style. But it should also be dominated by brown shades, which will bring warmth and comfort to the interior, as well as everyday practicality.
Decoration Materials
Such a room as an entrance hall needs not only practical but also beautiful decoration, therefore this issue should be approached responsibly and seriously.
In order for it to end up as beautiful and comfortable as possible, you need to consider a few points:
- You cannot choose a dark wallpaper, as in this part there is usually no natural light.
- Materials that are easy to clean and clean are best suited, as the floor is constantly in contact with dirty and wet shoes, and they strive to smear the wall, for example, with a wet umbrella.
- It is also not recommended to purchase materials that can be erased by any touch of a hand or bag, because after a while the room will lose its appearance.
And now it is necessary to examine in detail some types of wall covering and understand what exactly will fit into the interior of your living room, and will not stand out from the overall design of the apartment:
- Plastic panels or MDF panels. There is an opinion that this type of decoration is intended only for office space, but this is far from the case.This type of decoration on the modern market is replete with a variety of forms and textures, therefore, it can create a special atmosphere in your hallway.
Usually it is made of wood, fiberboard (MDF) or plastic. The last of them is the most popular and frequently used. Its main differences are ease of cleaning, moisture resistance, resistance to the sun and, not least, low cost. But it should be noted that this is an artificial material, and such materials usually do not bring health benefits, therefore, if you want to protect yourself from danger, it is better to replace plastic with natural MDF.
- The most reliable, but expensive material of all, is tree. Wooden panels can be attached to the wall with screws, or simply glued to the wall.
- Laminate. This material will be an excellent substitute for wood panels. Despite its low cost, the laminate will look just as rich, presentable and elegant.
Among the advantages can be noted:
- High degree of environmental friendliness.
- A variety of textures.
- Beautiful appearance.
- Small cost.
- Easy installation.
But in order to avoid deformation of this type of finish, you must remember that you only need to buy it if the room is dry and does not have a high degree of humidity. But even in this situation, you can easily find a way out by replacing the laminate with a compact laminate. It is resistant to temperature changes, does not stratify over time and does not fade due to a specially applied coating.
- 3D panels. In the interior, they look quite unusual and interesting. Due to the fact that they are made of plaster, they can not be embedded in each room. If you want to finish the whole wall with 3D panels, this will be a losing option, since the room will look rather coarse and tasteless. It is better to place them in the part where there is a door or a mirror, and paste over the space around these objects.
After the panels are glued, they need to be coated with a primer and only then painted with any kind of paint.
- Normal painting or wallpaper. Painting - one of the most inexpensive ways to trim the hallway. But it must be remembered that this method of design requires perfectly smooth walls. You can achieve this with putty.It is no secret that painting will simplify the interior and make it simple and unpresentable.
- Another thing is wallpaper. With the help of them, you can create different variations of the decor, for example, arrange several walls with different wallpaper or cover one with variegated and three others with one color. But, most importantly, do not overdo it and make sure that all the wallpapers have one shade and do not stand out from the overall design of the apartment. Vinyl wallpapers that are easy to clean from various types of dirt are best suited for the hallway. In addition, they will look more original because of the large range of drawings. And, not least, a thick layer of wallpaper will certainly hide all the defects and irregularities of the walls.
- Tile. This is a long-used method that has a number of features:
- It is reliable and strong.
- Durable.
- Resistant to moisture.
- Maximum practical.
- It has a low price.
In addition, the tile may not deteriorate over the years and be used in rooms with high humidity and constant temperature differential.
- Decorative plaster. This material is undoubtedly the best and most in demand because of its textural features, creating a unique atmosphere where it is used. Among the main characteristics are the following:
- Plaster washes easily.
- Environmentally friendly.
- Durable.
- It adapts to any design.
Also, decorative plaster has many varieties, one of which is microcement. It perfectly keeps on any kind of a surface and can create various invoices, doing the room on color as natural as possible. It is not only easy to use, but also cheap enough.
- Decorative rock. This finish is not cheap, but its use always gives a very impressive look, as it imitates the surface of granite and marble. Typically, such a stone is applied to the bottom of the wall or around any objects in the room. It should be noted that such material:
- Qualitative.
- Easy to install and dismantle.
- Will not bring harm to health.
- Will make the room original and interesting.
- It is wiped off easily with a cloth or sponge.
- Fresco. This is one of the architectural types and it is he who will bring to the hall a unique highlight and gloss. Frescoes are carried out on various bases with patches of plaster, and some of them carry imitation of antiquity, which is very important now. Murals are in great demand because they are environmentally friendly, durable, unique and high quality. They are very expensive because they are done individually by the master.Independently perform a mural is almost impossible, but easy to install. You just need to prime the wall and glue the decorative element with varnish.
- Bark beetle This is one of the types of decorative plaster. It bears this name due to the fact that the surface, decorated with just such plaster, really resembles a tree, eaten by beetles. Of the benefits are the following:
- High degree of strength.
- Moisture resistance.
- Saving performance.
- Attractive appearance.
- Duration of use.
There are simply no rules for the color plan in the design of the hallway, because such a decision is exclusively individual, it depends on the lighting, layout and design of the entire interior. But it is necessary to remember that before planning the use of any color, it is necessary to visualize it, calculate the light supply so that everything looks holistic and original.
Classic light scale
This option is perfect for a small room, devoid of free space.
