Curtain hooks

The design of the window opening can not be realized without the use of various fittings. Fastenings for curtains - its important part. Modern options for fixing curtains on the eaves are very diverse, they all have their positive and negative sides. Among them, the most common universal hooks that are very easy to operate. This hardware has aesthetic and functional qualities. Hooks provide fastening and movement of the cloths on the eaves and can act as independent decorative elements.
What is the name of?
The elements responsible for fastening the curtains to the eaves are called hooks. They are the cheapest option for fixing the curtain fabric on the eaves. They are easy to attach, they are easy to use.These fasteners are suitable for hanging lightweight fabric.
They can be used with any flat design of the eaves, while it is necessary to fix them on both sides, so they will not fall out during operation.
There is another type of decorative accessories - special holders that are used together with the curtain hooks, fixing the curtain on the sides, opening the window and forming beautiful folds.
Special features
Hooks for fixing curtains on the eaves are sold individually, but sometimes on sale you can see a special curtain tape with hooks strung on it. It can simply be attached to the curtain fabric. The fastening elements here are securely fastened to a string that will not slip off, so this solution is more reliable.
- low price - if you choose the piece option, you can buy just as many fittings as you need, just calculate the right amount for curtains plus spare ones. You can use a curtain tape, the cost of which is low;
- ease of installation - fix fasteners will not be difficult;
- reliability - strong products can last for quite a long time;
- practicality - if one hook fails, it can be replaced with a spare one;
- Convenience - convenient fastening elements, which, if necessary, wash curtains are removed very quickly and easily.
A feature of these elements is their versatility, they are designed for the cornice-string, and the model with grooves, and the classic rod with a round profile. Fittings have a design that allows the use of hooks to move from the rings to curtain canvases.
It is necessary to choose hooks so that they serve for a long time, but at the same time they are reliable. The choice often depends on the type of the cornice: elements attached to the rings will fit to the round bars, and plastic products with wheels to the baguette structure. Be sure to use latches to prevent the curtain from falling at the most unexpected moment.
Hooks are often hidden from the eyes, so they do not greatly affect the decor of the curtains. They can be used in almost any style and for any room.
Like other types of fasteners, hooks have their drawbacks:
- the need for additional fasteners or special eaves;
- not suitable for heavy curtains;
- noisy movement;
- plastic products break easily.
Depending on the design features, the main types of hooks are divided into:
- Decorative used as decoration curtain composition. Such fastener elements have an attractive and interesting design.
- Hidden products can be made of plastic, metal or other material that is not striking, the fastener is hidden in the curtains of the curtains or under the decor of the console.
- Transient - These are the clamps, which are the link between the loops, grommets, clamps and cornice. At the bottom of the structure there are clothespins for which the fabric is attached, and at the top is a hook that clings to the ring.
- Main the hooks act as a self-locking device that does not require a companion element.
- Closed the options snap onto the eaves, after which they move freely along the bar, so the loops on the curtains for which the hooks are hooked will not be able to come off. You can not be afraid of moving the curtain: it is very securely fastened to the eaves.
- Open they are easy to use, it is easy to put curtain eyelets on them.If necessary, the curtains can be quickly removed, it is not necessary to dismantle the cornice.
In addition to the main group, you can select a decorative accessory that fixes the hooks. This product is also called a hook. Such fittings are used for fixing the curtain fabric grabs. Their task is to pull the material aside, forming a rounded fold.
The design of these elements is very different. It can be completely invisible, emphasizing all the attention on beautiful textiles, and elaborate when they themselves play the role of decoration.
The surface of products is often decorated with a variety of images: a flower, an ornament, the head of an animal, a snake, a snail and much more that design ideas are capable of. This type of hooks are mounted on the wall or window slope with screws, as well as special brackets. In aesthetic terms, sometimes there is something in common with the design of the eaves. Often they are sold in the kit.
Curtain hooks are made of different materials:
- Plastic is considered the cheapest. Hooks from it will not be able to withstand the curtains, which have a lot of weight, but they are well suited to hold air curtains.The main advantage of such fittings will be silent sliding and sliding of curtains. However, over time there is wear of the plastic, and this leads to deformation and loss of performance.
