Curtains for brown wallpaper: the right color combinations

Curtains on the windows are part of the room design. Correctly chosen fabric color for curtains can be a spectacular accent for a room's design solution, an error with textiles will cross out the entire architectural pattern of the room. Let's try to figure out how to find a harmonious combination of brown wallpaper with curtains.
Color combinations
Brown color range is consistently popular in the decoration of the premises. But it is one of the most difficult colors.
The basic principle of creating a harmonious ensemble is to select the color of the curtains to match the wallpaper. Brown wallpapers can be cold or warm. For the cold tone of the wallpaper, the partners will be golden, wheat, purple colors of the decor. Textiles of carrot, yellow, red, pink colors fit to warm brown tones.
The combination of window canvases and wallpaper can be a contrast. The classic combination is white with brown. This option gives austerity and an atmosphere of luxury. White curtains brighten the room.
Vibrant orange and light mauve, turquoise and blue, yellow and gold shades of textiles will look great with brown wallpapers. Worth remembering not to make the room motley, you need to respect the proportion: three quarters of the main color and one quarter of the contrast. The maximum number of colors in one space is better to choose no more than three, for a wider palette of colors need special knowledge.
The interior can be made out in nuanced combinations. Brown walls are shaded by curtains of similar tones - beige, cream, pink.
In this case, you need to make sure that the interior does not become dull and impersonal. You can add bright accessories, additional accent canvas curtains of a different color or trim bright lambrequin.
Designers are advised to use a limited number of accessories so that there is no dissonance.
The third design option is the selection of curtains of the same color as the wallpaper, that is, brown.In this case, you can make the room too gloomy. However, if the wallpaper is bright white Damascus pattern or golden monograms, the curtains with the same pattern or color will create an ensemble in the classical style.
Thus, not only the color, but also the pattern of wallpaper affects the choice of curtains.
How to choose the right texture?
The functional task of portieres is to block access to the sun’s rays and outside views deep into the room. Aesthetic task - being the central view of the room, harmonize the space, give completeness to the whole look of the interior. Which fabrics for curtains to choose - smooth or embossed, with or without a pattern, will determine the design of the walls and furniture.
Silk flowing fabrics will approach smooth brown wallpaper. Fabrics are selected quality of satin or rayon. Furniture with carved details of rich colors will complete the composition
If the wallpaper is embossed, then the texture of the fabrics can be more voluminous. Flower relief wallpaper will not look with curtains "matting". The interlacing of the "matting" will well complement the same wallpaper tie or geometric relief. Convex monograms look good with striped curtains in the English style or plain.
Brown walls with a floral ornament can be supported by curtains with a similar pattern of the same colors, other colors will not be combined. For example, daisies are knocked out on the wallpaper, and the orchids on the curtains will become a dissonance.
It is better to restrict monophonic curtains, if you doubt the composition of the picture.
Striped wallpaper compositionally complemented with textiles monophonic or with flowers. Flowers can be stylized or naturalistic in the tones of strips on the wallpaper.
Wallpaper with damask pattern perfectly combined with plain curtains in the color of the picture.
Classic gold monograms on brown wallpaper perfectly complement the golden curtains of brocade in the Empire style.
Curtain design
The simplicity or complexity of the wallpaper pattern determines the design of the curtains. The classics require a Damask pattern of wallpaper, golden bouquets on a canvas wall, a golden thread in textiles. Lambrequin will be an obligatory element in such an interior. Lambrequin can be single, made of fabric curtains, and can be difficult, with the inclusion of the assembly of tulle. Tulle in such compositions, as a rule, white, cream, coffee or soft blue.Royal sophistication gives blue color to curtains with a gold pattern in combination with gold monograms on a brown background.
In the interiors, decorated in a modern minimalist style, curtains should be utilitarian. Rarely used tulle and curtains at the same time. Usually it is one thing.
In the northern, with insufficient lighting, the rooms are limited only to simple weaving tulle, in sunny rooms only thick curtains are hung for protection from the sun.
The use of blinds for art-deco and high-tech styles is becoming increasingly popular. The combination of curtains and blinds looks beautiful.
The opposite effect is obtained in the design of the window only with light transparent tulle, this removes the cumbersome design of the window and looks fresh.
The texture and design of the curtains should match the functionality of the room. In the kitchen, you need lightweight, comfortable curtains in the care; complex draperies with pickups and pelmets are appropriate for giving the living room a more ceremonial look. It is better to decorate the bedroom with gentle, calm colors, and the study should be decorated with a geometric pattern with a simple design of Roman curtains.
Curtains for rooms of different illumination
An important nuance in the choice of fabric for curtains is the natural illumination of the room. In bright, sunny rooms, cool tones textiles are a good option. Light olive, gray, turquoise, blue fabrics will refresh the brown tone of the walls.
Orange, yellow, hot pink, white should be chosen for the decoration of the windows on the north side.
With the help of curtains in harmony with brown wallpaper, you can create a stylish and unique interior to your taste and needs.
The following video presents a few more options for curtains perfectly in harmony with brown wallpaper.