It is light colors (white, beige, gray) that can visually expand the boundaries and add a few square meters to the hallway:
- Despite the fact that white makes the room more, it is not suitable for the hallway, as it will become the maximum brand and will quickly come to the wrong shape. But even in this case there is a way out - a combination of colors. Using a combination of several shades can be achieved quite an interesting result.
- If the room is dark enough, you can use this combination - yellow and white. For example, the main color will be white, and such details as a wardrobe, a lamp, a rug will be yellow. These details will make the interior neat and stylish.
- Beige and cream tones will bring peace and restraint to the interior. A room made in such shades can be successfully complemented with various patterns or textured objects that will accentuate the beauty and add room to the showiness.
- Gray color, in spite of its coldness, will make the hall elegant. The most winning option would be a combination of gray and red. Gray, as is known, enhances the effect of red, and red can increase objects and make the room homogeneous.
- If you want to bring notes of lightness, lightness and freshness into the hallway, a combination of white and sky blue will help.It is this shade that not only creates a special atmosphere, but also visually expands the space.
Dark gamma
As you know, dark colors noticeably reduce space. But with the right combination, you can achieve an interesting effect. In the event that the room is big enough and has windows - the dark color will only look advantageous. But, most importantly, to feel the measure and keep the balance. This can be done by combining dark and light tones. Dark walls, for example, will be perfectly combined with a light floor and ceiling. Only the right combination of colors, minimal furniture and proper lighting is the key to a beautiful and spectacular hallway.
Fashionable furniture
The hallway and its design, as a rule, can tell everything about a person and fully show his “face”. Each year, fashion changes, trends change, and in order to follow them in the right direction, it is necessary to clarify what needs to be done to make the room look neat:
- All materials that you use in the interior must be resistant to moisture. This is a particularly important criterion when choosing floor and wall finishes.
- Materials should be easy to clean.
- In order for the hallway not to lose its presentable appearance, you need to purchase materials that are resistant to damage of various kinds.
- The most important point is a high degree of environmental friendliness, which is important for maintaining the health of both adults and children.
Specialists and designers this year advise to stick to such colors in the design: black, white, beige, gray and brown.
The same applies to furniture. It should be made in such colors. Only in this case, you will achieve a fashionable and stylish interior, guided by a few tips on choosing a color solution for the hallway. For example, if the room is made in shades of gray, a great solution would be to buy brown or sand cabinets, shelves and tables. This combination will bring atmosphere into the atmosphere, bordering on genuine luxury.
Since such a room as an entrance hall is small-sized, the lighting should be chosen not in a hurry, but weighing all the pros and cons.
For a really suitable choice it is necessary to take as a basis some expert advice:
- We must not forget about the rooms adjacent to the corridor and take into accountwhat degree of light they will give the hallway.
- The best option when buying will, of course, matte lights. They shine not so brightly and diffuse the light throughout the room.
- Lighting in general should not hit the eyes.
- If there are a huge number of flaws, they can be easily hidden with the help of chamber light.
- If the ceilings are not high enough, the devices shining from top to bottom are categorically inappropriate.
These tips will help not only to properly equip the hallway with lighting devices, but also to fill it with comfort and homely warmth.
Accessories and parts
Accessories are able to decorate the room, add to it, make a special unique atmosphere. The main thing is to approach this issue creatively and with taste. But it must be remembered that such details should be not only beautiful and aesthetic, but also multifunctional.
These include:
- Convenient place for shoes, both male and female.
- Hanger for outerwear.
- Housekeeper.
- Special stand reserved for umbrellas.
- Various shelves and baskets.
It is these minor things that can give your hall a large number of functional features that will delight you and your guests.
How to make?
The design of each room must be planned clearly and in detail.Any, even the smallest room, which has a size of 4 square meters. m, you can arrange the original and interesting. The main thing is to know some of the features with which to really expand the available space.
For example, in a small apartment corridor you need to focus solely on light colors. White, beige, sand or light blue visually apart walls. An excellent addition will be a separate mirror or a mirror built into the wardrobe, which will add a few square meters to the room.
In the hall-hall, everything can be equipped according to the same principle. A very interesting solution will be a glossy ceiling and mezzanines under it, decorated with lamps or lamps. The same rules can be added to ordinary rooms, for example, in a room of 8 square meters. All the techniques described above will look beautiful and impressive.
Stylish interior design ideas
It is no secret that the interior of the hallway sets the mood for both the owner and the first person entering it. The main thing is to create a holistic picture where no subject will stand out from the general idea and concept. Below are the options that you can easily bring to life and give the room a special atmosphere.
This classic snow-white hallway has a bright accent in the form of a black standout dressing room. It is devoid of bulkiness and rather minimalist, which makes it textured and interesting. It seems that there are no unnecessary details that stand out or are distracting. Everything is dynamic and spectacular.
This combination is one of the winning. The mirror visibly expands the space, and the yellow door draws all the attention to itself. With the right color combination, even the smallest room can be made stylish and catchy.
Ergonomics, as you know, will always be in fashion and trend. Such a hallway is not only beautiful, but also multi-functional. The wardrobe is successfully combined with the overall design of the hallway. In addition, it will fit a huge number of things that have not found a place in other rooms, which is a huge plus.
An overview of contemporary hallway design ideas is provided in the next video.