- For the manufacture of metal products use aluminum, brass, steel. This mount is considered the most reliable, however, they can not cope with multilayer curtains. Compared with plastic hooks create noise during operation. You must choose a quality material, otherwise it may be exposed to corrosion.
The combination of plastic and metal is necessary so that the product has all the positive properties of both materials at once.
- Plastic, iron and metalplastic hook options are designed to hold lightweight fabrics and fabrics of medium gravity. If it is necessary to use very heavy multi-layer and volumetric curtains in the interior, they can be kept only by grommets or hinges.
If none of the options for some reason you do not like, you can make the original curtain hooks from improvised means.
- Clips. Try to use this stationery for fastening curtains. The unusual variety of clips makes it possible to do something unique. For example, you can fasten one to the other, it is interesting to bend, to find an unusual color.
- Pins. Sewing accessories also differs in a variety. Decorative pins are always on sale. Creative designers hang curtains on them. Try it and you.
- Wire. The hook can be made of ordinary wire. To do this, it bends figuratively, forming the holder itself, then decorated with beads, beads, flowers or other material or decorative elements.
There are many options for making decorative products for fasteners curtains from what is in the house. The main thing - the manifestation of fantasy and willingness to experiment.
How to hang?
It is necessary to hang up curtains taking into account different types of designs. Eaves on which curtains are put on by means of hooks, happen several types:
- forged;
- ceiling;
- aluminum;
- bay window;
- string;
- rake old and new sample.
There are many options for fixing curtains on the eaves. Among them, curtain hooks - the most common option.They are attached by rings, and also act as independent fastenings.
The most common use of this fastening element with profile eaves, they are mounted on the wall and the ceiling. It is possible to use hooks for fixing the fabric on the cornice-string, they are well suited to round models.
Fixing curtains with a curtain tape in the performance is extremely simple. A tape is fastened to the edge of the curtain, which has strong threads in one or two rows. They perform the role of eyelets. Hooks hooked to them, hiding behind the folds of the fabric, as the braid tightens the fabric, creating even vertical folds, and their level of pomp can be adjusted.
Features fastening hooks using curtain tape:
- ideal for fastening curtains to the open side;
- universal mount, equally well suited for most types of curtains;
- affordable price;
- very long service life.
Weightless curtains that do not block access to the balcony, which will be in a stationary state, should be secured with transparent plastic hooks. They are usually sewn to the curtain tape.On the ceiling models of cornices, which are a tire, the only possible fastening for curtains will be hooks with a roller.
Sometimes, to secure the hooks, they are sewn directly onto the fabric. Such cloths should be washed together with accessories. If the hooks are plastic, then nothing terrible will happen, because the plastic does not react to water. It is better not to sew steel hooks, but use another method of fixing to the curtain. Metal can oxidize in water and stain fabric with rust, which will be difficult to get rid of.
How to hang the curtains on the cornice, see the following video
At what distance to mount?
In order to drape beautifully draped, the optimal distance between adjacent hooks should be 10 centimeters. It is proved in practice, the more centimeters between the hooks, the deeper and more expressive the vertical fold on the curtain, and vice versa, the small distance between the fastenings makes the curtains less expressive. However, do not hang the cloth on the hooks, which are too rare. The fabric will hang ugly, but it always looks sloppy.
- On the arched window. Fastening with hooks can be used without the eaves. Recently, this technique has become very popular due to its originality. Usually it is used to decorate an arched window. In order to hang the curtain in a similar way, it is necessary to install special decorative or ordinary household hooks for clothes over the opening oval at a distance from each other. Then the loops on the curtain are hung for hooks at different heights. This mount is secure, it can withstand even very heavy drapes.
- Required amount. Given that the optimal distance between the hooks is 10 centimeters, you can quickly calculate how many hooks and loops you need. Everyone solves this problem individually, depending on the size of the window and the width of curtains. The choice of the number of fixers also depends on the weight and quality of the curtain itself. If, for example, the curtain is very heavy, it is necessary to increase the number of hooks, as compared with a regular curtain, by about two times.