How to wash the roller blinds?

Roller blinds, tightly incorporated into modern life, are easy to maintain and use. But, despite the excellent characteristics, they also need to be cleaned, and especially in wet cleaning.
Is it possible to wet?
Owners of such fabric blinds are well aware that the fabric from which they are made, has a special impregnation. It protects roller blinds from a variety of dirt and dust. But no matter how good such an impregnation is, sooner or later the curtains have to be cleaned and not always and it is possible to cope with dirt with the help of dry cleaning. And most people in this situation are wondering if it is possible to wash the blinds on their own and how best to do it. Let's get this straight.
Hand wash rolshtor is permissible.True, it is recommended to produce it no more than once every six months. In addition, it can be carried out even after it was not possible to get rid of the existing pollution with the help of dry cleaning.
Hand washing fabric blinds at home has two varieties: general washing and removal of specific stains.
In the first case, all the linen is subject to washing. The process itself consists of the following steps:
- Removing the blinds from the windows.
- Then you need to put the curtain in the bath so that it does not hesitate and bend.
- In a separate bowl, a small amount of detergent is diluted in warm water.
- Using a sponge, the resulting liquid is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the blinds.
- Clean the product should be smooth and soft movements, so as not to damage the fabric itself and its impregnation.
- Blinds are thoroughly rinsed under running water from the shower until the foam disappears. Rinse the product must be especially careful. Otherwise, the curtains may remain ugly stains.
- Now rolshtora should be thoroughly dried. You can not squeeze them with your hands. To dry the product laid out on a flat surface, align with his hands and leave for several hours.
- Then the curtains are turned over to the other side, re-leveled and left until the final drying.
- Now the roller blind can be hung in place.
When manually washing the curtains in this way, preference should be given to detergents having a neutral level of acidity. That it will allow to preserve the integrity of the dirt-repellent impregnation of the product. For cleaning it is better to use an ordinary soft sponge. The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees.
Here it is worth paying attention to the material of which fabric blinds are made. Each fabric must be cleaned and dried in a specific way. As a rule, manufacturers of such products place detailed information on wet washing in the instructions or equip the rolstors themselves with special icons. These materials should be carefully studied in each case, because the sequence of actions may be slightly different. Some fabrics are also not allowed to be washed.
If the washing is carried out manually in order to get rid of stains, the sequence of actions will be as follows:
- Remove the rashtor from the window and spread it out on a flat surface.
- Apply a small amount of stain remover on a natural basis on a soft sponge.
- Spread the mixture on the spot with light sponge patting and leave for the time specified by the manufacturer.
- After the indicated time, lightly rub the stain with a sponge dipped in the stain remover again.
- Using a wet wipe or just water, clean the curtain from the cleaning agent.
- Next, you need to leave it until dry.
By and large, there is nothing difficult in the manual washing of roller blinds. In practice, this type of cleaning takes no more than one hour.
In the washing machine
To many, it seems that hand washing rolled fabric blinds is troublesome and therefore wondering how you can wash them in a washing machine. Until recently, it was believed that such a product can be washed with water and detergent only by hand. Today the situation has changed a bit.
The availability of wet cleaning of such a product in a washing machine directly depends on the material of its manufacture.
Some cloth blinds are machine washable. At the same time it is necessary to choose the most gentle cleaning agent.The washing mode itself should be as delicate as possible. After its completion, rolshtory must be spread out on a flat surface and carefully smoothed by hand.
But before choosing such a wash, it is imperative to examine all the recommendations and warnings of the manufacturer. To date, wash the roller blinds in a typewriter only in exceptional cases. Most of the models of these products is designed specifically for hand washing.
How to shoot?
But regardless of the type of washing chosen, the first item in the plan of action is the removal of curtains. Depending on their variety, this action can be performed in different ways. However, the overall sequence of actions is almost the same:
- Rolet removal
- Twisting the web into a roll using a chain.
- Removing the bracket itself.
- Removing the plugs in the side parts.
- Removing the web from rolet.
Here you should pay attention to the fact that during hand washing the curtain itself can not be removed from the pipe on which it is wound. If the manufacturer indicates the admissibility of machine wash, the curtain must be removed without fail.
Mini roller blinds are removed in a similar way, if they were secured to the eaves. In the case of attaching to double-sided tape, all that is needed is to detach the tape from the side of the curtain from the tape attached to the frame of the plastic window.
There is nothing difficult in the partial dismantling of fabric roller blinds, especially if they were installed independently. In fact, the entire removal procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.
Earlier in the article it was already mentioned that the washed curtains should be dried on a flat and even surface, carefully smoothing them with your hands. However, this is not the only subtle drying of this product.
It is also worth remembering that when drying, you can not use any additional thermal effects in the form of an iron, hair dryer or heater. Dry cloth blinds should naturally.
During this process, it is necessary to ensure that the direct rays of the bright sun do not fall on the fabric itself. This can lead to deformation of the product or to premature fading of the fabric.
Curtains should be hung on plastic windows after they are completely dried, but on wooden ones it is better to have them in a slightly undried form.
To speed up the drying process, if necessary, a large terry towel or other fabric that absorbs moisture can be placed under the curtain. It is necessary to ensure that the canvas was in a perfectly smooth condition. Otherwise, the windows will hang curtains with pleats.
What not to do?
Now that you know how to erase roller blinds you know, it's time to talk and What you absolutely cannot do during this process:
- First of all, remember the temperature of the water. It should not be too hot, as it contributes to the deformation of the fabric, as well as the thinning of the soil repellent. In cold water, detergents dissolve extremely poorly. It is important here to find a middle ground and fully comply with the manufacturer's advice on the temperature regime of washing and drying.
- Manual wet cleaning is preferred. If the manufacturer has not indicated that it is acceptable to use the washing machine in the care of the product, then it is absolutely impossible to wash the curtains in it. Otherwise, instead of beautiful fabric roller blinds, you will get a lump of shapeless fabric with many folds.
- You can not dry or wash the product on an uneven surface, this will lead to the deformation of the canvas itself, and in future it will be impossible to remove the folds. You can not use the iron for ironing curtain curtains. The fabric will be damaged, and it will be possible to forget about the presence of special impregnation.
- It is worth remembering that even if the fabric roller blinds can be washed in a typewriter, can not be used for drying or even a light ironing of this product.
The use of these functions will lead to an immediate deterioration of the appearance of the curtains, as well as to a significant deformation of the canvas itself.
- For washing you can use only safe cleaning products with a neutral acid-base balance. Apply some aggressive products, it is impossible, again due to the loss of shape and color of the product.
Remembering all these prohibitions, you can easily keep your favorite roller blinds in perfect shape for a long time.
Useful recommendations
If you take care of the roller blinds regularly using dry cleaning, you should wash them approximately every six months. If suddenly you doubt the possibility of using detergents for washing or have curtains that can not be washed, they must be dry-cleaned every six months.
Many people rightly believe that it is better to use the manual version of the wash, even for those curtains that can be washed in the machine. It is easier for a person to control the force of impact on the fabric, and in any case, even the most delicate washing in a typewriter can not be compared with careful manual cleaning.
Be sure to before washing should be familiar with the manufacturer's recommendations on temperature, the possibility of using detergents, as well as the frequency of washing. Knowledge of this information will avoid many problems in the future.
Reviews of owners of such roller blinds confirm that the observance of the rules of washing, as well as knowledge of what cannot be done, greatly facilitate the care of such blinds and speed up the process of washing.
If you follow all the tips and recommendations, you can be absolutely sure that your roller blinds will not only always be clean, but they will also serve you for a very long time.
How to choose roller blinds, see the following video.